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ATL291- Sondjah Melchizedek at Spirit Space

2012-12-19-Sondjah Melchizedek at Spirit Space
At Large #291


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Spirit Space
o 1.2 Group: At Large
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Sondjah
o 2.2 TR: Daniel Raphael
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Spirit Space
Group: At Large
Teacher: Sondjah
TR: Daniel Raphael


SONDJAH: This is Sondjah. I will be with you this evening and invoke the presence of the Creator and Its light to surround you and fill you with Its light, so that you are all safe and well and protected. This one is already connected to your merkabah and we are ready to proceed.

Sondjah’s opening statement

Let me give you an opening statement as you requested. We have been anticipating this event for quite some time. This one has been reticent to become more public, but it is obviously a service that we need to provide to you so you can have more immediate access to the celestial and morontial realms. This is a significant beginning.

You are unaware of what else is happening in California and Oregon. These are developments that almost parallel your own. They are much different, but they are also similar that we are making connections to organizations at large, those organizations that come forward and seek us. Of course we have two emissaries, one in California working with a large Protestant church and the other work involves developing a secular program of social sustainability at a university in Oregon.

We are connecting with you in this very meaningful way as a means for us to become more intimately aware of the needs of our audience. You make yourself known to us through your prayers, through your chats with us during the day, which we deeply appreciate. It is another thing however, to have all of you come together to be there with one mind, so to speak, to be connected to the Merkabah. You are listening and your minds are opening for us to peruse the content, which is very helpful for this work. So we give great thanks and there are many glad tidings this time of year, but we have them particularly with you and for the two events in California and Oregon. Thank You.

SONDJAH:: As a matter of procedure, if you ask a question, I will answer it and when I’m done, I will say “Thank you” and that is your signal that the next question can be asked or you can develop the topic more fully. Thank You.

Help for the homeless

Student: I have a question: You mentioned the holidays; when I was in Chicago a couple days ago, I noticed there are so many homeless people on the street, especially in the downtown area. At first you have sympathy for them, [but] there’s so many of them around that after awhile I find myself wanting for them to maybe not be there. What can we do to change that mindset?

SONDJAH:: Your question is about how you feel and what you can do for these people and this allows us to work on our social network with you. One is with individuals. You are six individuals we are working with now. We, of course, work with you as you work with the remainder of your congregation and your friends and associates, whether it is through the church, or work, or other activity. The second level is at the social level where we, through the Most Highs, have influence in the minds of those who are members of boards, commissions, trustees, deacons and so on, those people who enjoy status at corporate headquarters or ones who we approach with giving more options.

As you know, at no time do we usurp anyone’s free will, but we certainly can give them positive options for decision making in their lives. We do this with the welfare agencies that you have that work with the homeless. Remember, my friend, you are not alone! There are welfare agencies, whether it is United Way or single mothers or destitute men or alcoholics or whatever. You are not alone with this and those people on the streets do have options. It is not as though they have been left without any options. You must realize if you’ve ever been homeless yourself that homelessness is a choice and that if you have no choice then it is because you have mental illness: you have addictions, or you have mental difficulties of one type or another, or emotional strains in your life and your history. Those cases, truly, are very sad.

Your work now, let me help you with this, my friend; your work now is to assist your congregation, your friends and associates, to be aware of these tremendously adverse times, for you too, could become homeless if you were not careful. The times ahead will be most challenging. Our work is to be with you to assist you to develop lives that are sustainable, associations that are sustainable and that you work with us to develop sustainable social policies and action. Do you understand?

Student 1: Yes, that does help. Thank you.

SONDJAH:: We are not going to sweep these people under the bridge and let the tides take them out to the lake, my friend. We care about everyone.

Supporting a spiritual community

Student 2: I am the leader and Pastor of Spirit Space. What guidance, what information as to how I can support my congregation, my spiritual community?

SONDJAH:: Thank you, your question is deeply appreciated. You, as the leader of this flock, have your responsibilities as an individual believer, besides the spiritual leader of your church. To that extent, you must engage in the same types of reflected stillness and meditation as to one of your flock. You are advised to go into stillness, that place of “no thought” at least twice a day for 15 to 20 minutes at a time if possible. We would advise you before entering into stillness to do at least two things: One is to consecrate the space around you and within you; and second to write down your intention, a very, very, simple one for this meditation.

This is a directed activity of stillness so you can be still and the intention will rest in your mind and your spiritual guides, guardians and assistants and others will be there to assist in revealing to you the fulfillment of your intention. We suggest that you keep your intentions small and short term. You may, however, wish to, during your conscious time, write down an extended list or a list of several intentions which are long-term. And then you would go into stillness and ask us to participate with you for fulfilling the short-term aspects of one of those long-term intentions. Do you follow me?

Student 2: Yes, I do.

SONDJAH:: The important thing is to know that even in stillness you may not hear anything, you may not have voices speak to you, but it is more like a post hypnotic suggestion that will occur in your future within a day or so, a revelation or an “ah-ha” moment, where you have an insight into something that you seek, something that you had questions about, something that you had posed a question about in your intention. Your openness to do this is enhanced by your curiosity and your anticipation. These are most helpful to you as energy features that empower your intention and the answers thereof.

What to expect concerning Dec. 21, 2012

Student 1: I have a question. We’ve heard so much talk about Dec. 21stwhich is coming up in a few days and we know it is winter solstice. Can you tell us if there’s anything else that’s important about this date we’ve [been] hearing about?

