MLV21- Become Aware

2020-04-01-Become Aware MLevasseur #21 Contents • 1 Heading o 1.1 Topic: Become Aware o 1.2 Group: 11:11 Progress Group • 2 Facilitators o 2.1 Teacher:

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NET86 – State of the World®

2020-03-23.  State of the World. [speaker-mute] New Era Transition #86 – (Find this and previous NETs at: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager Topics: State of

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MLV19- A Difficult Situation

2020-03-11  A Difficult Situation MLV#19 2020-03-11  Details Category: Messages Quebec, Canada, March 11, 2020. Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson. Subject: “A Difficult Situation.” Message received by

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