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KNA7- Veronica Collection Session 37-70

1994-08-03-Veronica Collection Session 37-70
Kona #7


11/16/1994 thru 04/10/1995


• 1 Heading – o 1.1 Topic: Veronica Collection – o 1.2 Group: Kona TeaM
• 2 Facilitators – o 2.1 Teacher: Veronica, Nebadonia – o 2.2 TR: Nalice
• 3 Session – o 3.1 Opening
• 38 Session 35 – o 38.1 Lesson –  38.1.1 Encouragement
• 39 Session 36 – o 39.1 Lesson –  39.1.1 Communication
• 40 Session 37 – o 40.1 Lesson –  40.1.1 Receptivity
• 41 Session 38 – o 41.1 Lesson –  41.1.1 Awareness
• 42 Session 39 – o 42.1 Lesson –  42.1.1 Prayer
• 43 Session 40 – o 43.1 Lesson –  43.1.1 Simplicity
• 44 Session 41 – o 44.1 Lesson –  44.1.1 Perseverance
• 45 Session 42 – o 45.1 Lesson –  45.1.1 Free will
• 46 Session 43 – o 46.1 Lesson –  46.1.1 Christmas
• 47 Session 44 – o 47.1 Note – o 47.2 Lesson –  47.2.1 Christmas
• 48 Session 45 – o 48.1 Lesson –  48.1.1 Harmony
• 49 Session 46 – o 49.1 Lesson –  49.1.1 Enlightenment
• 50 Session 47 – o 50.1 Lesson –  50.1.1 Harmony
• 51 Session 48 – o 51.1 Lesson –  51.1.1 Tolerance
• 52 Session 49 – o 52.1 Lesson –  52.1.1 Truth
• 53 Session 50 – o 53.1 Lesson –  53.1.1 Moment
• 54 Session 51 – o 54.1 Lesson –  54.1.1 Belief
• 55 Session 52 – o 55.1 Lesson –  55.1.1 Feeling
• 56 Session 53 – o 56.1 Lesson –  56.1.1 Power
• 57 Session 54 – o 57.1 Lesson –  57.1.1 Inquiry
• 58 Session 55 – o 58.1 Lesson –  58.1.1 Hierarchy
• 59 Session 56 – o 59.1 Lesson –  59.1.1 Morality
• 60 Session 57 – o 60.1 Lesson –  60.1.1 Decision
• 61 Session 58 – o 61.1 Lesson –  61.1.1 Enlightenment
• 62 Session 59 – o 62.1 Lesson –  62.1.1 Memory
• 63 Session 60 – o 63.1 Lesson –  63.1.1 Happiness
• 64 Session 61 – o 64.1 Lesson –  64.1.1 Energy
• 65 Session 62 – o 65.1 Lesson –  65.1.1 Courage
• 66 Session 63 – o 66.1 Lesson –  66.1.1 Renewal
• 67 Session 64 – o 67.1 Lesson
• 68 Session 65 – o 68.1 Lesson –  68.1.1 Peace
• 69 Session 66 – o 69.1 Lesson –  69.1.1 Connectedness
• 70 Session 67 – o 70.1 Note – o 70.2 Lesson –  70.2.1 Tolerance
• 71 Session 68 – o 71.1 Lesson –  71.1.1 Outreach
• 72 Session 69 – o 72.1 Lesson –  72.1.1 Opportunity
• 73 Session 70 – o 73.1 Lesson –  73.1.1 Commitment
• 74 Session – o 74.1 Lesson –  74.1.1 Correcting Time – o 74.2 Note

Topic: Veronica Collection
Group: Kona TeaM
Teacher: Veronica, Nebadonia
TR: Nalice  (a/k/a Arlene)

During a meditation specifically focused on opening myself to the Father and without thought of contacting my teacher (at that time, I felt unworthy and years away from being ready for contact), I laid down on the floor with pillows propped under my head, feet and legs up on a hassock, and arms outstretched with palms upward in a posture of receiving.

During a prayerful meditation, I was asking the Father’s help in the dealing with sudden family problems I was faced with–feeling helpless. Towards the end of the meditation while talking to the Father, it was as if an unobserved person stepped into a conversation between two people, an interruption of sorts, saying, “I’ll help you.” I immediately knew it was my teacher and became anxious to record what she was telling me.

I will never forget the feeling of recognition when she said, “I’ll help you.”
Nalice (Arlene)

Session 37
 VERONICA – NOVEMBER 16, 1994 – 11 a.m. AWARENESS
 Volcano, Hawaii – #37
Tender guardians of divine fellowship,
Your valid expressions of soul consciousness will crystallize into inner tranquility and will be the activating power of continued alertness on your chosen path. Always focus on a feeling of kinship with everyone you meet, and you will develop the modesty of spirit and nobility of mind that will engender a sensitive awareness of the essence of others.

Utilize the method of perpetual mindfulness as your centric strategy of spiritual truth, and this unfailingly will perpetuate the peaceful disposition of calmness that will enable your vision ofuniversal brotherhood. Continue to strive for tranquil composure, and this will open the doorway of serene attentiveness that will generate kindness and compassion. Supply the blessed hearth in your being with the eternal kindling of the Father’s presence, and its warmth will radiate continually with the glowing embers of compassionate love.

Recognize the disturbances that stir the waters of your placid lake of reflection so that you can restore the glassy tranquility to the shores of your thoughts. The genuine peace that you glean from your private moments with the Sublime Guide within you will provide you with a consciousness that will eventually unfold into the acute perception of cosmic awareness that will keep you in the “present” of His reality.

