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IND2- Thought Adjuster Communication Is Unmistakable

1991-12-02-Thought Adjuster Communication Is Unmistakable
Welmek #2

1 Heading
1.1 Topic: Thought Adjuster Communication Is Unmistakable
1.2 Group: Unknown
2 Facilitators
2.1 Teacher: Welmek, Rayson
2.2 TR: Unknown
3 Session
3.1 Opening
3.1.1 Teacher Contact
3.2 Lesson
3.2.1 Thought Adjusters
3.2.2 Transmitting
3.2.3 Challenges
3.3 Dialogue
3.3.1 Tradition, Growth
3.3.2 Excommunication
3.3.3 Perspective
3.3.4 Home, Control
3.3.5 Habit, Parenting
3.3.6 Motivation
3.3.7 Change, Free will
3.3.8 Simplicity, Priorities
3.3.9 Perspective
3.3.10 Self Realization
3.3.11 Perspective
3.3.12 Teaching Mission, Groups
3.3.13 Mansion Worlds
3.3.14 Teaching Mission
3.3.15 Humor
3.3.16 Christmas
3.3.17 Presence
3.3.18 Ascension Career
3.3.19 Love
3.3.20 Parenting, Experience
3.4 Closing

Topic: Thought Adjuster Communication Is Unmistakable
Group: Unknown
Teacher: Welmek, Rayson; TR: Unknown


RAYSON: Good evening, children; this is Rayson. Your teacher will be here momentarily. He is on assignment in Argentina. There is much happening in preparation for the events that will be forthcoming in the next few months. I will let Welmek decide whether or not he will share with you some of what he has been up to. (laughter) I wish to make a comment to the group as to your understanding of contact with us. There has been much confusion. There has been many inquiries amongst yourselves as to what is real, what is not and what is expected, anticipated.

RAYSON: First, it should be known that if you are willing, we desire to make contact at some point in time. It is not necessary that all of you do what David and Michael do. However, it is important that we are able to make this contact if possible. Some of you have asked the question “Why have I not received communication thus far?” There are many reasons why this is so. First, there are adjustments that we have to make within yourself. There is the commitment on your part that you must make. There is time needed for these things to happen. Once again, patience becomes an important factor in the outworking of this communication.

Thought Adjusters

Secondly, there are questions regarding Adjuster communication. It should be known that when the spirit fragment speaks to you, you will have no doubt of the source. This communication is not something that is happening on a regular basis with the mortals of this realm. I cannot tell you whether or not each of you gathered here tonight will have regular communication with your Thought Adjusters. This will remain to be seen.

However, I can tell you that there has been a communication with secondary Midwayers that they may be able to draw nearer to you than they have to date. What this means exactly, I cannot tell you; but you can rest assured that we indeed are desirous of making communication as soon as we can in some form or another. The question becomes how do you know it is of a source other than your own mind? You already have the answer to this question, yet you do not realize it. As our Master, as your teacher has spoken, and others have, what is important is what is being said.

Do not at this point concern yourself so much with who is doing the talking, but again, the content thereof. In time, you will understand more of what it is we are doing, with you and for you. For now, our goal is to help you help yourself, to help you better understand your inner or real self and to begin the communication with your spirit fragment. We believe that we can bridge this gap somewhat by enabling you to hear our thoughts. It is undoubtedly, at best, tentative that you feel the communication comes from outside of yourself when you only hear it in your head. Let this happen.


Once again, whether it is your mind or not, is really not the point of focus. We desire that you intently listen to what is being transmitted. In time, as I have indicated, these things will be made much clearer to you. No one will be left out if they desire this. It can always be confirmed in private sessions or in group sessions if you wish to ask these questions. Your teacher has arrived. It has been a pleasure speaking with you. I will be with you for some time. I have an assignment here and am honored to participate in this group. You should know that your group is being used in many ways by myself and my associates. You are all most dedicated and appreciated by us. We appreciate the opportunity to work with and through you. It is because of you that we have been able to accomplish several things. May the Father’s love flow through you and may your consciousness of it grow each day.

WELMEK: Greetings everyone. This is Welmek, your teacher. What a busy time! I can’t begin to tell you where I have been over the past few days. Not only I, but many of us, have traveled your planet doing this and doing that. I will not discuss much of the detail, for it is not time yet; but as I have indicated in the past, as of April, assuming that everything goes according to plan, this planet will begin to be affected in a way it has not been thus far. We are doing everything we can to make ready for this event. It requires much effort on our part. I wish to discuss tonight as topic that is most important to me.


WELMEK:  I know that we have discussed talking about fatherly and brotherly love, and this we will do; but for a few moments, I would like to focus on you. Your life is difficult. Your life, at times, to you, is overbearing. You feel isolated. You feel as though the Father has forgotten you. You feel as though you have not been given a fair shake. You find reasons why you do not do what I ask. You find reasons why it is so hard to maintain a level of interest or concentration on feeling the Father’s love. The longer I am with you and on your planet, the more I understand this about you.

But now it is time to begin to address these issues. For if you are to be strong, if you are to be God-conscious mortals of the realm, it is time for us to begin to understand the nature of difficulties: why they are placed before you and how you can surmount these difficulties with an attitude of understanding love. I would like to open the discussion for a few moments and ask that you feed me questions regarding difficult situations and how we might look at these in a different light. Is this understood and are you agreeable? I have learned not to make assumptions on your planet. (laughter) Since I have not heard a response from everyone, I am unsure as to whether or not you are clear as to what it is I wish to do.


Group: I understand….I understand…I need more clarification.

WELMEK: Have you encountered situations in your life that you feel disrupt the God-conscious flow that you try to create? Have you found those situations long-lasting? Have you found yourself unable to look at these as opportunities to grow in God-consciousness?

Q: Not necessarily, but succeeding is….the problem. W: So let’s take a few examples and discuss them. Who wishes to begin?

Tradition, Growth

Q: I’ll go first Welmek. Since I was going to ask you this in a private session, I might as well do it now. Maybe it’ll help everybody. Peter and I were discussing, you know we’re both Mormons, and a week ago Sunday I went into Cheryl’s problems at church. That caused real difficulties for me because we both feel like we’re leading double lives. We come here because we get spiritual growth and spiritual food, but yet there’s this hanging on to the Mormon Church because of all the time, energy and effort and the years that I’ve put into it. And so I kind of feel this double image.

I know from what was said in Salt Lake when we were out there, or Orem rather, that if the church ever finds that I’m coming here, they have already banned the Urantia Book; and if they find that I’m talking with you, they will literally excommunicate both of us, just because I believe in something they don’t. I don’t know how to get over that one, around it, under it, over it. I know there’s a choice there, but how do you make that choice? I’m comfortable here, I’m comfortable with the people, I’m comfortable with you; but there’s still…I mean I’ve got l8 years in that church. They’re already asking me, it’s already been hinted that they want me to become Relief Society President. That’s a big responsibility in itself. If I could take it and run with this and (?) I’d be okay with it; but how do I lead the double life and still grow at the same time?

WELMEK: What is the church to you?

Q: Right now, not much. It used to be a place of holiness, the chapel was sacred to me, it was a place where I could go and talk to God and work things out. It used to be an inspiration, I used to get so much out of it. But the last few times I’ve been there, there’s nothing there.

WELMEK: So therefore, has the past l8 years been a waste of time?

Q: No, because I’ve grown from it and I’ve learned many things from the church, not only spiritually, but crafts, how to store things, things that I can use later on.

WELMEK: Why then this feeling that letting go will cause a loss in your life?

Q: I guess because it’s always been there. It’s always been a stability thing.

