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CDT12 – Evergreen

2008-02-25  Evergreen/Conifer Co-Creative Design Team, – CDT#12
Evergreen, Colorado

Teachers: Sondjah Melchizedek and Nebadonia

Topics: Primary values: Life, equality & growth

TR: Daniel Raphael

February 25, 2008

SONDJAH:  Good evening, this is Sondjah.

Group: Welcome back.

SONDJAH: I am pleased to be here with you once again. When we last parted, we had spoken about values for the last 3 or 4 weeks. We let you “stew” a bit about that, to think and to meet in your sub-teams where you devised many values of great importance. I repeated several times over those weeks, that you would find perhaps 5 to at most 10 values, which were central to all relationships, central to all human activities, in relationship to others.

I will give you now, the three primary values, from which all others are derived. First is the value of life. One must respect the life of another individual, as being separate, apart from you, and of equal value, which leads us to the second value, which is equality. Equality is paramount in the entire universe. I, Sondjah Melchizedek, have lived in your earth terms, hundreds of thousands of years. Time is of little relevance to me, yet my dear friends, I am no more valuable to the Creator than you are. I have taught hundreds of thousands—perhaps millions—of mortals, who have made their transition into the morontial realm, yet for all my effort, I have no more value to my existence, through existence, than your existence to God the Creator. We are equals! All are equal. Mortals of the realm, who make sovereign decisions, are all equal. You may have an IQ of over 200; you may have an IQ of 20. As long as you are in possession of a God presence within you, you are of equal value.

When you think of others in relationship to yourself, think in terms of equality. Think in terms of your emotional position to them, your intellectual position to them—social, economic, authority. Equality helps you derive so many other values, beliefs, and behaviors, which support a universe as large as this one.

You who have been here so long in this lifetime, what is paramount in your lives? Why would you come here to this group? Why would you seek an education? Why you would aspire to other realms of development is because of the third value, which is growth. Growth is paramount to ascension. Without growth, you will never achieve Paradise. Without growth, children do not become adults, and adults become responsible citizens in their societies. These three values are the hinge-pins of all other values that develop. You can devise many other values as well, but these three are primary to the development of human society, to a sustainable civilization, and a sustainable world.

I know that you may question that there are only three, and that you may have some equally important values as well. There is no argument to this at all. You must begin from some point, and this is where we have begun. You will find that combining these three values, and in their role-play, you will have a value system that encompasses all sustainable relationships, all sustainable communities, families, societies, and a world, a civilization. You see, these are so important.

I will now give you 5 minutes, 10 minutes? How much time would you like to think about other values, which you would like to challenge me with? You are most welcome to take less than 10 minutes to do this, if you wish. I know that some of you have spent a good deal of time working on this in your sub-teams and at home, in your writings and in the note taking you have made. So now, I will step aside. Let us set some sort of timer so that we know when at least 5 minutes have passed, and then we will check to see if you need more time. Write down the things that you hold important as values in your life, and let us see where we go with that. Remember, this is not an argumentation; this is simply an explanation, and adjustment, an understanding, a broadening of values. Let us begin the time.

* * * * * * * * *
SONDJAH: We appreciate your hearty and heartfelt discussions in the last few minutes, and if you recall the last several weeks that we have been working on values, you will see that the kernels of your work are now invested in these words, which you have recorded. You are ready to bring those forward for examination. Remember, this is not a contest. The three I have given you are primary, but there are many, many others, which are secondary or tertiary, which are equally as important for the maintenance of society.

When you become far more evolved, you will deal with and use these three values, in your mind, consistently. When you are less evolved, you will need to actually write out words that you would say, that reflects the values that you have in your heart for another person. You would need to think then, and ingrain those words into thoughts in your mind, and then later on, hold those thoughts as values in your life to guide you, and all your relationships with everyone you deal with. I would be glad to engage your questions about our positions on values that you have now. You may begin whenever you wish, and I hope to hear from everyone.

Sherille: I would value appreciation.

