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HAM13- Collection2: Bertram & Malcom Sessions 37-41

1999-06-02-Collection2, Bertram & Malcom Sessions 37-41
Hamilton #13

• 39 Session 37
• 40 Session 38
• 41 Session 39
• 42 Session 40
• 43 Session 41

Topic: Collection2, Bertram
Group: Hamilton TeaM
Teacher: Bertram, Malcom
TR: Tara Logan

Session 37
June 2, 1999

TARA: Is there a message today?

MALCOM: Little one, once more you hesitate. You fear the true source of these communications. This is only natural with so much going on around you in these last days of this century. The Master warned there would be wars and rumors of wars and false prophets would abound. We only ask that you be alert and watchful in the days and months ahead. Do all that you can to be of loving service to those you can help and are able to help in your families, in your communities, in your national and global arenas.

You must look within your own hearts and minds and there do your own correcting of attitudes and mind sets. Weed out old unserving habits that bind and hold you and replace them with the liberating ideals of the religion of Jesus as He lived it. The kingdom of God, the rulership of the Father’s righteous ways are to be established within your own hearts and minds. Each are responsible only to the Father, that this very day dwells within each and every one of you, and to his son Christ Michael, your local universe Creator Son who now reigns supreme over all his works and in your human hearts.

Do not be mislead or confused. Take only what is good and true and weigh that against what you have been taught.
You are each responsible for the life you live in the flesh. Concern yourself with the moral and ethical ideals of outgoing love and brotherhood towards all, seeing in them your common kinship in the family of God here on Urantia, and also live in the future anticipation of encountering your place in your expanded cosmic brotherhood with all your brothers and sisters of time and space in your own local universe and the superuniverse and central universe beyond.
Such a great and magnificent destiny lies ahead for all of you.

Keep this expanded and glorious future uppermost in your minds and hearts and do all you can to teach these higher concepts, now taught to you, to your brothers and sisters who also seek the answers to life, it’s purpose and destiny. Always be gentle as doves and kind in all your response when these little ones who come sincerely seeking. But be wise in your response and understanding as you feed these babes, these little lambs of the Master. Always be alert and aware of the larger picture of the happenings, of the events transpiring around you. Do your part lovingly and wisely and humbly serving your brothers and sisters as would your Master Michael. Now I bid you good day and admonish you to stay faithful and armoured against the wiles of those who would lead you astray. Your faithful friend and guide, Malcom.

Session 38
June 17, 1999

TARA: Is there a message for the Hamilton Group this morning?

BERTRAM: My little one, yes. We realize there is still concerns regarding the future. The question has been raised regarding the Y2K issues and concerns. To what degree should you be concerned and prepared? Yes, indeed, it is an issue of grave concern for all mortal inhabitants of your planet home. Previous transmissions have touched on this though not directly to this issue of concern or to the extent to which it is asked now. First and foremost I will address the issue of faith, for indeed this will be your “strength” and your “bridge” and your “support system” now and in the future. You maybe direly tried and tested in the near future. Always remember you are never alone.

Ever have confiding trust in the loving care of the Father. Forever more have faith —

  •  in the comfort of the Spirit of Truth here to guide and direct you,
  •  in the sure and ever guidance of the Mystery Monitor, the spirit fragment of the Paradise Father within you,
  •  in the revelation of written truth within your text, the Urantia Book, the sure promises made to you there regarding your future and that of your planet home of nativity.

Indeed Urantia is much loved and overseen and cared for. She will not be destroyed, though she may “rock and reel” under the weight of her misguided ways. It may indeed be wise for you to make preparations in the material needs of your families, but ever remember it is your faith in the goodness of the Father and his ever present help that will see you through.

There will most certainly be interruptions of services to greater and lesser extent depending on where you live upon your planet. It will be a period of trials and the growing of faith and love and service to one another, of sharing and supporting one another whether in physical needs or mental and spiritual support and upliftment and enlightenment of one another. The worst will be brought out in some, in their fear and desperation.

