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ICC-MM 190421-The Power of Resurrection

2019-04-21. The Power of Resurrection

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

April 21, 2019

Topic: The Power of Resurrection

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we are so grateful and joyful to collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim on this Easter Sunday.  As you weave us together as one in your LOVE, connecting us at those various levels, we ask you to expand us now that our hearts may be full of your LOVE, our bodies full of your LIGHT as we are guided to focus where our Seraphim direct us today.  Help us to be mindfully integrated in this circuit of intention to serve during this time of correction upon Urantia that what we collaborate with our Seraphim today does mighty good upon the planet in conjunction with your holy WILL.  And we are grateful for this opportunity to serve as your WILL is done now.  Thank you.

MICHAEL:  Greetings, my beloved children.  This is Michael.  I am very pleased to join you today as millions around the planet celebrate this Easter Sunday.  There is much spiritual power being directed toward this world from both human and celestial levels, and we intend to make good use of this today to help your world continue to grow in divine GRACE and GOODNESS, and that the loveliness that exists within each person’s Inner Divine Presence may have more room to operate.

To begin, I invite you all to draw into my presence, allowing my PEACE to expand in you.  Feel me, my children.  Let my presence envelope you and move you into greater relationship with me as your Father.

As my PEACE deepens with you, know that this is catalyzing places within your beings for the life currents to have more room to function within your beings.  This is part of the quality of life that has a resurrecting power and ability to generate new life.  The spiritual meaning and value of the word RESURRECTION contains life codes that are very important for the human ascension plan and for the continued cultivation of Urantian consciousness to higher levels of mindedness impinging upon cosmic mind.

My plans of correction for Urantia continue to develop and produce much good fruit.  And today being Easter Sunday, we wish to make use of all of that spiritual energy now focused on me as Jesus and what I achieved during that particular day when my resurrection to morontia life occurred.

So in keeping with this, I simply invite you to allow the word value of RESURRECTION to be your focus and to feel the desire for the energies contained in that word to reverberate within your beings.  As well, I invite you to ask my Personalized Father Fragment, my Spirit, to commune with yours as you hold the focus on RESURRECTION and allow the energies to move within you now.  Breathe and relax and your Mother and I will move in this focus for you, my beloved children.  If you wish, you may see this word in your mind’s eye and simply place it upon your hearts.  And we begin.

Breathe deeply and drink deeply of this word value and what it is designed to disclose into your beings.  You may not comprehend the fullness of its meaning at this time.  That is not as important as it is to simply allow this word to be your focus as its value touches you and incorporates into those facets of your mindal system.  Continue to receive.

That which you call “life” has many facets and dimensions.  Much of your ascension career will be spent studying, learning what this word connotes, and how you relate to it.  This world is very far behind in its understanding of what this truly means.  But there are mighty codes within this meaning value of RESURRECTION we are making available to Urantians now on this day to help you ascend to these higher levels of mind as the rebellion legacy loses its influence in how you think and feel.  This is liberating to the human heart and edifying to the human understanding.  And as you allow this word energy to move in you, let it go into those places where you need renewal and generation of life itself.  Continue to receive.

Now as you have freely received, freely give.  Set your gaze upon the world in your mind’s eye.  Project from your hearts these words: THE POWER OF RESURRECTION.  Let them embrace the world.  Let them spiral around the planet top to bottom, counter-clockwise asking for the POWER OF RESURRECTION to move deeply upon those circuits that need this injection of LIFE—life circuits, life energies, all that life discloses.  Feel your desire for this POWER OF RESURRECTION to become a mighty, palpable force of great change and renewal.

Today there are legions upon legions of devoted celestial helpers participating with you as these mighty energies pervade Urantian consciousness.  So simply do your best to maintain this focus as they respond to the call of your hearts and act under my AUTHORITY and LOVE.  Allow the energies to flow from me to you and then out into the planet as a whole.