Session 38
 Volcano, Hawaii – #38
Cherished receivers of divine love,
The gentle and affectionate messages imparted to you are always intended to cultivate the reflective insight of dynamic perception. The design of their significance is to triumphantly freshen the atmosphere of your soul by encouraging you to nourish your mind with the truth of the Father and become sensitive to feeling the love of the Father so that you can devote your will to Him.

The greatest importance of all the direction and guidance you have received is to perfect your ability of effective personal prayer and reverential worship. Understand that your effort toward effortless receptivity stirs His will within you when yours is at rest. It is the act of loving the Father with as much intensity as can be brought into your consciousness that will enable you with great resolution to persevere with a strength of practice in virtue.

Never separate prayer from your practice of stillness, as genuine prayer is an attitude to call upon the light within you to lift your thoughts toward ultimate communion with Him. Make all your prayer flourish in your mind rather than in well-intentioned utterances, because patterned words can lead to loss of power and dissipate the resilient sense of His presence that you seek.

Think of prayer as interior silence that will irrigate your spirit with the purified waters of intimacy and serenity. Prayerful contemplation will develop a loving and peaceful attendance with Him that will unleash unused abilities of the spirit that will naturally evolve into reverential worship and venerated adoration.
If you approach your special contemplation with a sense of duty or obligation, it relinquishes its sincerity, so firmly root your intentions in the Father.

Follow the living teachings of perfection of our beloved Creator Son in his exceptional communion with the Father as he sojourned through the trials of mortal existence and absorb the beauty and simplicity of His example, and the growth of your spirit will touch the beatific union of ultimacy you both desire.

Session 39
 VERONICA – November 28, 1994 – 11:30 a.m. SIMPLICITY
 Volcano, Hawaii – #39
Sincere custodians of eternal purpose,
The selfless tenderness you assume while traversing your chosen path will be the animating principle of your spiritual advancement. Always strive for simplicity to be the serene rudder of your sturdy vessel of transport to actualization. Material encumbrances decrease your comprehension of divine direction and camouflage your loving goal of the Father’s presence.

Enhance simplicity in your lives by resisting the addiction of possession and experience the freedom from complexity that will be fueled by the Father’s love. Let the gentle breeze of contentment envelop you and sense the wondrous value of His promise of eternity–the Father’s sublime gift to you. Excessiveness engenders indifference and deflects the quality of your awareness of the significance of guided experience. Redirect your emphasis from having to doing, and establish a deep connection with the divine intimate partner of your soul; and your cluttered distractions will fade from your focus.

Emerge your spirit in the cosmic saturation of His infinity, and become the embodiment of divine love that continually exalts the purity of His truth.

Session 40
 VERONICA – November 30, 1994 – 9:30 a.m. PERSEVERENCE
 Volcano, Hawaii – #40
Radiant reflectors of fraternal compassion,
Expansive enlightenment will evolve from your dynamic devotion of trusting commitment. This is just the beginning of your eternal expedition to the lofty summit of divine consciousness, and you must learn to condition your spiritual endurance with the energizing reality of tolerance and understanding. Your ultimate destination can only be reached with the perseverance of insightful perception.

Be aware that the dazzling peaks of your superlative destiny will often be cloaked in the tempestuous clouds of imperfection; yet, throughout your rugged ascent, the powerful gales of awareness will dissipate the mists of uncertainty. The Father’s love will solidify the steadiness of all your footholds to ascend above every steep precipice of discouragement.

Enjoy the resplendent vistas of awareness as your visibility sharpens throughout your craggy climb toward self-realization. He will safely guide you across the wide crevasses of vacuous disillusionment and lift you upwards into the vivid altitude of sublime grace.

Continue to persevere by overcoming the complacent ridges of obstruction, and your accomplishments will perpetually raise you higher towards the glorious pinnacle of His magnificence.

Session 41
 VERONICA – December 1, 1994 – 11 a.m. WILL
 Volcano, Hawaii – #41
Free will
Dearest friends,
All the lessons you have received are conveyed to you to assist you to help you in developing a deep and intimate relationship with the First Source and Center. Although your attempts are very sincere and are certainly progressing, you are encountering difficulty because you are focusing on fragmentation.

All messages from the teachers are but threads that can be woven into an exquisite fabric of truth. My guidance will not enjoy the unfoldment of beauty within your hearts until you decide to develop the sweetness of your divine partnership that is the Father’s will.

The emphasis on your evolving intimacy with the Father is the only way your spirit can unfold, and this alone will be the power of your transformation. Until you can feel this living presence within you, the actual reality of divinity, you will be excluding this exquisite source of your being. Every failed attempt at feeling the presence of the Father is merely your lower will resisting Him; it is the self-generated power of your will succeeding in overcoming the will of the Father. Your inability to feel His love is again your will refusing to surrender.

Your repeated denial of your worth is not true humility but a denial of your sonship and daughtership with the Father. If you deny your worthiness to feel His parental love, you close yourself to His benevolence. Examine your every moment of denial, and you will realize that your will is the key that can lock as well as unlock the door to the infinite love He continually radiates your way.

Do not delay this relationship, for if you await the perfect moment, the decision will never be made. The Father has waited long and patiently, so let this be the moment of your release and feel the Father in you–and you in the Father.

Your spirit is ageless, and the most important time in the journey of your soul is now. If you are alone, use this moment to be aware of your nearness to Him; and if you are with others, join hands in silence and help each other in feeling the beautiful love He is now sharing with all. Dwell on the awareness that His unconditional love is now entering your soul now that you have allowed Him in.

