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SEI16- Delusions About God on Urantia

1999-02-05.  Delusions About God on Urantia

SE Idaho #16

Topic: Delusions About God on Urantia

Group: SE Idaho TeaM

Teachers: Aaron, Minearsia, Ignacea, Daniel

TR’s: Nancy, Bill K., Bob S.


Daniel (Nancy): “Greetings, my friends. I am Daniel, your guide and teacher, here to welcome you back to this time  of sharing, caring, learning, and growing. We are so pleased to have all of you present at this gathering.

Roxy, I wish to introduce myself to you personally. I am Daniel. I am a friend of yours. I do know you fairly intimately. You have been on my rounds for some time. You see, I was a doctor in my mortal career and I have used the euphemism ‘making my rounds’ with my other students here present and students as yet unknown to the participants in this group, this family. How pleased we are that you have found your way here, my dear. My heart feels quite full this evening.

Also, I wish to address Bob personally. We are so pleased for the many times you have participated with this group. I wish you to know that your presence here is deeply welcomed. Your presence is always desired, and when you are not here you are missed. I wish to offer to you at this time the possibility of a personal talk if you are so inclined. I would desire one on one interaction with you. You, of course, can make such arrangements if you so desire. And now with these opening statements and my introductions made I will be at rest for the time being.



Aaron (Bill): “Greetings friends, this is Aaron. How pleased I am to observe the intensity of your loving interactions, the acceptance that you give to each other emotionally and spiritually. It radiates the love of God resident in your souls. The spiritual light emanating from this place this evening was radiant and caught the attention of many visitors. There is a great cathedral of beings present who are participating with those of us more regularly designated teachers.

Indeed is God for us and therefor who can truly be against us? This insight into universe reality has pierced the souls of men and women throughout human history on this planet despite the legacy of rebellion and darkness which has prevailed for the last quarter of a million years. But now the time has come with the adjudication of the rebels for this message to truly reach every will creature residing on this planet and on all the other rebel planets as well. Michael, our Creator Son, has wept bitterly over the loss of his children who remained hardened of heart and darkened of mind and whose pride refused to submit to truth and mercy. Even God cannot force one against his will to eternal fellowship. Never the less, despite the loss of unique children of the Father who have persisted in rebellion and now are as though they had never been, despite this, great profit as accrued from this experience of allowing rebellion long stretches of mercy until there was no chance for retrieval.

This planet has labored under the delusion that God is a taskmaster, a hard nosed, rigid, angry, and vengeful person, having special favorites among His children. But, my dear friends, you know and others know, and the word is getting out that this caricature, this  monstrosity of distortion has no connection with the true Source of all truth, beauty, and goodness, for God the Father, the Son, the Spirit is becoming fleshed out in human experience in the lives of His children who consciously know Him and seek to do His will. These conscious experiences are yours to share with any who have ears to hear.

The good news is truly at two levels. The first level is that you are not orphans, not the products of chance and blind force, but rather the children of a loving, infinitely gracious, inconceivably good Parent. The second level is that you are truly brothers and sisters. These truths, once at an intellectual level initially, are now settling into the very essence of your souls and you are aware of the true  cosmic brotherhood/sisterhood.

To do the will of God depends mostly on desire, for he/she that is willing to know God’s will shall discover it. No limitations of culture, of intellect, of emotional injury or of any other factor can prevent a faith son and daughter from discovering the will of God, if that is their highest desire. I will give you a secret. When your highest desire is to do the will of God He, then, gives you the desires of your heart, for your heart and His heart are united. Yes, I will say, that you know that you know when you have made that supreme betrothal. I have completed my commentary. I now, also, take my place at rest.

Ignacea (Bob S.): “My brothers and sisters, I greet you on behalf of Him who created us all, Whose vision of what was and is and will be is clear, Whose love is unmistakable, Whose desire for each of you is of the fullest. My friends, my name is Ignacea. I am Bob’s personal teacher. I rarely speak in public. Bob is thinking..because I have enough to do with him..but that is not entirely true. It is appropriate for those of us who are assigned to individuals to, on occasion, speak to a wider audience and I am availing myself of this opportunity this evening.

