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ICC-MM 191124-Focusing Human Value and Worth-fullness into evolutionary circuits of poverty consciousness

2019-11-24. Focusing Human Value and Worth-fullness into evolutionary circuits of poverty consciousness, mass awakening of human spiritual potential, expanding into our Divine Parents’ love and compassion

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

November 24, 2019          

Topic:  Focusing Human Value and Worth-fullness into evolutionary circuits of poverty consciousness, mass awakening of human spiritual potential, expanding into our Divine Parents’ love and compassion

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we are grateful that we can participate in the upliftment of Urantia during this time of great need for spiritual transformation.  Center us in your presence.  Let our Spirits of Truth and circuits of mind from you Mother imbue us with your presence, Mother and Father, as we collaborate with our Seraphim in the ways we are being guided.  We are here at your service and we offer you our hearts and minds to be used for whatever higher purposes you deem are timely and appropriate with this call.  Thank you very much for helping us ascend out of the rebellion mindset and grow our Planetary Supreme Mind, and may your WILL be done now.  Thank you.

MICHAEL:  Greetings, my beloved children!  My peace is upon you.  This is Michael.  Take a few moments to breathe in my presence.  Feel me as your Father.  Feel my LOVE and my support of your life.  Drink deeply of my ESSENCE moving in you now and allow your breath to gently expand as Mother increases Her capacity in you that what you will hold during our focus visualizations will be of great use to the planet—to all life here.  Receive us now, beloved ones.  (Pause)

During the last call you were invited to participate in the outworking of the poverty consciousness that exists as a very potent force in human mind.  We will continue to move into this field streaming in the energies of VALUE and WORTH-FULLNESS of humans to the evolving divine plans for this world.  Your brothers and sisters need to know their value, not only as children of this world, but to the entire creative plan set forth by the Father in Paradise.  Every individual is part of this plan.  Every individual has something of value to contribute.  The fact that many individuals are unaware of their intrinsic value to the Father and the evolutionary design underscores the need for the children of this world to remember and redefine their concepts of self.

Today as the Seraphim work under the direction of your Mother and me, we invite you to focus on the words HUMAN VALUE AND WORTH-FULLNESS that these energies may stream into the mindset of poverty consciousness as it continues to outwork and diminish its grasping hold on human thought and feeling.

Take a few more deep breaths.  Let the words HUMAN VALUE AND WORTH-FULLNESS stream from your hearts.  Feel your own desire and need to perceive this at deeper levels of your own beings and then send that out into the planet.  The Seraphim will take your energies and apply them where there is great need for this to prevail now.  Let your focus be strong, steady, and sincere, and your Mother and I will amplify what it is that you are producing.  You may stream this forth from your hearts in a mighty flow of love and compassion.  And we begin.

There is an evolutionary circuit in Urantia’s mindal system but still harbors much devaluation of human life.  Allow these energies that you are streaming forth from your hearts be directed there with the simple intention and desire for this evolutionary circuit to open to the TRUTH of the actual fact, meaning and value of what mortal free will children are here to accomplish for a world.  Most individuals are utterly unaware that they have been devalued by the rebellion mindset.  It is time for this influence to be expunged for my children to come into the recognition of their true worth and value to me, to Mother Nebadonia, to the Paradise Trinity, and to human relation to life itself.

This is a massive about face in human awareness, pointing you in the direction of Paradise and evolutionary design and destiny for this world and all life upon it.  Continue to hold that focus for HUMAN VALUE AND WORTH-FULLNESS to move into that circuit of evolutionary consciousness of devaluation as we continue to minister in this along with you with the Seraphim and many other celestial hosts also participating.

In my earth life as Jesus, I told you that you were faith sons and daughters of God.  What does that mean to you?  What does this word FAITH represent?  Some people relate it to a system of beliefs and what they trust in, that the motivating influence in human life.  I say to you, my children, FAITH is so much more than this.

It is a living trust in the GOODNESS and TRUTH of the Paradise Father and all life itself.  It touches you deeply.  It is at the core of your being.  It underscores the relationship that you have with the First Source and Center to provide you the means by which you ascend step-by-step on this journey toward perfection.