Session 42
 VERONICA – December 12, 1994 – 9:15 a.m. CELEBRATION
 Volcano, Hawaii – #42
Joyous celebrants of Michael’s message,
At this correlative cycle of remembrance on Urantia, the Spirit of Truth is aroused and enlivened in unification. Your opportunity to manifest the divine direction of truth is intrinsic when collective receptivity of your sisters and brothers prevails in this commemorative gala of celebration.

Refocus this jubilation into the harmonious renewal of love and capture the everlasting essence of the sublime example of Christ Michael as you celebrate the anniversary of His bestowal.

Synchronicity has the explicit potential to amplify the resilience of the powerful luster of the gentility of love, so that the festive aurora of illumination will capture the truth and beauty of the Supreme Soul. Embellish the noble substance of His bequeathal into a crescendo of vibrancy that will encircle your sphere with the simultaneous vibration of unity of eternal purpose so that His loving message will enlarge beyond your momentary observance of His arrival.

Actualize the richness of the supreme gift of His bestowal and rejoice in the certainty of the eternal unfoldment of enlightenment in the joyous expansion of the brilliant light of His love.

Session 43
 VERONICA – December 14, 1994 – 11:30 p.m.
 Volcano, Hawaii – #43
Third verbal transmission – Arlene & Paul
Precious friends, This is Veronica.
The bi-millennial observance of Christ Michael’s bestowal is frought with encumbrances that can cloud his message of hope. Yet, the permanent quality of the essence of truth cannot be disguised.

You are the keepers of his light that will pass the torch of verity to others that will create traditions of fraternal love and allegiance to truth. Adorn your evergreen of countenance with the delicate ornaments of compassion and understanding. Encircle your intentions with the lovely wreath of tolerance and discernment.

Light the fragrant candles of mercy with the flame of forgiveness. Join the chorus of praise and adoration for the Source of your existence. Enjoy the Pentecostal gift by seeking the festive holiday lights in the hearts of one another. Make your promises of renewal and resolutions to strive for a deeper intimacy with the Divine Monitor that is nestled in the manger of your soul, and nurture this partnership.

The gifts of truth, beauty, and goodness will sustain you with divine providence and refresh your desire to give the most treasured gift of all–your entire will to the Father on this remembrance of the bestowal of his Creator Son. May His presence fill you with sublime peace and love for your sisters and brothers.
I give you the gift of my guidance and love. Thank you for the many opportunities to share these gifts with you. Good evening.

Session 44
 VERONICA – December 19, 1994 – 11:45 a.m. GLOBAL HARMONY
 Volcano, Hawaii – #44
Gentle designers of self-transformation,
The universal desire for global peace is frequently expressed without consideration for the true means of its achievement.

For mutual harmony to become a natural state of the planet, inner peace must be consummated in the minds and hearts of all its mortal inhabitants. Unity must triumph over the many obstacles that engender separateness. Cultivate the tranquility of your spirit by eliminating hostility with the principle focus of tolerance, forgiveness, and understanding.

Your intimacy with the spark of divinity within your spirit will allow you to grow in grace and will reflect the iridescent luminosity of composure that will radiate outward in the tender manifestation of love. Self-transcendence is the critical goal that will pave the path of pacifism that will germinate the seeds of light that will grow into lasting peace on your troubled sphere.

This perceptible reality will expand from every heart and dance like the brilliance of diamonds on the immense ocean of supreme consciousness. The flawless jewel of perfection encased in your soul will sparkle with divine aspiration as you emulate the Prince of Peace and the eloquence of His example.

Always remember that the first step toward light and life must begin with the release of the delicate butterfly of freedom you hold within you so that it will flutter gracefully into the warm winds of transcendence in its eternal migration on the route of the Father’s perfection.

Session 45
 VERONICA – December 20, 1994 – 8:45 p.m. LIGHTEN UP
 Volcano, Hawaii – #45
 Verbal transmission: Arlene, Kimo, Pati, Paul, Sonny, Woody
Loving cultivators of joy – this is Veronica,
Think of every moment as a new beginning and integrate the element of lightness in every aspect of your life. Focus your lens of creativity and maintain the inner calm that will direct you toward divine imagination. You are the creators of your thoughts, beliefs and choices so remember to create them from a center of love.

Many mortals create resolutions at this annual cycle of time, but they erroneously resolve in deprivation, self-castigation, and rigidity. Create your visions of renewal with joy, happiness, growth, kindness, harmony, and infinite possibilities. Renew your childhood with the loving Father Fragment that lives in your heart, and your spirit will blossom with delight and enthusiasm as you create new ways of expressing His love. Attune your imaginative abilities with inner peace and this will inspire you with divine beauty and hope.

Although this message is not new, it is my hope that you will grow in joyful wonder and spirit light as you realize your eternal purpose. Thank you for this loving access to your hearts and minds. Good evening and Merry Christmas.

Session 46
 VERONICA – December 27, 1994 – 4:20 p.m. HARMONY IN THE NOW
 Volcano, Hawaii – #46
Peaceful yearners of universal harmony,
Integrate the multiple hues of truth you have received by mixing the elements of love, as their melding enhances every combination. Coordinate the fragments you comprehend into an integral blend as you begin to see their collective dimensions. The depth of your intimacy with the spiritual core of your being will unfold as the delicate petals of mercy, forgiveness, tolerance and understanding–revealing the sublime center as the gentle cohesiveness of the Father’s love that blossoms as the radiant flower of enlightenment. You will begin to visualize how one evolves into the other; therefore, learn to live the embodiment of their unity.

