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11CT-363 Prepare Yourself to Make the Ultimate Connection®

2015-07-26. Prepare Yourself to Make the Ultimate Connection.


Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Date: 26 Jul 2015
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Receiver: Chris Maurus



Teacher Ophelius. Today, my dear friends, we would like to assist you in preparing to make the ultimate connection to your Indwelling Spirit, the Thought Adjuster (T A). Many of you have desired this intimate and personal connection in your heart for some time, but you continue to think in your mind that you are not “ready” or “good enough,” or “spiritual enough” or “still enough,” to make the connection or to receive any real feedback that you have achieved this. To all of you, I tell you that there is not one single thought that you have that the Indwelling Spirit does not hear or share with you. The  waits patiently and continues to do its work of spiritualizing your mind in preparation for your next adventure and transition to the mansion worlds where Spirit can better lead you in a very real and conscious way toward spiritual self-development and god-likeness.

The T A is pre-personal and is completely and truly non-judgmental and operates from a state of pure and unconditional love—a state of being beyond human understanding, yet one that you will come to know as you ascend to perfection and finality. Some of you may ask, “Why it is important for me to have this real and personal connection to my God Fragment now when I will at some point on the mansion worlds discover this God within?” This is a valid question, and many will tarry until this time and go about their earthly lives unaware of the divinity that lives within them.

Some of you however, have this inner knowing that you are here at this most auspicious time on the earth to accomplish something of importance with regard to your soul development or to assist other souls. This is because many millions of highly experienced and advanced T A’s have come and continue to come to Urantia in this Correcting Time to assist in the transformation of a planet exiting rebellion to one entering Light and Life. The greatest factor in this “recovery” is because of the influence of these highly experienced TAs and how they skillfully “adjust” the thoughts of millions to guide them on a path that is beneficial to the Creator’s “Great Plan.”

Many of you reading this message are hosts to these highly capable T A’s, and yet because you live under the veil of the material world, and have been given free will, you are only now waking up to the knowledge that you even have such a divine presence within you, and as such, many are seeking ways to become “active” and find the path that leads to the mission of this inner knowing that calls them. My message to you today, dear ones, is to remind you that you must take the first step by acknowledging your Inner guide and accepting that you truly do have a purpose in this world at this time. It is time for many of you to close the door of your room and address your Higher Self and surrender to her guidance and consecrate your will with God’s Will—that the Creator’s idea for your life may be fulfilled in and through you!

Bring your attention as often as you can to the realization that there is truly an intimate relationship between you—the conscious you and your Divine Operator. Your true soul mate and partner is, and always has been, with you and is waiting for you to open your heart and accept this intimate gift of unconditional love. This is not a fairy tale, dear one, this is your destiny.

“Oh my Beloved One within, love me and awaken me to your presence.” “I accept you as my divine partner and surrender those things which I cannot control to your Will—that the Creator’s idea for my life may be fulfilled through me!”

Peace to you, The Circle of Seven

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