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ICC-MM 191013-Focusing Globalization Of Michael’s Truth Into Planetary Circuits Of Justification

2019-10-13. Focusing Globalization Of Michael’s Truth Into Planetary Circuits Of Justification

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

October 13, 2019

 Topic: Focusing Globalization Of Michael’s Truth Into Planetary Circuits Of Justification

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we appeal to your MERCY and GOODNESS for our continued participation with our Planetary Seraphim to add in our desires for more corrective energies to encircuit Urantian consciousness. You know the areas of planetary mind that still needs the refreshment of Spirit and what is yet to be achieved through our collaborative focusing with our Seraphim to bring about more healing and spiritual awareness for our brothers and sisters. May we all now be encircuited in your LOVE to those connections that we have via the heart circuit, the Spirit circuit, the Personality Circuit that our minds are operating in conjunction with your WILL, Mother and Father. We thank for preparing us now to collaborate with our Seraphim in the ways we are being guided. May your WILL be done now. Thank you.

NEBADONIA:  Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Great changes are now underway within the circuits of Urantian consciousness. The human mind is emerging out of the shadows of the past to perceive the light on the horizon calling you into the formation of a planetary culture that reflects the Universe way of life. This was always the plan for this world, and many energies are now in place for the furtherance of this plan to regain its rightful place within these circuits of mind.

Over many years this Correcting Time agenda has been carefully developed and implemented.  It truly has been a heavenly and human collaboration. Many individuals have been called into higher spiritual service and many more are beginning to hear this internal call. This will continue to grow and swell to new depths and heights that this world’s consciousness system may be cleansed of the stigma of rebellion and become a vibrant member of the Family of Nebadon moving on its path toward Light and Life.

We have invited you to participate with your Planetary Seraphim and the Magisterial Son for the further trajectory of the Correction Plan to embrace and engulf Urantian consciousness.  And you can see evidence of how these plans have been implemented because there is much now being outworked.  And it is a type of polarization dynamic that separates the wheat from the chaff, as you say, that the kernels of TRUTH become so pervasive within Urantian consciousness that the errors of the past can fall away and diminish in scope and influence.

We are now at that point of separation.  And to further assist this world to become more enlivened in TRUTH, we invite you to collaborate with the Seraphim on this exchange of energy that more TRUTH may pervade the various levels of Urantian consciousness to perceive the higher ways of universe life and help more people cooperate with the divine plan that is now being restored through these circuits of mind.

One of the remaining thought energies that have spawned a type of behavior pattern that still needs to be outworked is an energy you might call “justification.” It represents a certain type of human thought that rationalizes behavior that is misaligned in divine WILL. Those who have participated in the rebellion find many ways in which to justify their behavior, and this justification perpetuates this mindset which is so detrimental to the spiritual development of this planetary culture.

What we invite you to participate with us today is to simply feel your desire for more TRUTH to pervade this justification memory pattern which exists at various levels throughout the circuits of mind. Some influences in this justification dynamic are very ingrained, deeply rooted you might say, within the unconscious parts of human awareness.  But as you know all of this is correctable.  But it does require that there be a group of humans who are aware of this and wish to see it transformed through the higher circuits of spiritual vitality and momentum.

The Seraphim of your world know where these justification energy patterns reside. It is not so important that you become fully aware of where they are, although you can certainly imagine where these might be housed in various institutions and cultural forms. What we invite you to do is to simply feel that desire, hold that intention and attention for more TRUTH to pervade these circuits.

So now in readiness, take a few deep breaths.  Settle into the focus in your hearts and project that word TRUTH with the desire that it will infuse all of these justification circuits all around the globe. Appeal to your Indwelling Spirits that you may be given an image in your minds’ eye of how to use your focused efforts. You can always revert to that visualization of seeing the word TRUTH spiral around the planet to go deep into this justification memory pattern. What we ask of you is to keep that desire keen through love, compassion, and forgiveness that this insidious, recalcitrant memory pattern may be further transformed in divine TRUTH through our MERCY.  Let us begin.  Let TRUTH emanate from your hearts.  Do your best to maintain this focus as your Seraphim support this world and the outworking of this dynamic.  Thank you.

If you wish to visualize what is now underway, let your mind focus on these words, THE GLOBALIZATION OF TRUTH as our ministrations continue and progress; THE GLOBALIZATION OF TRUTH.