WELMEK: But again I ask you, really, what is the church? Is it not the representation of the Father Himself? Do you not look within the church to seek that which you try to find inside of yourself?

Q: Yes.

WELMEK: The spirit of God.

Q: Yes.


WELMEK: Since God has always been there, then you have lost nothing. If you find that the church can no longer satisfy your desires, or you can no longer satisfy your church’s desires, perhaps it is time then for you to make the separation.

Q: Yes, that’s what I’ve come to. I’ve already talked to my bishop about excommunication before anything else hits, and he’s upset with me.

WELMEK: I find it most peculiar how it is that a place that proclaims to teach the gospel of Jesus could be upset with one who professes to try their utmost to live this gospel.

Q: They don’t know anything about you, Welmek. I’ve not said anything.

WELMEK: No, but I reference this excommunication factor, for I have seen it in several of your organized religions. Those people who tend to be excommunicated, in my perspective, are those who have grown beyond the dogma of the church itself, but yet profess and do try to live a life as Jesus has asked them to live it.

Q: Well, I noticed the Sunday I went with Cheryl for this excommunication, that one man was full of love and tried to understand, one man was sitting back and taking it all in trying to understand the home situation. The bishop and I think it was his first counselor was chomping at the bit to literally destroy her; and what I got out of it was that there was no love, no understanding, nothing. If you do not follow the rules, and to me that bishop I felt like he has the God of the old testament, wrathful and vindictive.

I thought there’s just no way that I can handle this anymore. I wanted to say many other things, but I did not. I was a good girl, which was out of character for me. I don’t want theme burned into my kids that God is wrathful, that He’s vengeful, that He’s there to punish you. I just don’t want that anymore.

WELMEK: I would encourage you to pray for these people. You are more fortunate than they, and you should give thanks to the Father for this. You have evolved past their understanding. This evolution will be an ongoing process; for as you experience universe reality, your awareness of the Father will continue to expand. And so it is. I do not understand the dilemma if indeed there is one, that this creates within you, however, as far as your desire to leave the church, yet you feel compelled to stay. Do I misunderstand you?


Q: Welmek, was there something in your childhood that you wanted to hang onto that was very comforting, that you had to leave behind?


Q: Was there something in your adulthood?

WELMEK: No. You must understand, on my world we were all dominated and motivated by love. We were motivated by service to each other. We had communication through the broadcast circuits, so we were aware of the realities. My world received the communication from this planet 2,000 years ago. Although we were not all-knowing, all-powerful, we are mortal ascending creatures like you. We did not experience that which you do; but I find it peculiar that as you outgrow a situation, you do tend to want to cling to the past.

Q: Okay, let me ask you this one. If Machiventa came to you and said that you could no longer come to this group, that you had to go elsewhere, would you miss us?

WELMEK: I would be with you, in a sense. Therefore, I would not miss you. I have told several of you that I will work with you on future assignments on other worlds; and I know in my heart as well as my mind that we will always be brothers and sisters. That really is not a fair question to ask because I have a much broader perspective than you do. Therefore, it is easier for me not to miss you the way you might miss me.

Q: But then you understand what I’m saying is that if you left, I would miss you and that I would still cling to the memories. And so I have a lot of friends all over, from Salt Lake to Virginia, that are in the church. And if I leave the church, I’m afraid a couple of them are going to literally fall away. There are too many people hanging on to me.

WELMEK: Can you control this?

Q: No.

WELMEK: Therefore, why try? Again, what is it that you can do that will help them the most?

Q: Effective prayer is the only thing I can think of.

WELMEK: And there is your answer. Always be open. Live your life by example. Try to do the best that you can. It is not your fault, it is not your inadequacy if they do not understand you. Do your best to try and maintain communication and so that through you they may understand the Father more clearly. But if they cannot, then do not worry about this. They have the spirit fragment also. They will in time either on this planet or on the mansion worlds, come to the understanding that you do now. You see it is, that is the universe, is filled with love. It is dominated by fairness, by understanding, by truth, beauty, and goodness. All things will work toward good. You may not see it in your lifetime completely, but these things will happen. As you grown in your understanding of the Father’s love, you’ll begin to see there is no need to worry. There is no need to feel the loss. You have lost nothing. It is all a part of each other.

Q: That makes it a lot easier.

Home, Control

Q: Welmek, is there some guidance you can give us in obtaining the cooperation of family members around the house to help with some of the necessary tasks to maintain the household? (laughter)

Q: A whip and chair…(laughter)

Q: I realize this isn’t truly a spiritual question, but is it something that does lead to less than harmonious family relationships.

WELMEK: I suppose the lesson here is not so much for me to tell you what I would suggest that you do to motivate those that you wish to motivate, but more to look at yourself and deal with the situation at hand. How can you maintain your self-image when those around you do not do what it is you have asked them to do. When they refuse to do what you want them to do, you feel as though they do not support you. When you feel as though one does not support you, then you feel as though you become alienated. You feel hurt, you feel angered.

Emotions begin to swell, and then all of a sudden you’re out of control. Is this not how it happens? (laughter) You all should remember this in dealing with your brothers and sisters. Whether they are your children, your mother or your father, in the bigger picture, they are all your brothers and sisters. Do you not remember in the small room during the last meal that our Master shared with the 12 when they were bickering about who would get to sit next to him? We have shared this story before, but is it not important to understand the real meaning behind our Master washing their feet? How is it that the Creator of a universe kneels before a lowly human and humbles himself in selfless love, that we cannot do the same.

The lack of maturity on the part of those who do not take responsibility is unfortunate, I agree with you. But simply look at them as children, whether they are chronologically children or not; as far as universe experience, they truly are. They do not understand how important it is to be privileged and the duty that goes along with this privilege when you recognize that you are a child of the Father and a citizen of this universe.

Remember, whomever you do anything for, you do it for Jesus. This is very important; and I am pleased that you have asked this question. For on the surface, it seems absurd; but the real crux of the matter is exactly what it is I wish to talk about. You have an opportunity to serve. This does not mean that people should railroad you, should run over you or should take advantage of you. But yet, you do have this opportunity that stares you in the face. It is your choice as to how you decide you will react. If you allow your emotions to take over, if you begin to, as you say, rant and rave, you lose this control; and it does take a while to regain your composure.

For when you go into your stillness, these thoughts come to your mind rather than feeling the Father’s love. It then delays the progress that you are trying to make. Set the example by the life that you lead. If they do not understand it, you must ask yourself “How much control do I have?” If it is a very young child, you have more control. The older the individual becomes, on your planet, the less control you seem to have.

Habit, Parenting

Q: Welmek, along those lines, where children are concerned, that’s where I’m having a problem with my two boys. It’s a matter of control; but I think really it’s also with me, a matter of knowing how much, actually understanding how much control I have, especially with my older child. He’s 15 and he’s immature for his age. He doesn’t like to make decisions. Without going into a big long story, it’s hard for me not to rant and rave. I’m a ranter and a raver.

It’s funny that you said that because even this evening, I noticed that I rant and rave the most when I’m concerned about him and when I’m frustrated also, naturally. But even when I say to myself “I am not going to go off”, I still find myself, I don’t scream or anything, but I get upset and I fuss, like (barking sound) I’m barking at him, practically. I know I am because my husband tells me I’m barking at him. The thing is, that I don’t want to do these things; and it’s hard for me to break that habit.

WELMEK: There is no question about this, the difficulty of breaking habits. These ways of behavior have been with you for many years. You have been here just a short time. You make sincere attempts to make changes; yet when you find yourself not doing what you really want, that frustrates you and makes the situation even more confusing, more compounded and more frustrating. Is that not true?

Q: Oh, yes.

