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ICC-MM 200412-Michael’s I Am The Resurrection And The Life And The Resurrection Of The Original Of Jesus

2020-04-12. Michael’s I Am The Resurrection And The Life And The Resurrection Of The Original Of Jesus

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

April 12, 2020


T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we are so grateful to collaborate with one another and with you and our spirit helpers on this wonderful day of celebration as we remember your life Father as Jesus, and what you achieved on this day of demonstrating that life is a continuum and that we have the ability to live eternally with you in the family of LOVE.

You understand what our world is undergoing and your hand is steering us in the direction of LOVE and the ways of LIFE that come from our Creator Parents.  And we thank you so much for all of the ways you are supporting human transformation and the resurrection of all life on the planet to gain its rightful essence and vibratory essence of life.  Thank you for centering us as one in presence, in your WILL, in your GRACE. We invite out planetary seraphim to step into our intentional circuit. Thank you for deepening your Spirit Presence within us that we may relax and breathe in the essence of divine LOVE and extend that outwardly to our world which needs this embrace from you at this time in our evolutionary history. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be of service and may your WILL be done now. Thank you.

MICHAEL: My beloved children, my PEACE is upon you as you celebrate this day in remembrance of me and my life among you. This is Michael. As your world continues to make advancements in its trajectory in the higher universe circuits you will see more changes as this out-working continues of the rebellion ways that have long held this planet in a state of deviation from the divine plans. You have all shown yourselves to be children of faith. Your mother and I acknowledge this and we are here to support you in your own individual efforts at achieving these higher levels of personality expression and spiritual development. You are precious to us. All life is precious to us and we appreciate the faith and trust you demonstrate to help this world regain its rightful place in our universe family of LOVE..

You have been instrumental in building these energies of spirit as you collaborate with us and your Seraphim.  We have been engaged in building this circuitry of more mass awakening to occur, for humanity to remember that it is part of a larger cosmic family and each person has a role to play in the unfolding of this great divine plan. Each person has his and her own divine plan, as does this world in its collective sense. And we have been working with you to build more of these spiritual circuits, especially to help the world remember the gospel that I preached when I was here with you. It is a simple gospel:  it is faith in the Creator Parent of us all and loving service to one another as you build the family of LOVE upon the world.

This simple gospel has the potential to restore all of the social institutions to the divine plan of evolution.  And over the last few months and weeks we have conjoined with you as you hold that desire for more spiritual transformation to occur.  And now the time is here.

This world is separating itself from the Lucifer rebellion agenda. It is a time of great hope and spiritual dynamism. It is also a time when people begin to feel an inner quaking within their beings; a shifting as many have reported: a shifting of values, a shifting of priorities. And this will continue to be the case for a period of time to come as more individuals awaken to their spiritual potential. This is all part of the great awakening, and what you might call a resurrection of the divine plans for all life here on this world—human life, animal life, plant life. This is a time of great change and we are collaborating with you to bring this about in a way that will help all life here benefit and come into the greater glory of what it means to be a participating member of the universe family of LOVE.

So with this being the preamble today, I invite you to simply focus on these words and energies that I share with you:  I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.  I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.   I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.  Focus in your hearts as you see these words superimposed over your heart centers. Invite me to move in you now as I share this with you. This will help you access your own inner divine life plan, restoring more spiritual energy to it that you may enact this and bring this to bear through your life. Focus on this now, my children, for a few minutes as we begin our collaboration and what the Seraphim wish to do at a collective level through your focus now. I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.

Each person contributes something of great value to the collective system of consciousness of this world. You have a role to play.  What is it? It is up to you to discern in conjunction with your Indwelling Spirit who guides your thoughts into the realms of divine expression. When you collaborate with your Spirit you are bringing forth certain qualities seeded in you by our Creator Parent to share those gifts that only you own uniquely, personally, individually.

