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WDC643- Potentials Manifesting as Actual

2008-09-22-Potentials Manifesting as Actual
Woods Cross #643


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Potentials Manifesting as Actual
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Potentials Manifesting as Actual
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am enjoying the serene atmosphere here this evening. You make my job easier with your welcoming attitudes and open arms of acceptance. I am finding your group to help with balance, each one having his or her own personal experience to share. I can appreciate how accepting you each are of one another, even though you may not agree on most subjects. Your willingness to take an active part in the Teaching Mission and Correcting Time is a great assistance to those of us here on the other side.


ABRAHAM:  When you work to become more spirit-led, then the example you set inspires others to look within. If the Correcting Time was nothing but a large soup, I would find this group to be the meat. You are what makes our efforts of potentials turn into actualities. I thank you for continuing to do the work, for continuing to embrace truth and allow your disappointments to go by the wayside.

Last week we discussed going with the natural, as opposed to struggle. It can be a confusing lesson, as I understand from your conversation. Allow me to clarify a bit. In these days of fierce competition, there seems to be little time spent enjoying the fruits of labor. Minds are already set to beat their best and time is not sat aside to enjoy the goals met. This mind-set is worldwide and all of its own momentum.

I can say for example, in my own life in the flesh, I was at one time a commander of armies and upon hearing we had won some sort of battle, my mind would be off to the next goal. I was always catering to my reputation as a man of action. There was little time spent in a balanced manner that included free time or family. I could not allow myself to rest and that for the most part was because I had to maintain a certain persona that would be well respected. In other words, my actions were geared toward catering to my ego and about what others may have thought of me. To be imprisoned by what others may be thinking about you is to cut off the spirit. It is ego territory and somewhat spiritually damaging.

Most of you in the Correcting Time know that you must live by mans laws here on the planet and yet, ultimately we answer to the universal laws. Father is or should be, at the forefront of our minds. He is of tremendous intelligence and to be close to Him is to feel the comfort of a freed mind. A freed mind does not worry about what others are thinking. The comments people may make that may throw off your game are futile and have no bearing on how you perform. Closeness to Father means that we have someone else to watch over us. With clarity in mind, He can help us make good decisions and be balanced in all aspects in living the mortal life.

In this discussion on following our internal nature, we can think back to when we were children. We would aspire to grow up to be various heroes. As we grew older we would, of course, find some life purpose to settle on or at least something to get us by for the meantime. You that have awakened to the spirit can now see you are with certain gifts and would do well to use them.

One who has allergies should probably not become a florist. One who is skilled at woodworking would probably be most happy woodworking. It is the trend, however, to set aside gifts in favor of dollar amounts. What do you really love to do? Is your work really about that particular work or are you fulfilling your Mission destiny? I find it wonderful to see people who think of their life’s work as secondary. Their ministry is first. This doesn’t mean we do poorly at our jobs. It means our minds are not filled with that work only, but find balance in incorporating the spiritual life as well.

There is an imbalanced side to our desires to follow what seems natural, such as escaping certain inevitabilities of everyday living, for example you have undesirable habits that are hurting you in some fashion. Just because it feels natural—should you stay with it, no, of course not? We have to be logical about these notions of embracing a smooth flow of life.


ABRAHAM:  I believe I have said enough for this evening. I will allow you to mull it over and put it into good use and we will speak again next week. In the meantime please understand that you have assistance here on my side, who would be quite joy-filled should you desire some help. Find time this week to feel peace. Take time to walk outside, feel the sun on your face or the rain. Find small moments that tell you that you are connected to a larger part of the whole and there is nothing to have worry over. Our love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.

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