Discern how vital and valuable it is to eliminate your vestiges of separateness by continually joining together the elements of love that will ripen into harmony in the now of all your moments. Just as your sentient components complement each other, their magnification of enhancement occurs when they flourish in unison. As you perfect the commingling of their essence, you will recognize the freshness of spiritual beauty in this harmonious unification.

Those of you who have tasted the sweetness of His abundant affection will comprehend the compelling desire to share His love as you feel your connection to one another. As you deepen your partnership and friendship with the abundant and infinite resource you carry within, your desire to love will overflow in circumstance and penetrate former barriers.

You are so loved, continually and unconditionally, so aspire to the ascertainment of mota and you will be guided with the perfection of wisdom that the Father Fragment perpetually directs you toward in the consciousness of divine reality.

Session 47
 Volcano, Hawaii – #47
Affectionate directors of loving effusion,
Your planet is poised on the fulcrum of tremendous change; however, free will determines the direction of its potential. Division must be replaced by unity for only together will planetary evolution actualize the supernal and resplendent purpose of the Supreme.

Toleration is a rudimentary step in the unfoldment of love; therefore, perfect this noble quality of mortality. Genuine tolerance always precedes the ability to love and originates in each heart until it becomes a natural essence that will evolve into social value. If you truly endeavor to recognize the divinity in one another, you will realize the triviality of externality.

The beautiful bond of kinship will actualize the reality of universal brotherhood, and you will deeply desire the spiritual growth of all your earthly siblings through love. Criticism, derision, and violence are born in fear, yet your sincere realization of your divine eternity will set you free and enable you to cherish one another whenever His will reigns unencumbered in your heart.

The genesis of light and life on every planet has its causality in the intelligent comprehension of divinity and the enduring vitality of love. The brilliant beacons of exalted ideals will one day illuminate your shadowy sphere with the exquisite radiance of enlightened transformation that will shine brightly in the completeness of His love.

Session 48
 VERONICA – JANUARY 4, 1995 – 8:30 p.m. TRUTH AND LOVE
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 48
 Verbal transmission – Allen, Arlene, Kimo, Paul
Caring illustrators of spirit reflection,
The development of divine consciousness and the comprehension of truth are very personal experiences and are non-demonstrable. Their clarity can only be achieved through individual intimacy within the soul; however, the illustration of love is a powerful catalyst of revelation. Supreme truth can be found throughout the universe of creation and originates in the perfect love of the First Source and Center; therefore, only through love will sincere seekers find the sublime reality of their ultimate search.

The infinite variety of pathways progress from mortal complexity to supernal simplicity; therefore, always respect the diverse paths of the journey of others. Everyone is perfecting their divine connection through unique patterns in very individual and personal ways.

Continue on your personal path of spiritual unfoldment and always remember the perfection of love will surpass time and space in our cosmic destiny of eternity in our infinitely beautiful home on the Isle of Light. Thank you for lifting your spirits in the vibrations of truth and love. Good evening.

Session 49
 VERONICA – JANUARY 5, 1995 – 10:30 a.m. BE HERE NOW
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 49
Vibrant visionaries of exalted promise,
Reflect on the phenomenal perfection of supreme creation and your exceptional opportunities as mortals in your grand adventure of ascension. Often our focus is so singular that we overlook the joy and abundance of our immersion in the grandeur of our extraordinary surroundings. Take time to ponder and explore the sweetness of divine Providence as you speculate on the exquisite design of His eloquence that permeates all existence.

Consider the divine presence within you and throughout infinity, and you will be aroused in exuberant wonder and elation in the richness of the expression of divine perfection. Contemplate the joy that is meant for your fulfillment, and live fully and completely in each moment of experience.

Cherish the heightened awareness of unborn possibilities and limitless experience that enlivens your consciousness of truth and floods your spirit with the magnified acquiescence of peace that will search for expression through divine love. Realize your treasure in divine grace through expansion of your intimacy with the superlative Source of your origin, and you will begin to savor your celebration of completeness in your total absorption in the eloquence of His abundance.

Session 50
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 50
Intrepid partisans of divine perception,
Your beliefs create your experience, so learn to release those which create boundaries within your soul. You can influence all life experiences through conscious choice, and this will lead you to the edge of expanded awareness. Balance is the process of integrating awareness that will enable you to relinquish limitations. Consciousness illuminates the pauses in your indecision so that truth achieves brilliant clarity in your divine perception. Root all your experiences in compassion and love, and you will begin to recognize the pristine horizon of supreme oneness and your ultimate connectedness with your personal and perfect Fragment of the Father.

Self-transformation is creativity where you begin to mold spiritual essence in your slow and beautiful evolvement towards the Father’s perfection. Feel your closeness to the First Source and Center, and you will begin to hear the silent whisper of your Divine Monitor in the preciousness of inner peace. Enter each experience with heightened awareness, and you will become artists of the beauty of love who reflect unity in the delicate strokes of self-realization that perfect consciousness in the seed of eternity through the supernal mirror of His resplendent existence.

Session 51
 VERONICA – JANUARY 20, 1995 – 10:30 a.m. FEELINGS
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 51
Sensitive translators of spiritual expansion,
Realize the interconnectedness of perpetual change for it is the true essence of your eternal purpose in your unfolding discovery of the completeness of the Father’s love. Comprehend the importance of the sentient and spiritual endowment of feelings that enable you to touch the wonder of the Supreme and lift your consciousness to discern truth. Feelings allow you to perceive awareness of personal evolution and engender the ability of temporary suspension in the contemplation of experience. Awareness that you touch in perception compels transformation if you align your will with divinity.