Whether you recognize this or not, you are a great gift to this world and you do well to cultivate these qualities seeded within you, much as a gardener cultivates the beautification of the plants, the flowers, and the vegetables to become the most beautiful expression of what that plant represents. You do this by communing with your Spirit everyday asking for lessons to guide you along the way to learn more about yourselves and how you relate to your outer reality. Now many of you understand this principle but there are many individuals of this world who are yet to awaken to their higher purposes for life.

Today in your outward focusing, as this RESURRECTION dynamic continues to move in you, I invite you to simply envision the globe before you with my presence pervading it as I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.  And I share this with you.  As you focus this into the globe, do your best to maintain a quality of focus from your hearts on I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. The Seraphim are using your heart energies to apply this into the circuits where we have co-creating the RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL that I preached.

For some of you this may be challenging to hold, but do your best because what is important here is to feel how much you want the divine ways and plans for this world to progress in human consciousness. It is your love, it is your faith that you are adding. For many of your brothers and sisters are still young in their faith and may not feel the love that you experience and hold, and in this way you are adding more of this dynamic of LOVE and FAITH into the collective for them to perceive as more change moves in this world to separate it from the rebellion agenda.

So we begin this collective focus allow these words stream forth from your hearts:  I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, and if it is helpful simply see my name MICHAEL superimposed upon the globe as this energy I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE spirals around the globe counterclockwise, north to south pole.  And we begin.

As you do your best to hold this focus, know that you are adding more spiritual energy and vitality for other to receive. This is a planet-wide circuit that is being constructed and the Seraphim are working in the circuits of the RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL to help your brothers and sisters to come into a greater heart awakening of what this means. You might call this a new social order wherein the ways of self-centeredness are now being outworked and people are beginning to experience this oneness in how you are all related as brothers and sisters in our growing family. From this place you begin to appreciate the spiritual qualities of fairness, equality, justice, compassion, peace, sharing, altruism, giving as qualities of what daily life should represent.

Many of you are already perceiving that there is a change underway through this global pandemic you are now experiencing. We use these times to help you awaken to what is most important in life. It is your relationships. It is your value as humans, what you bring into the collective as evolving souls of love and light. So even though you are one person, what you add to the collective is mighty and you do well to allow your own inner divine plan to bubble up to the surface of your consciousness that you may participate with the expression of it in conjunction with your Indwelling Spirit.  For each one of you is dearly loved and has such exquisite gifts within. But it is up to you to decide how to apply yourselves diligently to express this throughout your relationships on a daily basis.

So as these words settle in continue to see my name embrace the world in I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE to spiral around the planet as new ground is being broken on this day of RESURRECTION to build more of the RETURN OF THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL to feed the collective circuits of mind and for more people to awaken to their higher purposes for their lives.

I invite you to shift your focus now and allow these words to form in your mind’s eye:

RESURRECTION OF THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS, RESURRECTION OF THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS, RESURRECTION OF THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS.  As you see these words, envision them pulsing on the earth where I once walked as one of you. You might consider that I left a pattern of spiritual energy upon the planet of what I preached and taught and ministered to the world. Much of this has been in, what you might consider to be, a dormant position for many centuries and generations.  But now it is time not only for the return but the actual RESURRECTION of this to reverberate throughout the planet and for the remembrance of my life as a human to help those who are awakening to their own humanity at a higher level.

So do your best here to simply hold that focus of the RESURRECTION OF THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS as it gently, gently reverberates on the ground adding life into these circuits of consciousness that are very humanly oriented and created. This will help your brothers and sisters receive the inner stirrings of Spirit, help them feel my presence more that they may relax in the power of divine LOVE and receive an embrace of my LOVE that fortifies, strengthens, uplifts, and inspires. Do your best here as we continue to collaborate with you in these circuits of transformation, my precious children.

My children, as many of you know, life on a material world is a collaboration of human life and spiritual personalities to reflect the divine BEAUTY, TRUTH and GOODNESS of the higher realms. Your world is carefully being guided back to its divine plan of evolution. There are many bumps on the road at a material level such as what you are undergoing.  But faith and the power of LOVE and in the benevolence of God will steer you through.