What is being resurrected here, you might say?  Well, my children, it is the resurrection of a memory of the divine plan that was once fully operative here.  This divine plan exists albeit there were massive energetic influences designed to subvert this plan.  But this plan is now coming back to life, perhaps not in the same way as you might consider.  But the divine plan of evolution for this planet is in place and it is on its path toward its eventual completion one day in the far distant future.

But where you are here and now is providing a mighty portal for this divine plan to spring new life awareness within the human energy system that all of the erroneous constructs of mind may be corrected, and that the divine values of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY be more perceivable within, not only the desire to receive this at a heart or emotional level, but to conceptually choose these divine values as a means to live your daily lives.  So open your hearts more, my children, and let this POWER OF RESURRECTION flow from me through you and into the planet.

Remember, my children, I give you spiritual power and authority when you act in my name.  This is part of your responsibility as cosmic citizens.  It is a gift I give to you but you must prove yourself responsible enough to use this with great care and love and devotion to your brothers and sisters and to all life here upon Urantia.  Remember well what is not only your privilege to receive from me but your responsibility to share it with others, and therein may you be mightily fortified in spiritual power, and increasingly become more active and mighty agents of change for this world.

How seriously do you consider this as the priority of your lives, I ask you?  It is an invitation, not a command.  But I do reinforce this notion of your cosmic citizenship to help you perceive that what is occurring upon this world is far greater than what you can be consciously aware of at this time.  But the Spirit Within has the plan and is the plan for your life if you are willing to accept that and walk the path in faith each day.

This is what you might call part of the RESURRECTION process to help you resurrect your own divine plan seated within you that you may participate in this great Correcting Time program for greater purpose and joy.  And as you do this you send a powerful reverberating energy into the collective that brings more of this RESURRECTION POWER to bear upon the constructs of Urantian mind.  So even though you may not fully appreciate or understand what this means and the value of what we are asking you to hold for us today, it is still operative and this energy is reaching into areas where it can produce much good and bring about more alignment in Father’s WILL for this world.

In our final moments together, continue to maintain that focus of the POWER OF RESURRECTION pulsing upon the circuits of this planet’s systems going deeper, expanding broader for the Father’s WILL to prevail.

In closing, may we all now elevate our internal gaze to Paradise and the Father of all.  Simply appeal to your Indwelling Spirit to lead you into those higher circuits of worship as my Personalized Spirit joins with us now to thank Father for all the gifts you have been given, for your very own unique personalities, for the ability to be alive and your capacity for life.  I join with you as we share these worshipful communion moments together now.

Father, I lift these men and women up to You today that they be mightily fortified in Spirit in the days to come.  All life emanates from You.  All GOODNESS, TRUTH and BEAUTY can be reflected in these children and I thank You for magnifying your presence in them now.  May they be mightily fortified to handle the tasks that you assign to them for the construction of their souls and for the healing of Urantia, as I support them in their endeavors as divine WILL manifests itself.  Thank you.

My precious children, I bring this time together to its conclusion today, but only in this one way for we are never separated and you only have to turn to me and I will respond.  Remember you are my sons and daughters as well as children of the Father, and that I pledged to see you through this time of change.  So fortify yourselves in me each day.  Ask your Mother to expand you in faith and goodness that your lives leave that reverberating mark of love upon the planet, and it will spread and it will do what it is designed to do to uplift Urantian consciousness and pave the way for more souls to perceive the LOVE of Father Within.  This is your duty.  This is your privilege. This is your life’s work.

I leave this for you to consider on this holy day and as you do this, my presence will continue to deepen and secure you in our bonds of love as I pledge to you my support of who you are as you live your life each day as a cosmic citizen growing in the POWER OF RESURRECTION in your own beings and the way Father Within is guiding you forward.  My blessings of PEACE are upon you.  Grow in your Mother’s JOY of who you are and enjoy this day as a most peaceful and happy Easter.  Good day.

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