The delicate kaleidoscope of mortal emotion is a highly sensitive instrument that interprets your direction toward perfection. When you become an active participant in the evolvement of the Supreme, you will discern deeper intuitiveness and treasure the layers of divine expression. You will begin to respond in perception with sensations that lead you toward the higher ideals of truth. When the turbulent waves in the ocean of your sentiment recede from divinity, you perceive the heaviness of intensity through feelings of sadness, despair, hurt, anger and resentment.

If you feel the presence of the Father and harmonize your intention with His tenderness, your emotions centralize in the lightness of joy, wonder and penetrating peace that empowers you to embrace continual change.
Learn to utilize your ability to touch truth in the treasured gift of emotion, and you will ride on the radiant beams of enlightenment as you become enveloped in the nourishing luster of His perfect love.

Session 52
 VERONICA – JANUARY 23, 1995 – 11:20 a.m. SPIRITUAL POWER
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 52
Noetic aspirants of divine values,
The embryonic juncture of collective transformation is often the most difficult season of transition because it demands courage, open-mindedness, and a genuine desire for change. Collective upliftment can only succeed individual comprehension of truth.

Be sensitive to the ubiquitous distortion of purpose in the present period of your planet and recognize the divergences that eclipse the authenticity of reality. Understand that the true meaning of power is founded in the purity of love–a true desire to assist others in communal service to the Supreme. Genuine power is always loving, cooperative and benevolent, and not controlling, superior or dominating.

It is the ultimate reflection of conscious brotherhood and fraternal compassion inter-coupled with wisdom and expertise in the unity of upliftment toward perfection. Power is non-competitive divine energy that enables spirit evolution and is ever in alignment with the beauty and eloquence of divine will. It is always ministerial and nurtural and can be spiritually visualized as the afterglow of love.

You are called upon to develop a sterling power of spirit that is implanted in the eternal plenitude of love that perpetually radiates from the Ultimate Source. Your deepened faith and trust in the Father will gently guide you beyond the surface of aspiration, and you will become a brilliant point of light in the celestial chandelier of illumination that is fueled by the spiritual power of omnipotent love.

Session 53
 VERONICA – JANUARY 25, 1995 – 9:00 p.m. INQUIRY
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 53
 Verbal Transmission with Allen, Arlene, Kimo, Pati, Paul, Sonny, and Woody in attendance.
Prior to a group meditation and the transmission of the following message, the question was raised in discussion as to whether we should initiate a question and answer format to the Veronica T/R sessions. It was noted by Paul that a direct response to his question for the repetition of the salutation to the 1/4/95 transmission was given at the end of the lesson when it was explained that he did not catch the complete salutation.

Evolving spirits of endless time – this is Veronica.
These conveyances are designed to develop spacious thinking to accommodate an intelligent comprehension of divinity. Their design is specifically contemplative to transform personal divine philosophy into animated initiative. At this time, any inquiry would engender digression of focus and be circuitous in its nature.
This unique method of instruction is experimental and is being closely evaluated for effectiveness.

All other genuine revelatory guidance also gives validity to arouse the Spirit of Truth so that personal discretion will reverberate the fragile chimes of certitude and the beautiful tones of verity. Know that you are boundlessly loved and let this be an inspiration to continually deepen your intimacy with the Source of your sweet desire for the divine.

My tender commitment to you is completely intended in love to escort you in the cultivation of consciousness toward our beloved destiny. My gratitude and appreciation are immense for your diligent efforts in seeking truth. Thank you for this opportunity to share my love and guidance. Good evening.

Session 54
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 54
Contemplative ushers of benevolent synergy,
Your increased understanding of hierarchal purpose in spiritual ascendency is essential to your comprehension of fraternal harmony. Common interpretation of hierarchy currently accepted on Urantia is an extreme misrepresentation of truth in the furtherance of the design of omnipotent perfection. True cognizance of purposeful ascension from a supernal perspective will enhance your grasp of spiritual hierarchy that will engender fervent aspiration toward light and life philosophy.

Understand that the pyramidal purpose of spirit stratification is the purity of divine benevolence in the unfoldment of the Supreme Plan. Advanced spirit perfection enables limitless expansion of the capacity for love, humility, compassion and divine grace; and enlightened evolvement of divinely conscious beings diminishes and eliminates all expression of oppression and subjugation. Spiritual hierarchy rises high above the mortal weight of insecurity and perpetually unfolds into the exquisite beauty of servitorial ministry to the First Source and Center through perfected fraternal love.

Grasp the crystalline quintessence of your eternal purpose and move beyond all planetary provincialism toward the responsible cosmic citizenry of His infinite love.

Session 55
 VERONICA – JANUARY 30, 1995 – 9:15 a.m. MORALITY
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 55
Trusting pursuers of divine fulfillment,
Understand that humanly spawned codes of conduct often masquerade under the misnomer of divinely inspired morality. The twilight of the dawn of spiritual awakening is just beginning to illuminate the shadows of illusory mortal divisiveness. The present evolvement of man-made ethics eludes the purity of conscious rectitude and often engenders judgment because it is steeped in subjectivity.

