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LLN560- Fear, Stillness, Curiosity, Prayer

2020-03-26- Fear, Stillness, Curiosity, Prayer
Lightline #560

Mother Spirit on March 26, 2020.

(A most sincere, useful prayer)
(A most spiritually valuable meditation—stillness)
(Your body is an infinity to you)
(Physical facts, mental meanings, spiritual values)
(Defining spiritual value)
(Unique situations = spiritual re-evaluation)
(Trust in yourself and your soul)
(Denial splits you in two)
(Be a better person for yourself and the world)
(Curiosity—a special spiritual hunger)
(Let your soul come forth to give you all you’ve been)
(You are part of God’s adventure)

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael; We get together tonight on a hopefully rare occasion when a great part of the world is confronting a virulent and easily transmissible virus we call a pandemic. Here in the United States we are fortunate the mortality rate is rather low, but still there are 15-20% of the folks affected who do need some kind of hospital care. We haven’t gone over the “hump” so they keep talking about “flattening the curve.” They say it hasn’t been like this since 1919 or so when an enormous flu swept the world.

We are all recommended to self-isolate and practice our “social distancing” and keep away from each other. This is a very unique situation because, normally during national emergencies of war or other kinds of national disasters, we are usually encouraged to get together and hold hands and comfort each other.

Now, Mother Spirit, if you could, address our situation and help remind us that you, Michael, and even our Father are part of us, right with us, and the very finest company we can have. So we are only as alone as we imagine ourselves to be. We are actually blessed with the most wonderful company there is. Thank you. Amen.

NEBADONIA:  Good Evening, this is your Mother Spirit, Nebadonia. In spite of your difficulties, Michael and I are glad to be with you. We always offer our support right within you and as part of you to help you get through any difficulties whatsoever. We agree that when something is so widespread like this, it actually helps psychologically to keep in mind the uniqueness of the situation. It helps you assuage some of the fear in confronting the unknown by realizing and accepting how truly unknown it is. It is not your imagination running wild. This helps you stay grounded–stay real.

Open your heart and your mind to accept the reality of where you find yourself now, sometimes hour to hour and day to day, more and more alone, especially those of you who are living alone, not with a family or beloved one right with you. This is where it is so helpful to know that you are not alone in a spiritual sense.

(A most sincere, useful prayer)

You can appeal to us–both Michael, and myself, and our mutual Father–for guidance. As we have said so often, one of your most sincere prayers can be, “Dear Father, what do I do next?” It helps you open your mind, your spirit, and your soul to what the answer might be. It is also a way of contacting my being, my Mind/Spirit Adjutant of Wisdom to help you apply all of your past experience to this present moment.

This is so valuable. It is a wonderful sense of having so many alternative choices to make, even minute by minute. In this way you even keep yourself company. You find your own best company right with yourself, right with this amazing being you have been all of these years.

(A most spiritually valuable meditation—stillness)

Let me once again emphasize the absolute value of the meditation we call stillness. It’s a kind of meditation where you just get comfortable with yourself, rather than go on a particular program–although those are OK too. There are all kinds of prayers and all kinds of meditations in which you are trying to focus yourself in a certain way, or bring about a certain state of mind.

But especially if you get a little panicky, a little anxious, a little out-of-yourself you might say, it is good to come back home to the amazing fullness of the kind of being you are, the spiritual being that you are, and rest in that. Just be tickled and delighted to be aware. You can address us again and think, “Michael, and Mother Spirit, and Father, Hello. I’m glad you’re with me. I’m glad you are part of me. I can appeal to you for our shared next thought.” We don’t call the presence of God within you your Thought Adjuster for nothing.

As your group talked about before this transmission, sometimes the most difficult advice to take from the spiritual beings within you and part of you is because it can be the very next thought. It can seem too familiar like, “Oh, that is just me, a bit of an echo here, talking to myself,” even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

(Your body is an infinity to you)

But just be still. Sit down and tune into your body for a while. You can count your breaths up to ten, over and over, to let you know if you are wandering away from your physical being. Because, let me remind you again, my dears, his physical being you are part of is–to your personality–this physical being is an infinity to you. You are a sum total of a million physical processes going on second by second, so even your own physical self is like a universe on the inside–from the inside.