SONDJAH: Appreciation truly is within the realm of being an equal. You appreciate yourself, you hold yourself with value, and you hold others with equal value. The expression of appreciation is quite another matter, for it conveys your value for another person. You hold them as an equal, even perhaps as superior to yourself, though in an equal situation, you acknowledge them as an equal. Thank you.

Student: Thank you.

Mike: I’d like to put on the table the value of truth.

SONDJAH: Truth is recognized also, as a most essential value in social situations in society. Truth emanates from equality. Truth contributes to growth. Truth contributes to life. Truth is one of the highest values you can hold, possess and use in your social structures. If you look at the opposite, that of deceit, lies, untruth, duplicity, then you see the value of truth. Duplicity, lies and untruths set you apart as an unequal, as superior, as getting advantage on another, so it too comes from the root value of equality. Thank you.

When you speak these values, I wish you to always hold them to your heart and appreciate them, and never let them go. All of the values that you have spoken of during your discussion are incredibly valuable. They are not dismissed by myself or the Teaching Corps, with which I work. These are merely touchstones for use as a teaching aid, to assist you in discerning these higher values in your society, and particularly in your thinking. Next please.

Ann: I put forth integrity.

SONDJAH: Integrity is paramount to the maintenance of a society, as is truth. Integrity, truth, fidelity, surety, are all related. These are consistent with wholeness, which we know as a value. Wholeness is an outcome of all these integrated values. You will see this in your lives as you live out your own integrity. It is very similar to the word untruth and to lies. When integrity is lacking, wholeness is absent. This too is a part of life and equality and growth. There can never be growth without integrity.

[[This is Daniel: I feel like he’s playing a piano in me. (Laughing.) He’s really working me over.]]

Susan: Sondjah, I am at the very heart of an issue of judgment and non-judgment, from a personal experience in my life. I’d like to have some clarification on it. At a time when I was in law enforcement, there came an evening when I had to shoot a person, and I stood in judgment on him, ready to kill him, and I think it was, … I know it was a voice from a guardian angel was telling me I was about to do what God should do, and it certainly changed my outlook on judging one. Can you help me?

SONDJAH: Most certainly. First of all dear one, you were an agent of your society, of your social structure. You were the point of a large population, a representative of the social values for maintaining the integrity of a community, of a city, of a town, or of some jurisdiction. Judgment is important for those individuals in law enforcement, to have clear judgment about what is right, what is wrong, what is dangerous, what is life threatening, and what is not. You had a deep, deep, deep inner experience, which challenged that, which brought you to the forefront of your consciousness, your presence with the larger consciousness of God. You had what others in the society would call a “God experience.” You came face to face with the judgment of God, of God’s agents, which determine who remains and who does not, though as we will discuss eventually, you will find that it is ultimately the individual who chooses to remain in this universe, or not.

Judgment is a critical element for the maintenance of a society, yet for the individual, judgment—if it is attached to discernment—is very noble, very useful and very essential [as] to how to weigh, sift and sort the various activities in social interactions that comes your way in life. Judgment, however, estimates what is good and what is bad, what is evil and what is of the light, which is past your realm of capacity. You dear one, are a mere mortal, and one should never be placed in a position of having to decide whom to kill and whom not to. This is a most traumatizing and difficult situation. We are blessed that you choose not to act as you have been trained. You may have had repercussions from that, but we appreciate your decision, for you have shown the higher mind, the higher way of living. Had you made a decision to kill this individual, you would have certified the authority given to you by your society, and you would have locked-in that value very deeply for the rest of your life, and you would have been in greater difficulty than you are now. Does this help?

Student: It helps a lot. Thank you, Sondjah.

Mike: That raises another question in my mind. Earlier, …?… feedback on the idea that it is indeed possible to discern circumstances in the world we travel around in, which require intervention/action, and that action can sometimes be minor, can sometimes be life and death involved. However, it would seem also the case that we can journey to a place of spirit where it is possible to never lose sight of the Christ within the other person, even if our discernment requires for safety reasons or for other reasons, to intervene in a way that could bring harm to the other person. Is this logical or non-logical, or is this a grand rationalization? What would you say?

