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ICC68- Welmek – Happiness Part 1-3

2002-02-14-Welmek – Happiness Part 1-3
Welmek #68


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Happiness
o 1.2 Group: Stillness Foundation
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Welmek
o 2.2 TR: Donna D’Ingillo
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Summary Part 1 & 2
o 3.2 Part 3
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Happiness
Group: Stillness Foundation
Teacher: Welmek
TR: Donna D’Ingillo

Summary Part 1 & 2

Dear Friends:
It gives me great pleasure to again forward you Welmek’s lessons. Thanks to our group member, Vin Myers who graciously volunteered to transcribe the tapes of the lessons, I can now present Welmek’s lessons that we receive at our regular Thursday night meeting on an ongoing basis.

THANK YOU, VIN! You’re providing a great service!

In late January, Welmek began a five part series on the topic of Happiness. While we did not tape the first two, I can briefly recap what they were about. In the first lesson, Welmek talked about how happiness is something all humans want, yet find it so elusive. In his own way, he began with an exercise to connect with the Father through the Thought Adjuster and to feel what that was like. Then, when people came out of the exercise and back into the present, Welmek asked each member to share what they felt. From those answers he crafted his response and suggested that what each person experienced was a manifestation of happiness. Welmek identified several components to happiness: peace, contentment, a feeling of being blessed or fortunate. When you have all of these commingling, then the happiness feeling is strong.

The second lesson centered around how to live in the eternal NOW. Again, he began with an exercise to imagine that the word “NOW” was in the center of one’s being and to tell the body to feel that word and ask that its meaning permeate the within the sensory levels of the body. He helped the members to connect with that feeling on the conscious level and then addressed questions about why it is so hard to live in the “now” and gave helpful suggestions as to how to stay connected. The main suggestion was to practice becoming consciously aware when you had stepped outside of the feeling of being peaceful, contented, blessed — feeling happy — and to ask to be centered in the Father, and to practice this as many times during the day as the awareness presented itself. There were other personal suggestions, as well.

The following lesson of February 14th is the third in the series. I hope you enjoy it. I will be able to forward other lessons during the week, and then to offer our regular weekly sessions as they become transcribed.

Part 3

WELMEK: Good evening. This is Welmek, your friend and teacher. I am pleased to be with you this evening. I am pleased to continue our discourse on the topic of happiness. And I hope you recall the instruction of last week of living in the now and being with the Father. And as we began this series on happiness, we discussed the components of happiness: contentment, peace, the feeling of being blessed or fortunate, and living in the “now”. All of these yield what humans have come to call happiness. And so I ask you, “How did you do this week with living in the now? Were you able to incorporate some of the instruction of the prior two weeks into your days during this week and to find those moments and, hopefully longer periods, of happiness in your daily life?” We will pause for a moment and ask you to go into your memory and recall those times when you felt the happiest this week and recall what it was you were doing or thinking about and then share one or two of those occurrences with me.

Student: I had occasion to reflect a lot on what you said. At first what was most clear to me were all the ways in which we lose the “now”, and then ways we can keep it. One time I had lost it. I was in the midst of a bit of carpentry with a rather large power tool and just a moment of inattention, a moment of a kind of mental laziness, it got out of hand, and gave me a good thump and a bit of pain, a bit of an injury, and then the instant afterward, I could reflect and realize that my mind had strayed from what I was doing.

And so my happiness has just been a kind of steady state thing. I’m just realizing sometimes I’ve gone for several hours. being pretty much in the present, because I’m getting a lot of feedback from physical activity and that joy of knowing that you’ve accomplished something, and a deeper understanding of what takes you out of the present or what takes me out: inattention, a kind of mental laziness, just habit, doing things unconsciously. And the happiness comes every now and then recognizing, catching yourself, or catching myself.. in the verge of going unconscious and yet being able to be conscious of it. Being aware of how I lose the “now” and then that very awareness of bringing me back into the “now” with a good feeling of staying with something.

WELMEK:  And what would you say was your overall ability to respond to your fellow co-workers and friends during the week in staying in the moment?

Student: Good! It’s being open to who..I can only say it’s a matter of perception of perceiving, looking to see who they really are, moment to moment rather than some kind of..lazy assuming that I already know who they are. And so to staying in the “now” is a matter of, it’s almost a matter of perception, a scene of living, of living faces.

WELMEK:  And would you say or consider that you enjoyed their company, being in the state of “now”?

Student: Oh! Very much, there is a…you think sometimes that as vicious circles, but there is a very positive circle. They’re aware of your awareness, and so you get in a beautiful, nice cycle of them being aware of your awareness and vice versa. This way, as we say, kind of turn each other on. You feed off each other’s awareness. It makes it fun!

WELMEK:  And so would you say that you enjoyed this interaction and these moments with them?

