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ICC-MM 190804-Focus on Spiritual Pressure Applied upon Urantian Circuitry

2019-08-04. Focus on Spiritual Pressure Applied upon Urantian Circuitry

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

August 4, 2019

Topic:  Focus on Spiritual Pressure Applied upon Urantian Circuitry

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we offer you our hearts and minds today.  Thank you for the majestic Seraphim of this planet who labor behind the scenes of our lives to implement your ways and your will here.  May we now join with them in this circuit of intention, heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to Spirit, Personality to Personality, forming a tightly knit field of love and the desire to serve.  Your divine plans are being implemented.  And while we do not always understand or know the extent of what it is that is being done to heal this world, we offer our hearts.  And we thank you for the faith we’ve developed that we may continue to move forward during this time and be of service to our brethren.  Thank you for this opportunity, and now may your WILL be done.

MANOTIA:  My beloved brethren, I welcome you all to this call today.  This is Manotia, and I bring to you good news that a certain level of spiritual receptivity has been achieved through these circuits of Urantian consciousness.

That is not to say that changes will appear to be more immediate as it is to suggest that there is more availability of these spiritual circuits all around the globe to intersect and communicate more readily with the human mind.  This is a time that we have long anticipated to help each person find that deep place, that inner wellspring of LOVE, COMPASSION, and VALIDATION that is each person’s birthright to exist as a child of God.

You have collaborated with us in the cultivation of many circuits and energetic endowments that have all created a certain resonance within the circuits of Mind.  Many other groups all around the globe have also participated to foster this circuitry enhancement.  And as we continue today to collaborate with you, we invite you to focus on the words SPIRITUAL PRESSURE that more spiritual energy may be imbued through these circuits of mind and imprint more resoundingly within the circuits of human consciousness, for their inner life to awaken—for the Spirit Within to communicate with the human mind in a more collective manner.

We invite you now to focus on these words:  SPIRITUAL PRESSURE. You might have questions regarding the meaning of this, and so I will give you an analogy.  The device you know as a pressure washer has the ability to stream a high intensity of water on to a soiled surface.  The soiled surface has many years of caked debris that is not necessarily cleaned by regular what you might call hand pressure.  The pressure washer emits this very strong flow of water that is able to remove this caked debris that the surface may become clean, sparkling, fresh once again.

It is the same for the human mind.  Years, well I really should say, millennia of spiritual debris, mindal toxins, emotional wounding has built up this caked resistance to the presence of Spirit Within.  And by you holding this focus today of SPIRITUAL PRESSURE, desiring for more SPIRITUAL PRESSURE to be applied through these circuits, we can amplify this and help more of these circuits of mind receive the pressure washing necessary to cleanse the mindal circuits of this debris, which has been built up over time.

So let your minds’ eye focus on these words with the desire for more SPIRITUAL PRESSURE to be applied in these areas where we know this resistance is still operative to release the ingrained resistance, to purify and cleanse it with the intense light of Spirit.  And let this desire stream forth from your hearts.  Let the intensity of your love for this world, your faith in the divine plan, your compassion for your brethren and all life here to stream forth from your hearts as we conjoin with you now in this circuit to apply SPIRITUAL PRESSURE where the most good can be accomplished.  And we begin.

Each evolutionary material world receives a certain level of spiritual pressure that is innate within the divine plans of evolution toward a Light and Life culture.  The SPIRITUAL PRESSURE upon Urantian circuitry has been amplified and intensified since the advent of the Correcting Time agenda.  Much of what you see as the polarization occurring upon this world in many areas and institutions is a direct result of this spiritual pressure bearing upon the human mind a kind of luminosity or illumination of TRUTH and GOODNESS for the human mind to perceive the better way.  This SPIRITUAL PRESSURE is necessary to provide more internal space for the Indwelling Spirit to convey those higher ideals to the human mind for each individual to make better choices through this enhanced reality perspective that the Father in Paradise provides.

As this polarization has increased in its intensity over the past few years, it does bring up much of what has been hidden from view because there is more TRUTH-LIGHT bearing upon those circuits of mind to help you see what is occurred here upon Urantia so that corrective measures can be developed and taken by the humans of this world through our collaboration.

