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ARC281- Many Born Now Have Added Nonverbal Communication

2009-03-01-Many Born Now Have Added Nonverbal Communication
Arcadia #281


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Many Born Now Have Added Nonverbal Capacity
o 1.2 Group: Arcadia TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: JarEl
o 2.2 TR: George B.
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: Many Born Now Have Added Nonverbal Capacity
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: George B.


Prayer: Donna: Father God thank you for this group gathered here tonight. Thank you for the lessons that JarEl is going to give us. Please open our minds and our hearts to hear the truths that he speaks. And thank you for all of the blessings in our lives. Help us to be good stewards of those blessings. In Michael’s name, Amen.

JAREL: : TR, George: Good evening. It is I, your teacher JarEl.

Student:  Welcome.

JAREL:  It is good to be back again and I would like to welcome those who are here for the first time.


JAREL:  In your life’s journey you will discover that you will come upon many individual lives, individual hearts, that may have their own way of expressing themselves. And, if you are intelligent you will be receptive to these expressions, you will be open to their feelings, to their attitudes, to their way of thinking. For only in the receiving can you place yourself to give. If you were to be antagonistic to any other point of view, you have lost all opportunity to communicate with that individual soul.

It is too easy to become dogmatic and stagnant in your way of thinking. It is too easy to fall into a belief system that gives you all the answers and simply tells you that everyone else is wrong. It is more difficult to search for truth. Not only truth in a particular religion, but truth in all life and in all religions, even truth in what you consider mythology. There is truth all around you that connects you and that binds you as a people, as a culture. What separates you are your individual belief systems when they are dogmatic and crystallized and tell you that the other is wrong.

But there are still so many things that you do not know. How can you absolutely be right? You must allow yourself that room to grow, to learn and to mature. You must know that you do not know everything and that there is still much more to learn. The universe is full of secrets and truths that will be discovered in time and yet you do not know much of this. So how can you absolutely be right about this one thing, this truth?

When I died from my mortal existence I was unprepared by the realities that were presented to me. For in our world, our belief structure limited us to our understanding of the universe. It was only after I died that I began to learn the truth, not only about myself but about things – things that matter to our world, reasons why our world was the way it was. But I wasn’t angry afterwards for how I had been misled. I simply came to understand our shortcomings. I used that as an opportunity to move forward, take a leap of faith and learn what the universe has to offer. In such a way must all of you allow this to happen. For if you set yourself up with absolute dogma, then you are just setting yourself up for failure. For it truly hurts to realize that much of what you have come to believe in is not exactly what you thought it was.

Despite all of the differences that you have in this world, God loves all of you just the same. He urges all of you to move forward and to stay connected and to grow not only in your own respective religions, but to grow as a people, as a community, as a world.

Everyone in this world has so much to offer one another. Do not waste it with petty bickering and insolvency. You are all much better than that and you can simply look beyond the minor disagreements and focus on the things that unite you as a people, the things that you have in common, the things that give you all worth and value. For you all do have worth and value. And beyond that you will come to know the truth, you will find the grace of God in all your life, in all your dealings, and you will come to know Him as Father. Are there any questions here tonight?


John: JarEl, in my supreme study of becoming one with my Thought Adjuster, I believe and I have faith that this past weekend in my spiritual undertakings in Tijuana, Mexico, I had stumbled across a discovery of some sort of a technique to communicate with my Thought Adjuster. I really believe that I’m stumbling onto something that I don’t really understand, but I’m confident that something’s happening, something’s changing in a very sure, positive, progressive way or manner.

Now my thoughts are (and this just occurred to me – it’s been popping up a little bit in my head, along with this) that I’m a blabbermouth, okay? I can’t – I have a hard time taking my time, I guess you would say, when I’m talking to people about this and I guess it’s a very private thing for each individual and perhaps a little restraint would be in order, as far as… I want everybody to experience this too and feel the joy I’m feeling with it, but I’m also realizing that maybe I’ve got to be a little bit careful because I might be scaring people away. Because, you know, maybe it’s coming out a little too strong? Do you have any thoughts about this?

JAREL: : TR, George: You are growing wise in your understanding of human nature. In your quest to communicate with your own Thought Adjuster, you have gathered insight into not only your own personal reaction towards this phenomenon, but also from the reactions of others in their inability to experience what you are currently experiencing. And this may sometimes produce negative results, unlike what you were hoping for. In other words, people sometimes get jealous over the ability that some possess.

But it is no more than a technique that you have come to utilize, and some have even come to master. This technique is not exclusive to anyone, it is not exclusive to you. This technique is available to all people and everyone can come to experience what you are experiencing. But you must be careful in how you present this. For it might come off as ‘you are special’ or ‘you are chosen’ as you have said.

But the truth of the matter is that everyone is capable of this sort of communication. Everyone can learn to be a child of God. Everyone can communicate with their Thought Adjuster. It is simply a matter of technique and practice. It is not a gift, it is not because you are ‘special’. It is simply a matter of fact that everyone has this ability, at least the potential. So your insight into coming off strong to others is correct.

And I would advise you to continue with your communication with your Thought Adjuster, but not be so public about it. For it is a private matter. It is between you and God. And you will learn, my friend, as time progresses, how to not only communicate with your Thought Adjuster, but with your fellow human beings on this planet and how to put them at ease with your own personal relationship with God. When you deal with others, highlight their own ability to do this. Make them feel as though they too are capable of achieving this level of experience and communication. For it is true that they are – it is true that they are most capable.

It is simply a matter of will or a matter of entitlement. Some feel that they are not worthy to have this communication with God, so they use others as proxies – other indirect ways of reaching God. And if you put them at ease and explain to them that they are just as worthy, then the better you can explain the technique by which they can accomplish this. Have I made myself clear?

John: You’ve taught me something again JarEl. Thank you.

JAREL: : You are welcome. Are there any other questions?


JAREL:  Before I go I would like to elaborate a little bit more on what I’ve just explained and attach to it another ability that is potential within all human beings. And this is communication with individuals as I, even Michael, or other Teaching Mission advisors. There has been a decree to open up communications via circuits to this planet and by such a condition we have been allowed to bring forth new information to this planet and also to expand upon what has been written in The Urantia Book.

However, that is not all that many of you have to look forward to. For it has already begun in your world that many children who are being born have added abilities of nonverbal communication with one another, much as Adam and Eve had when they were on this planet. And this is simply a matter of evolution, of your species evolving to a singular point where much of this is being unlocked and this will be available to future generations.

When all the races have improved the functioning of the human body will be that much more advanced. So what is being displayed here now is just the beginning of what you all are capable of. There are no limits in this universe. The only limit exists in your mind and what you think you can do. And with that I leave you. Goodnight.

All: Goodnight JarEl.

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