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ICC-MM 190324-Seeding Repentance into Recalcitrant Planetary Circuits

2019-03-24. Seeding Repentance into Recalcitrant Planetary Circuits

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

March 24, 2019

Topic:  Seeding Repentance into Recalcitrant Planetary Circuits

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, as we take some deep breaths and settle into our hearts, prepare our minds for our focused efforts to collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim, may you connect us as one in the circuit of your LOVE.  Our hearts are full of gratitude for what you are providing to us to help this world ascend to higher levels of consciousness.  We are ready to participate with our Seraphim as you connect us heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, Spirit-to-Spirit, personality-to-personality in that unified field of love and light and intention for the Father’s WILL to prevail.  Anchor us deeply together as one as your WILL is done.  Thank you.

MANOTIA:  Greetings, my beloved brethren.  This is Manotia.  I am mightily pleased to see the level of your devotion and dedication toward this planet in its trajectory toward Light and Life.  Much is occurring in these circuits of your planetary mindal system to support the further awakening of many more individuals to the LOVE of the Father Within.

Today we will continue to build upon the recent infusions of REDEMPTION and PURIFICATION IN THE HOLY SPIRIT under the FATHERHOOD AND SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL.  So take some deep breaths now.  Open yourselves to our beloved Mother Nebadonia.  Let Her presence breathe new life in and through you.  Let Her presence be that breath of fresh air, metaphorically speaking, to purify your minds and bodies of all that is impure and unholy, creating new space for life to blossom within your minds and your bodies that takes origin within the power of LOVE.

So many of our brethren of this world are still harboring false impressions of Deity.  They do not know that the Father is within them waiting to show them the value of who they are.  Some people harbor many, many false ideologies and value false concepts, and they do it in ways that they are hardly conscious.  But nonetheless this still exists as certain influences within the mindal circuits of this planet.  We have told you briefly about these recalcitrant circuits that still foster this rebellion agenda, keeping people attached to these erroneous concepts that foster feelings of unworthiness and pride and a reluctance to change.  What we ask of you today is to help us in our endeavors to build these energies of REPENTANCE into these recalcitrant circuits.

In order for individuals to grow spiritually, there must be a conscious desire and recognition that there is a greater overarching power than what humans conceive of on their own.  This power exists within the spiritual nature of humanity via the Indwelling Spirit and the fact that each individual is imbued with personality from the First Source and Center.  But those who are still lingering in these recalcitrant circuits have a sense of false pride, you might say, a lack of humility, or empathy for others.  And these circuits now that contain these energies are ready to receive the higher infusions of Spirit which can foster a sense of awareness that repentance provides to help individuals come into a conscious recognition of the error of their ways that they may begin to glimpse that there is a spiritual component to their beings and sense that there is something much more advantageous for them to perceive and to begin to ask those questions that will provide them with the redemption they need.

What we invite you to do now that will engage with our ministrations is to simply envision the word REPENTANCE in your mind’s eye.  As you do this, allow the energies of what this spiritual quality means and what its value conveys into these collective recalcitrant circuits.  We have in the past engaged the energies of REPENTANCE, but now it is time for this to go into the planet at a deeper level and for those evolutionary circuits of mind that have still harbored the rebellion agenda to open to this infusion of REPENTANCE that can be applied in the deeper circuits all over the globe.

Let this word become strong and clear in your mind’s eye.  Let it settle over your hearts and from that powerful place of your heart centers simply ask it to be encircuited all around the planet, letting your desires of the heart for this to take greater form and shape and presence in these recalcitrant circuits while we apply these energies where they will do the most good.  We begin.

If it is helpful, you may use that familiar visualization of REPENTANCE moving from the north to south poles in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation to spiral around the planet, feeling your desire for these energies to penetrate as deeply and widely as they can to assist the circuits of human will to open to this through our ministrations.  Thank you.

There is a long legacy of humans denying the Father’s WILL to prevail within the constructs of the evolutionary potential of the divine plan.  While this denial of the Father was not generated by humans, it still exists as a planetary cultural form, you might say.  What we ask of you is to hold that desire for human will to acknowledge that this is a great error and deviation of the divine plan so more individuals who are held within this denial circuit may begin to see the error of their ways and repent of their lack of understanding spiritual insight.  This allows the infusion of REDEMPTION to then come into the heart and mind and help people begin to glimpse the presence of Spirit and to feel the stirrings of the soul.

