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ICC-MM 190407-Seeding Forgiveness into the Planetary Record

2019-07-04. Seeding Forgiveness into the Planetary Record

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

April 7, 2019

Topic: Seeding Forgiveness into the Planetary Record

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, as we settle into our hearts, may we hold that strong intention for more healing to come into these evolutionary circuits of Urantian consciousness to bring in more light and love and healing as we collaborate with our beloved Planetary Seraphim. Thank you for encircuiting us as one in your LOVE as we are connected heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to Spirit, personality to personality, forming a tight bond and field for our Seraphim to use where they know it will produce the most good. Help us to stay focus on where we are being guided to share our thoughts and heart energies today, as your WILL is done. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service.

MANOTIA:  Greetings, dear brethren!  This is Manotia. Deep within the circuits of Urantian consciousness is an evolutionary record of those events that have transpired that are aligned in the principles of divine values. What we have been engaged with you over these past months is to build more light into these evolutionary circuits that more TRUTH would prevail, and more individuals begin to open up to the power of Spirit Within. This is now well underway.

Yet, there are certain circuits, you might call them, pockets of mindal energy that contain both emotional and mental currents that still need to be outworked. We have been collaborating with you what we have called recalcitrant because these energies have been deeply steeped in the rebellion agenda. But these are now being outworked through various means, and one of the means is through this collaborative effort of humans and Seraphim to open these circuits that more REDEMPTION and REPENTANCE be operative to help those thought-forms and memories be expunged from the planetary record. We will continue to minister in these domains today, and we invite you to feel the desire for more of this REDEMPTION and REPENTANCE to occur. However, in today’s infusion we invite you to focus on the energies of FORGIVENESS.

FORGIVENESS is a powerful spiritual antidote for that which you consider to be evil and sinful. And it is important that these circuits continue to be outworked, and that those individuals still attached to certain mindsets have an opportunity to repent of their ways and to be redeemed through the LOVE of Christ Michael.

So today, as we continue to collaborate with you and minister in these circuits, we invite you to focus on FORGIVENESS.  This is a spiritual quality that you have focused on before, but in today’s infusion we take this into those deeply embedded circuits that the energies of REPENTANCE and REDEMPTION would have more room to help those individuals see the error of their ways and what they have prevailed within their minds. As well, there are other areas that will be able to receive these endowments, but that is not for you to think about at this point, as it is that we would engage with you on this infusion of FORGIVENESS that more healing may occur in these recalcitrant circuits.

We invite you to set that gaze at your heart. Envision in your mind’s eye this quality, this power, this spiritual energy of FORGIVENESS. Let it flow through your hearts, coming from both Christ Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia, and feel your desire for more of this to prevail in these circuits that are still resistant and reluctant to open to divine WILL. We begin.

As you allow this word-energy to flow through you and emit through your hearts into the planet’s circuitry, invite these to go into these memory patterns where FORGIVENESS is most needed. Allow your Indwelling Spirits to guide you where to focus and how to focus as you do your best to hold this intention for FORGIVENESS to prevail.

There is a record on the planet of the events that have transpired here based upon human thought, feeling, and action. If you wish, you may ask for FORGIVENESS to be more deeply embedded or seeded into this planetary record, this overarching tale of what has occurred here over the long evolutionary history of the planet. As you allow FORGIVENESS to emanate from you heart centers, ask for it to be applied into this planetary record into the areas where we can take what you provide and add what we can. Let your love for this world prevail. Let your desire for healing to swell and this will magnify the power of FORGIVENESS that we can also augment through these circuits of mind.

In doing so, the qualities of REPENTANCE and REDEMPTION have more room within these circuits to function—to change the quality of energy in these circuits for more healing to occur and expand.

The circuits of the planetary record are being primed to open to a great infusion of LOVE. What we are attempting to accomplish with you today is this greater opening of these circuits for more LOVE to prevail. And while you have been guided to focus on FORGIVENESS, we also invite you to simply hold that intention as we move into this record allowing these words to stream in: IT IS TIME TO HEAL URANTIAN CONSCIOUSNESS.  IT IS TIME TO HEAL URANTIAN CONSCIOUSNESS.   IT IS TIME TO HEAL URANTIAN CONSCIOUSNESS.  And simply ask for that to reverberate throughout this record of evolutionary development.  There are many mighty helpers assisting us now as you hold this focus and as the FORGIVENESS infusion prevails in these circuits.

This world is operating under the AUTHORITY and SOVEREIGNTY of Christ Michael. The agenda of the rebellion is losing its grasp, but there is still much to be accomplished as this mighty transformation of your world continues to unfold. At our level we can do much, but it is only through your intentions and desires that we respond. So ensure that you are doing your part each day, especially to forgive; for FORGIVENESS is a spiritual energy that actually destroys that which is out of alignment with divine WILL. It is a powerful spiritual tool, and we cannot encourage you enough to practice this in your own lives on a daily basis.

What is there to forgive? Allow your Spirits to guide you into those insights where you still may be holding any type of resentment or anger toward any individual or circumstance, even to the point of forgiving what has occurred here on Urantia. When you do this, there is a mighty spiritual energy that is released, and it washes clean that which is out of alignment, and builds in you more spiritual receptivity for your perspectives and attitudes to change. It would be most beneficial if all Urantians could practice this level of FORGIVENESS on a daily basis, for then you would truly see mighty transformations occur. We can only encourage you and inspire you to have your own experiences with FORGIVENESS that you may stand in the truth of what this truly means for your lives and for the collective.

So remember, when you begin to feel upset or angry at a situation or an individual, ask to see this through the eyes of FORGIVENESS, and trust that your Spirit will help you perceive the broader perspective of what is occurring.  And you will benefit mightily from this broadened viewpoint and grow in compassion and understanding that will edify your souls and bring you great peace.

So in these final moments together, simply feel that desire for FORGIVNESS to move in these records of history, asking for more healing to occur through this infusion of IT IS TIME TO HEAL URANTIAN CONSCIOUSNESS.

Let FORGIVENESS be your ally during these days of intense correction now underway, and remember to thank Christ Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia for their LOVE prevailing upon this world, and all that they have made available to you to bring this world back into the family of Nebadon. You were always a member, but now it is time for more souls to remember this basic truth, and through FORGIVENESS so much more healing is possible.

May your hearts be light with gratitude and joy, as Urantia continues its ascension into these higher circuits of universe life remembering that your part is pivotal.  How you think, how you feel, how you conduct yourselves each day adds to the growing light of truth and goodness the more you spiritize your thinking in conjunction with your indwelling Father Fragments.

We have done our part today and we are now complete. But rest assured, what has been seeded today will continue to move into these circuits of the planetary record and build more TRUTH-LIGHT upon the planet. Remember what it is that you must do each day: to forgive, to love, to commune with Father Within, and from that place live your lives fully and faithfully as devoted sons and daughters of God, helping to change this world to make it a beautiful place to prosper and grow in the Father’s LOVE.

On behalf of all of the celestials who have participated with us, I thank you, and we will be with you on Easter Sunday, as more spiritual energy embraces this world and moves during this important time when more people are aware of the presence of Jesus and His LOVE for this beautiful world. Good day.

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