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ICC-MM 190908-Imprinting Universe Reality upon Recalcitrant Circuits; Focusing on Michael is Reality

2019-09-08. Imprinting Universe Reality upon Recalcitrant Circuits; Focusing on Michael is Reality

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

September 8, 2019

Topic:  Imprinting Universe Reality upon Recalcitrant Circuits; Focusing on Michael is Reality

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to be with you. Thank you for your presence in our lives as we join together with our Indwelling Spirits and join together with you as one in this circuit of intention and that our Planetary Seraphim may use our combined energies for your higher purposes. We ask that you connect us in these circuits that connect us together as humans, as family. We place our trust in you and we thank you now for your presence moving in this circuit as our Seraphim combine with us and operate in your WILL. Thank you.

MANOTIA:  Greetings, one and all. This is Manotia. Operating at various bandwidths or frequencies of your planetary system of consciousness are certain thought-forms that combine into larger patterns that form a matrix of information to feed planetary mind. Through these circuits of mind you are all attached to these various forms. Some individuals on the planet are highly susceptible to these to these thought-forms that create certain feelings within your minds and bodies stimulating you into various behavior patterns that condition the way in which you behave out in material reality.

What this world is currently outworking is a massive thought-form deviation that is tied to the mindset of rebellion. Now you know this intellectually, especially from your reading of your Urantia text, and you also know this from the various means which we have ministered to you over the years that you may learn the higher paths of truth and light and goodness. We appreciate all of the efforts that you have made in coming to participate with us over the years. Your energies are important—your thoughts, your feelings; your devotion to your cosmic duty of spiritual growth are helping to significantly reform this structure of planetary consciousness.

There are many groups and individuals all around the globe who are participating in this as well. And so we have come to a point where you might say a critical mass is achieved to continue to turn things in the direction of the spiritual gravity that helps to reform human consciousness and point it in the direction of the First Source and Center.

What we intend to collaborate with you today is to provide a greater bandwidth of universe reality to penetrate into certain thought-forms on the planet that create feelings of stagnation and isolation. You might call this bandwidth a denial of truth and the ways in which truth is being altered from universe reality because of certain concerted efforts by those various agencies on the planet still operating under the rebellion mindset. This is a large bandwidth. I will not go into detail of where this is occurring or how this impacts human consciousness because many of you can perceive this now; that there is an effort at maintaining this distorted perspective to keep the planetary rebellion mindset going and perpetuating.

Christ Michael loves this planet and it is not acceptable that this planet continue in this way.  An so with all of the various desires and intention for this world to heal and transform, we now engage in these greater circuits of intention for a greater infusion of the information contained in universe reality to permeate and penetrate this circuit of denial of truth to liberate your brothers and sisters who are still mired in this and cannot find their way out.

This is a great gift from our Divine Parents to support this world on its ascension path. So with all of this being said now as a preamble, what we invite you to now hold as a singular focus is for this desire for UNIVERSE REALITY and the truth contained therein—the ideals, the concepts, the information contained within universe reality—to move upon this circuit of denial of truth. We do not ask you to focus on the denial circuit as this is counterproductive to our efforts.  We ask you to feel this desire for UNIVERSE REALITY to prevail, to break up old patterns, old thought-forms, to move into those areas where there is still resistance. You have the power to do this, and you grow in your own liberation to be more powerful co-creators with the Spirit Within by focusing on this aspect that we wish to infiltrate within this existing mindset of denial.

So place your center of focus on your hearts.  Engage with your Spirits.  Ask for the Father within you to amplify your intention and desire for UNIVERSE REALITY to bathe the planet. Hold this to the best of your ability.  Let your Spirit guide your thoughts.  However, if it is helpful you may see these words UNIVERSE REALITY spiral around the planet counterclockwise and send your love and your desire for this to prevail as we begin now.  UNIVERSE REALITY as your focus.

All around the globe new circuits are being established in certain areas.  You might consider this to be spiritual wiring going into certain thought-forms and aggregations of thoughts that have perpetuated a great distortion of reality.  Feel your desire for these circuits to penetrate, penetrate deeply and inlay the conceptual frame of reality reference that people need in order that they may begin their spiritual journeys in conjunction with their Indwelling Spirits. People are hungry for this, yet they know not what this means or even how to go about achieving this.  But as we focus together as a concerted circuit in conjunction with all of the other desires for this reality reference to make its mark on human consciousness more people will be able to awaken and begin to follow the leadings of the Spirit Within.

