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ARC267- Our Lives Mirror the Universe

2008-04-28-Our Lives Mirror the Universe
Arcadia #267


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Our Lives Mirror the Universe
o 1.2 Group: Arcadia TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: JarEl
o 2.2 TR: George B.
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: Our Lives Mirror the Universe
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: George B.


Larry: Dear Father, thank you for bringing this group together. Thank you for all the blessings you’ve bestowed on each one of us, please help all of us to be good stewards of these blessings. Help us to do your will. We love you Father. In Christ Michael’s name, Amen.

JAREL:  George/JarEl: Good evening. It is I, your teacher JarEl. It is good to be back once more. And I would like to welcome those who have not been here for a while and those who are here for the first time.


JAREL:  The choices that you’ve all made in your lives, the decisions that you have pondered on have led you not only to this place and this moment in your life, but many potential and future moments that have yet to be discovered. You’ve already set the wheels in motion, to put yourself in a situation you will be most valuable in. And that is how things are done in this universe. It is always done with preplanning and predetermination. Never are things done impulsively or at the spur of the moment. And therefore, your lives, mirror the way the universe works.

You have begun projects that are beginning to show fruit just now. But these are projects that you began a good while back. And in the same instance, you are beginning projects just now which you will not see the fruit of until years from now. But you have learned to be patient, you have learned to watch as things change. No longer are you impulsive. No longer are your actions misdirected. Everything in your life has a purpose, and you put in purpose everything that you do. So your time is not wasted as it was in your past.

Even so, you are human and you do from time to time divert back to your old ways, but, that is to be expected. You are not perfect and neither do you claim to be perfect, so, it is something that is natural for you.

Nonetheless, you have all brought with you these internal projects that you know in your hearts of hearts are very important to this world. Even though some of you may not feel that it is right to share this project just now, you know deep down inside that what you do is important. And I am not one to guide you or direct you in a certain way. These are your ideas that you should fulfill, that you should follow and they will mean something even though many of the ideas that you have are but glimpses, they can be made manifest into this world and you know now that it takes time to create this reality.

But with this experience, you can create this reality, you can create what is in your thoughts and with that knowledge you are equipped to go out into this world and change realities all around you. I do not need to tell you how important this is, for you already know it, for you already experienced this. And therefore, you have the knowledge of its values, of its worth.

And as I see this group, I see individual paths, individual lives, unique to each other. You all have different paths to travel, but each path takes you down a road where you will do good. And every path, every road, every reality that you create is just as important as the other. No one person is more important than another. You are all attempting to fulfill the Father’s will. You all find the truth within yourselves and you all define the Father’s will within yourself. And so if you have seen this from a perspective that is higher, you will realize that you are all working towards the Father’s will. He is working through each and every one of you in very different ways, in very unique ways, in very important ways. And that is what makes all of you special and unique. And for the rest of your lives you will feel these unique imprints of God on you.

You will never be lost among the thousands of millions and billions of celestial beings that exist, for you will always have that unique imprint, that uniqueness that God loves.
And one day, you will also come to love as well. You are all learning and growing in this world, and as you pass from this world, you will continue to learn and grow and much of this growth has to do with self-worth, self-love. And there’s always that possibility that you may not love yourself as much. But all of this will change as you grow, as you learn, as you feel the strength of God all around you, as you feel His love penetrate you and your soul. You will learn to love yourself.

For He loves you, unconditionally. Despite all your flaws and all the mistakes you have made, He loves you. But He loves you more when you learn to love yourself, when you learn to appreciate the things that are around you. He loves you more when you learn to love your neighbors, your brothers, your sisters. He loves you more when you no longer hate.
So I come back to the choices that you make, the decisions that you have put into motion. And you have decided in some past decision that you will find God, that you will build your soul. And all this has been put into motion, and all this is on your path of reality. And it will happen.