SONDJAH:: Yes, we’ve had many requests for similar information and we assure you that the 22nd of December will be followed by the 23rd, the 24th and so on. You may think this is titillating and funny but it is actually an assurance that the sun rises every day, that the Lord loves you as he did yesterday, as he will in the eternity of time. The events that you have been hearing about are mostly cultural rather than experiential in the larger realm of your world as it spins and spins in this local universe.

It is auspicious in many ways because we see this era as a closing out of the discovery and exploration and development of programs that we have begun in the late 1980’s and now we have engaged a New Era that will be more in connection with organizations and the expressions of the fulfillment of those teachings and that discovery with you. It is all co-creative. We do not expect any tremendous difficulty; we do not expect any visitations from space visitors, though they have been here for many, many millennia, following the course of humankind over the tens of hundreds of thousands of years. You must realize in many ways that your world is a garden. It is a biological and genetic garden that has been followed for a long time. It is developing and evolving.

Your species too, is evolving. You can anticipate that your species will show some new signs within your lifetime. You have already seen the children—or your own children—who are tremendously advantaged over their parents and over you and over the older generation. They almost seem like they are a new species do they not? We would not anticipate any difficulties with this era that you speak of. And we anticipate that from now until after the New Year that this will be a time of reflection for those who have anticipated travesties and those who have prayed for peace and stability.

The indwelling spirit or Thought Adjuster

Student 1: I have a question about our indwelling spirit, some call it the inner voice, some call it the Thought Adjuster. How important is it to listen to that inner voice?

SONDJAH:: It is extremely important as this is the First Source and Center, the fragment that occupies part of your mind. It is the source of all wisdom in eternity and you have access to that. When you still your mind and put yourself into a place of “no thought” you are re-inviting the presence of God within you, that source within you, to give you guidance and direction and advice and the revelation of opportunities that you may not have seen or would not see. Your way is important to us and you demonstrate your connection to us by those times apart from your own thoughts, apart from your ever-present media. You can evaluate your own progress and your own center of wisdom by noting where you place your attention.

Do you place your intention on several news sources through the hand held device you have or your desktop or laptop? Do you seek validation for your fears? Do you seek validation for your faith? And so you truly determine where your focus is, not us. You determine where your source of relevance is through where you place your intention. It is always a matter of intention. In times of great distress, if I understand your question even further, in times of great distress, many peoples’ minds will be occupied with thoughts and distractions and worry, that they will not hear that still small voice within them. They will not pay attention to that intuitive nudge to do some particular thing, go someplace or to be still or to stay home. And so, you determine your survivability by where you place your attention.

How to recognize our guides?

Student 3: What I would like to know is when we have the chatter and the chatter keeps going, how to we quiet the chatter and know that our guides are with us? How do we hear our guides and to know it is our guides? How do we recognize you?

SONDJAH:: it is a matter of discernment. If you asked your friend, Jim, to borrow his study book from the Melchizedek School, there is a lesson on discernment. If you are hearing voices in your mind, when your mind is still, then listen to them. What are they telling you? Are they telling you to hurt yourself, to hurt others? If that is the case, than that is not any of us. It is a matter of discerning, listening carefully to the message. Is it your own mind, is it something you want to hear, something you want to reassure yourself about? Or is it truly of God? Is it of the divine, of a celestial, of the angelic? They all reveal themselves by their messages. It is much like determining the varieties of hummingbirds and you do so by the patterns and the colors and you know one species of one variety from another because of that.

So, too, should you discern those voices and messages in your mind. Your God loves you. Your God would not visit you with any harm. The difficulties that you have in your life are the same for everyone. These are issues that build your character to make moral and ethical decisions and to be of service or not. As for the chatter, you need to speak to your mind, dear one. You are the captain of your mind, you are the captain of the ship, you are the one that tells your mind what to think and when not to. It’s most unfortunate that many in your generation never have been told the secrets of mind management and that is simply to be in charge. If you’re a first grade teacher or a teacher in any class, you get the children’s attention and say, “Be Still!”

And the good students will be still. So, too, your mind seeks discipline. It is much like children who like to test the rules because they are looking for guidance for boundaries, for limits. When you go to bed at night and your mind is busy, simply be still and tell your mind, “Be still!” And say it with vehemence. Say it with strength of character. Say it with meaning that you want it to quiet its unruly behavior, to still itself so you can go to sleep peacefully. So, too, in a meditation space, you can speak powerfully to your mind, you can speak vehemently to it and smack your hands together and get its attention. It is an unruly child. You are in charge of your mind, dear one. We hope this helps you.

Student 1: Do we have anything else?

Being comfortable with the TRing process

SONDJAH:: This is not unusual for a first time meeting to have observations on your part, to the participants to be still, to be listening, to be evaluating, to be reflecting upon what is said, to be discerning of the message and this is how it should be. As you become more comfortable with this venue and with my presence, you will become more at ease with this or comfortable as with a new friend whom you have invited over for coffee to get to know them. As you would ask the question about them, ask them how they fit in and how they like the community and so on. It is not much different with us. We find however, that most mortals are very reticent to be so familiar with us. You are most welcome to, as part of the process is to be comfortable.


Student 1: Thank you, Sondjah, I think that’s all the questions we have. Perhaps next time we may be able to touch on sustainability. Thanks again and thanks to Daniel. That’s all we have on this end.

Students: Thank you, Sondjah.

SONDJAH:: You are most welcome. Thank you for your time and your patience and your forbearance for this primitive form of communication which one day you will realize how primitive it is after you cross over. Many blessings to you and we will look forward to further discussion. Good night.

Students: Good Night.

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