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LLN519- Appreciation

Lightline #519


1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Appreciation
o 1.2 Group: Lightline TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Michael
o 2.2 TR: JL
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Appreciation
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael


Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, welcome. We invite you to join us once again. Here it is just one week past our Thanksgiving and we do love your lessons that invite us to exercise our power of worship, and that the essence of worship is thankfulness. It is something that isn’t demanded of us, but something we can freely give. A wonderful corollary that comes right along with worship and thankfulness, and so totally enhances our life, is one of appreciation. For without appreciating something, do we really have it? Do we really acknowledge it? Can we really enjoy it without the wonderful sense of it being a gift to us from our Father, which the two of you do help us appreciate and acknowledge?

I wish to thank Mother Spirit especially for her last lesson on the very nature of our reality and how we ourselves are the unique connections experiencing so much happening all around us. Our science explains what follows what or causes what, how everything of a material/energetic nature has a proceeding cause. Yet so much of what we are experiencing is unique to us and we are the only connection. This is not some kind of ego trip at all, just acknowledging what we ourselves are doing so we can respond to it and be responsible and appreciate this unique reality we are in. It gives us a starting point to share it with others. We can appreciate what they have to offer us from their own unique take on things. So thank you. Thank you, Michael and Mother Spirit, for all these wonderful lessons. Amen.


MICHAEL: Michael: Good evening, this is Michael. Round about in turn Mother Spirit and I appreciate your appreciation. And insofar as we can speak for our Universal Father and the whole spiritual community that you will come to know someday–all those equally unique individuals of whatever order there are, up to the Ancient of Days–the head of a whole Super Universe of 100,000 Local Universes like ours: appreciation is the coin-of-the-realm, if you will.

 Appreciation

MICHAEL: Freely given appreciation is what gives everything worth and value. We give you that great trinity of reality: physical facts, and then mental meanings, the way things are associated and mean so much with respect to each other. Topping all three is the spiritual realm of value; not only what something means to you, but what value does it have? Of course meaning and value are so totally interrelated, they are like facets of the same thing. With your Mother Spirit, they are her greatest gifts to all to you—the dimensions of her being–surrounding you and part of you–we call her Mind/Spirit Adjutants. These are the human dimensions of Mother Spirit that help you in your understanding and appreciation of the meaning and value of your life.

This is the reason that in the last couple of lessons, Mother Spirit and I have teased you with some notions that might be foreign to some of you, and yet as familiar as the fingers on your hand to others. It’s the very nature of the reality you are living in, giving you an appreciation of God’s creativity. It’s the way reality itself is set up as his super-conscious creation that, true enough right within it–from a human standpoint–there is so much that appears random or even chaotic, even incomprehensible by the uniqueness of each moment in time.

Also true, there seems to be cycles of reality–from your standpoint–due to the physical nature of your world circling a sun, your seasons, day and night, and all these absolutely regular occurrences. You can get so caught up in the continuity of things, and you literally need to be. You’re a living creature, very concerned with your own personal future and that of your loved-ones. And you all have enormous souls of your worldly experiences up to date, held by a presence of God within you.

 Time

You can be so caught up in this continuity and all that necessary planning for tomorrow and beyond, for your own old age and of your family’s; your friends, and even extending to your community and your country. You know all that future is inexorable and will certainly come. You are all involved in something called time—a great, ungraspable, transcendent living dimension that is, nevertheless, yours.

So with all this necessary devotion to continuity, imagine an appreciation for that which is not physically continuous, but is a kind of ongoing creativity—something new–not as directly attributable to anything that happened before. It’s what hasn’t happened before, but is also happening now. It’s so much of your familiar reality that it might even seem strange to some of you that we are pointing it out.

