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WDC659- Relaxing Into Deeper Learning

2008-12-29-Relaxing Into Deeper Learning
Woods Cross #659


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Relaxing into Deeper Learning
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Relaxing into Deeper Learning
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am happy to be a part of your discussion on what seems to be personal reality. It is a blessing for us to come together with the difficult issues and find some hope, something that tells us the universe is in order.


ABRAHAM:   You can each see by personal accounts of the past holiday that you are finding more value in your experiences, more now than ever before. Without your spiritual education you might not have seen the value therein, or possibly have missed out on the lessons. In these times mortals are discovering new territory within. You are being tested and taught. You are lovingly given opportunities to advance spiritually and otherwise. You can review the past week and see the many individuals you have helped simply from sharing your own experience.

You know whereof you speak because you have lived it. You have experienced deep sorrow and despair and are skilled enough to show others, who are discouraged, how to rise above those gray clouds into the clear skies of understanding. This is not by accident that you should have such skills, no. You have committed your lives to Father and the Mission and have been well trained to carry the purpose closer to Light and Life. I am with deep and abiding gratitude for you each having stayed the course. Believe me, I do understand how adversity seems to beat down the growing soul. I can promise you that as time passes, you will see these adverse experiences as advanced spiritual education.

With the status of the planet in the universe, mortals today are so much more sensitive to worldly occurrences. Then again, mortals are so much more aware because of communication technology. You are right to feel overwhelmed from time to time. We know this, as does Father and His many assistants, and are giving you our all. There are many orders of beings in the universe that are attempting to regulate the incoming energy. Many times overwhelming feelings can bring out the worst in man. Our fellow regulators of energy want for man to have balance and become responsible citizens of the universe. At this point in our Mission, most of the teachers are for support and encouragement.

You have had a great deal of information to absorb over these years and as you practice these principles each day, they become part of your common behavior. As man grows into his higher mindedness, then will he have new questions and we will be here with new answers. It is our hope that you can face life circumstances with patience and simple observance. You would do well to avoid rushing to conclusions. The amount of inner peace you feel will be in direct proportion of the guidance you will receive. I am made glad to see each of you face your challenges in daily living and take up your responsibility.


ABRAHAM:   I can see each of you making time for your fellow brothers and sisters in sincere offering to be of service, without desire for personal reward. You want to help and that means everything. Well done. Our lesson is short this evening. Remember, as you relax and receive more, the more advanced lessons will appear and your minds will begin to formulate new questions. Know that I am honored to be an experiential friend and helper. Our love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.

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