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11CT-191- 2012 New Year Greetings

2012-01-01. 2012 New Year Greetings

Location: Michigan, USA #191
Date: 1 Jan 2012
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Receiver: Chris Maurus


Greetings to all you students on the path in this new year of 2012.  This year shall be an exciting year for you all and especially for those who stay on the path of love and oneness.  The spiritual pressure on your world will continue to intensify this year and many will find that their ability to manifest their reality will increase in power as the will becomes a greater tool to direct and concentrate thought.  Those that live in fear and scarcity will find more things to fear with diminishing hope, but for those who live in love and service, they will find more love and more opportunities to serve as the universe answers, nourishes, and protects you.  Stay in the mindset of peace and love my friends.  Set your minds to any good task and it shall unfold for you and exceed your greatest expectations!

Many of you like to make resolutions in the new year and I admonish you to do at least two things:  Make a commitment to healthier living for both the body and the mind, and double your efforts to sit in the silence and meditate.  Teachers are available to all who desire to be guided and we await those eager students to contact us.  Change on your world can only come about through you my friends, and if you are willing to make a difference in the world, then we are willing to assist you in whatever service you undertake.  Ask for help and it shall be given.

Since the transmutation of will to manifestation will be intensified, I also admonish you to monitor what goes into the mind through the eyes and ears.  Stay clear of negativity and fear and surround yourself with things of truth, beauty, and goodness.  If relationships are the source of negativity and strife, perhaps you need to separate yourself from these toxic relationships and search for kindred spirits.  If the monitoring of media sources instills fear in you about the future, then turn off those devices that bring this negativity into your mind.  I have a prediction for you that I am confident will come to pass, and that is: The world will not end this year!  Continue to pursue your dreams my friends and make this world a better place to live.

Let this year be a year of peace, love, and abundance for you.  Be mindful of the preciousness of life and the value of your time while you are here.  Make each moment count and find joy in all things.  Pursue worthy endeavors while you are here, for only those worthy experiences will have survival value—all others will perish with the flesh. Live, love, laugh, learn, teach, pray, heal, and give—these are worthy pursuits my friends, and anything else that falls outside one of these categories may not be a worthy pursuit for you.

From all of us in the Circle, your guides, and guardians, we wish you the best in the coming year and we cheer you on to success!

Happy new year Urantia!

The Circle of Seven


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