SONDJAH: I would say neither is it a rational estimation, which is necessary in a society as your own. You live in a complex but primitive society, and in a complex and brutal society that is primitive as well; you must take actions on occasion, in the representation of your society to maintain peace, wholeness and integrity. You have a great burden upon you. The anguish of those who have been in war, in the wars of your world, the anguish of these souls is great and it takes many decades—sometimes centuries—in the afterlife on the healing worlds, for these individuals to become whole once more.

It is wonderful for you to consider discernment. That truly is a higher value. Make sure that you understand how to use it, and use it daily, when you go about your world. You discern as a higher minded, evolved individual that your nemesis, your opponent, the person you are angry at, is really reflective of something going on in you, and this is the discernment for you to identify those areas of growth you need to attend to. If everyone would do this, your society would almost come to a halt, but it is fortunate that only a few do this at a time, as many have. Speaking of that, I wish to commend all of you for living intentionally. This too is a higher value, which you must consider. Living with intention is paramount to living with wholeness and integrity, and here we are speaking of the higher evolved individual.

But I digress. Let us speak some more about the values, which you hold dear to yourself. Are there others, which you wish to present?

Student: Sondjah, would you comment on service outside of oneself for healing and growth.

SONDJAH: Most certainly. When you have evolved, you see the need where others are not equal, where there is inequity, inequality, and therefore you become an agent of service. Not out of self-serving service, but service for the benefit of others, without regard for return to yourself. Truly this is a value, which is paramount and important, and a checkmark, a touchstone, for the evolved soul, the evolved individual. Service without regard for return is a value, an activity, which contributes to the growth of your soul. You have an opportunity always, to be of service, in small ways and large ways. It does not require money; it does not require social evidence that you have done good, but simply the fact that you have done it, without regard for even a commendation of thanks from another, knowing that you have done the right thing, in service to others. Thank you for your comment.

David: The values I would suggest are character and honor.

SONDJAH: Yes, these are in the same realm of wholeness and integrity. Honor and character are the hallmarks, the badges of the involved individual. They are those ribbons that contribute, which are seen by others as your wholeness, your integrity. You have a respect for life when you have integrity and character. Character is a demonstration, recognition by others that you have integrity, that you have wholeness, that you have respect for life, and that you discern the difference between honor and character from self-service, as opposed to service to others.

These are evidences of the values that are held dear to one who lives their life consistently. These values are connected to life and to quality and demonstration; these are evidence of behaviors, which demonstrate this individual is of higher mindedness, and recognized by his/her fellow men. Thank you.

For us, we have seen you work with this and struggle with this, weighing in your minds these three values and the values that you have presented. Now, do not disregard any of these values, which you have presented at all, for these are the hallmarks of a sustainable society. These are paramount to the existence, to be a forthcoming development of a sustainable civilization and these, my friends, must be ingrained in you. You ingrain them in yourself, you live this way, you live with intention with those values, you radiate, vibrate into the universe around you with this energy, and you permeate the space around your earth with your energy, which holds these values dear to your heart.

You feel emotional about these values and have given them energy. You are vibrating in the spiritual realm, when you do this. You hold these values dear to your heart, they are integral to your existence and the demonstration of life that you live. You make a difference in your world by living these values—not by demanding others to live that way, or even yourself as an example, which may astound you, but simply that you exist as an individual, who has integrity and holds these values dear to your heart, and you radiate this to the rest of your world. This is incredibly powerful! You are a beacon of light, a child of light, when you do this. Do not disregard this when you see it in others, but appreciate it and give thanks and appreciation to those who do. Silence is an enemy to the spread of light. Give thanks wherever it is apparent that thanksgiving is necessary and useful to our work.

Are there others? Or should we have a segue now to another topic?

Mike: Sondjah, I would like to ask a question for perhaps future consideration.

SONDJAH: Certainly.

