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ICC-MM 191110-Seeding Forgiveness into Planetary Poverty Consciousness

2019-11-10. Seeding Forgiveness into Planetary Poverty Consciousness, focus on our Divine Parents as Suppliers and Providers, Michael’s infusion of Christ Consciousness through the Spirit of Truth

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

November 10, 2019

Topic:  Seeding Forgiveness into Planetary Poverty Consciousness, focus on our Divine Parents as Suppliers and Providers, Michael’s infusion of Christ Consciousness through the Spirit of Truth

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, thank you for connecting us as one in this circuit of intention to collaborate with our Seraphim as you continue to help change the way in which we think and feel and operate our planetary affairs.  The collaboration of humanity with divinity is a most vital one for the evolution of a material world, and we trust that you are guiding us forward in our trajectory toward Light and Life.   We thank you for connecting us together in the circuits of mind, Soul, Spirit and Personality; and that what we focus on today is put to good use all around the globe as your work is done.  And we greatly appreciate this opportunity to serve.  Thank you.

NEBADONIA:  Greetings, my beloved children!  This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks.  Seeded within your mindal system at a collective level is a type of poverty consciousness which has long festered as a virus in the circuits of mind to prevent you from stepping into your full ownership of your divine inheritance.   This poverty consciousness acts as a very strong field of energy that keeps you in certain states of lack: ranging from the spiritual comprehension of your worth as sons and daughters of God right down to the material level where many people are denied access to clean food, air, and a safe domicile.  This is a pervasive mindset threaded through many traditions and cultures, and we are here to support you in the outworking of this particular quality of thinking and feeling that has taken you far away from what was originally intended for this planet to evolve.

Your Father and I are the suppliers for your lives.  Think about this word SUPPLIER.  What does it mean?  What is its value?  Let this word-energy simply engage with your thoughts and feelings to help you relate to this word-energy from a higher spiritual level.

We supply the means for your lives.  You are given a material body to house your personality and evolving soul.  You are given a world upon which to live and to use the resources in support of your lives.  Human evolution is predicated upon this SUPPLIER energy to help you learn how to use what has been given to you in accordance with spiritual principles that you may evolve to a more heavenly culture worldwide.

Today we invite you to focus on this word SUPPLIER.  We invite you to feel your desire for this word-meaning-value energy to move through this dominating mindset of poverty consciousness.  In our last time together, we invited you to focus on a values change.  This is all part of the growing dynamic to help you come into greater comprehension of what it means to live as a son and daughter of God on the material plane.

As you well imagine, this poverty consciousness has been perpetuated by a rebellion mindset.  It is not the truth of how your Father and I see you, nor what we would wish for you to further engage.  Therefore, to begin we invite you to simply feel your desire for this poverty consciousness to be forgiven.  Let this forgiveness be extended far and wide, even into those areas where it had been first seeded into the planet as a planetary cultural mindset.  This is important spiritual work you are now engaged with us.  We are here to guide you through that healing process, and you can best serve the divine intention today for more supply to come to your world as an energetic mindset to apprehend where you receive what you need.

Take some deep breaths.   Let the gaze from your heart be one of FORGIVENESS.   Simply send that out into the world as we apply it where the poverty consciousness is still a very operative form at various levels.  We begin.  Simply feel your desire for this form to be forgiven as your Father and I open the circuits for more healing and transformation to occur with the help of many celestial participants assisting in this great undertaking now.

As you focus you may also see these words FORGIVENESS OF THE POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS as it spirals around the planet going into those places where it is greatly needed.  Thank you.

It is time for the human population of Urantia to recognize its overall value and worthiness to the evolutionary divine plan.  This is an inner awakening call that people may begin to feel their innate connection to the Paradise Father, and how integral and important each individual is to the growing fabric of the Supreme.   The space that you are holding for FORGIVENESS OF THE POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS will open new portals, you might say, within a person’s consciousness system to sense that inner impulse of God within that says, “You are worthy, you are valued.  You are validated in my LOVE.”  This is each person’s birthright to perceive and receive and use in accordance with the divine plans and purposes seeded in them by the Father in Paradise Himself.