So it is. Maybe count your breaths up to ten, over and over again. It lets you get away from all other stuff–everything else that might be plaguing you–for it brings a concentration and a focus. At first it may seem like an artificial continuity, only something you are consciously determined to do to stay in touch with each breath. Then all of a sudden you aren’t sure is this breath is number five or number six, or you are counting seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.

This is one way of letting you know that you have lost your focus. For those of you who have done this kind of Zen meditation you know that very quickly it frees up your mind. You aren’t trying for some kind of empty-mindedness, or some particular emotional state. It is a way of opening yourself by deliberately, consciously doing this activity of staying in touch with your breath, staying in touch with something that is continuous when your personality is apparently fraught with all kinds of anxiety.

This physical being of yours, this physical universe that you are to yourself, is an absolute continuity so long as you are alive. It is something that you can definitely treasure beyond measure–just being alive. Believe with all your heart that even when this physical being transforms into another, someday in the future, you will still have an absolutely unimaginable form that is given to you by Life Itself going back into eternity, and going forward into eternity.

So stay in touch with the delight in being alive. Then be still–such a subtle challenge that really gives you something to do. It’s a supreme meditation, especially if you are being plagued by very real other challenges like what are you going to do all day, in your home where you and your family are supposed to be staying most of the time now. Especially if you are very active, this is such a strange new thing, this being sequestered in your own home.

(Physical facts, mental meanings, spiritual values)

But this meditation is a wonderful challenge because beyond this, beyond this truth of being a physical being, remember the basic triad of physical facts, mental meanings, and spiritual values. These are the three great dimensions of being alive as a human being, beyond this physical person that we invite you to stay in touch with.

You have all the meaning of this new experience. If you are part of a family or just a couple, what this means now to be sequestered with someone, to be forced by this enormous threat out there to stay together. It can be an opportunity to rediscover yourself, and them, and the essence of being together.

What is that; what is that dynamic? What is this living essence that comes into existence when you get together with others? And what is that dynamic among younger children? What does it mean for them to be open-minded to each other and welcome sharing each other’s experience–that most godly thing of all, this sharing life with your family and your friends?

Be open to the way meanings change with the situation. It is very humbling. You may feel there is no control, that ultimately you are subject to so much beyond your own power that changes the meaning of so much. But be to open to that. Be aware of it and even analyze it. Wonder about it. What does it mean to be part of a community in such a new and unique way?

Then, my dears, you have the whole realm of value–the realm of spirit and creativity, of you yourself being a living spiritual and creative being. You need to be aware of both your creativity and responsibility for what you yourself are contributing.

Recall so many of our lessons on the fact–and what our wonderful Urantia Book talks about so much–your being a co-creator of everything you experience. Take the responsibility of being able-to-respond to whatever happens, whether you are alone with yourself or with a friend or your family.

(Defining spiritual value)

This will define spiritual value in your reactions to a new and scary situation. It may be knowing you have to go out for food, and all the precautions you suddenly have to take for yourself and the world you live in. It’s like a hospital where you have to start practicing sterile procedure everywhere you go and with everything you touch. It’s the people you have to stay six feet away from, and all the good advice you are given. This affects the value of everything and can be a wonderful opportunity, a wonderful power to re-evaluate your life.

I mention this because this will become a natural function of your mind and your creative spirit. You will almost do this automatically–re-evaluate things when you are faced with this kind of being sequestered hour after hour, day after day, and maybe even week after week.

So it helps to know that this is a natural spiritual/creative function. Michael, and I, and our Father are right within you, part of this re-evaluation of your life and your relationships. It’s not only what means what, but what is important–when everything is changed and turned upside down–when you aren’t living in your normal routine as it was just a few weeks ago–your jobs outside the house and your activities inside the house. As a family you were able to scatter around out into the world, then come back again later in the afternoons and be together again after being so separate.

(Unique situations = spiritual re-evaluation)

Fear not. This re-evaluation is the most natural part of your creative spirit, to wonder about and find that certain things you haven’t thought about in years are suddenly sustaining you–activities, fun things, hobbies, interests. You are blessed to be in an electronic world now where your television and your internet can bring in the whole world and the whole world’s history of music, art, and literature. Spirit is how to use and make this time valuable. This is a spiritual challenge, my dear ones. You have your own creative spirit confronted with joy. Accept the challenge, delight in it and let it invigorate you.

