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CDT16 – Evergreen

2008-03-24  Evergreen/Conifer Co-Creative Design Team, – CDT#16
Evergreen, Colorado

Teacher: Sondjah Melchizedek

TR: Daniel Raphael

March 24, 2008

SONDJAH: Good evening friends, this is Sondjah. Thank you for your presence here tonight, it is good to join with you once more. This evening’s session brings us almost full circle to complete the superficial way that we have been engaging this topic, even after all these several months. We have almost completed the work that we would do, touching upon all the major elements of the Co-Creative Design Team process.

Tonight we will do two things: First of all, we would like you to re-examine your intentions for being in an intimate relationship, a relationship that you chose to work in. This is a re-visitation to those original intentions, which we hope you have written down and that you could re-examine. In light of all the weeks that we have been working on relationships, values, beliefs, intentions, expectations and the criteria for performance, you should have a much better idea whether your intentions were realistic or not. This is a time of appraisal and adjustment of your intentions.

In a thoughtful relationship, you would do this with your partner. If you are a single person, then you would do this by yourself, but you would do it very deliberately and very methodically. You may want to invite a friend, who is also single, who has similar intentions, to help you examine your intentions for being in this relationship, to reassess your first intention and to reformulate a new intention, if it needs adjustment, which we would expect you to do. This is the first part.

The second part of tonight’s work is to examine the columns of work that each team worked on last time. We would ask the teams to come together, but as we are a small group tonight, we will do this in this group as it is, but you will do it consciously and aloud, comparing notes with each other between the teams. That is the summary of what we will do tonight, after I recede from the group. What we have done in this Co-Creative Design Team, this original team, is to go through all the fundamental steps of the Design Team process in a very superficial way, very quick way, to formulate the various relationships. We have not covered all of the relationships, but you understand the process, and the steps that apply to each one. Were you to now sit down with your friends, you could go through the steps much more quickly, re-examine what you have done—and did not do—and fill in the blanks.

These steps are fundamental to all examinations of all relationships for individuals, for couples, for families, for communities, for states, cities, cultures and a civilization. It is as simple as that, and as difficult as that. The reason why we have engaged you at the individual level and in sub-Teams is simply because if we were in a town meeting, this would take years, whereas we have completed this process in the matter of approximately three months. You have a good idea of what is involved. You can now engage similar questions and formats for other areas of inquiry, whether it is education, medical care, economics, governmental process, and so on. The fundamentals are here. The next step, however, is agonizing and most difficult, and the one that will take the most time, simply because not everyone has this similar interest. There are positions people will take.

The next step you would take in devising and developing your designs would be to participate in a Co-Creative Working Team. The “rub” comes in when you begin to apply that to a community, to a school district, to a policy board, and so on. The difficulty lies in the application of the designs that you have begun. The Working Team Process is another step, which we would be most heartily glad to participate in, when there are individuals who are willing to step forward and do this. As we appraise the situation though, we—though we are not skeptical—believe that our appraisal is accurate that very few people will step forward to actually begin to strive to implement this. There still is much more work to be done on the design part of this program, before application becomes apparent and necessary.

We further believe, as Monjoronson may have explained to you, that necessity will drive communities and states and nations to begin the design and implementation processes, to thoroughly examine what needs to be done in short order, in order to survive and sustain themselves. As we have said, designing for sustainability must be begun now, so that you have an idea of what the designs look like, before it is necessary to implement those designs. Implementation will probably not occur until the necessity of survival, of maintaining an organized society, is necessary and in front of your face, that if society and communities do not engage these processes of sustainability, they will not survive. This sounds rather dire, but we are putting this in dire circumstances, so that you can appreciate the timeliness of your coming forward, to present these designs when they are needed.

We are engaged in the dissemination of this design process throughout the world, at this time. Few really engage this with the seriousness that is necessary, at this point. You will see within the next three years, a much greater emphasis and necessity for engaging the design process and other fronts. You will particularly need to pay attention to healthcare, police-care, emergency services, fire-care and so on, within communities so that they are equitable and fair, and lend themselves towards sustainability. There must be an even balance of sustainable practices in these emergency services, while at the same time, implementing survival procedures and policies, so that you do survive. It is not a complex formula; you will see it clearly when you step back from the emergencies that will confront you in the future.

