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CRC150- Faith in the Path of Love

2003-04-18-Faith in the Path of Love
Costa Rica #150


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Have Faith in the Path of Love
o 1.2 Group: Costa Rica TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Alana, Legion
o 2.2 TR: S. Butterfield
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Dialogue
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Have Faith in the Path of Love
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana, Legion
TR: S. Butterfield


Have Faith in the Path of Love & Humility of Respect for Love
Snippets of conversation prior to stillness practice and heart room:
David talking about Legion: He comes on sometimes apologizing…

Rick: He apologizes?

David: Well, not exactly apologizes. He kind of hints around, “I don’t want to be a broken record on this folks, but there is this little matter of the practice, discipline.” It’s not a matter of someone standing over you with a stick in their hand. It’s a choice you make from your very center to be good to yourself, that’s what discipline is all about.

Rick: The discipline of love. Which is….

S: …the choice to be good to yourself…

Rick: The discipline of love which is the discipline of joy…the outcome of the discipline of love.

S: Love brings joy. Or, love dances with joy. Love also brings pain, Alana spoke about that…but love dances with joy, they come hand in hand, love and joy.

David: The reason love brings pain is that on this plane, we are going to be disappointed about love, and that’s where the pain is. I’m thinking “the light within” is our Thought Adjuster. Erin said: “Know your love. Know you are loved. Know that you love.” Alana is inviting us to know this love within us. Once you know this love and begin to commune with it, it gives you confidence to stand tall, you have faith in that love. You may make some mistakes on the path, but you still have faith in the path, you know it is right, you have confidence.

That’s what you need. You spoke of your shyness about being yourself, you don’t want people to see you, your guilt of being, original sin…you arrived here “conceived in sin and born in iniquity!” I’ve worked a bit on shame, so I want to give this to you. The description you give yourself, I call the hangdog look. That is directly associated with shame. You are ashamed of who it is in there. You have to learn how to love whoever it is. I want to acquaint you with the idea that your humanity is part of divinity, as well. We tend to separate our animal nature from the divine. We say “there’s the animal,” and “this is the divine.”

Look at your human-ness. Get friendly with your anger, get to know your shame…as you begin to do this, to peel these old patterns off, you begin to love yourself and stand up tall and feel confident in yourself and an ease begins to come, a little here, a little there. Well, we can join the Quakers, or the Shakers, or the Holy Rollers.

Rick: I’m gonna shake, quake and roll, David! (laughter)

Prayer: David: Thank you Father. Thank you for this beautiful time with Rick and Susie, and this beautiful place you have provided for us. We kind of stumbled in here, like children. Thank you for the gift of your beloved teachers, for the Master, and the constancy of the presence of the Mother. Thank you for Rick…give him strength, give him courage, give him love, give him confidence, help him to grow and be happy with growth and finding the joy of understanding. He has been wonderfully blessed in life, as well, to have the Urantia book, the teachers, his beautiful wife and three children.

Give him wisdom, love-wisdom, to deal with his children on a moment to moment basis. Help him not to anticipate how things are going to be, but to have confidence that in the midst of everything he will know what to do, what is the best thing to do, the most gracious, most gracious thing to do. Thank you for all of the sweetness that Susie has given to each of us this week. It has been an incredibly speeded up week with a lot of intensity, and she responded to everything so graciously. So thank you for her ministry. Thank you for Oliver, and Richard, and the lessons we are learning together. May they feel loved this day as they join together in celebration. We put this world in the heart room. This is my Father’s world, this is the crown jewel of his vast universe, we pray for peace on earth and brotherhood and sisterhood among men. Thy will be done for this day. Amen.

Rick: Amen. Thank you. So beautiful.


ALANA:  Yes.

David: Your voice sounds like the cooing of the doves, Alana. Welcome.

ALANA: Thank you, my beloved.

Rick: Good morning, Alana.

ALANA:  Yes. Welcome again.

Rick: I feel like I’ve recovered from the open heart surgery the other day.

ALANA: Well, my beloved, recovery looks like this (sound of doves cooing): perhaps with the sounds of the doves you will remember the sight of a baby bird fallen from the nest, yet welcomed with love by earth into life and given the opportunity, again and again, to stretch those muscles, exercise those wings, jump with those spindly legs (chuckle), tumble with that round fluffy body (laughter), yet still discover the joy of the soaring flight of love combined with the courage of love to live this life with joy.