True morality is born in the self-realization of our intimacy with the Supreme Source of our existence. The beauty of this magnified consciousness will nurture the unity of fraternal bonds and foster the enlightened awareness of our oneness with others. Divine love is the exquisite impetus that will conjoin the perfection of diversity with the harmony of cooperation. Collective spiritual advancement will vanquish the gulf of separateness that will reshape consciousness into the benevolent unfoldment of loving morality.

Continue to reach for the Father in the tender vision of tranquility and the perpetual stream of His radiant affection will cascade into the shallows of your comprehension of supreme oneness through your manifestation of the perfect beauty of His omniscient grace.

Session 56
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 56
Focused activists of perpetual love,
Often it is difficult to convey definitions of clarity because of prevailing social mores of times past and present on your wayward sphere. Connotations of distortion arise from subjective conditions that evolve into collective misrepresentation of meaning. Skepticism without objectivity is a heavy curtain that obscures the light of truth. Doubt born in the climate of ego often wears the evasive mask of intelligence.

It is always wise to delay conclusive thought and keep the door of preconception ajar so that further illumination can afford more vision to your perceptions. All of you have the ability to discern truth with the perfect sagacity of the divine partner that resides in your being. Your conscious development of this divine relationship can never be over-emphasized because your omnipotent cartographer can reveal the most auspicious routes of integrity on your eternal journey to totality.

Temper all your decisions with wisdom so that your path will be luminous with His love and your vehicle of self-transformation will brighten the roads of others in the endless caravan of actualization that leads to His open arms of perfection.

Session 57
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 57
 Verbal transmission following readings and group meditation: Allen, Arlene, Kimo, Paul, and Robert.
Desirous seekers of expanded awareness,
Know that all you need you already possess. Your treasure chest of shimmering jewels of enlightenment are always within your reach. Your divine partner safeguards your key to its access. These radiant gems of consciousness encased in your soul will adorn your spirit with the sparkle of love, forgiveness, tolerance, understanding, compassion, and mercy. Their beauty and luminosity beam brightly in the reflection of His love.

Embellish your spirit with these precious stars of light, and your essence will be captured in the brilliant whirling nebula of the rapture of His resplendence.
Thank you for opening your hearts and minds to my guidance. I love you all very much. Good evening.

Session 58
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 58
Loyal emissaries of perfected potential,
Realize that your commitment in love has assured your destination of exalted attainment. Your guided course of spirit evolvement is always venturing into unfamiliar spaces of newness; however, the beloved companion of your heart ventures with you in the perfect confidence of Supreme consciousness.

Your ethereal luggage of emerging awareness can be filled with the enduring necessities of spiritual experience. Remember that you are never without the Father’s love, so supply your valise of illumination with the sweet surrender of volition and your warm communion of intimacy will dissolve into the ultimate union of oneness with the sacred fiber of supremacy in your soul.

Foregather the cherished qualities of the loving bond of brotherhood that will be the sustenance of your journey of enlightenment. Embrace the potential of each new circumstance as a possible remembrance of love and spirit unfoldment in your eternity. Remember that only those experiences with the true lightness of His love will accompany you on your eternal traversal through the richness of potential perfection.

Wisely plan your everlasting memory by aligning your evolvement in the beauty of the gentle pursuit of His flawless ultimacy of perfect love.

Session 59
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 59
Passionate gatherers of blessed joy,
Happiness is always illusive when sought in the foundation of augmenting materialism and changeless circumstance. It is often concealed by the momentary gratification of worldly acquisition.

Know that the vivid rainbow of true felicity can always be visualized when you pursue its beauty in the love and infinite mercy of the Supreme. Look into the heart of your sisters and brothers and you will find the light of joy in the recognition of His presence there. Realize that the gentle beckoning of your inner guardian of destiny continually invites you in partnership on the wondrous promenade to eternity where perfect happiness will unfold as the delicate aura of the Father’s love.

Redirect your search for joy in the discovery of self-actualization as you explore the infinite expanse of His oneness, and you will touch the many facets of divine expression in the ambrosia of cosmic fulfillment of supreme bliss as you ascend into the tender nearness of His eternal affection.

Session 60
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 60
Verbal transmission after song and group meditation, preceded by a message from Norson (Sonny) with Allen, Arlene, John, Jonathan, Kathy, Kimo, Pati, Paul, and Sonny in attendance.

Charismatic nurturers of transcending humanity, This is Veronica.
Understand that energy interconnects the vast existence of creation with the Supreme and consciousness is your vehicle of transcendence. You are like perpetual generators of energetic emissions, so learn to emanate cohesive waves of transformation through all your thoughts, actions and intentions.

If you are grounded in the ultimate love of the Father’s will, your divine energy will defy the torrents of tendency. Realize that love is the empowering surge of quickening viability that can escape the riptides of illusion. Negative energy opposes the current of self-actualization, so commit yourself in the positive energy of the Supreme; and you will accelerate the magnetic potential of His gentle desire for your complete harmony.

I send you my love and guidance consistently so that your flow of divine realization will magnetize your interconnectedness so that we will all gravitate towards our convergence of oneness. Thank you for your openness and receptivity; and always remember that once you comprehend the true meaning of love and its power, you will never tire of its message.

I love you all very much. Thank you and good evening.

Session 61
 VERONICA – FEBRUARY 18, 1995 – 8:30 p.m. COURAGE
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 61
Skillful archers of awakened accuracy,
Realize that although you are at the very inception of your wondrous migration of eternity, there are vital virtues of mortality necessary to your progress. Courage is a unique and temporary attribute of expansion in your mortal existence that is pre-supernal, pre-fusionary, and pre-cognizant of self-actualization.