It is just a matter of time. It is inevitable that it will happen, because you have chosen to do just that. So remember that your choices are what make who you are and the decisions that you make will help shape your future life. And all of the decisions you have made have been shaping your life thus far. And they will continue to do so until the very last choice you make. And this will happen on some far off distant future that is too remote to even perceive, but you can begin to imagine; although, everything that you could possibly imagine about the moment of being face-to-face with God would be too fleeting, too vague, and dream-like, that it will not make any sense to you.

But rest assured, as you progress inward, this imagination will become more real, will become more defined, as you travel inward. Once you reach the Einalitor stage you can begin to more accurately imagine how this final meeting with God will be. But if you are ill-equipped at this moment to imagine, do not beat yourself up, it is not your fault, it is simply a matter of knowledge that you have yet to acquire. Are there any questions here tonight?


Joe: I’ll ask one I guess. This might sound a little weird, but, what does it mean (pause), this is going to sound really weird when someone has a grey, translucent, transparent,.blinking halo over their head?

JAREL:  George/JarEl: You have seen this?

Joe: Yeah.3 months ago.

JAREL:  George/JarEl: Some people have elevated their frequency. They are not quite to a point where they are fully spiritual, but they are getting there. What you are seeing is part of an aura similar to what Adam and Eve had when they were in the Garden. It is a natural glow that is given off when an individual is doing the Father’s will. It is a connection that he has, he or she has with God, the circuits, and the eternal spirit.

Joe: It just happens randomly or.?

JAREL:  George/JarEl: It is not a random thing. Individuals either have it or will not have it. This sort of phenomenon would not be given over to a child who has not yet sought the will of God. It happens to those who are actively searching for the truth and who are actively participating in the will of God.

Joe: Thanks.

JAREL:  George/JarEl: You’re welcome. Are there any more questions?

Stella: Yes, JarEl, I did not choose to have this happen to me, whereby I had, was given some medication that caused severe problems with my fingers. I am not able to use them. I don’t know if I’ll be able to.well what am I supposed to learn from this? And will I get over it because I feel as though I have a severe setback and I’m just wondering what the future is going to hold for me with this hand the way it is.

JAREL:   George/JarEl: I sympathize with your current situation. And what you should learn or what other people should learn is that there are people who make mistakes on this world. None of you are yet perfect. You are all very much fallible and can easily destroy a person’s life by the decisions that you make. So therefore, you should be careful when making decisions that affect others. And you should take serious consideration when you are responsible for someone else. It is unfortunate what has happened to you. It should not have happened to you, but it did. And accidents do happen. And this is not something that you chose, nor is it something that you want, but, it is a part of your life now. And there are many options that you have; many decisions that you can make to move forward.

And regardless of what happened you are making decisions that will ultimately affect others for the good. And I know that none of this will ultimately help you with the problem that you have, but if you can look at it from a higher perspective and see that many of you in this room will be subject to mistakes, misdiagnosis, misprognosis and accidents of time, simply because your human race has not yet perfected itself. And many of you will die of this. If you look at it from a higher point of view, you will see the need for your planet to uplift itself and change, and come more into the stage of Light and Life.

You will see this urgent need for your entire planet to elevate itself, so not only your nation prospers but all nations prosper. And there will no longer be rich and poor. And all peoples will dedicate themselves to bettering themselves, learning, and sharpening their minds and perhaps in some far out distant future no longer will humans be that fallible where they can make such mistakes as they have made with you. But this is not the reality in which you live. And this is why you need the changes.

But there is no individual lesson that you need to learn from this Stella, this is a lesson for everyone, for all of humanity. And these lessons continue to be injected into your world, everyday, millions of people die because of mistakes. Millions of people needlessly die because of mistakes. And it is a sad thing to witness, but it is where your world is now, and, it needs to change.

Pato: Can I ask a question JarEl?

JAREL:   Yes.