WELMEK: Give me an example of what causes you to behave this way with your son, and we’ll investigate alternatives.

Q: Okay. He’s a real smart boy, very smart; and he has a bad time in school, not because he can’t do the work but because he won’t do his schoolwork. Over the years we’ve tried a lot of different things with a lot of different people, and actually not to much avail; except he’s actually improved as far as when he decides to do his schoolwork, he’ll get an A for the grading period. When he doesn’t want to do it, he’ll just get an F. So we’re trying to at least get him into the habit of study and self-discipline.

WELMEK: And how do you do that?

Q: Well, he has to bring home an assignment sheet. It has the assignments written down and countersigned by the teachers so that everybody knows what he’s supposed to do and he can’t deny that he has that work to do. Then he’s also to bring his homework home and do it. Today was a good example. He didn’t bring the assignment sheet home. Coincidentally, he had no homework. This is a freshman in high school, or junior high school and it’s kind of hard to believe that he didn’t have any homework when he’s had work every day for the last I don’t know how many weeks. So that was when I did my barking routine.

WELMEK: If our Master came to you and had a problem with math, would you be willing to sit down with him in a loving attitude and work with him?

Q: Um-hm.

WELMEK: Then I would suggest you do the same with your son. On a routine basis, sit down with him and participate in his studies with him. Do this on a regular basis for a while. Then start to do it on an intermittent basis, so that he never knows when Mom or Dad will show up. Always monitor his progress until it becomes a habit for him. There are times in these situations where you must take a very aggressive leading.

Q: That’s not the problem. We do go over his homework with him and we make ourselves available, especially if he has a test or something coming up. It’s not all the time, but we spend a lot of time, really, with him and his homework. The thing is, is to get him to actually bring the stuff home and to bring all his study materials home and everything. That’s where the frustration sets in. It’s not that he can’t do the work. Every assignment so far in his life that he’s gotten, if he’s ever done it, he’s done well. It’s getting time to actually do it that’s so frustrating and so difficult.

Q: Mary, is that a control over you? I had the same problem with Heather.

Q: Well, at this point I really think it’s a habit. It’s a matter of he wants to do well, he has aspirations and wants to be a doctor and all this kind of thing. He understands that he needs to do the work, but years have gone by where he’s coped with these really bad study habits.

Q: Heather did that, and what we did with Heather, Welmek had good suggestions. What I did was, all through grade school, I’d sit down with her and make sure she got her homework, and we had the same problem. She’d left it at school and we’d go back and get it. What I did was, I said you’re in high school now, you’re responsible for yourself. If you want good grades, you have to get them. If you want me, come to me. And I backed off and left her alone; and Heather graduated with honors and got seven scholarships.

Q: Ryan’s problem is a little more complicated.

Q: May I make a comment please? I was one of the kind of students that you’re describing your son to be, when I was in school. I never used to do homework; I always forgot it. I knew I had homework, I just didn’t want to do it. What changed me my senior year, and it wasn’t a whole sweeping change, but what changed me is when I decided what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go and what I wanted to be. It wasn’t until I made that decision and made it stick with me inside of me that made the changes.

Q: Let me make this clear. I’m at the point with Ryan where I know he’s a good kid. I know anything that he wants to do and sets out to do, he’ll do well. He gets along with people, he’s generous; and I really can’t say anything bad about him. I’m just concerned about his ability to prepare himself for what he wants to do. I’m pretty much convinced that there is a window of opportunity for a teenager as far as being prepared for whatever you want to do in life, and that if you miss out on it, it’s not impossible for you to catch up but there’s that much more time that you have to put into it.

So my question right now to you, Welmek, is how do I first of all, remember the things that I have learned over the years about him, and how do I just, like you say, get enough self-control, remember what my over-all goal is. I think about these things and the next thing I know (barking sound). It’s frustrating to me and it’s very de-energizing, I guess, for me; and I know it doesn’t do him any good. I’m always working with this, and now I’m asking you.


WELMEK: Does he have anything that he enjoys doing or would like to do?

Q: He plays basketball.

WELMEK: What else?

Q: (?) Hanging out with his buddies…anything physical really. He likes physical activity, games, and all that.

WELMEK: Are there any material objects that he desires?

Q: A car. He’s supposed to be giving me a list. He says that the things that he wants are too expensive for us this year for Christmas, so I’m kind of interested to see what he wants. One thing I know he wants is like a basketball.

WELMEK: It seems to be a most effective motivator on your world if you set something in front of an individual and show them how to achieve it, they will usually go after it as long as it is within grasp. What is important to do in this process is to set the steps. Make sure that it is clearly understood what must be done in order to achieve the desired result. If, let’s say for example, this basketball goal is a desire of your son’s, then rather than just putting it out in front of him, show him what he must do to achieve it. You can do this many ways. You can do it through an earned credit system, for one example, which I would be happy to detail in a private session for you, but it is really very simple.

Each time he brings his studies home, he achieves a certain recognition. Each time he leaves his studies behind, he goes backwards. You can even take this to the point of allowing him so much time for his games. Each time he brings his materials home, he earns, for example, one-half hour of play time.

Sometimes it is, with children, necessary to take those things away that they desire the most in order to make your point. But it is crucial, in my opinion, that you do it in a way that they can, maybe not now, but in time, understand your reason and motivation. Rather than barking at him, as you say, make him understand through feeling as well as thought, what it is you want to help him accomplish. Practice these things, think about what I have said; and as you formulate more specific questions, we will address them later. But this is not an insurmountable problem. Most important is your composure.

Q: What about it? (laughter)

Q: You mean the lack of it?

Q: That’s coming back to my original question, I guess. I get frustrated with myself. I know he must. I’ve kind of come to the conclusion, I’ve prayed about it a lot, especially lately, that really, the only thing I can do is keep working on trying to change my habits and my attitude.

WELMEK: Well, I perceive that as only part of the picture. I perceive that it is necessary for you to engage your son in activity that will lead toward the desired result rather than you simply trying to make the change yourself. It will take him much longer to mature if you do not engage him in some form of responsibility/growth technique. Write or list out on paper what it is you wish to achieve. Then list those items that will help you get there. Always keep these things in front of you. I have found this to be important for humans; for at times you have good intentions, but you forget, or you relapse, and at this time period you do not do yourself any good whatsoever. If you need to make notes to remind yourself of what it is that you want to do, then do this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this whatsoever.

Q: I’ll talk to you later. Thank you.

Change, Free will

Q: I’d like to comment on something that is common here which is co- worker situations. First of all, I would say that if I worked with a group of people like this, it would be easy to maintain God-consciousness throughout the day. However, we are all not so fortunate; and as we come to realize that anger, frustration, resentment, these things affect our spiritual growth, it becomes a challenge each day to deal with these people and manage our emotions to prevent those negative emotions from affecting us this way.

First of all, I think through your teachings I have learned not to be as much like them as I realize I used to be. If someone was angry or verbally abusive towards me, I would gladly return the feelings. Now I try to keep from that and know that in my heart know that I’m supposed to love them and realize their immaturities. But many of you, maybe as well as me, meet up with people on a daily basis who lack any love, understanding or compassion and seem to thrive on anger and verbal abuse of others.

So, as I wake each morning and promise myself I’m going to try, again, which is an everyday thing to improve myself in dealing with these things, it never fails that one of them will push me too far. I’m always, in my evening prayers, asking for forgiveness for similar situations. I don’t know if this is a common thing with co- workers, but with me it is. I find much comfort in the fact that at least I realize these things now and never even thought about them before. So I think I am benefiting and I am progressing in dealing with them; but frustrations that we all speak of are very apparent and are very difficult to eliminate.

