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HMB1.2- Halfmoon Bay Part 2 – Sessions 7-13

1993-03-20-Halfmoon Bay, Part 2 – Sessions 7-13
Halfmoon Bay #7-13 – HMB # 1.2

Note: Within these transcripts are several areas where the T/R relates their sensations, impressions, feelings and thoughts during the TR sessions which are green text. Many celestial lessons and responses are not identified and left as they appear in the transcript. When the celestial is identified they are capitalized and emboldened for ease for the reader. 


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Half Moon Bay, Part 2
o 1.2 Group: Half Moon Bay TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Signa, Olfana, Tarkas, LinEl, Jun-el, Lucinda
o 2.2 TR: Susan Kimsey

• 7 Sessions 7-13

Session 7
First contact with Tarkas, A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles

You are tired tonight. This is more difficult. T is not to worry. Be assured that God’s love extends to you fully. A is free to think about this Mission as she wishes. Come together openly. Explore the possibilities we present to you. Your papers are gone in the trash.

[I was missing an invoice, and asked them if it were possible for them to tell me where it was.]

Sunshine is energy glowing onto the earth. God’s Love:is energy;God’s love is energy . i.Energy is God’s love moving through the universe. You are tired. We understand. Today was difficult. Waiting here is someone else to talk to you. Stop questioning! See the colors Color visualization.

[I saw small dots of many colors: purple, blue, gold, red, fuchsia, magenta–as if someone threw silver sparkle into the air, and it caught the sunlight. These small dots had a very calming effect on me. This lasted for about two minutes. Then I felt a deepening in the energy, and it also felt more powerful.]

I see every one of the colors that you see. My name is Tarkas. Tarkas first contact with. I know this seems surprising to you.

[I had been reading two Tarkas transcripts from Cincinnati, Ohio, earlier that evening. I was impressed with how eloquent the lessons were on prayer and forgiveness. I know that in this group are members who also study Course in Miracles is true A Course in Miracles. I have been a Course student since 1985, and was very pleased to see how Tarkas’s lessons reflected Course teachings. I was also thinking about how appropriately teachers are matched to groups. I am still so new at all this, that when I heard, “My name is Tarkas,” I was immediately filled with doubt–that my mind must be projecting this. It was comforting to hear, “I know this seems surprising to you.”]

Come openly to hear my message. Follow the path, you seekers-of-truth.

[I felt this is a reference to myself, T, and A, since we all read the Course together.]

The Course in Miracles is true.

[I heard “true” four times before I dared to say it.]


Jesus/Christ Michael needs your help…You are tired. We thank you for your attention tonight. This is quickly seen as easy to finish. Releasing your energy now.

[I felt the “dimmer switch” effect.].

Olfana and Tarkas

Session 8
Stillness mantras, Color Visualization

TARKAS:  Hello again. Tarkas is here. He will speak now. Calm your mind. It helps you to hear us…[private message to S] There are many others now waiting here. Go deeper. [I sensed very focused energy throughout my body.] Please listen carefully. Olfana loves you. Now she wants to speak.

OLFANA: I feel close to you. Let your mind relax. Stop trying so hard. T is loved too. He needs practice in the stillness. Go closer to your breathing, T. Stop pushing yourself. Stay with one thought…”Stillness Practice mantras God’s power is focusing me.” “God’s love keeps me whole.” “Send me God’s power.”

[[adjustmentI] had a sense of my whole body swirling very fast. At the same time I felt an immensely powerful funnel of energy swirling around me in the opposite direction. I felt no nausea or confusion. It felt invigorating.]

Energy Transmission rotational effect The energy you feel running through you is good.

[Then I felt strong surges of energy. This energy entered through my head, and surged down through my body. I began to see blue clouds of energy surging downward Color Visualization.]

Centrifugal energy grounds you…blue flashes, purple, fuchsia, orange, yellow. [I again began to move my hands up the mid-line of my body from my groin to above my head. I experienced the same “zipper effect” I had felt before. The energy was very powerful and invigorating. I sighed four times, it felt so good!] Take deep breaths. Press on this button.

[What??? Suddenly I realized my tape recorder was about to run out of tape! I opened my eyes and turned the tape over.]


Thank you for cooperating. This process helps you heal. Olfana and Tarkas are now finished. Hear us speak. We love you very much. Stop editing! Become quiet. Let us go now. Goodbye.

Session 9
“We are seeds”

Dear Ones. A is welcome. Love binds you closely. We sense your emotions.

[I was feeling tears well up in my eyes.]

You are here with us for a reason. Take heart in this Mission. Close feelings are important. The Course in Miracles Course binds you in love.