Student: Oh, very much! I have some. These are people I have known for many, many, years and we have a great bond, enormous trust. We work together. We get things done. We make good use of our time. We tend to be very serious because there is so much to be done. There’ such an amount of work to be done, that there’s a playfulness. We really have a lot of affection for each other. These are great, great old friends and we trust each enormously to get things done.

WELMEK: And so, my friend, you are beginning to see the progression of how you, in your small way in staying attentive to the matter at hand, keeps you more focused on being attentive to your brothers and sisters. And they, in turn, notice your attentiveness to them and respond accordingly. And there is an overall great sense of satisfaction in the communication, and you grow a deeper bond with one another and you begin to deepen than into trust and respect and understanding, leading to greater satisfaction of the interchange. And so you are learning to find the broad range of happiness that affects you in your interactions with other. I thank you for sharing your experience with me and I will have a bit more to say about this later on in our discussion.

Student: If I can say one more thing, Welmek? The last couple weeks I’ve been meeting people, other clients. I work in a construction company, and these are people who have not seen me before. I’m meeting them new, in a way, just to do odds and ends, and I think it is very important to be a person to other people, to somehow escape the category of being a thing, whether you’re a carpenter or whatever your job is, to be a person, a full person, and to see them too, not just as a client, but as an individual.

WELMEK: And so the more you can stay attentive to the interchange you have with your fellows, the more you will sense their personal realness, who they are, and you will began to sense this deeper bond that you share, this kindred of being as a fellow human. When you begin to sense this (Student: Yes! Yes! ) your ability to accrue a deeper understanding of the diversity of personality will become more pronounced in your own mind. This is what was so compelling about our Master.

He would stay totally focused on who he was discoursing with, whether it was one or one hundred and the attentiveness with which he brought his love, his compassion, and understanding to each human interchange brought people closer to him, and to seek in him those gifts, those truths of the spirit that he so freely exuded. The more you do this my friend, the more your brethren will be magnetized towards you, giving you a greater opportunity to bear witness to the spirit to them, in helping them find that within them that you have found for yourself. Thank you.

Student: Thank you, Welmek.

Student: This is D. And since we last spoke, I’ve been experiencing, I guess you can call it the help of God within myself, within my heart. And this is where I’m happiest and I always want to be in this place and take it out into the world as well. I remember before going to church last Sunday, I went for a walk and it was a beautiful day, and it seemed that everyone I met just wanted to say “hi!” You know, a lot of human beings don’t even look at each other, but they all wanted to say “hi!” and had a smile.

And I’m very amiable anyway, and gregarious. I say “hi!” to everyone, but I felt this inward, this inward happiness that wasn’t contingent upon anything that was outside myself. And I took that over, and then I experienced in church, a great intimacy with it, being in the healing seat, and I carried that over into what I experience on Monday, the situation I was experiencing. And then all through the week, I couldn’t wait to get home to meditate and to deepen my connection with this happiness within myself.

Yesterday, though, I felt it again. It seems like on Wednesday, I felt this great, I don’t know, this feeling of loneliness and tired of everything again, but when I say to myself, and this is what I’m learning to do as kind of refocusing, reconnecting with this, my house of God, within myself. And saying “I am the son of God”, You are one, I am one and allowing the happiness that’s in me to take away these negative thoughts. And the same thing today.

Taking time away from my work and just stopping for a moment and just saying “I am immersed in the sacred presence of God” and allowing the happiness to take over my mind again. Whenever the thoughts get negative or meaningless in a sense, so I’m trying to, I am open to incorporating and allowing the place within myself, this house of God within myself, Spirit to take over my being. This is where I want to be. And if I had my choice, I’d sit and meditate all the day. And obviously, I can’t do that. So, and even when my daughter called and she’s crying about her boyfriend and things like that, I’m able to calm her down and have her make the proper choices. So that’s where I’m at.

WELMEK: You are in the grasp of a great habit, my friend. To be able to recognize the error of your thinking and to transform it into a meditative state, of being with the Father, is the great challenge of human life, and you are well on your way to greater proficiency in this most blessed transformation – unfolding of your true self as a son of God.

Student: That’s because I know, and I’ve experienced that when I come from this place, of God within myself, there is no negativity, there is no fear and I want and I desire to live moment to moment in this place. There’s no anxiety, there’s no lack, no hurt, no anger, just being who I am, as life created me, as love has created me, as being authentic. There’s no drama.

WELMEK: You are tasting of the balance of our Master who was able to live a full, productive, rich human life, with all of its challenges, with all of its activities of maintaining a physical existence. He was poised, charming, cheerful, graceful, and accepting of the way things were. And so, doing this, you are emulating and learning to become like the Master himself. There is no greater undertaking that you can aspire to while you live here on this planet. You have a great teacher in your Master and as you practice stilling your mind, even as you go about your day to day activities, you will find that you can expand these moments on living in the “now” even greater.

