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ICC-MM 190922-Seeding Divine Justice into the Fabric of Urantian Consciousness

2019-09-22. Seeding Divine Justice into the Fabric of Urantian Consciousness

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

September 22, 2019

Topic:  Seeding Divine Justice into the Fabric of Urantian Consciousness

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we are here to collaborate with you and our Planetary Seraphim for the rectification of the circuits of Urantian consciousness in all of the ways that we are being asked to hold that sacred space for the work of myriads of celestial helpers to participate with us.  We ask that you center us in your presence through these circuits of heart, mind, soul, Spirit and Personality that we may function as one—one body, one being dedicated to your Holy Will.  May we deepen into that anchoring that your provide to us and use the energies of heart and mind to share with you what is necessary from the human end for divine WILL to prevail upon Urantia.  Thank you so much for this opportunity to serve.  May your WILL be done now.

NEBADONIA:  My beloved children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks!  My Mother’s HEART is full of joy for you children who have stepped up to participate in the great parting of the ways upon Urantia.  This is an unprecedented time in your history, and that you have stepped up today to continue to participate with us and the myriads of celestial hosts who are dedicated to serving the universe of Nebadon at this time to bring those planets which participated in the system rebellion back into the fold of family life.  I ask you now to deepen your connection with me by resting in the assurance that your Father Michael and I are well aware of what is transpiring on Urantia at this present time.

There are those who would wish to see this world no longer exist, and it is now time for this insidious rebellion mindset to be eliminated as a scourge and to liberate the planet from these rebellion tethers that have long affected the evolution of this world.  No longer will iniquity be tolerated.  It is time for this planet to undergo its adjudication process, and many steps have been put in place over time for this to now prevail upon Urantia.

I say this to you today to invite you to participate with us; to ask for the infusions of DIVINE JUSTICE to course through these circuits of evolution where the rebellion mindset has long held its stranglehold grasp upon the workings of the evolutionary process.  There is nothing to fear as you collaborate with us today, as you simply project from your hearts this desire for DIVINE JUSTICE to reverberate throughout the planet and bring about a rightful orderly way for this planet to conduct its affairs.

To begin, I invite you to simply focus on me as your Mother.  Breathe deeply and relax.  Let your energy systems be gently stimulated in my LOVE, expanding you ever so gently that you may feel my ASSURANCE and my DEVOTION to you reverberate all throughout your beings.  Receive me, my beloved children.

As your Universe Mother, it is my being that pervades all circuits of consciousness.  But there have been many attempts made to thwart the dominance of my presence in these circuits of mind.  But my Motherly presence and essence is unstoppable.  It is a part of the fabric of LIFE, and now it is time for Urantia to regain its rightful place and for the circuits of mind to be cleansed and purified of this rebellion mindset.  So focus on me and allow my presence to continue to expand you.  Feel your desire for my WILL to prevail within Urantian consciousness–my PRESENCE.

Now in your mind’s eye, allow the words to form:  DIVINE JUSTICE.  See them clearly in your mind and from your hearts project them into these circuits of Urantian consciousness with the desire that they stream through all evolutionary circuits.  Hold this focus as best you can.  It is simply enough for you to desire this now for DIVINE JUSTICE to course through these circuits all through the globe, going into the past, going into areas where there is great need for this now to occur and bring Urantia back into its rightful place in our family.

You have been instructed at times to spiral certain words around the globe in a counter-clockwise manner.  And if it is helpful in holding this focus for DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail, you may do so.  The intention for today is for it to prevail in all circuits of life that what your Father and I desire for this world may now prevail and predominate through human desire, motivation, and intention.

New circuits of TRUTH are infiltrating certain mind fields still operating within the planet’s constructs of consciousness.  As you hold the focus for DIVINE JUSTICE to stream through these circuits, trust that new spiritual power is being seeded into various areas for this level of justice to prevail.  The planet is entering its adjudication period wherein people are now being called to make choices, and the choice is to choose the divine path of growing in the Father or staying attached to the rebellion mindset.  This is now being encircuited all through the planet and it is now time for decisions to be made.

You may not yet be aware of what impact this will have throughout the various levels of mind, but rest assured that your Father and I are steering Urantia on its course toward Light and Life.  And that the more you seek the Father, the more help you will receive to stay the course during this time of adjudication.  There is nothing to fear, my children.  You have much to gain in experience through this period.

You are also being called to minister to your brothers and sisters who will be facing some decisions in their own lives.  And you can help them by demonstrating being and living the higher way.  Help them find the Spirit Within.  Help them know that they have a Mother and Father who love them beyond human measurement and to point them into that inner life development for their comfort and consolation.  It is time for DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail upon Urantia, so let your hearts be full of this desire for this to prevail as we continue to minister all throughout the planet.

Let me expand you in your heart’s capacity that you may feel a deeper desire for DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail throughout all of these circuits of Urantians’ evolutionary history; as Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY is more fully established on this planet that more children of this world may come into deeper relationship with their Father through their Spirits of Truth.

The MIND OF TRUTH prevails.  It dominates the universe, and while the evolutionary worlds grow in truth perception, nonetheless, the TRUTH forms what you might call a matrix around the planet to help an evolutionary world respond to what is aligned in the WILL of the Paradise Father.  Allow this TRUTH circuit to reverberate deeply within you now creating that greater context for your lives to be living, shining beacons of light and that Michael’s presence within you be that light, be that truth and help you deepen your own relationship with the Paradise Father within you.

My precious children, Urantia has indeed suffered greatly throughout these years of rebellion domination.  But do not think for one moment that this was in vain.  For I say to you, the lessons that you have learned here all through the planet’s evolution will serve you mightily as you progress on your ascension journeys.  All of this sorrow and suffering is redeemed and you are learning some very vital lessons about what it means to be an evolving son and daughter of the Paradise Father. 

Let these times of change reverberate in your hearts that you will succeed as faith children in the healing of Urantia.  Your role is important.  Your participation is vital.  But it is up to you to go within to the Spirit and ask what you can do to maximize your participation to be faithful and fearless in stepping up to do your part.  This is part of the adjudication process.  It is not merely enough to choose the Father’s WILL but to become it, to BE it, to live it.

And of course, you have mighty help to assist you in this.  Call on the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus.  Sit in meditation with this august personality and ask for that relationship to grow that you may learn the ways of the Master; that you can grow as Jesus did and be that WILL of Father through your own personality endowments.  It is all there within you my children! It is only your motivation, your desire and your willingness that contains you.  And the more you desire this and seek this, then the more you can achieve this day-by-day in faithful living.  Let these words settle in and let your desire for DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail as I hold you together in my WOMB, my LOVE, my WILL in these moments together as we near completion.

You live in my WOMB OF LOVE, and I share this with you now that you may expand in it, feeling that MOTHERLY LOVE reverberate in your hearts, course through your beings, and elevate you in consciousness to be with the Father Within.

My LOVE is upon you as this world undergoes its adjudication.  Remain steady and steadfast in your Father and play your part well during this time of great change and transformation.  We are with you.  We are always with you, and when you come to us in trust, in faith, you will receive more spiritual energy to share with your brothers and sisters; to help them grow in who they are and access the divine plans within them.

Thrive in this time of change, my children, and know all things are returning to divine rightful order within the circuits of Urantian consciousness.  And be in our PEACE.  Good day.

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