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ERE20- Be True to Yourselves

2010-06-18-Be True to Yourselves
Erethea #20


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Be True to Yourselves
o 1.2 Group: ERETHEA
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Michael
o 2.2 TR: Diana
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson
o 3.2 Closing

Topic: Be True to Yourselves
Teacher: Michael
TR: Diana


CHRIST MICHAEL: Greetings daughter, we come again today to share our thoughts and understanding of what you and your kind are enduring in these difficult days. We share your pain and the worry at how things will pan out in the long run. This is a steep learning curve for you all having to look deep within your being to find the trust and belief that what is happening is meant to be and the right thing, it is a big leap of faith from those of you who always knew you were not alone and understood there was more to your being and inner self. To those whose eyes are just being opened as they watch with apparent horror what is happening on the planet you inhabit and fret for the safety of themselves and their loved ones and worry what the future will hold this is a whole new experience.

You have heard many theories and solutions from the governments and officials of your world to some of the current problems you face as a planet but many seem to be bizarre and without foundation, this is of deep concern to you who care deeply about the others who inhabit your world and the future mankind. We are well aware as you know of the motives and subterfuge behind these of the lesser light and as we have said many times we are in the process of removing them from your world. Have you not noticed the incidents and accidents that are taking place, the natural ones and the ones of an accidental nature, gradually this will continue to happen until things are as they are meant to be.

Each of you is but one cog in the machinery of the future, no single one of you will be the “chosen one” a large and carefully chosen number of you will carry out significant roles and have responsibility for others, but this will be only to promote towards the good of mankind and the beloved mother earth. At the end of the day your responsibility lies in being true to yourselves, mankind and the celestial beings of whom created you, your task is to fulfil your true role in life as you set out to do in the first place.

As the creators who love you all, we ask that you trust your instincts to know who is telling the truth and who is not, you have all the skills and knowledge deep within you to know what is true. If it feels right you run with it if not you stop and ask more questions. Those who are true and from the light will answer from the heart those who are not will shy away and try to change the subject.

We are working to help those who are of darker nature that so where we can change and bring into the light an individual we do so and should we ask you for your help with an individual or a group of individuals we ask that you provide this help. As all souls began of the light and a little assistance in some cases is all it will require to return them to the light no soul should be refused help to return to the fold. We ask you to remember that you have all received help as you have needed it in one way or another over your lifetimes. Remember dear ones the power of thought is very strong and a positive thought can be of great assistance in the help of another soul of lesser insight.


CHRIST MICHAEL: We leave you today but assure you as always of our love and blessings and will return on another occasion with more thoughts to share with you all. And it is so. Michael of Nebadon 18th June 2010

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