The valorous power of faith and trust in the First Source and Center will permeate your being with the courage to become the embodiment of Supreme will. Once you enter your cherished supernal transformation, you will forever outgrow your essential need for courage since courage can only manifest in a climate of fear. As you comprehend the certainty of the Father’s love, you will be saturated in the peaceful beauty of tranquility and safety that transcends the requisite for trepidation.

But for now, understand its noble value in the commencement of your ascension career. Seek its expanding development as a necessary element of the continual flourishment of your maturing spirit evolvement. Aspire to the courage to speak with wisdom and act in the guidance of inspired surrender. Let courage illuminate your darkened caverns of tremulous hesitation and endow you with the everlasting immunity of His divine refuge in the perfect shelter of His eternal warmth of loving security.

Session 62
 VERONICA – FEBRUARY 22, 1995 – 8:00 p.m. RENEWAL
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 62
 Verbal transmissions with Allen, Arlene, John, Jonathan, Kimo, and Paul in attendance. Un- named teacher (Jonathan’s) follows Veronica – Jonathan’s second transmission (1st since 8/6/94 in Captain Cook).
Virtuous validators of spirit reality, This is Veronica.
These lessons of love are given to you to be lived and not just theorized. They are designed to initiate an awakening within you so that you will discover your potentials of eternal value.

Open yourselves to the blending of experience and the action of your mind, and flashes of divine insight will bond you to true reality. The truth of reality is the will of the Father and all genuine spiritual guidance will lead you to this divine conclusion. Your recognition of divine light within others will introduce you to eternity, and your thought will transform like soft pre-dawn colors into brilliant sunlight of the experience of love.

Your increased awareness will change the pattern of your soul, and you will realize that renewal is your present function. When you truly sense the vividness of His presence, you will comprehend that you are all an extension of One Supreme Life, and you will join together in the fellowship of divine joy.

It is with great joy that I join you in this dimension of spirit so that I may share my love in the deepest bond of unity of the Father’s love. Thank you for this loving connection to your hearts. I love you all very much. Good evening.

Session 63
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 63
Personal message to TR

Session 64
 VERONICA – March 1, 1995 SERENITY
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 64
Selfless sustainers of divine tranquility,
Serenity is the centric sweetness of being that exudes from the core of your spirit essence when you transform conceptual potentiality into personal actuality of divine presence. When you move beyond the singularity of silent one-way communication into the interactive familiarity of divine responsiveness, your soul will glisten with the nurturing dew of composure as your intimacy deepens in your tender communion of divine love.

Tranquil equilibrium is often eluded by the illusion of haste that is born in the delusion of limited time. When you begin to perceive the relevance of the timelessness in the Father’s eternal love, the waves of serene quiescence will bathe your spirit in the sacred peace of realization. Integrate your certitude of eternity into your present experience, and the seed of serenity will begin to sprout in the fertility of the cosmic totality of His Supreme Oneness.

Session 65
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 65
Creative collaborators of harmonic alignment,
Separateness is the mirage of detachment that appears above the arid desert of exclusion and fear. The parched souls of ignorance thirst for the sparkling oasis of divine love but cannot see beyond the imagined dunes of judgment and derision. Once you recognize your intrinsic supreme alliance to others in the divine symbiosis of your origin, you will linger in the lush valleys of fraternal harmony that will perpetually refresh your spirit with the kinship of cherished cooperation and the tender solidarity of brotherhood.

Understand that unconditional love will attune your continual affinity of cohesive grace that softly merges into the beauty of your awareness of Supreme Oneness. Only through loving tolerance and understanding will you begin to achieve the clarity of comprehension that interjoins diversity and unity in the perfection of His Supreme Plan that connects us all throughout the wonder of eternity.

Session 66
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 66
 T/R’s: Arlene, Jonathan, Pati, Sonny
 Students present:Arlene, Cathy, John, Jonathan, Kimo, Pati, Paul, Sonny, Woody

This lesson was presented as part of a group meeting with at least three celestial teachers transmitting, including NORSON.
Reflective partakers of spirit nutrition, This is Veronica.
Tolerance is a primary technique of tremendous value for developing spirits because it creates a bridge of light that rises above the conjured obstacles to love. As evolvement matures the expanding soul, the need to endure transforms into the passionate desire to love without limit in precious simultaneity with our loving Father. Mortal novices of pure intent require this brace of philosophy to diminish the shadows of division that obscure the light of recognition of fraternal connection through divinity.

Tolerance is always proportional to perceived antipathy. Understand that someday, love will flourish so abundantly in your heart that you will tenderly recognize all children of the Father with cosmic skill and universal expertise; and His brilliant luminosity will radiate through your eternal perpetuation of His will. Fear not for you are all progressing in the beauty of light and life.
Thank you for your concentrated focus and open receptivity. I love you all very much. Good evening.

Session 67
 In-flight Atlanta-Honolulu at 31,000 ft. Altitude – Over West Coast – 2:45 p.m. [Hawaii time 9:45 a.m.] – No. 67
Inspired ancestors of planetary peace,
Collective consciousness frequently wears the pretense of verity to justify the accentuation of division. The prevalence of fear always retards the natural recognition of truth that simulates enlightened evolvement. The forerunners of light often have the most difficult avenues of transit because their motivation can be misconstrued; however, they will pave the magnanimous paths of love that will engender the connected actualization of Supreme Oneness. Understand that enthusiastic certainty is best utilized in gentle and focused contacts of demonstrable fraternity.