And should you continue to do this each day, those moments will increase, so that if you were to look back in say six months or one year or so, you would see your happiness quotient tremendously increasing and your ability to be the love conduit which you so earnestly seek, to come to pass. There is nothing as important as this now, and in making this the focus of your life, you will achieve your hearts desire. Thank you. (Student: Thank you.)

Student: Welmek, this is S. And my question has to do with decision making. And there seems to be so many options. It’s hard to stay focused and to know how to make the best decisions. Could you give me any insight?

WELMEK: The difficulty with decision making for humans arises in the fear that you would be making a mistake if you were to make the wrong choice. But I say to you that there are, at your level of discernment, no real wrong choices, only those experiences that would help to grow and become more beautiful and centered in the Father. However, I do understand the circumstances you now find yourself in. And I have the following suggestions if you are so willing.

Take time each day to write down what it is you wish to have your life be like now: where you want to live, what you would like to have in a living situation, what you would like to have in a professional income-producing situation, and what you would like to have in a spiritual service situation. These I perceive are the pressing questions of your life. Is this a correct pronouncement on my part?

Student: Yes it is.

WELMEK: Spend some time in stillness and connect with the deepest desires of your heart. Write them down on paper and do this for several days and then after you have done this for a few days, compare and contrast and see what the threads of commonality are. You will begin to see some threads that are weaving together a picture. As that picture comes into view you will see more clearly what it is you want to do and thereby making your choices more clarified and refined in your thinking. Does this help?

Student: Yes, thank you.

WELMEK: Do you need further clarification or elaboration, or is there another question I may address for you?

Student: So, it’s really more of what I create rather than what I’m supposed to do or find or someplace I’m supposed to be? It’s more like I create it myself.

WELMEK: I would say that it is in the intention that you are given opportunities to have circumstances created for you so that you are allowed the greatest latitude in your personality expression. And if you trust, in faith, that you will be guided to the place where you can be more fruitful and revealing your true personality, then you are living according to the Father’s will and in the Father’s ways, and what more could the Father ask of you? Do you see the distinction? (Student: Yes, I do. Thank you.) Does this help to clarify matters in your own mind?

Student: Yes it does. I feel much more peaceful now. Thank you.

WELMEK: You are welcome. There are times in life when great upheavals create the most confusion because it is at those times when your sense of direction becomes so magnified because so many opportunities are placed in front of you. And my dear brothers and sisters, in the Father’s universe there are innumerable opportunities for you to engage your personality gifts and facets for the Father’s service. It is quite spectacular to behold those individuals growing and owning up the challenge of decision making according to the Father’s will. But never should you perceive that there is only one way, because the greatest gift that you can bring to the universe and to your brothers and sisters is to allow yourself many opportunities to expose who you are to the world.

This is to some degree counterpoised with what your culture tells you because there are such narrowly confined methods of conducting your affairs. But in the Father’s universe, this simply no longer holds true. So in becoming the beautiful brothers and sisters, children of the universe that you are, I say to you, let your imagination soar. Reach deep inside of your being to your core and find your heart’s content, and set your course for that, and let faith be the wind in you sails. Does this help?

Student: Yes. Thanks very much, Welmek!

WELMEK: My dear friends. You have such wonderful lives ahead of you. The past is the past. It has etched character lines in your personality, but never let the past be hurtful or deter you from finding the happiness and the growth that you seek. Experiences are given to you as part of your unfolding adventure. And truly we do not see the difficult times as mistakes that are made. We see them as opportunities to learn more of the ways of the world. And sometimes your mistakes may be painful at first, but there is always a kernel of love and truth that rises above the pain of the circumstance to reveal a new level of depth within you.

The more you stay anchored in the “now” and your connection to the Father for your peace, for your understanding, and for a deeper understanding of the circumstances that you have been in will you be able to feel yourself ascending from the ashes of despair and loneliness, and achieving all that you want to as a human. This is only possible if you stay anchored in your connection with the Father. And that is why I emphasize this living in the “now” as so fundamental for your own human happiness, because it is there in the moment with the Father that all the peace and the contentment and the blessings can spring forth.

In the coming week, my request and challenge to you would be to spend some time writing down your thoughts – what living in the “now” has done to alter your perception about life. And to pay close attention to the way that you react and interact with your fellow brothers and sisters when you are acting in the moment consciously, and then if you feel so inclined, to bring them to the meeting next week, to share with me. I will pause to see if you have any question about this assignment and before we go on to other questions. Are there any other questions I may address for you this evening?

