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ICC-MM 200426-Divine Justice Prevailing in the Circuits of Urantian Mind

2020-04-26. Divine Justice Prevailing in the Circuits of Urantian Mind

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

April 26, 2020

Topic:  Divine Justice Prevailing in the Circuits of Urantian Mind

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Thank you, Mother and Father, for this opportunity to be of service to you and to our world collaborating once again with our Planetary Seraphim and the other helpers who are also engaged with planetary correction and healing.  You know exactly what is occurring on this world.  And even though we do not always see the hand of the divine leading to higher consciousness we trust you, and we offer you our hearts and our minds that you may use them in furtherance of the Correcting Time and in the healing of this beautiful world. Center us as one in your presence, connecting us in the circuits of heart, soul, Spirit and Personality.  Thank you for fortifying our collective circuit that what we do may be mightily augmented by the helpers who are collaborating with us today.  Thank you for this opportunity to be of service.  May your WILL be done.

GABRIEL:  Greetings to you, my dear brethren.  I am Gabriel and I will be facilitating this call for today.  Much preparation has been underway for many, many generations for the correction of Urantian circuits of consciousness.  Many of you have become more aware of the undercurrent that is now breaking for new truths on your planet to perceive divine WILL and the presence of the Spirit Within.  You are engaged now in a mighty transformative time with more truth opening your world to a new way of being, a new way of thinking, perceiving—one that is aligned in the Father’s ways of Light and Life.

As we begin today as usual, we ask you to place your focus at your heart centers.  As you take some deep breaths place your gaze there.  Focus as much as you can of your willingness to participate in this great separation of the rebellion from the circuits of mind upon Urantia.  Let us engage with you now for a few moments in this place of the heart before we begin to focus into the collective.

All of Urantia is poised for change—positive change in the WILL of Father and in the plans that our Father Michael has in store for this world.  As these changes continue to progress in Urantian consciousness, what is necessary for more of this to occur is for those circuits deeply embedded in the rebellion mindset and agenda to receive a deeper encoding of DIVINE JUSTICE.

You have been encouraged to focus on this in the past, and one of the things you are witnessing on the planet is the in-working of divine justice to outwork the rebellion.  This has allowed more TRUTH-LIGHT to pervade in the circuits of mind and now it is time to engage at what you might call deeper levels.  Consider these to be some of the circuits of mind that are still entrenched in evil and sin and iniquity.  What we ask of you now is to simply focus on the word, the energy, the meaning, and value of DIVINE JUSTICE to go into these deeper circuits wherever they are.  We are now ready to infuse these circuits with DIVINE JUSTICE.

So continue to take a few deep breaths as you focus in your heart.  Let these words form in your mind’s eye:  DIVINE JUSTICE PREVAILING IN URANTIA’S MINDAL CIRCUITS; DIVINE JUSTICE PREVAILING IN URANTIA’S MINDAL CIRCUITS; DIVINE JUSTICE PREVAILING IN URANTIA’S MINDAL CIRCUITS.  Hold this focus as best you can and ask for these to go into those areas where we can apply your energies as humans and celestials collaborate now.

NOTE:  At this point, the call was disconnected and the recording lost.  There was much activity by our helpers in the deep mindal circuits as we focused for DIVINE JUSTICE PREVAILING IN URANTIA’S MINDAL CIRCUITS.

We have completed our objectives for today.  To say we are grateful for your participation is an understatement.  But now simply receive our appreciation for your presence and for what you bring into this circuit of transformation and let all commune in the Father’s LOVE in these remaining moments together.

I will leave you now in this manner, my brethren.  Please continue to focus on DIVINE JUSTICE PREVAILING IN THE CIRCUITS OF URANTIAN MIND between now and our next time together.  You have mighty roles to play and we are asking to participate with us that more change may prevail here and the TRUTH LIGHT expand in Urantian mind.  Do not underestimate the importance of your own roles.   Seek the Father’s WILL in all things and how you may best engage with us, with our Divine Mother and Father and with your Indwelling Spirits to be the best Urantian you can be as we work together to liberate this world and bring it into the ways of Light and Life.

I leave you in the Father’s LOVE and may Michael’s

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