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DTX2- Dallas Collection Part 1-Session 2

1993-03-10-Dallas Collection Part 1-Session 2
Dallas TX #2


o 1.1 Topic: Love Teachers
o 1.2 Group: Dallas TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
o 2.2 TR: Jeannie George

Topic: Love Teachers
Group: Dallas TeaM
Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
TR: Jeannie George

Session 2
Anastacia & Ordon 3-10-93
Lesson 2

Come unto me all that are heavy laden and I will give you rest. These words most of you are familiar with are you not? We would say then remember them. The important resting place for your worries burdens confusions and whatever fears you have can be placed in the hands of the Father. Let us rephrase this again. Do your best and then let the Father do his work.

Doing your best is the part that we want to speak of first. What is your best? Can you let go of the situation? Do you desire to let go of it? Let it be the past and get on with more important activities something that will benefit you more than rehashing the old business. When you have put forth your best efforts prayed about the situation imagined the situation in a better spiritual light and mostly sent love. Then you have done your best. This is the time to let go. Release it to the Father’s care. He will do his work.

If it stays on your mind try listing the blessing this person/situation has on life. This will bring out the good that is being generated by this person/situation. The Father loves all his children the same but he does bestow gifts to individuals indiscriminately. These gifts have significance and should be used for the benefit of all. Gifts are shared. Blessed are these recipients of gifts for they indeed do have the potentials for more gifts. They earned these blessings. So in your counting of someone’s blessings, remember this and how it will benefit the group and the many people that will be touched because of these gifts.

All of God’s children are different. Each has their talents. Each has desired interests. What each person can do naturally and with the least effort is a gift. They have the natural propensities toward the talent. We see this everyday. . . people with natural abilities doing something that is totally off base for them.

So we will address this issue of gifts later but give this some thought. Talk about your natural talents. Elaborate on them for many don’t know their abilities but the group can help by discussing the talents of each. This is another way to see the good in each person. Much of the time friends know about talents of the others which has escaped their attention. Many minds are better than one here. This is what we wish to see happen. Each person will list their talents and then the group will add to the list if the person hasn’t included what the others see.

Now you really will begin to see the collected talents that when put together working in harmony can produce much that would benefit not only your group but others in your world. Do be happy about your talents and let us help you develop them.

These lists should include the fruits of the spirit that come easier for you to produce. Are you seeing the picture that we want to paint here? We want to develop a pictorial of the natural talents that this grouping of people love and handle with ease.

Take these lessons to heart and you will see something surprising if you look on the other side of the issues those things that are harder for you to do. Think and ponder what we say.

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