My word to each of you is to enjoy the life which you have been given for it is unique. No one else walks in your steps. You have this individualized opportunity to do something no one else anywhere can do. While that may provide the basis of some fear and reticence, look at it from the view of the opportunity it presents. You have in your grasp the opportunity to experience something which no one, no one else can do. That should stir your very souls! Can you see the opportunities this presents? Can you feel the joy which this offers? Can you hear the voice of God inside you offering to share in the decision making which you are facing; and can you feel in that experience the very voice of God within each of you?

These two things, make your life unique. The walk, the path which stretches before you can be of no other. That Fragment of God which sparkles within your personhood belongs to no other and together when those two uniquenesses merge, the future holds nothing but glorious, radiant light.

Well my friends, I trust you have enjoyed my sermon. I take great delight in offering my services when called upon and that is one reason I serve the individual I serve. Go about your world tomorrow with your head held high, for you know if God is for you, who can be against you. Good evening.”

Daniel (Bill): “Hello again. I am Daniel. I am aware that there are several questions that you have brought with you tonight and because the hour is late I will now open the floor so that you may have opportunity to ask those questions or make your contribution to the discussion which has already ensued. You may direct your questions to me, to Aaron, or to the other teachers present here as you wish.”


Nancy: “Well, I will take the opportunity. Daniel, I am really not sure what my question is. In some ways I felt Ignacea was talking to me although certainly he was talking to many of us. You are aware that I am in the midst of a struggle with what to do about my life,  particularly what to do about school and job choices at this point in time. I know it’s not your job to give advice of that specific sort and I know that the fundamentals are to spend time in the stillness. But can you, please, add to that or decline my request?”

Aaron (Bill): “Yes, I will comment. I am Aaron. Daniel has asked me to reply to you because I was the one that spoke the words that we both feel are your answer.

You will not obtain satisfactory resolution of your conflicts as long as you look for the solution outside of yourself, be it in advice, the  confluence of circumstance, or any other external factor. My advice to you, then, is not coming to you from outside, for I will not say, nor do I know, whether you should do this or that. But I do know this. If you will take away all conditions, all reservations, all fear, and all doubt about the goodness of God and His love for you and offer your will to do His will without reservations, then you shall discover what it is that you truly desire; and as you discover this, you can be sure it pleases your Parent. At the risk of sounding blunt, I know no better words to offer you.”

Nancy: “Thank you, Aaron.”

Aaron: “The trick is, or the block is, in letting go of the last vestige of fear.”

Nancy: “Yeah, you are right about that! (Group laughter). That is the trick!”


Aaron: “Two weeks ago brother Daniel suggested a visualization exercise. If you would look at your transcript you can read it in his words. It suggested a leap of faith into the support net of love which God strings throughout His universes, from whatever symbolic object your mind chooses to represent your fear. Suggestions included jumping from an airplane with a parachute, or diving off the fifth level of a diving board or leaping off the edge of a cliff, or plunging into ice water..that was not mentioned but I suggest that. There is no substitute for your whole hearted, fully integrated personality decision; and all I can say as one who has made the supreme betrothal is that the net will not break, it will not vanish into thin air, you will experience true desire without conflict. That is all that I can say.”

Nancy: “Thanks, Aaron.”

Virginia: “Teachers you message tonight reminded me of a Bible passage that I memorized many years ago that says, ‘Seek the Lord with all your heart and He will give you the desires of your heart.’ [1] I am not sure how you are interpreting that truth because I have always thought in terms of the fact that God would change the desires of my heart to be better and greater than they were rather than giving this a material interpretation. I have heard that it is material, too, but I don’t think it is a material interpretation but rather a change of heart, just like prayer is really to change me, not the situation.”

Nancy: “Can I respond?”

Virginia: “Let’s ask the teachers and then….sure.”

Daniel: “PamElla, this is Daniel. Please go ahead.”

Nancy: “My interpretation of what I heard Aaron say was that if we desire God’s will we get our will because it is one will; it is exactly that. We are desiring God’s will and we have unified that will. But it is not then God gives us the gift of . .okay, you have been a good girl and you did this for Me and now I do this for you. That’s not it at all. It’s that by desiring God’s will we have unified that will and God’s will shall be done. So, then., we get our will because our will is God’s will.

So this takes me right back to where I was seven years ago. That’s why this is a struggle for me, because I still do, and Aaron nailed it, still have difficulty trusting that God is good, that God’s will is good for me!

And really that desire…I mean a couple of times I really desired God’s will and things didn’t turn out for me. And it wasn’t a bad thing but it wasn’t my way. So it is still something I really struggle with.. wanting to desire God’s will. Anyway.

