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BBK050605- Prepare Your Rational Minds

2005-06-05.  Prepare Your Rational Minds

Black Brook #050605

Topic: Prepare Your Rational Minds
Group: Black Brook TeaM
Teacher: Raziel
TR: Silvana de Almeida

RAZIEL: Greetings, I am Raziel: Welcome, members (of the Group, the Mission). Every presence is necessary, every presence is now awaited. What you need is to prepare, guide yourselves. It is necessary that you research, deal with certain matters among you, it is necessary that the supervisor of this work hand to the channels (T/R’s) what has already been published, so that they stick to those terms and know what is being spoken.

RAZIEL:  The necessary elements have already been transmitted to you. For these basics to evolve, it is necessary that you know it, and for this reason you must prepare as a group through reading and comprehension; examine the terms you do not understand. This is already an effective aspect, as many others will be awaited. Since all vibrate in the same bandwidth, the first and the last will have the same equivalence; what distinguishes them is that the first will have the experience and will be sharers.

All of you have been feeling preparations, changes are abundant and deep, on the physical level as well as in the mental, psychological and emotional planes. The task supervisor must keep attentive to all forms of channeling, to all kinds of signals. This Mission is a long task, but it is extremely gratifying for those invited, waited or volunteers. You are universal workers without distinctions or nomenclatures. Prepare you rational minds knowing what is coming, but not concentrating with exemption (?); this is not yet known by human beings. The magnitude of the tasks still extrapolates your understanding and the necessary care you must take in this moment.

Fear continues to be the main hurdle to loving belief. Keep alert, many things will come, not all of them real, that is why you will be trained; trained with the terms and expressions and for this reason you must discuss, discuss your experiences, discuss your doubts, so that through this sharing of facts one may come close to a satisfactory reality.
All of you have the potential, this point is receiving the energy necessary to develop, but its development depends only upon you. It is granting, yes, it is sharing too, but no sacrifice. The Epoch and Era of pain is finished, you must face each and every experience as a generator of truth and wisdom. Your supervisor is the link, each one will have a role, this role is played by your personalities as living human beings on planet earth.

You have received inspiration since the moment of your birth, to get ready for the beginning of a glorious journey; you are already on your way, your steps must be self-assured, solemn and stable. I greet you in the name of the bigger Love, that you may receive all the necessary to be with us, and that you may follow this path side by side with us. That is what we desire, that is what we hope.


Translated by Frederico Galvao in Brasilia, 19 June 2005

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