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11CT-137- The Delay of Time

2010-10-31. The Delay of Time

Location: Michigan, USA #137
Date: 31 Oct 2010
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Receiver: Chris Maurus

Today’s lesson will be on the importance of the delay of time in the process of perfection attainment.  The Father has created two kinds of creatures: Those that are perfect; and those that are imperfect.  Those that were created perfect, like the angels, were created to know the Father’s Will and to provide a special administrative service in the Father’s grand universe.  For it is through all these fully mature and perfected creatures that the workings of the universe swing on in the endless procession of the ages and allow the Will of the Father to be fulfilled by providing those needful functions that facilitate the curriculum necessary to bring the children of time from the infancy of evolutionary material existence to the perfected status of 6th stage spirits who shall one day stand in perfection before the Creator of all on paradise.

The delay of time is necessary for the children of time to learn how to become perfect through sequential moments of experiential wisdom.  God loves his imperfect children so much that he gave his two most precious gifts: One, a fragment of Himself to live in the minds of His imperfect children so that they may be guided through age upon age of discovery back to the source of creation on paradise—your direct link to the Father, the Thought Adjuster; Two, the gift of free will that allows his imperfect children to choose the path in which they may proceed to source, allowing for a diversity of experiences that are unique to the individual that become a part of the experiential Supreme Being.  As you learn, grow—evolve in the creation, you become greater co-creators with God as you learn to do His Will.  You are the dynamic extension of the Father’s Will in the universe, and each one of you are precious to Him because you are a part of the Whole—a part of the Creator.

Though you may be at the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder my friends, this in no way makes you worthless and unimportant in the Father’s eyes.  Man has not fallen as has been taught to you by the religions of this world, but rather man has been created this way intentionally to learn perfection through experience—to make a contribution to the Father’s creation in your own unique way; by your own choosing; through the free will prerogative.  Rejoice my friends for this life that you have!  The potential for God-likeness in each one of you is unfathomable to your human minds, but is completely realizable and open to you as sons and daughters of the Most High God of creation.

Worry not about the trials of life on this world, for they are only lessons along the way to greater, more glorious and sublime experiences in the ages to come.  Though you do not understand what it means to be perfect, take joy in knowing you may achieve it and become Godlike because you are the heirs to the Father’s house and you have only to accept His blessed invitation.  Let each come as he or she will.

Peace, The Circle of Seven


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