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BUT67- Head Hunting

1999-09-14-Head Hunting
Butler PA #67


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Head Hunting
o 1.2 Group: Butler TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Tomas
o 2.2 TR: Gerdean
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Dialogue
 3.1.1 Adventure
 3.1.2 Reserve Corps of Destiny
 3.1.3 Ascension Career

Topic: Head Hunting
Group: Butler TeaM
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Gerdean


STUDENT: I am living in this world at this time such that I sense already the passing of the Agondonter status and I begin to long for the adventure of the more uncertain realm — if such can be imagined than this world — but I already sense the settled and secure nature, so much of our world, and the opportunity for contact with another planet at an earlier stage of development, for whatever reason, attracts me, and yet I wouldn’t want it to interfere with the direct consummation of my life with the Father. So I was more concerned, mainly, because of the appearance of conflict between proceeding to fusion and postponing for adventure.

TOMAS: My son, my friend, you have something in common with me — you want the best of both worlds. Yes, I too longed for such an experience when I was a mortal on my native world, for I was in an advanced segment of an advanced civilization, but we were rather segregated from far more barbaric tribes or less civilized societies and my work took me into those more primitive realms to study their somewhat backward behaviors.

Perhaps you need to consider a temporal career that will allow for you to go into some of the less civilized areas, even here upon Urantia, for whereas you can find great pockets of civility and even gentility on your continent, you can also find areas of deep need and very uncivilized behaviors that cry out for counsel, guidance, direction, assistance, and a serious infusion of spiritual reality. The adventure you long for is available on Urantia. I can testify to that because I am here and I find the adventure of being in this outpost universe as stimulating as any adventure I have been on — full of opportunity and challenges, such that I am continually discovering yet new ways to learn to serve.

Reserve Corps of Destiny

TOMAS:  But I would like to point out to you the value of the reserve corp-ist who will be experienced at thwarting default as being a skilled spiritual warrior who holds more worth than he who negotiates a default or rebellion after the fact. This is a level of adventure that calls to the spiritual hunter indeed. The call to serve in these realms of potential danger to the soul of the one who is contemplating the decision as well as the souls of all who will be influenced by the decision under consideration, is life threatening to many. This is real head-hunting, my son, and although it may appear to be civilized, it is critical work indeed, and calls for a man/woman of clear and steady purpose. Perhaps if you were to look upon your own sphere and branch out into the jungles of your own society, you would find more than enough adventure to whet your appetite and to serve Michael’s natal sphere. I urge you, at any rate, to take some comfort in the opportunities that are presented to you here, for as you become a skilled hunter of hearts, you will be able then to take these trophies of accomplishment into your future existences and use these experiential skills in your safari’s on high.

Ascension Career

It will be some time before you leave the local universe and the creative drawing boards are busy with opportunities for you to not only grow by an upward adventure, but also by occasionally serving your lesser developed brothers and sisters through organized channels of service that allow for you to work down; that is, to teach to those behind you what you have learned, whether or not it involves another world. How wonderful to find such an eager worker in the field, and who is not afraid of getting his hands dirty in the work of the Lord!

And then, of course, we all can speculate and look forward to that eternal day away when we are (if we are) mustered into the Corp of the Finality and possibly, as is occasionally speculated, begin to gather experience in the development of entirely new worlds and galaxies in time and space. There will be no lacking for adventurous experiences as long as we are in service to these beneficent creators who have unlimited designs upon your life and ours and upon the universe.

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