You have access to me and your Mother to provide you with the parental environment you need of support to come into your own personal power as children of God. Do you recognize the significance of what is being offered to you now? This is part of your cosmic duty as citizens of this world and of the greater universal dimensionality wherein all life exists.

It is a stupendous action on your part when you come into the recognition of who you are as a son and daughter of God and the potential that you can activate through your own efforts on a daily basis to be love, to be peace, to be joy, to be faith. All of this is within you, my children, and how beautiful the resonance you exude when you act in these way and how it changes the quality of the consciousness of your world. This is what you are all embarked upon right now.

We have shared many messages with you through many individuals over these years of the Correcting Time. We have given you many experiences to learn about yourselves, to grow in faith and trust, and to practice quieting your minds that may you perceive the Indwelling Voice of God—your own unique guide for your human journey that extends into eternal life.

So you see, you are in a very dynamic period of growth, and you are as you say “the boots on the ground.” You are the ones making the changes. We support you in all the ways we can but it is you who are making the change. You are the ones who are building the ways of heaven on earth with our support. You have decisions to make about how large a role you will play in building this new social culture of heaven on earth. So let these words settle in. Let all of the energies that you have been holding and focusing coalesce in you to support you on your sacred journeys to be lights upon the world.

Thank you, my children, for your faith and participation in this auspicious time upon Urantia. Know that more change will be perceived as this world separates itself from the rebellion agenda.  And come to me when you are concerned about what is to come or when you feel insecure or anxious and I will stabilize you, and your Mother will provide you with more of Her PEACE, COMFORT, and SAFETY for you to continue to grow in this dynamic time.

We have completed our objectives. There is one more focus for today and that is to join with me as we commune with the Father in Paradise, the grand Creator-Designer of all LIFE in which we all exist.

Father, I bring you these beloved children of Urantia, and as we sit in this place of communion and worship may your PRESENCE be mightily augmented in each individual bringing more light and space to their beings to perceive that you seeded within them. I am grateful to you for these children for their mighty souls are now growing and gaining greater dimension of Spirit Within their beings.  And thank you for your PRESENCE pervading all life and building more spiritual structure within their beings for them to enact their roles for their human lives according to your holy plans. And may we now receive your embrace as we commune together as one in your family of LOVE.

Thank you, my children, for your participation today. Take a few moments to return to the presence of the room you are now in, letting these energies continue to circulate through your beings, building more spiritual vitality for your energy systems to enjoy. Let your upstepping continue to unfold over the next days and weeks as you come into greater remembrance of who you are and the reverberating effects of RESURRECTION energies continue to move in you.

The Seraphim have signaled to me that they have completed their objectives. Know that much is occurring in the circuits of the collective. Pay close attention in the coming days to the internal thoughts and feelings you perceive for much will be coming your way to notify you that you may move into this new social order on my gospel message, and it will delight you and feed you with LOVE, and your sense of purpose will expand and you will feel more motivated to be a light to your brothers and sisters. And this is how this world will evolve into its plans to build heaven on earth.

You are the builders and we are here to assist you.  So remember to call on us when you need help and when your own human thoughts should continue to bother you for a while. Many of you are still in the separation phase where there is still some confusion.  But that is easily remedied when you come to your Mother and me and your Spirit and ask for clarification and understanding.  And it is always given especially when you step away from what you think and know and ask for more TRUTH and GOODNESS infuse you—body, mind, and soul. It is all there for you, my children, and it is all up to you how you will use the spiritual gifts that you have been so generously endowed with.

So as you continue your day and celebrate Easter in whatever ways you desire, know that I am with you. My hand is moving this world along its path of ascension. Enjoy your Easter celebration, my children. Let the power of RESURRECTION to move in you and build you a mighty structure of love, peace, joy and life eternal. Good day.

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