Be prepared for this:

  •  Now is the time to build your reserves for your family in wisdom and love.
  •  Now is the time to build your faith in the supreme God of Love who rules over you and in the hearts of men of good will.
  •  Now is the time to build your trust in one another,
  •  Now is the time to build family love and loyalty and cohesiveness.
  •  Now is the time for all of mankind to again pull together for the good of all as one united global family.

This coming period of correction and adjustment could indeed be, and will be the beginning of a new and prosperous age for your planet. As devastating and as costly as the Kosovo War has been in lives lost and extensive damage done, even now pray that lessons have been learned and peace will ensue and corrections made that will lead your planet again a step forward to the age of Light and Life. War will never bring peace. Only progressive and positive and permanent change within the human heart will accomplish that supreme goal of peace and enlightenment for your planet, Urantia.

As we have said so many times we are not prognosticators, we cannot tell you the exact future.
We can only encourage you to continue on in your soul growth and enrichment and go forward in faith in the love of the Father for all his children everywhere and do what you can to bring His will upon earth in the hearts of all mankind.

  •  Ever is it true, there will be peace to men of good will.
  •  Ever express your good will to those in need now and in the dire days which you may face in the future.
  •  Ever grow as true “faith sons” of the loving Father of all.

I now bid you farewell. Your teacher, Bertram.

Session 39
June 22,1999

TARA: I feel there may be a message for us tonight. I truly desire to get back on line once more. It is good to be back home again.

BERTRAM: Little one, we have sorrily missed you and are glad to see you at your home base once more and ready to continue on in this mission work of the Master. Yes, we do want to bring you this message this evening. We have told you so often that Urantia is heading into a period of dire correction and trials, and that you should not fear when you hear dire prognostications of a “doomsday scenario.” Michael’s bestowal planet will not be destroyed, of this you can rest assured. She will surely go through a severe period of trial, cleansing and correction. All this is needful in order to set her course anew on the path leading to Light and Life.

Many are now awakening to the need of change. The old ways must be changed and made new, with new ideals and concepts that lead to peace and prosperity for all God’s children everywhere. It may seem that these messages are repeated over and over, and indeed they are, for we must press upon you the need of your preparedness, that you be alert and watchful in the days and months and, yes, years ahead. You must all learn to grow ever closer to the Father, and come to know His will for you, now and in the dire time of trial ahead. We are sent in the service of the Father to guide and prepare you now.

It is needful:

  •  that you grow strong in faith,
  •  that you know whereon you stand this day,
  •  that you will not be tossed to and fro in the chaotic and confused times approaching,
  •  that you will be able to be that strong and faithful demonstration of HIS righteousness,
  •  that you will be showers of the way into the new age of enlightenment.

Many are being called now into an understanding of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. More and more of God’s children everywhere are becoming aware of the Urantia Book, reading and studying it, embracing and believing it. The Master is needful of more teachers as you go into this new age coming upon you. Many are answering the call to service.

Do you realize the privilege you have to be alive on your beautiful Urantia at this time in the history of your planet?
The Master is calling out and preparing that special people to lead His people into the new age now coming upon you, those who will be leaders in the world tomorrow. These are the called and chosen leaders who will be the true spiritual teachers of the religion of Jesus, teaching all mankind the true Gospel of Jesus. These will teach again the truths so often brought to this world and lost from view in previous epochs of revelation.

Yes, you are all called to be teachers, each in your own way, right where you are; called to advance the Fifth Epochal Revelation throughout Urantia, in the service of Christ Michael. So do we admonish you now, to grow in your personal relationship with the Father and truly come to know that YOU ARE ALL, INDEED, HIS CHILDREN and that ALL, ARE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, travelling together on the ascension paths leading homeward. Now do we leave you to think on these things and to set your feet on the path leading to light and life. Your teacher and guide, Bertram.

Session 40
June 27,1999

TARA: I feel there is a message this morning.