WELMEK: Do you feel that you will ever be able to change them, your co- workers?

Q: I perceive each of them individually. Some I do, but some I don’t.

WELMEK: Do you see your work situation changing? By that I mean the environment that you now encounter, do you see it ever changing if you were to remain in this job through your career here on this planet?

Q: Probably not.

WELMEK: Do you enjoy the situation you are in?

Q: I can think of a lot of other situations I would rather be in.

WELMEK: Do you feel that this situation will keep you from achieving that which you really want?

Q: In one aspect, yes; in another aspect, I also see it each day as a challenge to try to master my own emotions.

WELMEK: You have enough challenges to do that throughout daily life. The point that I make is obvious. You have a decision to make each day as to where you will place yourself, in what environment will you find yourself maintaining your earthly existence? Do you tend to gravitate toward those environments that are somewhat more conducive or less conducive to your spiritual growth? I perceive all in here giving priority to their spiritual growth. Therefore, you have a difficult decision to make. I cannot make these decisions for you. You know this. Nevertheless, if you have determined, if you have felt in your heart that the job that you work will not lead toward the growth, the spiritual growth that you seek, then you must make a difficult decision. What is most important, your communion with the Father, or amassing money?

Q: I don’t think amassing money is important; but when you’re obligated to certain debts, I think then you’ve made an obligation, then I think that you have to fulfill it.

WELMEK: There is no question about this. But must you meet your obligations in an environment that you hate?

Q: Are you suggesting that he find a different job?

WELMEK: I am suggesting that he look deeply into himself and decide what is most important, number one. Then secondly, can he fulfill what it is he seeks by maintaining existence in his current state of employment?

Q: There is also something to be said for finding that outlet for frustration. For instance, your suggestion to me was to write in a journal whenever I became frustrated; and that really helps me because I don’t think that we can prevent frustrating situations in this life. We’re always going to have frustrating situations. But the point is, is to get those feelings out as quickly as possible so that you don’t stifle that spiritual growth.

Simplicity, Priorities

WELMEK: But I understand Mark’s situation to seem to be more intense, that each day he begins anew, rededicating his will to the Father, and by the time he retires with his prayers, he constantly asks for forgiveness for the difficulties, that which he may have said or done, that took him away from doing the will of the Father. You must decide for yourself what it is you wish to do to maintain your existence that will hopefully lend a hand, or at least not add to, the difficulties that you encounter in trying to find and live the will of the Father each day. I have said before and will say again: you make your lives too difficult for yourselves. Learn to live more simply. That does not give you much satisfaction, does it? (laughter)

Q: I guess you realize, as I do, the situation that I’m in, but I try to focus on some positive things and that maybe I’m hopefully setting an example for some of those around me. I’ve even decided in my own mind that eventually I am going to quit this job, but that I seem to be more driven by my monetary responsibilities at this time, to make good on those things, before I make this choice. Are you saying that that’s wrong?

WELMEK: No, I am saying that you must decide what is right for yourself. There is no one in this room, that if you had to, you could change your situation. I understand the need to maintain your existence, yet you do not necessarily have to maintain the existence, materially speaking, at the level that you do. You must decide what is most important to you at any given point in your life. If knowing and living the will of the Father is the most important, then do what you must do in order to maintain your existence and be comfortable; but do not do it to the or at the expense of your spiritual growth. You tend to get locked into this “Well I must maintain my material existence because I have all these obligations, when in fact, as I suggest, you can find ways to circumvent this, to reduce your obligations and then continue your journey.

However, if you have decided that the challenges that are presented to you at your job are stimulating and will actually help your spiritual growth, then accept that. Do not allow others to cause an emotional reaction within yourself. If you accept your position within a given job, then what I suggest to you is each day, in the morning as you get ready for work, continue to say to yourself, “I consciously accept the responsibility of my decision and when one contests me in any way whatsoever,

I will look at that individual as a brother or sister, one who is not God-conscious the way I wish to be, and I will not allow their negative energy to override my positive energy. I will maintain a state of mind beyond that which they are capable of. I am not saying here that you are any better than they are as far as our Father is concerned. But what I am saying is that you have more knowledge than they do, and therefore you should use it to your advantage, not to take advantage of them, but simply to maintain yourself. Do you understand this?

Q: Yes.

WELMEK: But it is not easy, is it? For when you are actually engaged in the situation, and this person is trying to irritate you or makes comments that are so derogatory, your natural reaction is to take the defensive and to react, is it not? This is what I encourage you to overcome if you’re going to maintain the position that you now have. Otherwise, my friend, you will continue to come home each night and ask for forgiveness; not that there is anything wrong with this, but again I go back to the premise: what is most important in your life? I feel as though sometimes you ask me these questions in order for me to respond specifically as to what you can say to an individual that might get them “off your back”? I’m glad someone found humor in that. (laughter)

Q: No, that’s not it at all. I think you know my situation and you’re aware of it, and I feel like I am making progress in the situation, just by, as you say, trying each day to prevent them from getting my dander up. Maybe I do see that at this point as a challenge, and I want to try to at least master that before I make such a decision.

WELMEK: If you master it, then the possibility of moving on will be significantly reduced as long as you enjoy the actual work itself. But you see, these are the type of difficult situations that you must learn to turn into challenges, to turn into opportunities for spiritual growth, in order to really make the spiritual progress that you want. My point is, if you are finding yourself in a situation where the challenges are overwhelming, then you might consider removing yourself from such a difficult position and re- engage somewhere else. You will never have difficulty finding difficulties.

Q: Welmek, I think that’s kind of the problem sometimes, in my life, having the wisdom to evaluate a situation in terms of the difficulties in advance, before you’re into this. It seems to be a wisdom I don’t have.

Q: Or when to get out or when to stay.

Q: Or how to see a situation before I choose it, the danger that’s in it. I keep putting myself in positions that aren’t healthy for my soul growth.

WELMEK: But at the time, did you see them as not being healthy?

Q: No.

WELMEK: Of course. It is by going through this process of learning that wisdom is achieved.

Q: I feel I must be going around with blinders on because I don’t seem to be doing a better job each time.

WELMEK: And I can assure you you are not alone. Most humans do this.

Q: I think that’s the question of to make the change before you have that wisdom, and you’re not just going to set yourself up one more time. Yet I think repeated change for us is very stressful, as stressful sometimes as being in the situation. I think that probably leads into some decision-making.

WELMEK: Once again, the underlying question is: what is it that you wish to accomplish in this short life in the flesh? What is your primary objective? If it is to achieve a greater communication with the Father, then so be that and move forward accordingly. Your work is important. I would never suggest anything short of that. You must maintain your earthly existence. But on your planet, almost everyone that I have had an opportunity to associate with does not like what they do. As a result, they find the stress, they find the boredom, they find the tension, they find their co-workers so irritating, so frustrating, that it totally annihilates any spirit awareness that is in them. This must be overcome if you wish greater communication.

Q: I guess I’ve liked every job I’ve had. I’ve run into problems in terms of team dynamics, but I chose my direction of work as a service direction and that’s something that’s important to me in my life. So I guess I don’t see myself as one who clearly hates my work. I think for me it’s been something of a timing situation, that the early jobs I had, I was in amongst people who were moving at the pace I was and we had some common ground that allowed us to work effectively as a team. Sometimes there’s a lot of difference in expectation, background experience, aspects that cause conflict in the team situation; and my work is inherently a team situation. So I don’t have control of a lot of pieces of a work situation.

WELMEK: And most often, most of you do not. But nevertheless, does that change what it is you are trying to achieve in your life?

Q: No.