As we said, we are in a state of Planetary Emergency Management at this time. Monjoronson has implemented the Co-Creative Design Team and the Co-Creative Working Team processes, as a preparation—not as a preventative—but a preparation for the reorganization and stabilization of your communities and societies later on. He has offered an invitation through me to provide further information to you, if you organize your questions to our transcriptionist, who deals with these documents. You have her email and telephone addresses, and you can address your questions to her. These will be collected for an eventual one or two time meeting, by Monjoronson. There is no emergency at this point, simply a period of time for further clarification, edification of material you have received and heard already, and the preparation for thinking ahead.

You must be forward thinking individuals. Some of you have been homemakers all your life; you must or need to think in terms of the larger family of humankind, and how to prepare for their care. You care for your children, now think in terms of caring for thousands of children. How would you organize that? How would you want to sustain them when it is possible to do so? These are questions not just for moms, but also for dads and for singles as well, those without children.

Now I want to emphasize the simplicity of the work that we have done in the last few months. It is quite simple: It could be written out easily in one, two or three pages at most, in a schematic, a simple format. You have now, dozens upon dozens of pages of transcripts from these sessions, and I have requested that this one and others glean the necessary elements and combine them, bring them together in a workbook or a simple to understand format, so that it can be distributed easily, globally, to others, who are concerned.

[Guide to the Co-Creative Design Team Process…. Request a Free PDF format from [email protected]]

You are also working with a very eminent and powerful Archangel, Issah. This is the other part of the equation, that there must be competent, capable TRs in every design and working team, in the future. It is most difficult for teams to move forward without a co-creative dialog with us. We have seen mortals spin off into their own areas of interest and setting to their own agendas, and they need to be brought back to the center, to hone and pinpoint their focus so they move ahead constructively, positively, and do not become frustrated with each other, as you have seen in your own teams here—and these are simply design teams! (Laughter.)

I will entertain any questions you have now, before I recede and let you discuss your revised intentions and compare your schematics for relationships between the teams. Are there questions now?

If you have questions that develop during your discussions, I would be glad to entertain them when we reconvene. We will reconvene before Issah engages you in training this evening. I will now recede and let you engage these two topics and questions.

* * * * * * * * * * *

SONDJAH: This is Sondjah, and we have delightfully enjoyed your conversations, your fervor, your excitement, and your “opinionation.” (Laughter.) We have learned much by being with you and our experience here will assist greatly in the development and the procedure and process of other design teams that originate in other places of the world. I had said that I would engage your questions, and it is obvious that there are several on your lips, or at least in your minds. I wish you to share those with us now, please.

David: You obviously heard my question.

SONDJAH: Please raise it for the audience, who is not here.

David: I’m not sure that I can rephrase it well, but it was something to the effect of “What are you asking me to be involved in this process? I mean, why didn’t you just give us the operation manual and tell us how it’s supposed to work?”

SONDJAH: It has to do with the experience of truth. Truths that are not experienced are not appreciated or ingrained in your being. Truth is something that you feel, that you know, which is intrinsic to your life experience. Truths that are shared by high-minded individuals in manuals mean nothing to you unless you have validated them yourself. The validation of truth, of that which works on a larger scale, is the most important process that we are engaging here. Truly, we could have shared with you this very brief manual long, long, long ago, but who would have listened, who would have engaged it, who would have seen it as a manual for hope?

You who are here have seen that this process does work, and you have engaged it with the thought that there is hope here, that you can make a meaningful contribution. Reading a manual of these truths would not mean much to you. You may see through it, you may be able in fact to engage in your mind in a practical purpose, or with your friends, but would you? By engaging in feeling and experiencing the truth of the process, we know that you have a commitment to it, either as non-committal, or you are highly committed. Those who have not experienced this yet, do not have a way of understanding the truth that you have experienced, other than through vicariously relating to it through the transcripts and through the manual.

There are several ways, in which these truths are being conveyed, so that they can be vicariously experienced and understood by others, and one is through our discussions in these transcripts. The second will be this eventual workbook, (Guide), which will be quite brief, and the other is through the Journal, which this one has kept, though it is of less value than the other two. The work that we are doing must be of such a quality and state of truth that others can relate to it, and accept it as though they were here in these meetings, discussing it with us, and develop the same hope and willingness and commitment and energy, to engage it in their own local community.

