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ICC-MM 190825-Seeding in Values Change to Reflect Divine Ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty

2019-08-25. Seeding in Values Change to Reflect Divine Ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

August 25, 2019

Topic:  Seeding in Values Change to Reflect Divine Ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we lift our intention up to you today and place it in your hands as we collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim in their magnificent ministry to our world as they work in the circuits of the collective to instill more of the divine values into the institutions of our culture.  As we focus on our intention to collaborate with them, may we all be encircuited as one in all of the various levels of energy that connect us together, fortifying the bond between humans and celestials that what we offer will be put to your use in your holy WILL.  Thank you for this opportunity to serve and participate with our Seraphim.

MANOTIA:  My dear brethren, greetings to one and all, and may peace illuminate your hearts.  This is Manotia.  Critical times are ahead for Urantia, as the streams of consciousness point more in the direction of the spirit gravity now bathing this planet.  What this is creating within the mindal systems of this world is a change in perspective, and along with that change in perspective comes a change in the values that have long steered the evolution of this planet.  The planetary culture is moving in the direction necessary for the era of Light and Life to be achieved one day.

You are in the very center of this time of great change, and while it seems that changes are slow to be perceived and implemented, there is a great momentum taking form now to move within the heart systems of this world to create a better awareness of the divine values of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY and how they impact human imagination, creativity and understanding.

I say this to you with great deliberation today as we now call upon you to focus on this change within the value systems of the planet that the divine ideals of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY may pervade the heart circuitry of this world, which can then help to evoke this greater desire within for the values of this world to reflect more of the divine ideals that you have been taught especially from your Urantia text.

Each world has what you might call a value system.  Values of a planetary culture change over time as the evolutionary plans of destiny continue to move a planet forward to its eventual destination of Light and Life.  The value system of this world has been out of step for many, many millennia because of the rebellion legacy that foisted a false value system to pervade human consciousness.  Now that the spiritual pressure upon Urantian consciousness is gaining strength and momentum, it is pressing on those deeply held false values that have kept you in states of fear, conflict, various forms of poverty and illness; all of which separate you from your relationship with the Paradise Father and the natural environment of the universe which is your home.

What we invite you to focus on now is to share with us your desire for the change in the value system to reflect more of the divine ideals of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY.  Sit with this for a moment.  What does this mean for your lives?  Take a few moments to commune with your Indwelling Spirits that the Father may help you perceive more of what it is that we are asking you to participate with us that we may facilitate more of this value change throughout the great gridwork of planetary consciousness.

What does TRUTH mean to you?  How do you express GOODNESS?  How do you relate to BEAUTY?  Simply sit with these questions and present them to your Spirits.

Each one of you has a relationship with these divine ideals.  You grow in your expression of them through the help of your Indwelling Spirits, and over time as this expression gains strength within the planetary mindal system, it can create a great groundswell of spiritual energy for values to change.  You have seen this occur over the generations of your lives.  What was once held dear in previous generations does not carry the same weight or substance as it once did.  Cultural mores shift because of these change in values.

So today, we invite you to feel your desire for a greater value change to occur, that more hearts may open to the divine ideals, that more information may come through these circuits about the reality and validity of these divine values that form a very strong spiritual foundation for all life to flourish upon Urantia.  So allow your hearts to open now with this desire for the ideals of and values of TRUTH and GOODNESS and BEAUTY to flow from your Spirits into your heart, and from your heart out into the globe, asking for this change in the value system of the planet to perceive these divine ideals more readily and easily. We ask you to hold this singular focus, and if you wish you may see the words TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY spiral around the globe as you ask for this change in the value system to occur as we weave in these circuits.  We begin.

Feel your desire for these divine values to become more operative all around the globe, within every institution, within every heart.

You might consider that these divine values operate as a spiritual magnet, elevating human consciousness to perceive the greater meaning and substance of why these values are fundamental to growing a Light and Life culture.  You know that your world has fallen in its understanding of what it means to be truthful or good.  There is so much to outwork of the false values of the rebellion legacy.  Yet in holding the desire for these spiritual values to thrive within the human heart, the spiritual magnetism in these values can draw the heart energies to them, especially when humans desire this.  And you are placing great emphasis on this now even though your numbers may be small.  You are adding to the growing bandwidths for more change to occur to this upstepping of the divine values to pervade human consciousness.

So let your desires be keen, strong, full-bodied that each person may be blessed with the ability to perceive this at some level and to desire this.  Give your brothers and sisters an opportunity to lay down their burdens of feeling unfulfilled or feeling purposeless.  Assist them in perceiving this value change by holding this focus with great intention and desire.

Ask for more of the divine value system to be imprinted within the circuits of mind all around the globe.

Allow your own desires to swell, that you may become living embodiments of these divine values, that you may express them more and more throughout your daily lives.

We now invite you to shift your focus slightly as these words form in your mind’s eye and as you ask for the divine values of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY to stream from your hearts:  VALUE CHANGE OF SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS.  We invite you to focus on these words so that each institution of your planetary culture may imprint more on these energies of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY for the existing values within the institution to open and receive these and that the dynamic of change support that intention.  VALUE CHANGE IN SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS.

Social change can proceed more expediently when these value changes bathe the cultural collective consciousness with those individuals associated within these ways of life.  Many people are being encouraged to open to these new spiritual energies and to feel that the changes percolating within them are truly there for their benefit.  So as this infusion of TRUTH and GOODNESS and BEAUTY can pervade these institutions will more people be willing to work for positive solutions that are in line with Michael’s plans of correction.  More minds can be creatively stimulated with the solutions.  More hearts can be motivated to implement these solutions.

And so, there is everything to gain in opening to this value change, and this planet can come into its better way of living as more hearts and minds perceive this and wish to participate in these corrective solutions.  So continue to allow these energies to stream forth from your hearts and let the VALUE CHANGE IN SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS prevail as we apply the spiritual pressure that is necessary for more hearts to open and more minds to perceive the higher ways.

The critical mass of spiritual energy is rising, continues to gain momentum, direction, scope that it may fulfill its objectives.  But the objectives are filled and achieved by you.  How much effort do you wish to put in fulfilling these objectives for your planetary culture?  What roles do you have to play?  These are questions to take to Spirit Within and ask the Father to guide you that your individual unique purpose for your human life may be fulfilled even as Jesus fulfilled His purpose and serves as the inspiration for you to achieve your own greatness and goodness in the Father.

On behalf of the myriads of celestial helpers, angelic hosts, I thank you.  Our objectives are complete for today, and we appreciate you offering your faith, your hope, your trust to build these necessary spiritual energies for the planet’s system of consciousness to expand and change.  Remember well that you are changing inside yourselves and to do your best each day being mindful of what is occurring within you and outside of you.  This may not be an easy time for many hearts and minds but you who know the truth can remain steadfast in your resolve to demonstrate these ideals wherever you go and whatever you do.  And here is how you master yourselves and fulfill your objectives for your lives that you may add in the planetary change as the world’s value system opens and perceives divine GRACE being offered by our Parents.

May you enjoy these changes in and without you and know that your efforts are making an indelible mark upon Urantian consciousness and helping to build the days of Light and Life.  I leave you with these thoughts and considerations, and we will continue our ministry as our ends and do what we can to assist this world.  Good day.

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