WELMEK: There are some things, once you recognize you cannot change, you simply accept. But by accepting this does not mean that you give in to the ways of thinking of your associates. You must always achieve to maintain this level of awareness and even beyond. Therefore, in your interaction with these people, do not be dragged down to their energy. Allow yourself to maintain your own, and hopefully, by example, they may be drawn to you and actually, in time, ask you questions. This may or may not happen. You will have to wait and see. But each time you allow yourself to get frustrated, to get down-hearted, you know what it does to you and you know what it takes in order to overcome it and to just get back to where you were before.

Q: One of the things that I did for myself as I am reading the Jesus papers now, I have child care in my home and I know that I don’t have to do that for the rest of my life. But I found myself, especially when this mission first began, really having a difficult time because I felt like everyone else was doing something that was much more important than what I was doing and I felt stuck. I was complaining and I was frustrated and all of these things. But then reading the Jesus papers, everything that he did, he never complained. He did the task at hand and then moved on to the next.

And the thing that I have realized is that my task at hand may last for two years, but two years out of my entire life is a minute. And so it made it easier, not that I don’t have those days of frustration and complaining, but when I saw what Jesus did and how as a young man had to take over the father position in his family and did it all without complaint, took responsibility, it gave me more courage to face my life in the same way and try to find the good in every single day. I pray every morning that I will find the good in every single day. It does help, when you try to look at it from his perspective.

WELMEK: And indeed, it is just that. It is a matter of perspective. The narrower your perspective, the more frustrated and anxious you become. The broader your perspective, the more love-filled you become. It’s a matter of your desire, your activity, as to which perspective you wish to take on for yourself. It will not happen overnight. You must understand these things. You and I have been associated now for just over 4 months. This is not much time. The habits that you have developed over the years will take time to overcome. I have asked you to do things which you have not really on a consistent basis done before. Therefore, do not burden yourself terribly with the fact that you have not achieved that which you seek to achieve. Give yourself a break, yet don’t let up, either. Always, each day, worship and re-dedicate yourself and do the best that you can. As we have said, that is all that is being asked of you.

Q: I have a question for Mark. I don’t anything about your work situation or what your job is, but this refers in a way to something Welmek said a little while ago about getting to know ourselves. That’s one of the functions of the teachers. In your reactions to your co-workers, are you maybe taking some things personally that are really not meant to be personal?

Q: Perhaps.

Q: I say that because sometimes someone will yell at a person and it sounds like it’s a personal attack almost, but it isn’t. They’re just frustrated themselves. If you know yourself, if you’re being criticized for something, and you know in your heart for sure that you really don’t deserve that,..I’ve always thought you can’t be insulted unless you allow yourself to be. If you allow yourself to feel that that person’s criticism is real, then you can get upset. But if you believe that their criticism of you is not based on reality, or refuse to take it personally, however, then it makes it easier for you to maintain control of yourself and avoid a lot of the negativity that you are experiencing. I don’t know if that is the situation in your job.

Q: I think that’s true. But I think too, that I’ve gotten, I’ve made tremendous strides in not letting as many things bother me as did before. However, there are certain things..for instance, when you go through a divorce and emotional trauma like that, someone will make a comment like “Well, no wonder your wife left you.” or something like that, I guess I’m just not to the point where I can let that kind of go in and out.

Q: Can you feel sorry for that person’s lack of understanding?

Q: You feel sorry for them, yes, but at times it becomes, you simply lack the understanding of how they cannot feel or understand what they’re saying and how much they lack love, they lack compassion, they lack all of the qualities that we are supposed to strive to achieve.

Q: They’re putting salt in an open wound.

Q: Believe me, I have made great strides, I think, and of course, everyone has to deal with themselves, and like you say, maybe I’m getting to know myself better because of it, but I have made great strides in dealing with much of what is said and in fact finding and returning comments using humor because I seem to poke fun at a lot of things about life. Comments have been made that I should be a comedian, things like that, and I’m wondering if maybe that’s part of the way I deal with people, situations, so that I don’t resort to anger and those other things. But it amazes me how insensitive some people can be, even in jest.

Q: Mark, why don’t you say, “Why are you being so insensitive?” Put it back on their shoulders, to have to explain their actions.

Q: Certain people simply lack the understanding. You’re assuming that that person is capable or has any realization of what they’ve said means or…

Q: But they might not understand it the first time, but they might the second time. This is what I’ve been doing to my sister-in-law. She came out the other day and called my husband a (*&*). Well, you know, he has problems; we all have problems. She doesn’t understand, she never will understand. And so she called him that, and I said “Gee, Brenda, you finally got a compliment in there. Do you have any other compliments?” which meant for her to come up with something else. So every time she gives me one of these smart remarks, I just turn it back to her, “Gee, do you have another one?” It’s caught her off-guard and she watches what she says anymore. The first time I did it she got mad. The second time I did it she tried to explain what she was trying to get across to me. The third time, she didn’t ask any more.

Q: Do you know, it seems that the people that I deal with, if you want a concerned reaction, or you want them to ask “Hey, did I say something wrong?” you have to respond with quiet anger, with a mood of non-reconciliation, in other words, avoidance. You just become cold towards them, and then they wonder “Did I say something wrong?” Why would it take that sort of reaction for them to . ..”

Q: It’s because all their lives they’ve been allowed to say what they think, how they think, and how they want to act without any consequences of what they’re doing.

Q: Well, I simply every day am going to benefit from this, I’m going to grow from it. That is what I pray for, and that is what I dedicate myself each day to; and I believe each day I’m getting better. I have the sincere hope that as time goes by, I’m going to be able to maintain what Welmek says I should, which is not allowing myself to be drained of my positive energy and allowing myself to be manipulated by their negative energy. Maybe that’s why I haven’t decided to go somewhere else. It’s a challenge, and somehow I’m going to come out on top.

Q: It will maybe help you control your anger.

Q: I know when I first met you you were angry; but lately you’re more loving and more understanding and more helpful. I asked you a question last Friday night; and if I’d asked you that before, you would have backed off from me, but you didn’t this time.

Q: You know, this group, these teachings, when you surround yourself with people who love you sincerely, who care, who have the same motivations and desires as you, it’s medicine for the heart. There’s no doubt that without this I don’t know where I would be. I’m sure I would be self-destructive; but I’m so thankful and so blessed, I can’t talk about repetitive worship.

Self Realization

WELMEK: I wish to make two comments and then move on, if I may;
First, once again, our Master will be your model. You said that you do not understand how these individuals toward you the way that they do, so insensitively, so ignorantly, if you will. Think of how the leaders acted toward the Master when they literally crucified him. He looked upon them as with all of the children of this planet and asked the Father to forgive them because they just did not know what they were doing. And I suggest it is with those you work with, for if they really did understand you, if they did have a better understanding of themselves, they would not do these things.

Lastly, I can give the best advice to all of you in this way. Whenever you deal with another individual that causes confrontation to begin to swell within yourself, simply look at this individual as Jesus. Allow the love to begin to flow through you again; and although their behavior is less than yours, simply look at them as Jesus would: forgive them Father for they do not know what they are doing. For if they did, they would not treat you this way, as they are treating me. You too are a part of Jesus, just as they; and you would never treat our Master this way. Would they, if they understood the meaning of what I say to you?

If you begin to focus yourself in this way, and honestly attempt each time you find yourself in these situations to the best of your ability to perceive and understand and feel it, then in time you will master all of your situations. You will look at all of the difficulties that face you and realize they are nothing more than an opportunity to grow once again. You will actually give thanks for those obstacles, those difficult situations that you face; for in the long run, as you look back upon your life, you will see that they were stepping stones to lead you closer to the Father, that very thing which you have been praying for all along.

