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11CT-194- Expressing the True Self

2012-02-29. Expressing the True Self

Location: Michigan, USA #194
Date: 29 Jan 2012
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Receiver: Chris Maurus

The message for today is  about expressing your true self.  What do I mean by this?  The expression of your true self is that ability to be without inhibition, without hiding who you really are to the world.  Your inner desires become known to all and you release the tension of holding back the fears of disapproval because you know deep down that this is your destiny to speak your peace and shed the cloak of unreality that you have been living for most of your life. Finding that peace and freedom within is beyond all spoken words—a feeling that you have come full circle and a new beginning of a greater more complete personality that is progressing and moving inward and onward toward perfection in the universe.

How unfortunate it is that so many of you live your lives in fear and never give yourself that chance to fully express yourselves or explore your gifts and untapped potential.  It is the Spirit within that seeks this channel of expression, yet for most it is unduly suppressed by fear of judgment and disapproval by those who are not themselves conscious of their own true identity and who stay hidden behind the cloak of illusion set securely in the molds of their mortal conditioning.

Now is the time for you to really live my friends, for your tomorrows are uncertain and you may not get a chance again in this life to do and to be as you would like.  This life you have on the worlds of time and space is one of the most important developmental lives you will live, and for those who live life to the fullest, without fear, expressing who they really are, will find the most joy and the greatest satisfaction one can experience.  Those who are living the life of their dreams are not dreaming, but are experiencing what is possible by releasing the fear and shedding the cloak of the illusion that was once their reality.  There are no real limits, my friends, to what can be accomplished by moving out of the cozy cocoon and into the brave new world of manifesting your deepest desires.  It is true and available to all if only you would believe.

Spirit is here to assist you in making your desires a reality, for the universe was designed to respond to your co-creative powers.  The Indwelling Spirit seeks expression in your life and desires for you to live life in a way that is the most beneficial to your personality development, and so by living true to yourself, you are releasing the expression of spirit and allowing the potentials of deity to move through you to create truth, beauty, and goodness in the universe.  Allow yourself to have this experience my friends, for those who let go and let God, will find they will never look back and will know for the first time what power truly lives within.  Let it be so!

Peace to you, The Circle of Seven


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