Feel your desire for this GLOBALIZATION OF TRUTH to pervade all circuits of Urantian consciousness. Let your desire for this to remain keen even though your intellects may not fully apprehend the deeper meaning and value of this infusion. What you are helping us achieve is this more pervasive awareness of Michael and His TRUTH of who He is as Sovereign of Nebadon.  His FATHERHOOD, His GOODNESS and MERCY are so far beyond human comprehension, but it is time now for each individual to begin to open to His presence through the Spirit of Truth.  And by allowing this justification energy to be diminished through these infusions, more people will be able to access this part of their spirituality and open to a relationship with their Universe Father.

So let your desires pour forward from your hearts as the GLOBALIZATION OF TRUTH moves in these circuits, moving into those areas where the justification energy is ready to be released and removed through the circuits of mind as human mind is elevated to higher spiritual frequencies and this justification loses its influence.

As you know, the rebels did much to distort and pervert the circuits of mind. As this distortion is outworked, this justification dynamic will lose its grasp on the types of reasoning that humans have developed over the course of evolution. This justification is akin to a young child who commits a wrongful act.  The parent confronts the child with the action, and the child denies its wrongful doing. The parent asks the child, “Did you do this?”, “Why did you do this?” and the child responds with, “No, I don’t know.”

There is a deeply rooted justification within these circuits of mind that act as a reflex action.  And so there are many who still do not understand why they commit these wrongful acts; they simply do not know. They are acting almost instinctually by this dynamic of justification. But now it is time for this to be cleansed and cleared off the structures of human consciousness that the TRUTH mind may operate within each individual for rightful thinking and RIGHT MINDEDNESS to prevail.

So allow these energies to continue to move through the planet even as they may impact you at very deep levels.  Feel your desires for Michael’s TRUTH to be globalized throughout all circuits of mind and the Urantian system of consciousness. Forgive this influence.  Forgive those who are still perpetuating their lives and beliefs in this justification and allow more spiritual energy to flow through you and outwardly through your hearts into the globe. Let Michael’s TRUTH reverberate into your beings and send that out into the world.

The world is bracing for great change. Some individuals are more prepared than others. Some individuals will ride this wave of change like expert surfers staying above the waves and sailing through this with great dexterity and skill from a spiritual perspective. Some people will be engulfed by this energy and may drown within it. What will you do during this time of change? How will you ride this wave of change? Your Father and I are here to support you to help you ride that wave of change with easiness, with faith, with direction and clarity but you must prepare yourselves and take responsibility for how you feel and think.

Stay above the fear.  Stay above the chaos.  Maintain your composure in us as your Parents who love and support you, and in the perfection of your indwelling Spirits who know you better than you know yourselves and can feed you with what you need to maintain your equilibrium and composure.  And all is and will be well. But it is up to you now. We have given you all you need, but you must access this and act upon this, even moment by moment.

I say this not as an admonition, but to encourage you to use the spiritual power you have inside. It is FAITH, and is more powerful than you can even imagine. But as these circuits of mind are cleansed of these insidious rebellion influences it will seem more apparent to stay in that FAITH dynamic, trusting in our LOVE and MERCY to keep you strong and steady during this auspicious time. We cannot tell you how this will play out because it is still so tied to human will and action. We are giving you everything you can possibly need so that as many people are secured in this FAITH dynamic and in our LOVE.

So in our final moments together, feel your desire for this justification energy and influence to open to the higher emanations of TRUTH, that Universe TRUTH may be prevalent in this GLOBALIZATION dynamic and more hearts and minds be open to the goodness of life as a cosmic citizen. It is time for this now, my precious children.

I hold you in my Motherly JOY, my children, as this wave of change embraces Urantia.  May you feel it percolate within you, creating new sparks of life and love within, you may feel our presence more sustaining you, upholding you, and guiding you forward on your spiritual journeys.  Let the ways of the past recede into the past, as Urantia emerges into her rightful awareness of the universe of Nebadon and the greater, glorious creation the Paradise Father has put into motion.

May all things resume DIVINE RIGHTFUL ORDER upon Urantia and may you play your role well during this time. Be this anchor and beacon of love to your brethren. They need to know the truth of who they are and their rightful place in our home. Thrive in our LOVE, my children.  It is always yours, and always flowing from my HEART to you. Good day.

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