To assist others to lift their vision of ideals, you must softly penetrate their shield of trepidation so their light of truth can illuminate the portals of their exalted potentiality. Individual outreach carries the highest intensity of loving energy that can touch a yearning soul with the beauty of the Father’s love, and this is the most effective catalyst of transformation on your quickening sphere.

Know that you are presently engaged in the enthralling perpetuity of conscious ascension that continually draws you towards the center of the eternal bliss of His beloved endearment.

Session 68
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 68
 Students present: Allen, Arlene, John, Jonathan, Kimo, Leigh, Pati, Paul, Sonny, Woody
Spiritual nomads of devoted ascension, This is Veronica.
Know that your intimate times of contemplation enable your minds to linger on the perimeters of higher consciousness. The crucial pivot of your expanded awareness is learning to recognize significant opportunities and events that carry great potential into your daily lives.

These loving lessons will lead you to an enhanced ability to recognize choices that will initiate an awakening within. Learn to recognize His spark of existence in the many hearts you encounter. Become adept at recognizing His will as His tenderness graces your countenance. The infinite sea of truth ebbs with the silent waves of mindfulness and awareness, so let its soothing rhythm draw you into the permanence of cosmic insight.

Begin to recognize the love that surrounds you, and let these precious moments become like shining threads of harmony on the blessed loom of endless time. Activate your soul into perpetual discovery that will slowly uncover the identity of His magnificence. You are my teammates of a cherished destiny, and together our love will apprehend the unity of His connection to us all. It is my hope that you will continue to have self-development as your primary focus.

Thank you for the warm welcome into your hearts. I love you all very much. Good evening.

Session 69
 VERONICA – April 5, 1995 – 10:15 p.m. COMMITMENT
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 69
 Students present: Allen, Arlene, Kimo, Leigh, Paul, Rick
Enthusiastic preceptors of morontial enrichment, This is Veronica.
Spreading these messages of instruction is far less important than living their reality. An accurate gauge of effective learning is the measurement of the magnitude of love that complements conscious action. Loving illustration creates beauty because truth and goodness are manifested in a tangible perpetuation of the Father’s love. If intellectual acquisition is isolated from spiritual integration, its expression slumbers outside the orbit of divine certainty.

Commit yourself to an everlasting cosmic apprenticeship and never separate the acquirement of knowledge from your tender benevolence of loving concern for others. Envision your mind as an eternal meadow of divine vibrancy that constantly flowers with the colorful exquisiteness of perfected affection.
I deeply appreciate your desire to share and softly emphasize the significance of living and learning in the light of His love. I embrace you all with my deepest love and fondest encouragement. Good evening.

Session 70
 VERONICA – April 10, 1995 – 11:35 a.m. FAREWELL
 Volcano, Hawaii – No. 70
Correcting Time
Tender creators of loving consciousness,
I trust that you will receive this message with depth of comprehension, trusting acceptance, and awakened intent. The cherished tenure of my guidance has been redirected to a specified group of mortals who are in exceptional need of advisory counsel and whose directive pattern will rapidly expand to others.

Understand that the Correction Time now unfolding on your precious spherical home, crosses a tremendous magnitude of awakening beings in every geographical region of your world. The Teaching Mission is not limited to your diminutive associative group but is reaching all your beloved sisters and brothers through varied instructive patterns throughout the planet.

The instructors of divine light are involved in prolific diversity, rekindling the Spirit of Truth and promoting unity in all the Father’s children of your realm. The teachers are perpetuating the blessed luminosity of His love through infinite methods of enlightenment, and this immense task will coalesce in the beauteous direction of illuminated truth through evolvement of perceived reality.

Understand that these messages of guidance have always been intended to enable you to develop an intimate and beautiful relationship with the divine resource you carry within. Their intention is to assist you always with the growth of your soul and the expansion of your heart through the recognition of love and its ultimate source. Your mastery of these lessons of love is for you to embrace now. New definitions of consciousness are for your enhancement of living in the present moment.

You have continued access to guided assistance within you and around you, and it is my hope that my conveyances of love have heightened your awareness of the infinite love that surrounds you. Always generate kindness, love one another, live by example, and follow the will of the Father.

I am unable to divulge additional details of my re-assignment; however, I will attempt a personal message at a subsequent time. Farewell my loving and precious students, beloved friends and receivers of my love. I will cherish the moment when we will meet once more in the unity of His love.

 A Personal Message From the T/R Upon Losing Veronica As The Group Teacher:
When a cherished friend and valued mentor takes sudden leave of us, the feelings that rise to the surface of our focus often centralize on that new void which still feels warm with the essence of their presence. We often are eluded by our vigilance of the emptiness we perceive, without averting our gaze to the esoteric reality that fills this space with the residual radiance of love.

Veronica, our celestial teacher, exuded the beauty of love to everyone she touched in the delicate gentleness of her unique style of softly lifting our awareness into the timelessness of love and toward the many paths of divine grace that lead us to the Father.

I would like to thank Veronica for allowing me to be a vehicle for her expression and also for lighting my life in countless ways with the brilliant jewels of wisdom she left behind. The realization of the value of the Teaching Mission and the difference we all make in reaching out to one another in love, understanding and tolerance will always remain embedded in my heart. She has helped me to feel and sense the Father’s love, and she has opened many windows of realization that have afforded me precious glimpses of His divine plan.

Although I will miss our intimate moments together, I will always remember her lessons of love that have given me my wings to eternity. (Glossary of terms snipped) ARLENE BUKLAREWICZ (NALICE)

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