With that being said, I wish to make an announcement. There is another, actually there are several who have been receiving communication for the past few weeks and some the past few days. This pleases me deeply. Linda has been receiving communication for some time. We will now ask her to join Michael and David in speaking out loud. What I wish to do when I turn this meeting over to her as my voice mechanism is to open up this session for general questions and answers. I realize that I have not addressed that which I told you I would as far as parental and brotherly love; and if you wish to address questions in this way, we will.

This will be a practice session for her. I understand that you all love her and that you must realize the somewhat nervous situation that this will create within her. For any of you that receive communication, your supreme desire is to never mislead, never misguide and always hope that what you receive is actually that of either another being or of your higher self. As I have told you before, it matters not the source as much as the content. Ask your questions freely to me, and I will respond through her. I will ask that those who feel comfortable to engage her in your private sessions, for as you know we are losing David temporarily for most of the private sessions he has volunteered to do. I do not wish to lose the opportunity to speak to you. Therefore, it is time for Linda to become a part of the speaking group. One moment please.


Q: Welmek, I have a question. I have been struck before by the idea of seeing things in perspective. If you’re down in a valley and you see a large hill in front you, it may look almost insurmountable; but if you’re able to rise up above and see it from an aerial view, you may see many hills, and in fact that may not be as big as many others. And so you sort of realize that you’ll accomplish overcoming that hill and you’ll go on and so on. So much of life we look at that way. We’re overwhelmed by a particular problem because we’re really not probably seeing it in its larger perspective. What suggestions do you have for us to look at troubling situations and try to step back and see them in their broader perspective?

WELMEK: You must remember that this life is the very first of a long series of steps and experiences in your universe career. Ask yourself, as you look at this problem that seems insurmountable to you now, in the long view, how important is this? You can look at it from a short time view, or you can say “Is this going to be important to me, to my growth, to my spiritual growth, to my advancement, one year from now. Will it matter, the outcome, to my future development? The longer your perspective, the less insurmountable the problem seems; and the more wisdom you are able to apply to the solution. Does this help?

Q: Yes.

Teaching Mission, Groups

Q: Welmek, I have a question on a different subject. The speaker that spoke to us during our opening said that we had done things as a group that had been helpful. Can you explain what those things are? And I assume that that was helpful to the mission.

WELMEK: Every group has a part in the mission as a whole. Your group has been, partly because of its numbers, particularly active in certain areas. As I have spoken of before, your support of other groups is more important than you realize. There is energy generated in a group of this size that is useful and can be helpful to other groups in a support frame of reference. Many of you are in contact personally with those in other groups. You have stimulated an interest in groups that might not yet have formed without this additional help. All of these things help the mission more than you realize.

There is a ripple effect, as you would call it. For all that you do, as individuals and as support as a group, more happens than you will ever really understand. This group also, because of its size, has been useful in several experiments. This has helped us to understand humans in certain ways and to try new techniques of reaching you, mindally, and with helping you spiritually. All of these things have been helpful to us, and we are very appreciative of the dedication of all of you. You have helped more than you know.

Q: I had one question, and this is just a clarification. When we talk about the mission, my understanding is that basically, the overall mission is just to do whatever we can as individuals to help bring the world into Light and Life; and while this is a very kind of simplistic overview, that’s my understanding. That is correct?

WELMEK: Yes, in a general way that is correct.

Q: Thank you.

Mansion Worlds

Q: On this planet, as we’ve talked about, there are things here that kind of obstruct the spiritual growth and we have temptation and things like that that kind of halt the spiritual growth. When we’re in the morontial form, are there any outside properties that might work against that spiritual growth or is it simply going to be something of our choice to continue on this spiritual path or not?

WELMEK: First of all, in the morontial life, you will be given additional understanding, additional senses. You will be given all the instruction and help that you need to correct your own character, I don’t like to use the word deficits, perhaps “flaws” might be a better word. As you know, when you awaken on the mansion worlds, you are not any different than when you leave here except for the consciousness of survival. And so, those personality problems that you have failed to develop or grow beyond here will still need to be dealt with. However, you will have all the help that can be provided for you.

The difference on the morontia worlds is that you have so much less opportunity. It is as I spoke of earlier, and have mentioned on many previous occasions, you are so fortunate for all that you feel your lives are so burdened here. You are fortunate in this respect, that you have continual opportunity. The opportunities are not as frequent and not as intense on the morontial worlds. It is why it is so important for you to take advantage of the opportunities you have here and to grow as much as you can here. Your opportunities will lessen as you progress and as more and more of the individuals surrounding you are progressing. Do you understand what I am saying?

Q: Yes, I do. Opportunities are what we would equate to difficulties in our lives.

WELMEK: Exactly.

Q: So we do have difficulties to face and opportunities to face, but they’re not as intense as we have here or what we would think of here and not as often.

WELMEK: That is a way of putting it. As all of you progress through the mansion worlds, as your spirituality improves, there are, of course, fewer conflicts. However, there will always be adjustments to be made to other personalities, to other ways of seeing things. There are beings in the universe that you will encounter that you cannot even conceive of, and that will be very difficult for you to understand. These will be opportunities also, but you will have so much more help than you have previously had here. It is one of the goals of our mission to help you as individuals, not only to bring the entire planet into an era of Light and Life, but also that all of you as individuals progress. This is how, in fact, the mission will succeed. We are here to help you; and it is group meetings such as this, personal sessions, call upon us for advice, for help, when you have these problems. There is much advice that we can give you, but we cannot and will not solve your problems for you.

Teaching Mission

Q: Welmek, with the mission, how come the mission has started now, or in these times, rather than maybe a few centuries ago; and why is it at a certain time that this mission has started?

WELMEK: Some years ago, as the Lucifer rebellion was drawing close to its adjudication, the Father stirred Himself and asked Michael to plan for a mission of this type. Your planet has been, had been, most unfortunate in that, because of the spiritual isolation brought about by the Lucifer rebellion, the cutting of the universe circuits and the restrictions placed upon those who would help by these events. Now with the adjudication of the rebellion, Michael has ordered that this planet and the other rebellion worlds of this system, be brought as quickly as possible into an era of Light and Life. Until these universe affairs were adjudicated, it was deemed best by those in authority to wait until the adjudication was finished and then to begin this mission.


Q: Welmek, I’m curious. Since you’ve had an opportunity to view us humans, what are your opinions, be they positive or negative about humor and how we use it or apply it in our lives?

WELMEK: I have attempted to learn more about this since I have been here. I hope I have improved. (laughter) Thank you. Humor is important on this planet. I did not fully understand this at first. There is, as I have said before, on a planet such as mine, there is less contrast, and therefore, humor is not acquired to any great degree by persons on my planet or persons on planets in Light and Life. I had to acquire a sense of humor or an understanding of it on the morontia worlds. But I can assure you, I was not prepared for the degree of humor I have found here. Humor on morontial levels is somewhat different. Your humor is, at times, not as sophisticated as it might be (laughter), but I have found that I enjoy it a great deal, and I am still working on my sense of humor.

Q: I have a follow-up to that. It has been said that laughter has healing powers. Is that correct?

WELMEK: Yes, to some degree, it does. It is the emotion that releases chemicals, one might say, that can aid in healing, in certain circumstances, yes.

Q: Laughter is a great tension releaser. If you’re in a tense situation, and somebody says something funny, everybody laughs and everybody feels better. In that way it’s also healing, in that you don’t harbor those tense feelings. Laughter to some extent makes our life bearable.

WELMEK: I have come to understand that better since I have been here.


Q: Welmek, with the Christmas season coming on, how does the rest of the world perceive our Christmas holiday spirit?

