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GYR5- The Will and Love of Father

2011-02-17-The Will and Love of Father
Goodyear #5


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: The Will and Love of the Father
o 1.2 Group: Goodyear TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Thought Adjuster
o 2.2 TR: Georges Douyon
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson

Topic: The Will and Love of the Father
Group: Goodyear TeaM
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Georges Douyon


TA: Why do you seek the will of the father in the pages of secret books, why do you walk to the ends of the earth to find it? Why do you starve yourself or mutilate your body? Why do you look for answers in the stars? The will of the Father stares you in the face. The will of the Father is undeniable, unwavering, changeless and absolute. My dear child, allow me to plant your feet firmly on the ground. My dear child the will of the Father is found in the application of the Father’s Love.

The application of Father’s Love must be expressed unconditionally, without precondition, without limit, without goals, without rewards and forever blind to evil and sin.

The Father’s Love is always pure, always potent. The Love of the Father is the essence of the fabric of life itself. You are already permeated with this Love and only need to apply it to your existence. You can absorb as much as you want, more will always be available. Share it with others as much as possible and I will increase your capacity to absorb more of the Father’s Love. Immerse your soul in this Love daily by coming to me into the stillness and I will testify in the abodes of the higher universes that in you, the will of the Father has been made manifest.

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