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BUT86- Love

Butler PA #86


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Love
o 1.2 Group: Butler TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Tomas
o 2.2 TR: Gerdean
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: Love
Group: Butler TeaM
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Gerdean


TOMAS: Tomas here. Good evening, my very fine children, loyal students. Wonderful it is again to be in your company and to appreciate with you the loyal steadfastness of those of us who find our core reality in the Spirit of Truth. We grant each other that respect which is born of our association with our Creator/Father Michael. This sublime association enables us to endure all things, hope all things, in company with one another and in understanding of our yearnings.


TOMAS:  Our Father/Brother made man to reflect divinity, even in the most mundane aspects of existence, for even the mundane aspects of existence are a reflection of the every-where-ness of God. You have had the opportunity, I know, to look through a microscope. You have looked at, perhaps, the palm of your hand in front of a bright light and seen the red of the blood of your fingers shine through, highlighting your bones, your vessels, your pores. The mystery and the magic and the miracle of the creation of the human form is astounding, as is the simple leaf and the intricate rose.

All of this creation has gone on before you and without you. The universes are within their prescribed range and functioning at their notable pace. The circuits are all operable and information and life is flowing through them, whether or not you are aware. Pray thee, sit back on occasion, and recognize how much of life goes on without your help, and bask in the beauty of the system that allows you, in your work, in your time, to be as perfectly harmonized as is all of life in the universe, in its own time and in its own space.

Take time to love. Take time to know what love is. Take time to expand your understanding of divine love, and know that love is food, love is fuel. It is from whence you come. It is that which you hunger for. That is what satisfies your soul. That is your eternal aim and goal. Love.

Our Father is love. Even though he is intelligence and energy and order and design, ad infinitum, it is also and unerringly true that God is love, and when you seek for God you seek for that which will round you out and allow you to know perfection. Seek love now, in your own heart, in your own being, in your own awareness, in your own universe, in your own frame of reference, in your own relationships, animate and inanimate, spiritual, mortal or personal. And when you have come to an impasse where you can no longer identify the need for love, pray that you be shown another door, another avenue, another passage of the incredible love that will feed you, entertain you, delight you, nourish you, stimulate you, encourage you, challenge you and fulfill you for worlds to come.

I love you. I love to spend time with you. I love to see your loyal efforts, your integrity and your sincerity. I love to see your struggles in self-mastery, and I have not begun to know the levels of love that are known by our Father/Brother Michael who has within him Our Eternal Father’s love, and in time we too will know it in fullness. Know it in fullness for yourself, today, and rejoice. Are there questions?


THOROAH: No, just a comment that this love that is everything, I guess that is why it seems so far out of reach in one sense, because it is so awesome. Just listening to what you just described is just a little representation of that love, and that is so awesome. It’s . .. I just don’t know what to think about love! I’ve been trying to relate to love for a long time, and every time I get a good whiff of it, it’s overwhelming.

TOMAS: : Then take smaller sniffs, my son, and develop a fondness for divine love in such dosages that you are able to build up an immortal immunity and you will not be so allergic to something so good for you. The study of love, as it has been understood by you on this world, is a study, in large part, in travesty and betrayal. It is a travesty to say “I love you” and then turn around and abuse you. The heart yearns to know true love, pure love, unconditional love, acceptance, even of its imperfection, and humanity is incessantly buying and selling love for results. And so your human frame of reference for what love is will fall short indeed.

You must find your definition of love within the heart of Jesus — the love he manifested for his mother, his father, his brothers, his sisters, his neighbors, his friends, his co-workers, his fellow-travelers, his Father in heaven, his elders in the spiritual hierarchy, his own role as a Creator Son. In these examples of association, it is apparent how Jesus loved, and each love affair was unique unto itself.

Love is not exclusive to the ethereal realms, the divine realms, for the divine can be infused even into the most mundane experiences and relationships, elevating them to be more than they were. But many of your routine mortal associations are bereft of the conscious acknowledgment of deity or divine love in any context, given the nature of the world and the condition of its spiritually blind people.

Even so, you can find love in these relationships, in these associations, in as much as each one is indwelt by divinity and each one has a facet about them that is able to be adored and that can give rise to an increased self-respect within the individual that can enliven and enlighten his or her appreciation for life itself, for truth, or beauty or goodness, even though we may not have the opportunity to praise God consciously in the process. It is a spiritual experience, even so, for it involves love, and where love is, there God is also. Ask Michael. Let us ask him together.


TOMAS:  Master, Michael, we would learn of you more of this that we call love. We understand that you love us and that you love our Father, but in so many ways this is just a word that leaves us hungering for the greater reality. Help us to open our hearts, Father/God, to the Reality of Love, the essence of your being, so that this divine love can flow through us as if it were blood, bringing nourishment to every part of us. Give us that sense, Father, that without love we would be barren, we would have no sense of warmth flowing in our veins.

Teach us, by being with us, what love is. Help us to understand the nature of love by letting us learn to love you, Most sublime example, and by accepting your love and your lessons that will also enable us to stir the fire of love between each other and your sheep. Teach us, Father, what love is and show us how to do this love, and be this love. Amen


TOMAS: : And farewell.

THOROAH: Farewell, Tomas. Thank you.

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