WELMEK: Would you clarify “the rest of the world”?

Q: You know other worlds better than I do.

Q: You mean “worlds”, other planets. The universe…

WELMEK: The general consensus is that it is unfortunate that the birth of the Master seems to be so overshadowed by commercial greed, by non- religious activities. It is truly unfortunate that so many of the people on this planet do not understand the importance of what occurred here when Jesus was born. If the mortals of this planet really understood the meaning of a Creator Son, a being so mighty, taking the form of a human baby, a helpless human being, and all of the universe implications involved, I can assure you there would be a good deal less of the commercial point of view.

Q: Do you find that throughout the world or throughout the earth itself that people tend towards Christmastime to think more of one another and there’s more concern about one another?

WELMEK: This is talked about a great deal in Christian countries. There is an effort made, and there are individuals who really do apply a religious, a spiritual meaning to the day. However, on the whole, there is much that could be done and will be done in future in appreciating exactly what the birth of the Master meant.

Q: As we get closer to Light and Life, will the actual date of Jesus’ birthday change? Since we know he was born on the 21st of August, will Christmas stop and more of a birthday celebration for Jesus in August happen?

WELMEK: This is difficult to say. Eventually, as more people understand this may occur among groups. This is strictly a human decision; and some may for sentimental reasons even, choose to keep Christmas for some generations to come.


Q: Welmek, when you talk about seeing Christ in someone else, you reference this in a literal sense, correct?


Q: When we try to behave in that way, to see the Christ in someone else and to feel the love and to understand that they are our brother and sister, what effect does that have on us physically?

WELMEK: How do you feel physically when you love someone, when you experience the feeling of love?

Q: Aside from feeling peace of mind and a calmness throughout my body, I also have a sense of..this is difficult to describe but, I feel as though there is a visual sensing that I didn’t have before, not that I see colors or auras, but it’s as though I begin to see a little more of the person than I did before. The only way I can relate this is to perhaps what Jesus saw when he looked at people and was able to see their soul. Not that I’m remotely close to that, but there is a definite physical visual sensation, and I don’t really know how to describe it beyond that.

WELMEK: Could you clarify “visual”?

Q: My perception is more focused.

Q: Is it like an energy?

Q: I don’t really know how quite accurately to describe it. It’s as though, it’s more of a sensing, I guess, than anything else, that this person is indeed a child of the Father and they’re just like me in that regard. I sense a much closer feeling. Specifically, the other day I encountered a brother who, in my old way of thinking I would have thought was far less intelligent than myself and as a result I wouldn’t have much in common with this person, but I took a different approach and looked at this individual as a brother, as one who may even know the Father more than I, and approached this person in conversation with an attitude of “let’s really get to know each other because I know you have the spirit inside” . I felt as though, just looking at him, I

was looking at him more intensely than when I look at people as a rule. Again, this feeling of calmness came over me and I was kind of pleased with myself that I was actually practicing what I had been saying or you had been asking me to do. It was a good feeling. My question is, two parts, are there healing benefits to actually perceiving our brothers and sisters with the Christ inside of them, and secondly, is there anything to how we literally “see” one another? Is there an actual physical change going on somehow, in some manner?

WELMEK: I will take the second part of your question first. Might it be correct to re-state this that you are seeing this person with spiritual vision?

Q: That’s what I’m not clear, because this is a very new experience for me. I tend to say yes, but I don’t know what spiritual vision really means.

WELMEK: At your level of existence, it would mean spiritual awareness that perhaps was not there before, rather than an actual visualization, as such. This is a natural outgrowth of love, the pouring out of the Father’s love to another because in doing this, you “see”, to use your word, this individual as, or you begin to see the individual as the Father sees that person. And this increases your spiritual awareness, even at this very beginning level of universe ascension. As for the first part of the question, does this have a healing effect, what do you think?

Q: Well, I would assume it would because the more I try to attune to the spirit within another, I feel that I’m doing the same for myself.

WELMEK: Whenever the love of the Father flows through you consciously, it will have a healing effect upon you. It is a matter of energies, as Andrea pointed out in the session on healing. This visualization or attempt to feel the love of the Father flow through you will always have a beneficial effect on the energies in your physical system, as well as an effect on the person to whom these energies are directed. It is difficult to be more specific; but yes, there is always the beneficial effect of love.

Q: Is there a correlation, then, between this and why Jesus was never ill in his adult life and later teen life, because he looked at people in this way?

WELMEK: This was certainly part of his physical health, yes. There were some other reasons which I will not go into at this time.

Ascension Career

Q: Welmek, I have a question I would like to get answered tonight, but I feel a sense that I should defer to others who might be here for the first time, or who haven’t had a chance to ask a question…. Based upon our session talking about the difference in fatherly love and brotherly love, in subsequent conversations, I was faced with the question “well, that’s not really important. All that really matters is that there’s love and there’s no real reason to ever worry or to spend the energy in trying to attempt to define or understand such differences.” How would you respond to someone who would say that? Can you describe what frame of mind or perhaps perspective or level of understanding they might be at, and can you suggest a way to help them understand that there might be some importance to that?

WELMEK: If this person is a parent, you might perceive the difference in feeling, their feeling for their child and perhaps a brother or sister in their family. This is the most immediate example of the difference.
There is an important difference, which is why in the ascension career it is important that every individual undergo the parental experience. Because until you can understand this, it is difficult to understand how the Father loves you. Does this help?

Q: Yes. It helps some, but I’m still struggling with…there seems to be sometimes a sense of people, I don’t know quite how to describe it. I suppose I get the sense that they just don’t want to make the effort to struggle to understand the differences or they just want,…well perhaps that’s it, perhaps they don’t want to make the effort somehow to try to grow in their understanding. So that becomes an easy way to dismiss making that effort. Does that make any sense?

WELMEK: We are speaking in very general terms here. It would help if I had a specific instance to comment on. However, do these situations tend to occur when you are attempting to make contact with an individual that you feel could benefit from learning these truths that you have acquired?


Q: Yes, the conversations occurred after our session last Friday night when we began the discussion of the difference between fatherly and brotherly love; and it was with people who had attended that session and they tended to dismiss the importance of understanding that there was a difference between brotherly and fatherly love and that all that mattered was that there was love and that again, why bother to make any differentiation?

WELMEK: The differentiation is important, but an individual must come to this realization within themselves. It should not be such a difficult distinction. Part of your assignment this past week was to consider this. Can anyone else offer any advice in this area?

Q: Does it help us to understand the Father’s love better if we can separate a fatherly love from brotherly love?


Q: Well, when it states in the book that you love your brother as yourself, it’ll manifest itself in unselfish and loving social service. However, I think Jesus wanted us to love each other more than just brothers. He wanted us to love each other as Jesus loves us. Jesus had dual nature; he was our brother and also our Creator.

In talking to his apostles, he gave them seven lists of what a father does versus what you would do, I guess, for your brother; and this were like the fact of existence, you have your origin in your parents, you inherit your parents’ traits. The father wants to give you security, possibly pleasure, to his children. The father wants to be responsible for education and training, for discipline and restraint, for companionship and loyalty, for love and mercy and providing for the future.

Now I’m a little confused. Is this the kind of love that Jesus wants us to feel for, obviously the kind of love to feel for our children, and also the kind of love that the Father feels for us, but is this list the kind of love that He wants us to feel for our brothers. And if this is true, how can we feel that really kind of love without interfering and maybe giving advice and giving help or…something that’s not wanted.

WELMEK: That list is a list of the outworking, the effect of the parental love. Consider it this way. The commandment to love your brother as you love yourself places a certain importance on yourself. Isn’t that so?