This time of planetary wakening is very ripe now, and through this infusion of REPENTANCE more people can come out of this deep denial state of the Father’s presence within and awaken to the call of Spirit—a desire to love, the interest to behave in a goodly, Godly manner.  So let your hearts swell with the desire for this to [inaudible] deeply in these recalcitrant circuits:   REPENTANCE, REPENTANCE, REPENTANCE,  thanking the Father for the vibrational tones of this spiritual language to reverberate deeply throughout the planet at these levels; especially where people are still in denial at a very unconscious level.

The twelve sectors of the seraphic involvement are now taking these energies and applying them in their areas of involvement and influence.  Feel your desire for this level of infusion to go deeper into these twelve areas all around the globe.  You can hold that as a general intention, or if there are certain areas of interest to you where you would wish to see more of this REPENTANCE be activated, then simply appeal to that group of Seraphim who will take your energies and add their higher angelic frequencies to what you offer to them.

As well, if you have certain areas of planetary circumstances where this REPENTANCE is necessary, you may also add your heart desires to that and they will follow it and apply what they can.  Wherever you allow your gaze to be placed, ask for the energies of REPENTANCE to be activated and augmented to liberate those individuals that they may come into the embrace of REDEMPTION and receive what Michael wishes to provide to them.

Michael’s LOVE pervades this planet. As REPENTANCE continues to move in these circuits, especially in areas where evolution to higher levels of consciousness has been thwarted, we also invite you to focus on the Universe Heart Circuit that this may also be applied into those areas.  Individuals still operating in these circuits need to have higher spiritual forms and energies to help them awaken to the error of their ways that they may glimpse more truth and perceive the light of REDEMPTION.

So if you are able to hold these two prevailing intentions for REPENTANCE to prevail here, also invite that Universe Heart Circuit to go into this very deeply embedded recalcitrant circuit that other individuals may perceive what is most valuable for individuals to know at this time—that the heart is a powerful and mighty healer and that this higher form of the Universe Heart can break open new areas for truth and goodness to prevail within these recalcitrant circuits that more REPENTANCE may be perceived and REDEMPTION received.

There is a circuit containing an influence that denies the Father’s presence and it is now being outworked through this infusion today.  These energies will continue to take a greater predominance within the very complex circuitry bandwidth of Urantian consciousness.  We invite you to do your part each day as a cosmic citizen to request that this REPENTANCE infusion continue to become more fully integrated into all of the higher circuits that are now operating within this greater bandwidth all around the globe.

Your intentions are most needed now, your desires, your will for Father to regain his rightful place in the hearts of his Urantian children is fundamental now for more healing and transformation to occur.  Remember that you have a part to play in this time of great change.  And while we understand that you have material lives and circumstances therein to face, you can certainly use your minds in more productive ways than worry and anxiety.  Simply ask for more of these new circuits to prevail and the Father’s LOVE to become more dominant.

Are you doing your part each day?  Are you recognizing the great privileges now being offered to you as cosmic citizens?  Do not feel downcast if you have not answered a very strong affirmative response but try again.  Try each day and when you do this, you will be fortified in greater spiritual power.  This is the power of Father Within you and you are learning how to use this; when to apply it; how to train your mind to use the spiritual energies appropriately.

You might say this is a time of great retraining as the human mindal circuits open to something so powerful and beneficial that it will change life on Urantia here forever.  We can only encourage you in this way.  It is up to you to make those inspired decisions to act as these agents of change.  In our final moments together, continue to focus on REDEMPTION IN THE UNIVERSE HEART CIRCUIT, and ask for REPENTANCE to move deeply in these recalcitrant energies that more healing may prevail here.

On behalf of the Seraphim of Urantia, I thank you.  We are all moving forward as one in the Father’s WILL, and as REPENTANCE continues to move and vibrate in these recalcitrant circuits will you see more truth be revealed.  And it will be shocking to some people, but nevertheless, it will be a time of great change and change for the better.  Change in the power of LOVE and change in the human heart awakening to the presence of Spirit Within.

Our objective for this call has been completed but this infusion of REPENTANCE will continue to reverberate deeply, and we will again work in this arena at our next gathering together as more light penetrates into these circuits of Urantian consciousness and bring more people back into their rightful place and the power of love within—of the Father’s presence within and bringing this world back to her rightful place in the heart of the Father’s bosom.

May the blessings of peace and joy be yours to experience this day as you move forward growing in who you are and fulfilling the sacred purposes for your individual personality expression.  Good day.

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