This is why we have not shared this as a manual earlier, and this is exactly the same reason why the Creators have not healed your planet of these maladies, these problems, even as vicious and endemic as they are in your world. It would serve little purpose to save people without their experience and their co-creative participation. Your contribution, should you wish to participate in another design team in your local community, would be far more passionate, far more committed and far more effective, by having participated. In addition, those who read the manuals and read the transcripts can come to almost the same point of commitment and passion and hope, as you have while you have been here. We are thankful for your question, and have anticipated it for weeks.

Student: Then you have anticipated my follow-up question too.

SONDJAH: Which is?

Student: Is truth on this planet an absolute, or changeable?

SONDJAH: The truths that are absolute are Divine; the truths that are relative are ones of the mortal realm. There are truths, which you can aspire to as a mortal, but the truths that work in your society are the truths that are transitory and evolutionary. You must go through the stages of truth to appreciate them and live them. Evolutionary truth is something that you experience through your life. The truths of your childhood are not the truths of your adolescence or the truths of your early adulthood, and certainly not the truths as you know them now.

For one to truly appreciate the Divine truths that you will experience in the morontial realm, you must begin to appreciate them as existent, an existential process in this lifetime, to engage them meaningfully. You can of course, engage them as a remedial process in the morontial life, the afterlife, but to really engrain them in your being and understand them, and how they are absolutely necessary to work in the universe, you must engage them in this lifetime. Truths are relative; truths are absolute. You are in the process of aspiring to the absolute truths. Are there other questions?

Michael: Sondjah there is a question that we have earlier explored the possibility that there are potentially other values in the paradigm that we are dealing with, other very important values that we would be wise to address and flesh out, relative to the values of the associated beliefs, the expectations or intentions in the criteria, if we are in fact, to create a context within which, any particular challenge or relationship, or infrastructure component were to ever achieve true sustainability. Do we need to go down this path? Are we on the right path to recognize that there is much more work to be done in terms of identifying additional values and fleshing those out in that paradigm?

SONDJAH: As I said earlier, we have only done the most superficial work here. To fairly design a sustainable society, a social entity that is workable and sustainable, you would need to further flesh out these values, not as an academic pursuit, but as a living pursuit of what works and contributes, and also what is marketable and saleable to your society. You would always hold it in reserve, the later evolved values, beliefs and expectations and criteria, for those would aspire to greater depths of these values. Teach that which most people can relate to, and then develop them for those who aspire to higher, more responsible social relationships. You are on the right track.

We have only exposed you to the process in the most superficial way, and you could totally, thoroughly devote a lifetime to this work. We do not want this to become an academic pursuit, but a living pursuit—one that you live within the context of your life—and particularly your life, and your life, and your life—each one of you, that you would commit to this as a way of life and understand the reasons for doing so, not as a religious base that says, “This way is the truth, this way is the way to live.” Now you would know how to live this way, do it responsibly, and truly know that you are making a contribution to your society, as well as to your own life.

I will speak now, on behalf of Issah, who has taken a bow and has let us continue on. We have plowed very fertile ground tonight in this work, in our discussions and your discussions. We have received the benefit of your work, and it has been recorded and appreciated. Your work as TRs needs to continue, but that is a realm that I am not involved in. I wish you well this evening and in the weeks ahead. You must determine how you wish to proceed, before we will engage you again. Do you understand?

Mike: Not necessarily. Are you saying, Sondjah, that we must make some determination before we proceed with the work with Issah, or what?

SONDJAH: Issah’s work is Issah’s work, but our work is dependent upon your willingness to move ahead, either on relationships or in healthcare, or education or economics, or whatever you wish to engage. We could continue with relationships, though we are concerned that others may be bored and not wish to return. As we said in our preliminary discussions, we wish to keep the ball rolling here, to keep you engaged, to keep you interested and enthused and contributing to this. This is not church; this is work.

Group: Thank you.

SONDJAH: I have appreciated working with you so very much! I am going to take my leave, for at least a week, if not two, whereas Issah will be here for you each week in my absence. In any case, he will be here in his own presence.

Take time to appreciate what you are thinking and feeling, and how you wish to proceed. We are here to serve you in a co-creative manner. This is a co-creative effort, and co-creatively, we must determine how we proceed from here. I wish you well this evening. Know that God’s blessing is upon you and the Christ Spirit runs through this group and all others around this world, even those who do not acknowledge his presence or his energy or his contribution to your world. He is here for everyone. Good night.

Group: Go with God.

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