It also has repercussions within your physical body’s cellular activity of the physiology that was designed to operate in FAITH.  Using the focus of HUMAN VALUE AND WORTH-FULLNESS provides a clearing mechanism for the FAITH foundations within human life to prevail; to create an inner environment that secures you in your sonship and daughtership with the Paradise Father.

Your Mother and I support you as well, amplifying those circuits within you that you may relate to this FAITH foundation with greater trust, assurance, courage, strength and love.  And is this not what you want for your brethren as well, for them to perceive their inner FAITH foundations?  So simply allow energies from your hearts to move into this very fundamental and primal relationship circuit to fortify people with their own VALUE AND WORTH-FULLNESS that their FAITH foundations may become more operative, speaking truth and value to their minds and bodies.  Hold this desire and intention now as we move more deeply into these circuits that require transformation.

My children, my LOVE pervades this world.  Many people are beginning to feel the stirrings of this within their hearts.  They recognize that there is something changing within them.  They may not yet recognize this as a spiritual awakening of their potential as sons and daughters of God.  Nevertheless, this awakening is occurring.  The awakening has been underway for a long period of time.  While it is an individual by individual awareness, the hour is now striking for a mass awakening of human spiritual potential to rise to the surface of consciousness and help children of this world to come into their awareness of their status as children of God and of VALUE and the WORTH-FULLNESS that that imbues within them.

The planet is now at that point.  So as the celestial hosts and the Seraphim continue to minister in these circuits, your Mother and I invite you to focus on the words MASS AWAKENING.  Stay in the heart.  Feel your desire for this to occur.  Try to keep your thoughts of “what does this mean and how will this occur?” from becoming more predominant than your desire for this.

Simply hold that in your hearts as the most sincere and loving desire that you can imagine.  Let all of the idealism that you have within you pour forth now because spiritual ideals can be materialized.  And they are being materialized bur there is so much more to come.  So let the ideals within your hearts and the love that you have for your brothers and sisters and for this world POUR FORTH, POUR FORTH, POUR FORTH, as we engage in this desire now.  Let it encircle the globe and let it be applied into those areas where people are ready to change and grow in love, in compassion, and in the Father Himself.

A new dawn is arising in the hearts of Urantians.  This dawning is in an early phase, but like the sunrise each day, it grows and swells until the sun is shining brightly.  And so you are in these stages of this new dawn making its impact within the hearts and minds of all Urantians beckoning them into a brighter future.

Know that your efforts and participation in calls such as these and any other group calls that you may undertake is providing the means by which this dawn continues to rise—the LIGHT of the Father Within to become stronger and more perceptible.  So remember to do your part each day, letting your own inner truth light rise to the surface of your mind and heart and motivate you even more to be a vessel of the Father’s LOVE.

It is all within you, my children.  Do you appreciate the degree to which you have access to this? You can always come to your Mother and me and invite us to deepen you in this LOVE that your energy systems become these vibrant, victorious vessels of the Father’s GRANDEUR and LOVE.  You might say that Urantia’s circuits have now been primed for this and now it time to let this water of LIFE and LOVE and LIGHT flow from your beings into the world.

In these final moments together, feel my presence deepen within you and know that my LOVE accompanies you as you allow it to flow from your own hearts.  And allow your Mother to deepen your capacity for this as we sit together and commune in this loving Parent-child relationship bond.

I leave you fortified in our relationship bond in this manner, my children, but truly it is always flowing to you.  Come to me when you need to replenish your supply.  Come to your Mother when you need to be expanded in a deeper capacity to go beyond your own limitations that we may minister in you and through you to others who need our LOVE and the validation of their inner FAITH foundations of your status as children of the Paradise Father.

In the coming days when you see more change occur upon your world, know that this is all part of the mass awakening now underway.  It is a time of great restoration, but there will still be pockets of chaos and turmoil for a time to come as the world shakes off rebellion influence and integrates and aligns in the TRUTH and in the destiny of this world and in the status of its rightful place, not only in the universe of Nebadon, but in the Father’s grand design.

Thrive in our love for it is always available to you, and be wise and discerning in truth and righteousness during this time of great change and transformation.  Good day. my beloved children.

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