You are beginning to appreciate the workings of collective mind and these are lessons that will be yours to learn as you traverse your ascension paths. Most people will not understand this until they are further along on their journeys.  But you who have stepped forward in faith can begin to perceive the value and the meaning of what we are doing here and now during your human lifetime, and what an advantage this gives you over most of your brethren. You are learning how to be fortified in your faith, to step out of the existing planetary culture that you may participate in the growing Planetary Supreme Mind which evolves through your efforts, your desires, your thoughts, your actions. So keep this in mind why this is significant now as you ask for the infusion of UNIVERSE REALITY to continue to move into these circuits where much good can be produced, and we will amplify these energies that you emit.

Shift focus slightly and allow Michael’s presence to be amplified in you through your Spirit of Truth.  Allow these words to form in your mind’s eye:  MICHAEL IS UNIVERSE REALITY. Send this forth from your hearts.  Again, you may see this spiral around the globe.  But the more significant factor is for you to feel His presence in you and how circuit of the Spirit of Truth all around the globe can function to support this infusion today. Let us reinforce this with our efforts as you focus on MICHAEL IS UNIVERSE REALITY.

Ask this to be applied into those circuits where the denial of truth exists that more spiritual energy may open and feed the circuit with living TRUTH of Christ Michael. Our Master Son is so grand and glorious, and as His presence pervades this circuit, allow yourselves to deepen your relationship with your Universe Father.  Open to His LOVE.  Let your hearts swell at the recognition of His FATHERHOOD, His SOVEREIGNTY, His AUTHORITY becoming more predominant on the planet as we engage with you again in these circuits.

You know that much change is underway in the circuits of planetary consciousness.  You know that you are feeling certain energies within you encouraging you to pay more attention to the spiritual potential within by communing with the Father’s Spirit. When you engage with us in this manner you are fortifying the spiritual circuitry to become more operative and expressive.  This is now a world-wide phenomenon occurring and it will continue for many years to come until the stain of rebellion no longer exists upon the Urantian system of consciousness.

So ensure you are doing your very best each day to spend time in communion with the Father, to seek help from Michael and Nebadonia when you do not know the way and you cannot hear your Inner Voice.  Let them guide you through the pitfalls that you still may encounter from time to time.

But regardless of where you are on your path, know that it is your responsibility now to become more mindfully aware of your cosmic duty to the Supreme Being and to participate in the growth of the Planetary Supreme Mind. You have power here, my brethren.  You have choice. You have ability.  The question is: are you exercising this power?  Are you growing in your faith-muscles to be spiritually strong and courageous as these rebellion energies continue to be outworked?

Only you can answer these questions.  But we pose them to you as reminders because it is so easy to be caught up in this material mind which tends to obscure your abilities to live in the ways of Spirit as these rebellion mindsets are exorcized from the planet.

Do not be afraid of what you see occurring in your material world.  But know that this is all a part of what the planet is learning about the nature of the universe and these are important lessons to be learned at a collective level that all may share in the responsibility in healing and transforming this world.  Presently there are only a handful of humans, you might say, when you contrast with the billions of souls on the planet.  Nevertheless these changes are underway and you can magnify spiritual energies by coming to us, coming to your Parents, and participating in these kinds of meditative experiences even on your own.  We have told you we will meet you there, and we continue to do so.

Allow these words to settle in.  Let them make an indelible mark on your minds. I ask you now to return to that internal focus of MICHAEL IS UNIVERSE REALITY and join with us again for these remaining moments of our time together. Thank you.

You might consider that a heavenly structure of mansion world culture is infiltrating planetary consciousness as UNIVERSE REALITY and MICHAEL IS UNIVERSE REALITY continues to seed these circuits of the higher culture to pervade the Urantian consciousness.  Know that more of the inner attachments you have to the current planetary system will begin break up and yield to greater truths. So do not be surprised if you feel some changes within you helping you to separate truth from error and to feel and perceive a greater picture of reality forming in your own mind and heart.

Use this.  Pay attention to it, and trust that Michaels’s presence in you is gaining strength as Mother expands you in these circuits of mind that you may perceive the presence of the Paradise Father in you and cooperate with your Spirits more and more. For now, our objectives are complete, but we will continue to work in what we have created together and continue our efforts on behalf of Michael’s Correcting Time agenda.

Thank you for your participation.  Thank you for your trust and faith.  Thank you for all the ways you exhibit courage and stepping out on this faith path.  You are not alone and the more you trust in your faith path the more help you will receive. So move forward today knowing that you have helped seed in something very significant for this planet to assist in the change energy and move things in the direction of Father’s WILL. Continue your efforts until we meet again in two weeks, and above all trust the Father within you and allow your thoughts to gravitate towards Paradise. Good day.

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