[Color VisualizationI saw pulsating clouds of purple and I felt very strong energy running through my body.]

Christ Michael blesses you. Joy comes to all who serve in his name. A, you are a child of God. You are a seed Seeds symbol of that will become a flower of great beauty to all you help/serve. We bless you in friendship. Take this message to heart. Bring yourself together with everything you understand. In service you thrive. You know this already. S and you are sisters. We love you. TR Process”Trust this process”Trust this process. Keep yourself patient. The energies will come to you, A. Love is God’s energy. It binds you to the Father.


We turn this time back over to you. Olfana, Tarkas, Lin-el, Signa… Goodbye.

Session 10
Chakra Adjustment

Blessed be. You are ready to receive us now. Go deeper.

[My right leg was feeling very “jittery.” I call it my “jumpy leg syndrome.”]

Your leg is feeling tension because we are making adjustments again. Relax…Bring everything to your thoughts that allows us cooperation. This session comes from…Tarkas, Lin-el, Signa, Olfana, two Angels of Healing. Signa says to release control.

[My leg continued to bother me. I moved around a lot.]

Go deeper. Try movement. Yesterday we worked with you on energy blocks. Do try to not eat sugar Healthy Living sugar. It goes to make bad energy Sugar affects energy circuits connections. Color visualization Let the colors come now.

[I tried to see colors, but without much success. My leg still bothered me.]

A knows something is happening to you. She sees the changes. Please try to pay attention. Let the colors come.

[I rearranged myself. My leg still felt tense]

Move with feelings…This is difficult for you tonight. You are distracted by thoughts. We cannot… Let yourself relax.

[As I tried deep breathing, I felt strong energy pulsations in my hands and body.]

Feel this strong energy Chakra adjustment Energy Transmission Healing energy. It releases God’s power. Thanking God for this power…Thanking God for this energy of healing is affectionately understood.

[I feel this is a reference to a prayer I had said that morning. I then felt the urge to hold my hands, palms inward, in front of my face.] See gold, orange. [I did.]

Such energy heals you now. Your leg continues to ache because it goes through changes. Leave all doubts, thoughts, worries on your certain faith in God. This energy changes/becomes magenta, purple.

[It did.]

Go deeper, please. Let all concerns remain behind. We love you, S. Thinking gets in the way. Let us do our work. All that happens here is God’s process. We will release you. Sometimes this transfer of energy is intense.

[I felt a jolt, and my head snapped backward.]

Raise your hands up. Feel this power.

[Once again I felt the urge to move my hands up the midline of my body, starting at my groin and moving upward over my head. Again I felt the warm, “zipped up” effect.]

Tonight was long to go with us. We trust you to understand our work. Let us help you heal. Releasing you now.

[The dimmer switch feeling] Tarkas, Olfana, Signa, Lin-el, Jun-el Goodbye.

Session 11
Energy Transmission

Come here us speak to you tonight. We love you. We hope you are learning to trust us. Now is the time to begin our work. Energy Transmission Your hands are feeling the energy. They are not going to work on you now. They can help T. Are you willing, T?

[He answered, “Yes.”]

Reach over. Hold S’s hand. Feel everything that passes from her to you. Let it help you heal. Your doubt is understandable. This is new information to you and it seems hard to know how to handle everything that you hear. Can you trust in God’s love for you?

[T answered, “Yes, that’s never been shaken.”]

Then, know you are a child of God. You are dear to him. He reaches out to you through the energies flowing from us to S, and then to you. You may reach out with your love to Him in many ways. Your faith is real. We know this. You carry a wise understanding of God’s love for his children. Share this knowledge with those you choose to serve. Realize that transformation takes time. Show patience with yourself. Honor even your doubt. Let the energy of God’s love build and draw forth from you all your abilities in his service. S is feeling very strong energy passing through her.

[It was so powerful I was having difficulty saying the words.]

We are sending this to you. Let this experience help bind you together. We are blessing you now. This is God’s love God’s Love:is energy;manifested . i.Energy:is God’s love through your bodies.

[I felt strong waves of energy pulsating through me.]

Healthy Living importance of Always remember to honor your bodies as temples for God’s love, and care for them with honor. S, you may release T’s hand. Let this new energy of God’s love fill you, T. This experience is part of your transformation too.

Never forget what a precious child of God you are. We are releasing you now, S. Tarkas, Lin-el, Signa, Olfana,………..Jun-el Goodbye.

Session 12
Oil slick as a symbol

Go deeper. Let the colors come Color Visualization. You take this with movement. [Again I felt the need to move my torso in slow circles.] Let God’s energy penetrate your vision. You see bursts that change shape.