Q: Yes.

WELMEK: And yet parental love transcends self in a different way. Does this stimulate any ideas?

Q: It’s unconditional. It’s love that’s given just because of (words lost) because you have a particular characteristic. It’s just the fact that you exist, you are a member of God’s family and you should be loved for that fact alone.

Q: It seems like if we could have that kind of love for one another more, we would increase the sense of oneness that we’re seeking. It almost feels like to me that just the way we perceive brotherly love is somewhat short of that?

Q: It seems like it’s also a matter of experience. When you love your brother as yourself, you have to have an understanding of yourself at that level, I guess, in order to love your brother. But when you love someone as the Father loves or as your father loves you, you’ve had that experience.

A parent has had a different experience in life, or more experiences than their child has; and it’s that perspective which enables them, in a lot of ways, to be more selfless and giving because they know where the child is coming from, they know where the child is going to. You may not have that perspective with your brother.

Q: But Jesus wanted us to love our brothers like he loved us. He wanted to love them in a fatherly way.

Q: But you know, when Norsen was here, and somebody asked him when he was with us, if he was loving us and if his approach was more fatherly or brotherly, he said that when he was teaching his approach was fatherly. I got the impression it was because he had wisdom, I guess, to pass on and share with us that we didn’t have. But he also said that when he was not teaching that he looked at us as brothers and sisters. So I guess there’s a place for both in our relationships with other people.

Q: Remember, too, Jesus never gave advice unless it was asked for. So he loved the people he encountered as both a brother would and as a father would. So I don’t necessarily think it means that to love someone as a father means that you have to interfere in their life or give counsel. I think it has to do more with just the attitude or the feeling of love. As you can imagine, if we all manifested that feeling from inside, we wouldn’t be interfering, we would just simply be sharing.

So I can see where it could definitely be a dual role, especially if you understand as Mary said, what it’s like to be a parent, to be the giver of life, to be responsible for education and religious training and these things, where we’re really not for our [[brothers and sisters]]. Yet, I suppose in the bigger picture we are, inasmuch as we’re all part of the same planet, part of the same system and the same universe.

Parenting, Experience

Q: You know, I made the same comment last week. Is it even possible to understand that parental side of love without experiencing the actual parental experience?

Q: Probably by seeing what the love of parents who have children. I think the people around you would probably give you a feeling of what it would be like.

Q: I don’t know, I wonder, because as I understand the text, we will all raise children, either on this planet or the next; and I think it’s because of that reason that we need to have that hands-on personal experience of what it means to actually be a parent, to know that love.

Q: I think too, that having a step-child before I had a child of my own, that after I had the child of my own, my love increased for my step-child and my understanding of nurturing him was increased. So it did help me.

Q: But that doesn’t mean to imply that because you’re not a parent on this planet, that you are any less loving.

Q: To me, when my daughter was born, I had some life decisions to make about my career and stuff; but I remember looking at her, and it’s kind of like a perspective of being (?) something much larger than this planet. Understanding our careers, I guess, is a whole different perspective looking at our day-to-day problems. I think it did that for me even without that kind of knowledge. It was like you know, so many years in this life was not significant in relation to what you have and what the relationship is and the love you feel. But I think you can still express that fatherly love on some levels without that experience.

Q: I agree. Look how people who don’t have children still give of themselves. And it’s the parental fashion, they give because they see that they have experiences that they can pass on, that they can help someone with. It is in, from my understanding, the same attitude that Norsen was trying to explain. They’re taking responsibility actually for someone learning something from them, and they’re doing it with the intention of helping that person to grow to another plane. You know, teachers do that, whether they have kids or not.

Q: Or giving someone…or looking at someone and recognizing them as a part of God, as one of God’s children when viewing Jesus when you look at them. I think you’re giving them a sense of acceptance and existence, allowing them to be who they are and creating an environment in which they can grow to be what they can be. I think when our judgments come in, or even when we choose not to see people that way, that’s a judgment.

Q: I think another thing we have to be very mindful of in reading anything from the text, especially in relation to the life and teachings, is that Jesus lived his life for all of his universe. So when he says things, he’s talking to more than just the humans of our planet. And my point is that he’s also addressing the “Welmeks” of the universe who are growing up on Light and Life worlds, they need insight also.

I’m not so sure that for us, in our meager existence on this isolated sphere, it’s important to truly be able to distinguish between the Father’s love and the love for a brother. I think what’s important for us is that we feel the love. I mean we are at ground zero compared to a Welmek who has the insight that can probably be able to get a much better grasp of a love for the Father versus the love for his brothers and sisters and a much deeper understanding of the true significance of what Jesus said.

For us to struggle with the fact that I don’t quite understand the difference and it confuses me, I think we miss the point. I think that the point, again, for us is the teachers have all been instructing us to do is to feel this love inside. Don’t put the label of necessarily the Father or for the brother. Manifest the love toward another as though that person were Jesus.

I can say I have actively been trying to do that. It is really difficult for me because each person I encounter I have to re-gear and I’m constantly trying to re-think, “This is another Jesus” and I want to start acting like it really was him; and I forget and get wrapped up in routine, so on and so forth. But when I do it, there is a significant feeling within that is undeniable. And how the other person responds, I’m not really very concerned about because I know I can’t control them anyway. I’m mostly concerned now about my love for them rather than their reaction to my love for them.

I think, again, this is what both Jesus and the teachers are saying. If we could achieve that each time we encounter someone, where would we be in our spiritual growth? Will we have achieved that which we set out for? The feelings that I had were, again, very calm peace of mind, and that’s certainly some of my objectives to find in life. But it just doesn’t happen. It takes effort. It takes hard work. There’s no magic wand that says okay, now you’re going to go treat everybody like it’s Jesus. You really have to engage the person and think of them and feel for them in that way. It’s had a significant impact on me, to the point that it encourages me to try it again and to keep on trying it because I know what I felt. I know how it changed my perspective.

Q: At the same time, if you don’t achieve that every time, you can’t crucify yourself either. You have to just keep going on and that’s something I think many people have a tendency to do. You know you realize you’re not perfect and you’re so hard on yourself that you have to say, “Well I didn’t do it this time, I’ll just have to try it next time.”

Q: And the challenge is in the case of what Mark said and we all have this in our jobs or in interpersonal relationships, there are these people that make these off-the-wall comments that your initial response is you want to smack them beside the head because it’s such a stupid thing for you say, for that person to be saying; but as Welmek said, you know, how did Jesus respond when he was being nailed to the cross? Certainly a little more painful and more long- lasting than a snooty remark by somebody. His response was “Father forgive them, they just don’t know what they’re doing.” And if we can really start to incorporate that, not that we’re saying “Father, look how much better I am than that person is, but forgive them because they don’t know they’re really hurting me, or obviously they don’t know you.”

Q: Well, they’re in trouble tomorrow, I can tell you. (laughter) I’ve got more ammunition.

Q: Welmek, what would you say is the difference between fatherly and brotherly love?

WELMEK: : It is for me a matter of perspective. The perspective of a father’s love is so much more all-encompassing than the love a brother has for a brother or a sister. I would like you in the next week to consider this. Again, we will talk about this again in the future. Think about what has been said. You have your transcripts from last week with the comments made there. Continue to study your text for these references. There is a difference. It may not seem important to you, to some of you, but it is important in your ability to view your fellow man and in your ability to develop the depth of affection for him that the Master was asking for.


WELMEK: We’ll conclude this session now. During this week, I am going to give you an assignment. I would like you to try what David has been trying. At least once every day, select an individual and attempt to see the Master in that person. It will be interesting to hear your comments on a future occasion. For now, my friends…(tape ended)-

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