Rick: That’s poetry you speak this morning.

ALANA: This is the holy communion of love given full expression in the heart room. I welcome you, again, to float in the living waters of love with your beloved, Alison, with your beloved brothers, with your sisters, in the living, true, waters of love and forgiveness, now.

Allow. Allow love to float you. Perhaps touching fingertips with all your beloveds floating. Allowing love, the living waters of love, to be your connection, your touch of the holy communion. Allowing forgiveness. Allowing forgiveness to permeate your mind, as the Mother Spirit whispers, “I love you, my son.” “I love you, my daughter.”
The graciousness of anticipation, my beloved. No human can avoid anticipation. Allowing anticipation to be filled with the graciousness of love teaches you that structure of the anticipation of joy. You have been taught the anticipation of sorrow. You have been conditioned to the anticipation of fear. You have been given anticipation of doubt. Today, my beloveds, I would speak again…anticipate joy with the grace of love.

So! shall we create the heart room in our bellies today?

Rick:  Yes.

ALANA:   Breathe my love into the belly. Allow my love to teach your bellies to laugh. Yes?

Rick:  Yes.

ALANA:   They call it a “belly laugh,” yes? Float in the living waters of love and forgiveness and allow, allow that tight band of fear, that gripping band of doubt, that wrenching band of sorrow, to be melted by the living waters of forgiveness, filled, saturated with the living waters of love, and then, breathe in my love. Breathe in my love…in. Breathe in my love…out. Allow. Allow that belly laughter of joy. Yes? (chuckling) Breathe it in. Breathe it out. Love. Joy. Love. Joy. Yes? (chuckling)

Rick: I can feel it, Alana!! (laughter) I can feel it! my beloved, Alana.

T/R: (laughter) (sounds of laughter shared between Rick and David) (sound of a bird that sounds like laughter)

Rick: Perhaps you can tickle me some more, so that I can laugh some more.

ALANA:  Allow your words to have the tickle of love, yes? Which will always, and ever, have the humility of respect for love, yes? Laughter at the self. Laughter at the other. Being laughter with love. Laughter with our Father, our Mother.

Rick: That’s a lot to ask of a man like me. Laughter and love.

ALANA:  Let us speak to this “man like me.”

LEGION:  I am Legion.

Rick: Good morning.

David: Welcome, Legion.

LEGION: When you speak to a man like me, you speak to a man who has experienced the full range possible of loving one woman in marriage through great sorrows…(sound of weeping)….monumental disappointments, fear, doubt…(weeping)…even the dimming of love. And so, I say to you, my beloved “man like me,” love yourself.

(Rick is weeping. )

David: Amen.

Rick:  You, too, my brother…(weeping)…deserve the joy and the laughter of love given and received.

LEGION: This is the comfort I bring to you. This is the comfort of love given you by your brother, Sir David. This is the comfort of love to be shared among your brothers. Yes. Love and laughter together. Confidence given and received. That love and laughter may be shared. Male to male. Male to female. Female to female. But greater than all of these, love and laughter shared in the joy of knowing you are love, our Father’s, our Mother’s love within you, and knowing that you are loved, receiving our Father’s, our Mother’s love in gratitude, gratefulness and joy. And knowing that you are giving love, our Father’s, our Mother’s love, pouring forth from you with the radiance of joy that is revealed in that moment when you, “a man like me,” know the love within is real, and you spark the light within.
Quite a firecracker, he, yes? (laughter)  I am told by Alana that I am hearing the sounds of a belly laugh. Yes?

Rick: What do you mean? You can’t hear it yourself?

LEGION:  What I experience, my beloved, is the vibrational yes. The vibrational yes is love. The discipline of love is the discipline of joy. Yes? (Yes. Yes.) And as you practice the strengthening of your body through the discipline of love, your muscles will, indeed my beloved, return to their handsome slim shape. Yes? (laughter) But as well, I guarantee you, my beloved, they will learn the vibration of the belly laugh. (laughter)

Rick: Ahh, it is a vibration that has been missed. It has been missed. It has been missed. The anticipation of allowing this soul, this firecracker within, to begin to laugh and to love and to be who I am…I sometimes feel like I will explode with joy…to have this freeness around me again.