Aaron (Bill) “My dear, this is Aaron. Yes, you have an A+

Listen a minute. When your will is perfectly united with the will of God you will be fused and translated. This will happen for all of you who have made the betrothal, the intention, the engagement. But, this moment of perfection is rarely attained in the mortal life. So, while my words are true, they have to be modified with something of a disclaimer, that is, there will most likely be a portion of your will still involved. The effort, the desire, the intention to do God’s will shall grow every stronger and the light ever brighter. I do not want to be misunderstood as presenting a scenario that is easily and flippantly attained where one can say, ‘I am perfectly aligned with God’s will so whatever I want, it must be His will’. Such a erroneous position will only result in disappointment. Understand…the desire to do the will of God, to be wholly aligned with one’s Adjuster, takes years and years for the average person, morontia experience after experience before that completion is made. If this were an advanced planet in the seventh stage of Light and Life it would be much more likely to occur here.

I am sorry I cannot offer you ease of soul or simplicity of thought. However, PamElla, my dear, you have an excellent mind. Try to remove your ego by imagining what advice you would give another person who presented your circumstances and see what you find.”

Nancy: “That’s helpful, thank you.”

Aaron: “Yes.”

Lori: “Teachers, in my attempts to do God’s will, which is difficult, sometimes I feel like through my work…am I foolish to feel like at times through my work I can in some way serve through the messages I am trying to get across and just come forth. Or is this just naive and a self serving type of thing, because I feel there’s been small tiny fusions that occur. Hearing you talking, Nancy, I am doubting now.”

Daniel (Bill): “I am Daniel. Isaac is unclear as to what you are doubting. Would you clarify so he will relax?”

Lori: “Yes, I will try. Am I foolish to believe that through my work I can express my desire to do God’s will? I can pass the message of love farther out there that I don’t have daily contact with? It is a two fold question.”

Daniel: “I, Daniel, could tell you my opinion, and I have one. But I would rather ask you…what would you say to your daughter, either daughter, if she were to ask you such a question?”

Lori: “Well, I would say yes!  But she’s not asking me. The reason I began to doubt it was to hear that this type of fusion is so rare on . ..”

Daniel: “Understood.”

Lori: “I felt like maybe I was fooling myself there for a moment that in some way that is serving.”

Daniel: “Dear Lori, I feel that the problem is in your understanding of what I mean by fusion. I am referring to that ultimate fusion which results in the immediate translation of the souls of mortal ascenders so that they disappear in flames. This, indeed, is a rare event. I was not suggesting that a lesser but still very adequate alignment could not occur between you and God or any other individual and God. So if you felt that I was offering a nearly impossible scenario in doing the will of God, I hope that I have clarified this. Do you understand what I am saying?”

Lori: “Yes”.

Daniel: “Now I will tell you that ‘yes’ is my answer. You are in error to doubt that your creative offerings and outpourings of love are not received as most splendid gifts by your Divine Monitor. Or to put it in positive terms, such self depreciating doubts occur to all mortals, especially on this planet with its history of negativity. It is Father’s intention for each personality to express their talents, their abilities to the fullest for the expression of personality is the will of God. There is no doubt about that. The expression of the uniqueness, beauty, and potential of every personality is God’s intention for the evolutionary universes, to be subsumed in the magnificent completion of God the Supreme of which we all a part, the finite God of evolutionary perfection. So doing your part with the gifts that you are given as an offering and an intention of service is truly pleasing to our Father, to our Brother Michael, to our Mother Nebadonia. It can not be otherwise. Have no doubts about this my dear.”

Lori: “Thank you; and thank you for your help this week.”

Daniel: “It is my pleasure.”


Minearisa (Bill): Dear friends, the evening grows long and I, Minearisa, have not offered any wisdom this evening. But in the light of what has been discussed and the questions that have been plied I would suggest that you take a little more seriously the suggested exercise previously stated. Try to find what it is, if you have this problem, that keeps you from trusting in the goodness of God. And when you find it, push it over the cliff. Let it go. Kiss it goodbye forever. Life is too short to hang back from the True Source of all Love.

I, Minearisa, embrace you all and so do the surrounding hosts of celestial personalities. If you can trust us teachers you should be able to trust the Creator of each of us as well. It’s only logical. My blessings upon you. Good evening.”

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