[I saw large bursting clouds of iridescent colors.]

Energy Circuits Energy Transmission Waves of energy pass through you with the colors. Your hands pulsate now. We are tuning you easily with the essences Flower Essence sand healing.

[Peralandra Flower Essences]

Let this be noted by others. Try breathing. Come up with your hands. Take your hands and feel the pulsations. Now touch your heart.

[I felt pulsations of energy in my chest, and saw a mix of many bursts of colors.]

Mixtures of colors give a blending of colors that is good for you. The oil slick was a Oil Slick symbol. A promise. Pay attention when this happens again.

[My daughter and I had been in a shopping center parking lot the previous evening. We noticed a beautiful 4′ X 6′ oil slick on the blacktop. It had recently rained, and the magenta, fuchsia, purple, blue, and gold iridescent colors of the slick glowed in the reflected light of a spotlight overhead. We stood admiring the beautiful colors for quite awhile.]

Thern knows much information about healing. Listen to his explanations. Let his experience be a guide for you.

[I had spoken to Thern long-distance that afternoon.]

Healers You are connected with many healers now. You and they will blend like the beautiful mixture of colors that you see. God’s Plan:involves energy changes on Urantia;God’s plan involves . i.Energy changes; energy changes on the planet. Your work will help this process. Discover the love this energy brings to you and others by using this process first on yourself. Are you not healing, S? This is real. . i.TR Process”Trust this process”;Trust this process. . i.Prayer value of; Your prayers are important to you and to us. Thank you for acknowledging our work. We know the prize we give you will be taken with gratitude.

[I had told Patije that I kept feeling like I had won the lottery, but I couldn’t quite believe it!]

Thern and Patije know much about this. Let all worries go. Tell your friends nothing yet.

[I had been musing about calling a friend of twenty years, and telling her about this experience.]

Your father gets help too.

[My father has severe glaucoma. I had told Thern that I hoped someday I could try a healing on him, once the celestials told me I was ready.]

Let yourself wait until he seems ready. Your mother is loved. She is a child of God. Comfort her. She needs your comfort now.

[S’s mother is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s Syndrome.]

We bless you in this undertaking. Feel this blessing as magenta, fuchsia energy.

[I saw clouds of these colors throbbing.]

Let yourself relax. We go now. We love you. We are releasing your energy. Olfana, Signa, Lin-el, Jun-el, Tarkas, others here greet you. Goodbye.’Mind Reading”read my mind,” that perhaps they needed my permission. I have read in many transcripts where teachers ask permission before they “scanned the mind, or memories” of someone asking a question. I said that if knowing my thoughts or memories would benefit my healing or help in serving someone else, then, “in Christ Michael’s name,” I gave them permission to do so.] Know that everything now depends upon your cooperation. Co-creative”Co-creative” is not just a word. It is a concept that binds you to God, and God to you.

[I felt a new surge of tingling energy.]

TARKAS: Let me introduce myself. I am Tarkas. Energy Transmission Feel my energy passing through you.

[I felt a strong, deep surge of energy that lasted for 30-50 seconds. Then the energy shifted. The vibration pattern lightened. Color Visualization I saw magenta and fuchsia colors. I felt happy, almost giggly!]

Dear one, you move very quickly. I enjoyed your singing tonight in the car.

[Earlier in the evening, while I was driving my car, singing along with a Bette Midler tape, I thought…”I wonder if Olfana can hear me right now.”]

Teachers relationship with student We make a good pair/team together. We are about the Father’s business. Let my energy pass through you now.

[I continued to feel this “happy” energy, and I saw fuchsia bursts of energy.]

Now you see combinations of colors glowing. We love you, S. Love yourself. Know that all resistance passes away when approached with love. Still others wish to speak.

[Long pause…I think I started to drift into sleep.]


You tire now. We understand. Jun-el will speak later. Many here greet you, and wish you well, Little Healer. Your son, C, needs your love now. Help him with the essences Flower Essences and healing. You need to rest, S. We depart. Take our love and hold it to your heart. We are releasing you. Many teachers

Session 13
Reading the mind of TR

Let your resistance to any guidance drop away now. We love you, S. You are coming along fine. You take many paths back to the Father. We hear your questions. We know your mind. It is good that you let us see your thoughts. We appreciate this cooperation on your part.

[I had said before I went into this meditation that I wasn’t sure how easily they could. I felt as I fell asleep that somehow my “mind was being read.” I saw thin lines of Color visualization gold energy, like threads, zipping in all directions, and I had a lightness, a buzzing sense of energy in the top of my head. It didn’t in any way feel unpleasant. I wonder if others feel anything when Teachers are scanning their memories?]

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