Mike: It comes to mind that there is perhaps an important distinction to be made between those values, or those characteristics of who we are, which are a result of the Creator, or came from the Creator, versus those characteristics that we adopt, or those behaviors that we adopt, or those values that we may adopt, which are a consequence of having been given free will, and the individuality to either be “one” or to be separate. In fact, the separation in a sense seems to define the individuality that we are all so familiar with, walking around in this realm. The distinction may be important because when we get to the notion of value, such as trust, if there were no separation, if all we could see was the God as “one,” as the Christ within, then there would be no issue of trust!

But because we are individuals, and we’ve been given choice—and to some degree we have chosen to be somewhat separate—trust becomes important, trust becomes something we seek, trust becomes a value of importance. My consideration for the future and feedback from you, would be to help us and perhaps find clarity by distinguishing, as I said earlier, between those values which are God given, i.e. come from the Creator, versus those which derive from our individuality in the choices we have made to be separate.

SONDJAH: Let us address this, later. Thank you.

Let us enter another topic, please. We of our Teaching Team have been waiting for the time when this Team here would be without this one to transmit and receive instructions. We have been waiting to see what would occur and what would happen in the group, how it would maintain itself and sustain itself, or whether it would wither and fall away. Two meetings without his absence are not sufficient to make that determination, but we do not wish to extend that to a larger time. It is essential and we engage you now, with training you to become transmitters/receivers, TRs, if you wish. We have assistance from Nebadonia and her children of light—you know them as angels—to assist you in this process.

We need you to determine how and where and when you would like to meet for this training. If you would like to devote half of the time that we have for our Monday evening sessions to practicing this process, we would most heartily agree to that. If you wish to meet at another time or place, we would agree to that as well. It is simply a functional necessity for the Co-Creative Design Teams to move forward, to train new TRs. They may not be as fluent as this one; they may be more fluent; they may be more heartfelt, or they may be more cerebral. We wish individuals to begin. This is like a skill. It is much like playing tennis—it may take you years to become very effective and good at it, to be competitive, and a demonstration as an example, of one who has learned how to play tennis. This is a skill we would like you to engage and to practice. Not every one of you may be interested, but maybe all of you are. I will now recede from the meeting, for you to discuss this, and then I would like to re-engage you before we part this evening. Thank you.

* * * * ** * * *

SONDJAH: This is Sondjah. I will step aside for one who will speak to you about what you have been discussing.

NEBADONIA: Good evening my children, this is Nebadonia. I am the Mother Spirit of this local universe, and my energy pervades this entire local universe, and all of its reaches. I am “one with you,” and you are “one with me.” The connection that we make depends on your intention, your fears and your ego, as you have heard. Step aside from these and allow me, allow my angels—your guardian angel—to be with you, to hover near you, to surround you, to fill you, to allow this connection to work with you and through you, to allow you to become an effective participant and channel and TR, of this wonderful work. You are each worthy of this; it is only your fears and your self-importance that will limit how capable you become.

Be as humble as little children—let the words of truth come through you and you will be very pleased and astounded at what happens, in and through you. Know that you are truly loved; that you will never be harmed by us; never be urged to do something you do not want to do, and given options in every action along the way. Trust this process, knowing that you are one with it already. Know that we are here to assist you, to align your mind with Universe Mind, that the wholeness of it might be the wholeness in your mind, that you can assume that you have become whole and complete, that you are truly, as you would say, “connected,” and then let this process begin.

Be humble and accepting of this, neither accepting it as making you worth more than others, or less than. Trust that you are worthy of this to come through, that your self-worth is sufficient to allow this and to engage this and to empower it. Trust this fully. Know that you are beginning the journey of “knowing,” which you have not known before, of wholeness and completeness. Blessings to you.

Now I will release you and ask that you go upon your way, meditating upon these things in your heart, asking for assistance if you wish it to become more effective. Return when you are ready and allow this to happen. You will find wondrous things occurring in your life, as you undertake this journey. Good evening.

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