Pato: Well first, I want to say, good evening. My question at the moment is, the Urantia movement seems to be functioning in various directions and I guess my question is, is there anything from the spiritual viewpoint of the beings who are on this planet helping us as a (inaudible), is there anything we should be doing as a movement right now to help further the cause toward light and life?

JAREL:  George/JarEl: From a spiritual point of view, my friend, you see this movement as going through a metamorphosis with many changes on the side, and yes in wide and various directions which it should be. Many individuals are taking on individual projects. And when this metamorphosis concludes, the change will be drastic and beautiful, it will blossom into something greater than any organized group could imagine. What you should be doing to bring this world into an age of Light and Life is to continue to grow inside, to grow as individuals spiritually, to bringing the will of God into your lives, and to bring man closer to a brotherhood. And you are all capable of doing this. And many of you have already begun this.

But from our point of view, from our perspective, we see many of you in a cocoon stage. You have this inside of you, you have this knowledge, this wisdom, this revelation, and you are digesting and it is moving in through your soul and changing you in many ways and you are like a cocoon and you will metamorphose into something beautiful. And that is how we see this movement at this time. It has not yet found its glory, its grace. It has not yet spread its wings and shown its true colors, those beautiful colors, it has yet to leave its safe place and fly into the heavens so the light catches it and the world sees how beautiful this movement is. It has yet to do all of these things because it is simply changing and growing inside. And you must allow this to continue, you must allow people to find their voice, to find their colors.

Dennis: I have a question. Will this be a correct statement that those native to a local sphere are allowed to violate another’s free will because it is a part of the evolutionary process?

JAREL:  George/JarEl: This is not a true statement altogether. It is not that they are allowed, it is that they are not stopped. But violating someone’s freewill ultimately comes back to you. It affects you in various ways, in negative ways. You cannot freely violate people’s wills with no consequences whatsoever. The consequences ultimately catch up to you.

Dennis: If there was someone not native to the local sphere that attempted to violate someone’s freewill, what, would that be stopped?

JAREL:  George/JarEl: Yes.

Dennis: If someone not native to this sphere made an agreement with someone else native to this sphere and that individual violated someone else’s freewill, then that’s kind of a loophole, so to speak?

JAREL:  George/JarEl: Proxy.

Dennis: Yes.What would be done in that circumstance?

JAREL:  George/JarEl: The individual who is coerced is ultimately responsible, and also the individual who coerced is responsible. All of this is recorded, nothing goes unseen or unheard. The consequences always catch up to them. Everything that you do in this universe gets recorded. Nothing is hidden, and therefore you should not hide. And those who attempt to hide are ultimately found and have to answer for what they do.

Dennis: Thank you.

JAREL:  George/JarEl: You’re welcome. Are there any more questions here tonight?

Father Manuel: I have a question here JarEl. During the last week or so, I have been be- coming aware of so much beauty, so many things that just became clear to me from my history and it just filled me with a deep sense of gratitude. And made me feel a sense of awe and wanting to thank God in a deep, grateful way. And in fact, I did it, I tried to thank the Father, thank Jesus and my question would be if you have a more direct access to them, to communicate with them because of maybe these imperfections, because of my imperfections, I just wanted to ask you to transmit that feeling of gratitude on my part, to Michael this feeling of love, feeling of awe and I wanted to ask or to share.


JAREL:  George/JarEl: Thank you for sharing this. Rest assured they are aware of your deepest intentions and your gratitude towards them. There is no need to go through me my friend. They hear you loud and clear. They perceive you and they love you. They embrace you and they appreciate the flowers that you give them. But they see this coming from you. They see these beautiful offerings that you give. Yes, my connection with them is more direct, but, that does not mean, yours isn’t. Yours is just as direct as mine is. You are just as capable of communicating with them as I am. They very much appreciate your beautiful gestures towards them, and they will continue to watch you and bless you. And with that, I bid you all goodnight.

Group: Goodnight JarEl.

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