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CIN20- Trinity, Law

2000-02-13-Birth of Soul, Sons of Trinity
Cincinnati #20


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Are You Ready
o 1.2 Group: Cincinnati TeaM
o 2 Facilitators2.1 Teacher: Malvantra
o 2.2 TR: Stephen
• 4 Session 2
o 4.1 Lesson
 4.1.1 Trinity, Law

Session 2
 February, 13, 2000
 The Stationary Sons Of The Trinity


Trinity, Law

MALVANTRA:  Forever we will be watching the eternal display of your love portrayal. It excites and enlivens:

Observe your persistent and conscious debate about the particulars of the Urantia book teachings. It is clearly defined as the original authors might have hoped in their original presentations. You have been in your efforts to delineate perspectives as applicable to your current social situations. Never fear that as you read tonight there is a righteous and a best method to be applied to each problem that arises. By consistently attuning to the history, current status, and future speculation of any identified area to be adjudged. The universal pattern of adjudication in regards to error and wrong doing is simply the doings and the administration of assigned personages whose obligation and duty was previously assigned beings whose jobs is the application and judgment of the law.

Mortals do not have jurisdiction and do not have venue in the operation of the 7 Superuniverses. You are to partake of the fullness of the spirit and feast in the experiential wonderment of your existence. Never doubt that your job has been delineated and outlined in very clear terms as the ascendant pilgrim through time and space. To judge, to feel the important weight of judicial overbearing is simply beyond the confines of your obligatory status.

Each particular participant in the universal scheme of teaching and learning has a particular part- a unique function to perform. The magnificent Stationary Sons of the Trinity strategically positioned on capitol worlds and throughout the Superuniverses are specifically designed to consistently, justifiably, righteously promote, promulgate the patterns of universal law that designated, designed, outlined, orginally formulated, and projected by the Trinity Deity and their assigned representatives.

This magnificent outlay of judicial ramifications has been pre-ordained back to the days of Havona Laws originate in the outworkings of the eternal God. Judgments then too are forever more in the venue of Deity and assigned representatives. Mortals contribute wholeheartedly to the overplay of litigation by simply interacting in conflictual patterns through the outworking of individual choice. You are forever granted immunity of self-consciously feeling guilty of inadequacies or inopportune advancement.

You forsake your fears and your composite hollows of aggravated hunger. Know that within your heart your guidance is toward the oasis of supplicant and nectar awaiting all whose vision is imaginative an paradisiacal—forthwith bring forth the everlasting fruit and the joys to drink thereof of eternal and immutable– for share in their vine existence.

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