So we are now that this very delicate critical juncture where the SPIRITUAL PRESSURE is at its most intense flow of TRUTH-LIGHT upon the human mind.  And it is also speaking to the human heart for the desire for GOODNESS—for that more altruistic way of life to prevail here.   so we are in what you might call some of the final stages for this TRUTH-LIGHT intensity of blaze upon these circuits.  Or perhaps a better word to use other than blaze is to purify these circuits of mind that more TRUTH and GOODNESS may be gleaned within.

For some people this is not an easy time for the pain within their hearts and the errors of their thoughts are pressing, pressing upon them, and they have not yet awakened to call of Spirit Within, which is where they will find their comfort and succor.  But surely the SPIRITUAL PRESSURE is having its way, and there will be a time when many more will be experiencing their awakening to the call of Spirit.  And we are moving in that direction now through this intense time of purification that is occurring all around the globe.  Let these words settle in as you continue to keep that focus on SPIRITUAL PRESSURE keen in your hearts, and ask for this to be directed into the areas where it will do the most good.  And we continue with you.

SPIRITUAL PRESSURE is a mighty force.  As this continues to be applied upon the various dimensional levels of Urantian circuitry more people will open to the call of Spirit Within.  For some it may not be easy.  There may be much what you call gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, figuratively.  For when a person acknowledges the pain within at times there is great confusion and despair. But if that Spirit is able to reach down into that place of great need because a person is ready to receive a higher way, then help is immediate and much personal revelation can occur.

So you might consider this to be a prerequisite to this great revelation occurring within of SPIRITUAL PRESSURE providing the environment for an inner quaking to occur which opens things for higher truths to be perceived and divine values and ideals to be desired.  Even some of you may feel this SPIRITUAL PRESSURE moving in you now designed to help you deepen your awareness of your potential as children of God that the Father Within wishes to help you achieve during this part of your human lifetime.

So let the SPIRITUAL PRESSURE continue, and let all Urantians circuits be cleansed of the rebellion agenda and legacy.  Let all hearts be opened to the GOODNESS of Spirit Within.  Let all minds be cleansed of error and be able to receive and perceive higher TRUTHS.  These are our objectives.  And as these circuits continue to be purified, then we have more room to function in these institutions of life all around the globe, building that bridge between the heavenly order of life and the earthly evolution into those ways. So let us continue to fortify these circuits through your focus as we continue in our collaboration.

Great times of change are upon you, my brethren.  How will you comport yourselves through this time?  Will you succumb to residual fear trying to keep you in a state of confusion?  Or will you rise to the faith currents within supplied by the Father, amplified by our Parents to help you hold your head high above the fray and walk through this time with great conviction and courage and faith of the new way of life—the spiritual way of life, the way of life that was always destined for this world to proceed and flourish and prosper for all life here?

These are the questions to ask yourselves in these days of change.  And while you may waver emotionally and mentally at times, know that there is a stabilizing force within you, guiding you forward, supporting you as you allow yourselves to receive more guidance and release the legacy of the past.

We will be continuing this increased SPIRITUAL PRESSURE for several months to come.  And we ask that also continue to align yourselves in this SPIRITUAL PRESSURE that your minds and bodies may be further purified and aligned in Spirit.  It is so available to you now, so ensure that you make good use of it each day as you are guided ably by your own Indwelling Spirits.

We thank you for your collaboration with us today.  We have completed the objectives we set forth to accomplish.  We ask that you continue to focus on all of the various forms and circuits we have invited to share in its cultivation all around the globe, and ask for the SPIRITUAL PRESSURE to seed in these energies.  It is this time.  It is this moment when much good can be accomplished, and know that you are helping to achieve these divine objectives that the world so longs to receive.

May the GRACE and LOVE our Parents enfold you, holding you in their embrace, keeping you safe and secure, strong and confident and fortified in the presence of Father within you.  We send you our appreciation for your efforts and we will be with you once again in a few weeks.  I wish you all a most blessed and peaceful good day.

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