As we move in these circuits of poverty consciousness with the application of FORGIVENESS, feel your own desire to be released from this in whatever way it impacts you, especially on unconscious levels; doing your best to feel that desire for forgiveness to reach  into all those areas where it is still a dominant theme of human thought and action.  (Pause)

Shift focus slightly and allow the word SUPPLIER to become more visible in your mind’s eye.  Again, there is meaning and value in this word.  So simply feel your desire at the heart to project this word into these circuits of planetary consciousness.   Let it spiral around the globe as it now moves into those areas of comprehension for the SUPPLIER awareness to gain more space, precedence, and operation.

Your Father and I are the SUPPLIERS, and there are mighty helpers now engaged to infuse these circuits of mind with this awareness from whence your supply originates and connects into you as a cultural form worldwide.  Feel your desire for this SUPPLIER energy to engage with all circuits of mind.   Let the human material mind come into a greater awareness of what this truly means for your lives.

Provision is made for each human life as your Father and I supply you the means by which to live and engage your personality recognition and soul development.  If you wish you may also add this word PROVISION to your focus, and allow its value and meaning to imprint upon your heart and mind, that it may re-form how you relate to what we are providing you today as your suppliers.

Let your minds absorb one of the definitions of this word as PRO-VISION.  That you are now moving your awareness to the true principles of life that are fundamentally bestowed to a material world.  We are restoring that which was taken from you.  And it is the personal responsibility of each individual to make use of what we supply.  We understand the deficits under which you have prevailed for many long millennia of time, but this is no longer the case.   And we are making every PRO-VISION available to you to see the divine ways that you may make more positive conscious choices to prevail in your own development.

There are mighty changes stirring in you and throughout the globe.  It is all designed to restore your planet to its rightful trajectory and to help each individual remember the value and worthful-ness that is your birthright.  So as you continue to focus on SUPPLIER and PROVISION, let these words also reverberate in you to help you deepen your ability to operate in a manner that your Indwelling Spirit wishes to support your achievement.

Now my children, my beloved children, please turn your attention to your Father Michael who so loved this world that He elected to demonstrate the power of humanity reaching divine levels of consciousness.   Allow His LOVE to flow through you now.   Feel your desire for His LOVE to validate each individual of this world of their divine dignity that they may not only awaken to who they are but to progress on their path towards Christ Consciousness, which is the goal and the objective of humans to achieve during their earthly sojourn.  Do your best to feel your love for this world, for your brothers and sisters, for your Father Michael, as we move through this dynamic that you are holding with sacred intention.

If it is helpful in this focus now simply allow the words CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS to stream from your hearts to be encircuited within those areas of individual recognition of the power that exists within them from the Paradise Source and Center—from the Father.

Let the reverberations now imprinting upon each individual Spirit of Truth ring resoundingly with the value and worthiness of each individual, and that each individual awakens to the call of Christ Consciousness within to progress on the journey to Father-awareness and the development of Father-likeness in thought, word and action.

It is time for the children of this world to recognize their rightful place in our family home, and that each individual has a role to play.  Let the circuits of TRUTH now embracing Urantia ring resoundingly throughout all circuits.  And let the human heart open to love, compassion, peace.  May the human mind be infused with truth, meaning, and value.  All that which was taken from you is now being restored.  It is up to you as individuals to determine how to use the gifts we offer you as your suppliers and providers, to use judgment and discernment in conjunction with your Spirits to help you make the most aligned decisions as possible.   So now we place the responsibility in your hands.

In our final moments together, let your thoughts gravitate to your Spirits.  And allow the Father within you to convey more of what you need to fulfill your own human destiny on your path to Christ Consciousness.

My precious children, thank you for your participation, for your willingness to move into this dynamic time of change with faith, courage and hope.  What you have helped to seed into the planet is being added into other areas where many people are holding the space for more LIGHT to prevail.  All of this is adding to the growing dynamic of change and you are helping this world come into more RIGHTMINDEDNESS and WORTHFULNESS of its importance to Nebadon.

And in the coming days let not any residual fears hold you back now that this is the time when the mind of fear is releasing its grasp for the awareness of our true divine meanings and values of the PROVISION that we supply to you.  Play your parts well.  Come to us when you need more upliftment.  And above all else, let the Father Within guide you each day that you may become a more brilliant conveyor of Christ Consciousness to the growing mind of the Planetary Supreme.   I leave you with much to consider and integrate as I leave you in my LOVE.   Good day.

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