LEGION:  The holy communion of love is that experience of the freedom of joy that you so long to give expression, in life upon your planet. Do not fear being “who you are.” For who you are is the holy communion of love, given this particular body, this particular life experience. Embrace your experience with the humility of respect for love. Embrace the errors of love on your planet, the errors of love in your heart, the errors of love in your mind. Bow to them with the forgiveness that is love.

Rick: I wear this band of tightness around me to protect me from being who I am in this world, but I am learning, step by step, how to find the courage and the source of love, and the laughter among my brothers, and the laughter among my sisters. This is what gives me the courage, now, to find that place inside me where I live…and to not be ashamed and allow everyone to see it…because I think it is quite beautiful…(breaks down weeping)…I get so tired of fighting…(weeping)…

LEGION: and what you will discover, my friend…(weeping)…in allowing everyone to see it…(deep weeping)…yes…breathe that love in and out through your spine, my friend…(weeping)…open…open your chest to that weeping…breathe through your spine with that grief and sorrow, and feel my comfort, feel Legion’s love breathing in and out with your weeping sorrow…my love breathes with you. And what you will discover, my friend, as you allow others to see…is…that you are seen, always have been seen, always will be seen, by love. Seen as everything you hope to see, once you, my beloved, have allowed yourself to see you as I see you, a man like me.

Rick: I ask for your assistance, as often as possible, to be able to see a man like you, and the man like me.

LEGION: Thank you, my beloved. By your invitation I welcome you into the brotherhood of comfort. Brother reaching to brother, reaching to brother. Legions of brothers, you might say. And I will gladly introduce you, brother to brother. As well, will I be there when you call on me. Thank you.

Rick: I will hold you to this promise, brother.

LEGION:  The best way to hold me to my promise is to hold me in love. Yes? (Yes.) As I hold you in love. Yes?

Rick:  Yes.

LEGION: And the brotherhood of comfort is that hold of love. As you are held in the arms of our Father’s, our Mother’s love, and understood by this love, every step of the way accompanied by the Son, a man like me, a man like you. Yes, my friend, in the heart room the promises of love are revealed.

Rick: I would like you to join me in dedicating my heart room in my home when I return. The brotherhood of love. To bring that into my heart room.


ALANA:  Yes. This is Alana. I am here to say, with Legion, our heart room, the brotherhood and sisterhood of love, resides in you, wherever you are. And so, now, Legion and I dedicate our heart room as you request. To the home of love that is you, your beloved Alison, your beloved Matthew, your beloved Katie, your beloved Alena. (weeping) Hold them. Hold them in the promise of love. (deep breathing) Do not fear that they should understand what you understand now. do not doubt. The promise of love is in them, as it is in you, now, in this heart room, and always will be. (sound of birds singing)

And yes, what she (the t/r) sees is a fragrant candle light. You might enjoy creating a fragrant candle light that, from time to time, without fear, without doubt, without show, without…that underscoring of “this is right”…but only from time to time…when love moves you to speak…you may give expression to the fragrance of joy, the fragrance of comfort, and acknowledge “This is the light of my love.” Thank you.

Rick: So beautiful. So beautiful. You have a way with words, Alana.

David: She has a way with love, as well, Rick.

Rick: I think Alana knows that is what I am saying.

David: Right.

Rick: Alana,


Rick:  I would like to bring a concern, a concern about a sister, into the heart room, if I may.


Rick:  She is a beautiful lady, her name is Jaia, and she has now a concern about this disease, cancer of the breast. I would like to bring her into the heart room so that we may heal this concern, heal this energy that has brought about this concern, send her love into that place inside her that will heal whatever is in her body that needs to be healed. Can you do this with me?

ALANA: I welcome your beloved friend into the heart room now. As well, a young boy (Gabriel) struggling with love.
As well, all those fearing the body coming and going.

Rick: As well as all those fearing what?

ALANA:I am welcoming into the heart room all fears and doubts of the body, yours as well as your friend’s, as well as those suffering now.

Rick:  Yes. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Mother.

TR: Thank you.

(A teacher.) Know Michael’s love. See his light. (Sound of doves cooing.) He is with you. (Doves cooing more loudly.) This heart room is His.

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