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BKF5- Phase Two: A New Life of Adventure

1998-12-23-Phase Two: A New Life of Adventure
Bakersfield #5


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Phase Two: A New Life Adventure
o 1.2 Group: Bakersfield TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Andrea
o 2.2 TR: Jack
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Phase Two: A New Life Adventure
Group: Bakersfield TeaM
Teacher: Andrea
TR: Jack

ANDREA: Hello, everyone, this is Andrea. In a few days you will be celebrating your season of gifts that each year comes and goes as mortals give to others with loving care and thoughts of what the season means to everyone. It is not the true date of birth of him that we serve, but we, as your celestial friends, understand that you have set aside this time for the observance of our Master’s birthday. You mortals have carried this tradition for many, many years, and we join with you in the celebration of those that worship and asked his guidance through the years up to and including the present time and date.

ANDREA: He knows many things that pertain to each and every one, and his guidance is without deviation of those things that he wishes. It is straightforward and in the simplest form that can be presented to a mortal when the request for guidance is made for him to lead you through the times that each one is going through. We all understand the conditions that now prevail in worshiping and praying to him and offering your thanks for the year that has passed and offering to him your willingness to serve and be his servant as it requires.

This is done from you with your freewillingness to accept the words he speaks, the words we bring to you, and the truth of fellowship for everyone. But it is more to the point when it is given to each one as brothers and sisters that are trying to do the will of our Father and him to bring about this universe to the way He wishes it to be. We all understand your desires and devotions, your trials and tribulations that each one has. But it is through these efforts that you have had that you have learned many things in regards to your spirituality and the way you want to be and the way you want to live. Even at this point there are still questions that each one has that can only be answered by Him for you to be as He wishes you to be.

It takes a lot of courage on each mortal’s part to ask the questions that they have when it comes to analyzing yourselves and accepting the words and answers as they present themselves to you. There will be many times that you wish the answer would be yes, but truly the answer is no. It takes a lot of courage on each individual’s part to accept the answers that are given, just from your own knowledge of your wants and your determination to settle the questions that present themselves to you.

But as you travel down this road of life there are many things that are laid out in front of you which will take your willingness, your devotion, love, and understanding to accomplish and rid yourself of those negative thoughts that you have. You are being led down this road of life to begin your life anew and from now on forsake all those mistakes and misunderstandings of the past. Take your new life and grasp hold with both hands and hang on for dear life. I know this is a crude way of saying it, but I am trying to encourage you to savor all of this new life that has been given so freely and lovingly to you. I am not trying to discourage you in any way. I am only trying to help and guide you through this road of life that you seek so desperately in the truth and understanding that have been given you, not only in the text you read, but from all other sources where truth does exist.

You are beginning this new life of understanding, and there will be times that we will speak the words and you will not quite understand what we are saying, but if you will stop for a moment and think deeply on the words that have been presented, you will be able to understand more and more of what we bring. This is one of the things that was referred to; that your learning would be more deeply involved is the fact of your development as you progress from day to day. Again, I am here to help and I wish to be able to guide and direct you in your attempts to progress in this new learning, and this goes for everyone. This new adventure is a wonderful adventure if you will give it a chance to learn and be what They wish you to be.

Your goals have been set. Now you are working toward these goals even if you do not quite realize what you are doing. But face each day as though you are living a new life because you are living a new life. What has happened yesterday and the day before, that is in the past. So, from now on you will learn something new as the days progress. Take advantage of those things you have learned from your lessons of the past and develop your knowledge from those experiences to help foster your beliefs and understanding of the way They wish you to be and understand.

Well, I will call it an evening because the night is progressing, and you need your rest for tomorrow’s chores that each one must perform. And with this, I will say good evening to all. With God’s love and Godspeed, we will be together again in the near future, I am sure, but for now I will say farewell to all. This is Andrea. Farewell.

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