2012-08-17. A Lot of Spiritual Help
Alabama, US of A, August 17, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Lot of Spiritual Help.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Heaven is pouring out its help upon you. There is a lot of spiritual help available at present, more than at any other time in the history of this world. The wheels have been set in motion and the Correcting Time represents the prelude to the Age of Light and Life on this planet. Those who work ‘from above’ can appreciate the magnitude of the celestial efforts and they know that the only possible outcome is the spiritual improvement and the elevation of Urantia.
“You are the ones whose vision is limited by materialism and by the consequences of your remote past, so you don’t perceive the magnitude of the changes that are taking place. For you the task of solving the great problems of your world seem unsurmountable and the time required to achieve the world you so much desire seems too long.
“Imagine that you have been given the task of organizing a room. When you open the door for the first time and peek inside you notice a huge mess and this makes it very hard for you to decide where to start. It is at that moment when you should make a decision: will you abandon the task because there is not a simple solution or will you focus on the present and just start working? If you decide to start and only organize a couple of things today, you will be closer to your goal of organizing the whole room than you would be if you decide to quit.
“This is the choice available to each one of you today. The Father’s workers will be able to discern that even when the final result may not be evident during their lifetimes, every little effort will bring them closer to the goal. Those who work today for a better world and leave the outcome in the hands of the Father, know that every little effort produces results and that no expression of unconditional love is irrelevant in the universes of the Father.
“But it may happen that while you are busy organizing the room that has been assigned to you, others peer through the door and judge your efforts as useless or irrelevant. Do not be discouraged by them, since only you who have been working for a while can appreciate the difference between the day on which you entered the room for the very first time and its present state. Only you can see where your efforts have caused an improvement, and if your task is not interrupted before you had a chance to complete it, those coming behind you will have an advantage thanks to your contributions. And it could also happen that when others see your progress they may feel inspired to help and enter the room to participate in your work.
“This is how the universes of space and time progress towards Light and Life — through the collective and cumulative efforts of all creatures. Carry on with the missions you have chosen for your lives and continue striving to know and be the Will of your Father for those around you. At the time when Light and Life is well established on Urantia, you will be able to say in all fairness that you participated in the noblest of tasks of the present era of this world.”