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GYR1- Service and Soul Growth

2011-01-13-Service and Soul Growth
Goodyear #1


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Service and Soul Growth
o 1.2 Group: Goodyear TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Charles
o 2.2 TR: Georges Douyon
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
 3.1.1 Service
 3.1.2 Service
 3.1.3 Soul, Growth, Free will
o 3.2 Closing

Topic: Service and Soul Growth
Group: Goodyear TeaM
Teacher: Charles
TR: Georges Douyon

Prayer: Father we ask that you encircuit us with your energy and we pray that we may be of service to you and to the universe. So guide us and provide us with assistance as we do this for the first time. We would like to invite any and all teachers that are working towards making a success on this planet and doing the works of Michael to come and provide us with guidance.

  •  I Welcome Your Efforts To Serve

CHARLES:  Greetings to you all this is Charles. You don’t know how much pleasure it brings to us on this side of the veil to seek mortals such as yourselves who are truly serious about doing the work of the Father in order to help resolve the problems that have occurred on the planet. I welcome your efforts. I appreciate the fact that you are volunteering your time to do this and that you want to be in the service of Michael. We congratulate you on taking these steps.

Dawn: Welcome Charles!


  • Your Service Begins Now & Will Continue

CHARLES: Welcome to you my dear. Before we begin, I would like to tell you what is expected of you so that you may have a clear understanding of the process. None of this is of any importance if you are not willing to serve your brothers and sisters or willing to be of service to Michael. This service is not simply something that you will do today or tomorrow or the next day but for the remainder of your career, not only on earth but also in the morontial and spiritual realms, your service will continue.

Understand that what you are doing today will also have repercussion in the future, even as you become finaliters in Paradise. Service will never stop. It will continue and continue for all eternity. Understand the choices that you have made for we are here to assist you always. Know that we are with you always, with your wills and determination we’ll provide the means to have the things you seek as you want them to occur. I ask that you remain faithful to each other in love and in trust and follow the path of Michael and follow the path that your thought adjusters have laid out for you.

Again, I and all the others around you that you cannot see at this time are in a great deal of joy to witness and share this moment with you. We have now added another group into the family of TR circuits, you all have been called into the service of the Father and we will utilize your services as necessary. Be willing to continue to take the steps you have taken and be ready to respond to our call when needed. Thank you much for taking this step.

Dawn: Dear Charles, I’m really excited to be here and be a part of this group and really thankful and grateful that you came thru today. Is there any specific thing that you want to say to us before we ask you questions?

CHARLES:  As I stated before, be yourselves, trust each other, love one another, other than these requirements and to be of service to Michael and our Father, there is not much more that can be asked of you.

Dawn: (To the other participants: do you have any questions) I’m kind of overwhelmed right now Charles, I’m just super excited and my mind is just completely blank right now (laughter). I understand the need for us to make our decisions in order for us to maintain our soul growth. I guess one of the questions on my mind is that, is it just daily decisions or is it more in how you treat people every day and how you present yourself? Is it those kind of decisions that helps your soul growth or is it more specific decisions?


  • Ask Father How To Open Your Hearts For Service to Others

CHARLES:  If I understand correctly your trying to determine what gives you the most soul growth, what you can achieve right now that will give you the most advantages. Would that be a correct assumption?

Dawn: Yes, that and how to be of service more.

CHARLES:  Service comes from within. It comes from the integration of the self, of the soul with your thought adjuster. The closer you grow to your thought adjuster the brighter the inner light will shine and the more serviceable you will become. Learn to love your brothers and your sisters in any aspect or form they may present themselves to you. Learn to seek the light that resides within each and every one of you. As you do so, you will find it easier to be of service to others.

I recommend that you go into the stillness daily, about twice a day maybe even three times a day until you find that comfortable space, that comfortable chamber where you can truly begin to listen to your thought adjuster’s advice. When you are able to achieve this you will truly become of service to your brothers and sisters. Also continue to want to be of service in your prayers on a daily basis. Ask our Father to open your heart. Ask our father to guide you in your journey. Tell him of your intentions and eventually you will see the miracles that you are seeking, the transformation that you are seeking into your life. Does that answer your question?

Dawn: Yes, very much so. It actually reaffirms what I have been thinking. What about my previous question, I’m sorry, we got sidetracked there, about the soul growth and decisions.

Soul, Growth, Free will

  • Soul Growth & Decisions

CHARLES: Life is lived moment by moment. Soul growth is dependent on how willing you are to participate in these moments of life. Soul growth is dependent on your reaction to the environment. Your reaction to the medium which you call life, is not so much a rehearse action rather it is continuous dedication of how you chose to react, positively to this environment. Positive actions in your life are conditioned by closeness with your though adjuster.

Soul growth cannot occur without first listening to your thought adjuster for he is your guide, for he is God within you. You cannot on your own grow your soul. You cannot on your own achieve spiritual progress. It must be conditioned by the partnership which is formed between yourself and your thought adjuster. Does this answer your question?

Dawn: YES it does, very much so, thank you for that Charles.

CHARLES:  You’re most welcome.

Dawn: Anybody else have any questions, (no, still can’t think of anything) (laughter) I think we are all quite overwhelmed right now Charles, is there anything else you could impart upon us?

  • Questions Will Come Better After the First Session & Close of Session

CHARLES: That is quite common, actually, on many such first sessions (laughter). There is also a fact that you may not be aware of. We are imprinting our energies here at this locale and sometimes it has a subtle, peaceful affect on you. As you get to know me and the other teachers you will find it easier to gather your thoughts and ask questions. Again this is a real pleasure for me to be here. You have no understanding of the love that we feel when we see human beings getting together in the name of our Father wanting to do something for each other.

This is the principle by which the universe itself is governed, it is an unselfish universe, it is wholly, entirely serviceable. You will find that as you experience growth within yourselves, as you grow and mature, you will discover the same pleasure that we enjoy in being of service to you and to this entire process. We on the other side we crave, we truly crave, to provide you with the help that you need. You simply need to ask with an open heart, ask with sincerity and we will gladly, GLADLY be of service to you, for we love you all with the same love that our Father shares with all of us, so it is MORE than a pleasure for us to shower you with our love and to share these precious moments with you all.

Again it is me that is thanking you for having had created this circumstance, this possibility for us to share this moment in time with you. I thank you all for being here and for doing this. Our love goes to you all. Thank you.

Dawn: Thank you Charles, thank you very much, our love back to you.

CHARLES:Thank you. This completes our session, until next time.

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