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LYT210128- This Eternal Adventure

2021-01-28. This Eternal Adventure

Urantia, January 28, 2021.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “This Eternal Adventure.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved: “An education you shall have My child, because I hold the pattern and blueprint of your eternal life in My Hands.

I know all your capabilities and potentials the Eternal Creator has endowed you with, and I, as the ultimate Gift from the Father, have brought My own Endless Gifts of unfoldment to you.

Surely child, your trusting Me more and more can only serve you to your advantage.

Once you realize more clearly My will for you, why would you even want to follow your own?

However, this always remains your choice, as I do not wish for you to become subservient to Me. Consider this child, it is in the secret of becoming more attuned to Me that you will be able to serve more of your siblings and serve them well.

This is an eternal truth: The Father Creator is the Servant of all, and would expect us to become like Him once we fuse to be one. This is the reason why I indwell you – to become one with you – so much so that no one will be able to tell us apart anymore.

But My lovely, this depends entirely upon you. It is totally by your free will that you decide how far you will travel in your mortal lifetime, which carries on into the life beyond.

This is the ultimate adventure for all the Father’s evolving children of time and space.

The Creator gives to each one these chances to grow in faith and trust, to accept this eternal adventure, and to someday be embraced in Spiritual Glory on Paradise.”

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