 Universal spontaneity

As a simple example, think of a classroom of youngsters. In one way yes, they are in their assigned seats, and they will be in those same assigned seats tomorrow and the next day. And in a regular classroom, time is announced by a regular bell out in the hallway. The same familiar, beloved teacher will be there. And yet moment-to-moment, what are they doing?–especially if they are only first-, second-, or third-graders where there isn’t all that much group discipline yet. Think of a classroom of third-graders and what organization, or lack of it, there is in that room. Then think of when they run out to recess. Certainly they will be playing soccer, or softball, or dodgeball, or whatever has been planned. That will happen. But what exactly?–moment to moment?

This is what Mother Spirit and I are pointing at, this aspect of your reality. Because of God’s constant creativity, reality itself is set up this way, and each person is experiencing it somewhat differently. We mention this to give you an appreciation of all that you are the connection. No one else has quite–first of all–your position in time and space. No one else is standing or sitting right where you are, or has what time has given you. With all those little kids out there playing on the playground, each one has a slightly different reality because each one has a different set of the others. It is the same with you on this planet of many billions of folks and all the tens of thousands of little mini-cultures we encourage you to think about.

This is the wondrous nature of your human reality. We can assure you that it only gets larger as you yourself continue to grow and, hopefully, you grow this appreciation of your life–what a gift it is. For this we all thank–especially Mother Spirit and I–we do thank our Universal Father for his ongoing instantaneous creation, right down to the little nano-second. There is literally no bottom to his reality; no top to it; no end to it. This is what makes you a part of it. This is what gives you something unique to offer. This is what you have. This is your possession and God himself is keeping it in your soul.

 Fear & Caution

This is what, my dear ones, can give you pause and sometimes even fear that so much of the future is impenetrable. But here I would like to introduce that notion. It gets to fearful feelings within yourself, because they too will be unique for each one of you. Yet there is a profound difference between fear and caution. A caution-free blind disregard of fear is only being what you call foolhardy. You’re being very hardy, certainly, but a fool because you are not giving due respect to the sheer possibility in the situation.

Yet to acknowledge fear and let it influence you? It may be a little twinge that comes over you when you are engaged in something, like driving your car. Can you appreciate this as caution? It can come not only from your larger self–what you call your whole, unconscious mind and all your abilities to handle a car on a curving mountain road–but also be a twinge from spiritual presences right within you, especially that of God.

 Unifying everything

It’s to welcome and be open to those thoughts that seem to come directly from him because they are so comprehensive. They wrap up the whole situation like the most precious of gifts and help you in your ability to tie it all together, and keep it all together. Because unifying everything is what you are doing for yourselves, my dear ones–you in your unique position in the universe, and on your world, and in your own time.

You are the connection tying your life together. This is your greatest gift to and from God. Not only is he omniscient in the way of knowing everything and being a part of everything–that absolute unity that does exist in and through him, as him. With your free will and decisiveness, your choices moment to moment, you give him the unique point of view that is yours alone, with him. You are a part in his personality circuit. Your awareness of your own uniqueness, and your gratitude–your worship–your appreciation of it, is one of the greatest things you can offer him.

Now I sense there might be a few questions or comments in the offing, so I will wrap up my lesson and invite you to come forth and share with us what you might have to wonder about. So: go ahead.

(Here occurred a long pause due to a glitch in the Lightline teleconference making it impossible for students to un-mute themselves, something only straightened out after the session)


 Free Will—constant choices in full consciousness

MICHAEL: Well, if there are no more questions or comments this evening, I will wrap this up with the sincere hope on Mother Spirit’s and my part that this lesson helps you appreciate the very nature of your human reality and the fact that, for all the pain and suffering you are heir to, and you do experience, you can keep and grow your faith in a very loving and truly miraculous God who set reality up this way. It’s the way the whole spirit community–including Mother Spirit and myself–acknowledges, respects, and encourages your free will.

Our lessons are in the hope of giving you a deeper sense of this unbounded, utterly unbounded reality you are in, and that you yourselves are spiritual beings with a constant creative power you are using to tie it all together. You are the connection of all you have known, unique to you. This awareness encourages you to be open-minded to those other persons you share your life with–those other folks you know, and respect, and appreciate all they have to offer you. With that I will say good-night. Mother Spirit sends her love, and I bid you to be in my peace. Good night.

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