MALCOM: My child, there has been a long delay since our last transmission. We realize you have not been well. Do not be discouraged, but continue on as you are able. We are here to support you and to guide you. The Master desires that you continue on in your part in your work for him. We do have this message for you this rainy morning. There was the question asked by your beloved friend;

  1. “How does one change their habits and actions?
  2. Why do we keep doing the same thing over and over again, especially now that we are more aware of certain actions and thoughts and yet still do what we don’t want to do?
  3. How do we make personal corrections in our lives?
  4. What is the meaning of Morontia Mota #24 “The destiny of eternity is determined moment by moment by the achievements of the day by day living. The acts of today are the destiny of tomorrow.”

A tall order you have given me. Little ones, you must realize that the Father loves you each and everyone of you and they, nor are their servants, your teachers, task masters. We do fully realize that the life journey is a progression. Do not read into this mota that your actions of this moment in time are determining your ultimate fate for all eternity. This is a very mortal thing to do because of what you have been taught in the evolutionary concepts of manmade religions.

The Fathers certainly do not condone sin and iniquity, and you certainly could not live for eternity in that state of being in your future experiences in time and space or in the presence of the Father. The Fathers love you at every stage of your growth and development just as you love your erring and wayward children. You are being nurtured and cared for even in your stumbling and apparent failures along the way. You are indeed, now mortal flesh and “spiritual babes” in growth and transit. You are not thrown out with your soiled bath water!

Your teaching and nurturing takes time and experience. That you are aware of your errors are proof of your growth! With each experience you will accomplish a little more. Trust the spirit of God within you to direct your actions, for only by replacing old unserving habits and thought processes with new ones do you overcome and change. So often have we told you to grow close to the Father within, in prayer and communion with Him in the stillness. This is needful for you, to armour yourself against your own weaknesses and the unserving influences without. Yes, can you not see now, understand, that you do indeed determine your destiny, moment by moment by the achievements of daily living? It happens moment by moment.

Perfection isn’t achieved instantly as if by the wave of a magic wand or even in the event of death and resurrection. You will still carry on moment by moment, living day by day all the way to the Paradise Isle. God has prepared for you His multiple architectural worlds of living and learning, for experience and growth into true God likeness, into literal children of His eternal and cosmic family.

Yes it is also true that in your constant and continual, unchanging attitude of rejection of what He offers, embracing only sin and iniquity even after the truth has been fully revealed to you, yes you can indeed, moment by moment by such daily activities, determine your own destiny of isolation and annihilation from the family of God. You must put your mind at ease now and not be fearful, for the Father is a loving God and He embraces every child of His, and is there within guiding and leading you, as you will and allow, even during times of trial and adversity, oftentimes unknowing and unrealized by you.

But you now know and are aware and all you need to do is ask, and help is there immediately. Ask the Master to be by your side and let the Spirit of Truth direct you. Just as your own children fail and flounder and you pick them up and love them and encourage them on, so does the Father and His hosts ever cheer you on, in your mortal, soul struggles in life.

In eternal love reaching down and mortal love and sincere attitude of heart reaching up, rest in the assurance that you will not fail in your ascension journey home. A multitude of teachers are prepared and waiting to assist you now and in all your spheres of learning for all eternity. So be of good cheer and joyful in all your struggles moment by moment. Rest in the loving arms of Fathers who have prepared a place for each and every one of you, yours for the striving and that striving is indeed moment by moment in your daily activities of life as you endeavor to overcome and grow in the “fruits of God’s Spirit.”

We would remind you that the plan of God for your success and ascension has already been set in place, as you have read in your text. Continue to read and study and be grounded in the truths found there and so clearly explained for you.
“There is in the mind of God a PLAN which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and THIS PLAN is an ETERNAL PURPOSE of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. And the infinite treasures of such a MATCHLESS CAREER are yours for the STRIVING!