Student: Welmek, I would just like to have your viewpoint on a clarification. I’ve been thinking about this for many years. And talking with friends about staying “now” and how deep is “now”. How “now” can you be? One erroneous concept I think I’ve come across is that you shouldn’t think about the past at all. My feeling though, my understanding is that you actually stay in the present when you remember, when you consciously remember the past and all it’s fullness, with each moment of the past, you were there, and each moment of the past had its own complete mixture of joy and pain and fear and triumph. And it’s only when the past is just remembered, shall we say sentimentally, or sloppily or lazily, it is not the true past, it’s not what really happens to you, that’s when it captures you, that’s when you become out of the present, in the sense, captured by the past and sloppy thinking or remembering or just habits.

And so, paradoxically, by being detached and thinking about it consciously, remembering it, honoring the past. One way, you not only get it, that you become free of it. You find a moment of spontaneity – now! That is not just coming from the past but it is creating something – now! Does this make sense? I know it’s kind of like a paradox but, it’s by making the effort to truly remember what happened, what really happened, you not only have a gift of it, but you can stay “now”!

WELMEK: I would call this rather a matter of balance more than a paradox. Several words you used were instrumental in the delicate balance between letting the past, I believe the word I would use here is “control” you as opposed to letting the past inspire you. If you were to let the past control you, and I would say that this is where most of your brothers and sisters would tend to operate, because they are a product of their experiences, positive and negative, joyful and painful. And when they let some of the difficult circumstances and the wounds that have been afflicting them in their lives, then they stay in the pattern of negative thinking and fear, and sometimes make little progress, spiritual progress in life.

However, if you were to let the past inspire you, then would you use those experiences, both painful and joyful to point you in the direction of growth, of true spiritual progress. And this is where the idea of objectivity that you speak about comes into play. So what I see you commenting on is the twofold nature of humans. One being mired in the past and not allowing themselves to rise above it and the other one using the past as a catalyst for growth. Does this appeal to you?

Student: Yes. Yes, very much! I like your words, Welmek. That, if you’re inspired by the past, I think you can see it more clearly. I see people, I’m surrounded by people who in one way, we call it the difference between sentiment, genuine feeling, and sentimentality which is kind of like squinting your mental eye so as to kind of put a haze over things and not see it clearly. And so some people, they see the past in such glowing fond remembrance of sentimentality that the poor present just pales by comparison. It is always better in the past, especially as they grow older. And I like the idea that to be inspired by the past though, means that you are closer to the real reality of it.

WELMEK: Because you are using both of your positive and negative experiences to give you new insight and depth of the meanings and values of your experiences. And when you do that, you are beginning to delve into the deeper ‘morontia’ levels of mind, even impinging on divine insight and wisdom. The breadth of human life is so vast, but sometimes when humans are constrained to live in the past, they narrowly constrict their focus and cannot see the beauty of all that the Father does. Always look for the Father’s perspective in all that you do and then you will always be inspired by the past. And inspired for the future and living in the “now” will be a joy.

Student: Amen to that!

Student: Welmek, I want to let you know what I’ve been pondering the past week as well as – it seems like so many people I know – their experiences of the “now” are colored by what they experience in their past. And, unfortunately, a lot of these people do not how to love or to allow love into their lives, because of experiences in their past. There perceptions have been colored or stained because of not being loved in the way they expect to loved or being hurt. And, I also feel there’s also a human inferiority complex in claiming their own divinity, in claiming their own sonship with God.

They don’t even, can’t even conceive of that. They haven’t comprehended the full meaning of Jesus’ life. And, I just feel I believe that it is part of as I grow consciously into living in God, being His son, that it is my purpose or is one of my purposes to express love to these people, to humanity. And it is my purpose to express that we are greater, greater beings than what we perceive to be. I really don’t have a question. It’s just a feeling or a comment of what I’ve seen. And, because of the situation, I’m experiencing.

WELMEK:  You are on the most wonderful adventure there is; the journey of sonship. And you have also recognized the joy of service, in helping others to aspire to their own hopeful possession of sonship. And the more you grow in this awareness, the deeper will your heart’s commitment become, and the more you will love and serve your fellows, and do great works in service to our Master. This is one of the reasons that we have come here to teach and inspire you, our younger brothers and sisters. What joy it is for us to see you as you grow in this awareness and undertake to serve our sisters and brothers in the universe of Michael, and to help this planet become the beautiful shrine of Nebadon that it was created to be.

What greater joy can there be? What greater service can you offer? And so, all of these recognitions are now welling in your heart and mind. I am sure that there are times in your life that you feel overwhelmed with these feelings, and so let them well up and send your appreciation to the Father, and let your heart overflow in loving service to one another and as you do this, the Father will bless you and give more abundant happiness than you can ever imagine.


And on that note, I perceive it is now time to end our discussion. True happiness in human life as we have perceived it is a rare jewel, and each of you, as diamonds in the rough, these beautiful treasures, in the making are becoming more and more jewel-like each day you spend anchored in the Father. Good evening.

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