The GOAL OF ETERNITY is ahead! The ADVENTURE OF DIVINITY ATTAINMENT lies before you! The RACE FOR PERFECTION is on! Whosoever will may enter, and CERTAIN VICTORY will crown the EFFORTS of every human being who will run the RACE OF FAITH AND TRUST, DEPENDING EVERY STEP OF THE WAY ON THE LEADING OF THE INDWELLING ADJUSTER, and on the GUIDANCE OF THAT GOOD SPIRIT OF THE UNIVERSE SON, which so freely has been poured out upon all flesh.” Pg. 365

“There is a GREAT AND GLORIOUS PURPOSE in the march of the universes through space. ALL OF YOUR MORTAL STRUGGLING IN NOT IN VAIN. We all partake in an IMMENSE PLAN, a GIGANTIC ENTERPRISE, and it is the vastness of the undertaking that renders it impossible to see very much of it at any one time and during any one life. We are all part of an ETERNAL PROJECT which the GODS ARE SUPERVISING AND OUTWORKING.

The whole marvelous and universal mechanism moves on majestically through space to the music of the metre of the INFINITE THOUGHT and the ETERNAL PURPOSE of the FIRST GREAT SOURCE AND CENTRE.

The ETERNAL PURPOSE of the eternal God is a HIGH SPIRITUAL IDEAL. The EVENTS OF TIME and the STRUGGLES OF MATERIAL EXISTENCE are but the scaffolding which bridges over to the other side, to the promised land of spiritual reality and supernal existence.” Pg. 364

These are but a few of the excerpts from your text, the Urantia Book, that reveal the destiny and the purpose that are yours, if you desire and strive for it. I hope this has helped in answer to your questions. You need not be anxious at your stumbling. Always continue to strive in your spiritual growth to overcome, knowing all is not in vain and eternal life awaits you with all its wonders and glories to embrace. I bid you good day, ever your guide and friend, Malcom.

Session 41
June 29,1999

TARA: Malcom, do you have a lesson on the aspects of joy? Why don’t we feel more joyful when we are so blessed to have knowledge of the Fifth Revelation?

MALCOM: Little one, listen to us. We will help you to understand. Joy in the human heart is rare, indeed, at this most critical time on your planet. The constant struggles of life so often overcome the joy of the soul. These are not the peaceful times that your planet should have now been enjoying at this time in your evolutionary development. Daily you hear of wars and rumour of wars, but did not the Master say “Let not your heart be troubled?”

There is constant striving and pressures in all your individual lives, in your national and global lives. The nightly news is filled with yet further reports of more violence on your streets, in your homes, in your global home. You hear of manmade violence and, indeed, violence of nature, also contributed to by man. Where is peace and safety for you and your loved ones in these last days of the twentieth century? Your children are not safe in their schools, on the streets or even in their homes! Indeed much correction and the teaching of new ways of living, relating and loving are needed in every aspect and every strata of your societies worldwide.

Is it any wonder you feel saddened at heart and feel heavy laden? Little one, lift up you head in faith and teach others also, that there is hope and reason to rejoice. Your world does seem to be absolutely out of control. Bad news on your broadcasts far outweighs the good that is reported. But now rest assured that mankind is now awakening and realizing that changes must be made on all levels of society. Long held secrets of moral decadence, decay and corruption are coming to light for all to see, and justice with corrections and changes are being made.

The worlds’ heart is indeed saddened by the atrocities now being discovered in Kosovo. Such scenes surely sadden your tender hearts but also elicit response to action. Change does seem to progress very slow indeed when you cannot see the whole picture of world events or even the events surrounding your own lives. We would admonish you all, to have faith and trust in the outworking of the plan of God for your planet home. As that faith and trust grows within you, then shall you begin to feel more joy within your being.

Trust that all is in good hands and you do, indeed, live in a friendly universe and at this present moment in time, your planet home is being cleansed and purified and being brought to its rightful place in the universe circuits. All is in progression, correction and change. You need not fear but truly rejoice that the Father is ever mindful and loves each and everyone of you.

Pray daily that the Father’s kingdom of peace and light and life will come upon your planet; that the present pain and suffering will cease for all mankind everywhere. Truly, it is the Father’s will that His children live in peace and safety and security, that they be filled with the true joy and peace that passes all understanding. In your awareness, you are saddened indeed, but in your enlightenment, you shall find joy and reason for rejoicing for the Father’s will, will be done in earth as it is in heaven. In this have total confidence and trust. Now, little one, I will bid you good day and trust you will find renewed joy and hope within. Your teacher this day, Malcom.

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