But enough of my advice for now for this unique situation you find yourselves in. It does help to know that you are sharing it with a great part of the world. You do have every TV station’s news out there, aside from their movies and such–all your news channels with so much information about what is happening all over the world. In this I would only caution you to be aware of how so much of the plain physical facts you want to know are being politicized. As before we always recommended getting a number of different points of view even on what is physically happening in the world.

Use this time, my dear ones. Make it something to remember with a sense of accomplishment, because there is such a thing as genuine accomplishment, day by day. It’s how you add to these souls of yours, and make the most of a unique situation.

Hopefully all of our lessons–for those who have been tuning in to them–have taught you by now that in every moment there is something unique, even in so-called normal times. There is something in every moment that has never happened before, and will never happen again. You might say this pandemic is just an exaggeration of that profound truth. So let me be open to your questions or comments now, and let us share those.

Student: Hello, Nebadonia.


Student: I called in and got some great answers from Jerry before we started the transmission, about a friend of mine asking for guidance on how to get spiritual contact. I would like to ask if you have any advice for her on getting voices or messages–for certain–that she can trust during this scary time.

(Unique situations = spiritual re-evaluation)

NEBADONIA: : Yes, my dear. It starts with a profound belief for, as we so often say, belief leads the way. Belief is a way of extending yourself into the unknown before you have the assurance of a positive experience. So allow yourself to believe that you do have our spiritual presences not only within you but as part of you. We are as much a part of you as your hand or your foot, or your good accurate memories of what you have done in your life; and all that is there in your soul. All these are parts of you, and so are we.

Yet this very intimacy makes it difficult to separate out and distinguish what is extra-personal. In other words, a spiritual answer to a question can seem like your own thoughts. I would ask your friend to really bring it down to earth. Don’t be afraid to ask some very personal questions. It even helps to write these down, then those very next thoughts she has. She needs to write them down, and then try them out.

You never have to relinquish your ability to test things out. We invite this. Above all, our Father–God in his absolute infinite love–wants you to test out what he offers. This way you can reassure yourself of the origin of these great ideas that are coming to you.

It might be difficult. You might be so wrapped up in some self-destructive habit that the thing that appears over and over again in your mind, you have tried your best to deny, is the very thing that would help you get well.

Student: OK.

(Trust in yourself and your soul)

NEBADONIA: : You have to trust the desire in your own soul, and of your own personality, to grow, to get better, to have a better life; to get out of some kind of dead-end repetition. It’s the courage to embrace something new that is being offered. These are all part of the growth of your soul, of a new experience that can change your life.

Student: What you are saying is like: have a question, and then write down what you think comes as the answer and provides a way. Then have another question later, and do the same thing until you can experience the answer. You might get an answer walking down the street the next day, or answers can come to you from the world around you sometimes.

NEBADONIA: : Very much so. But it is extremely rare to actually hear a voice in your mind. It is the very subtlety of spirit that sometimes makes it hard to get a hold of. This is why you actually have to try things. Like I’ve said, one of the most profound questions is, “Dear Father, what do I do next?” Then be open to that. If you need write it down, then do that. Try that. This is the way his greater intelligence can offer a suggestion to perhaps change your life for the better. But then it takes your courage to actually do it. As you know, this is something that only grows by doing it.

Student: That is what I always say: Ask for instructions if you want guidance, and then obey.

NEBADONIA: : Exactly. Very much so.

Student: A lot of times people–they don’t want to do that part.

(Denial splits you in two)

NEBADONIA: : Especially folks who have been in denial or into some kind of unhealthy–or even worse–some kind of criminal behavior that is really hurting other folks. They may not want to acknowledge that. Then too, denial makes you a bit schizophrenic. Your spiritual part is offering you something, yet there is this other part of you that wants to stay distinctly away from that. This is especially true in terms of bad, unhealthy habits. Almost everybody knows they are unhealthy, but for various reasons they can’t give them up.

It is nice to recognize those thoughts and impulses encouraging you to grow and be more healthy and stronger, more loving and kind. All these really wonderful spiritual things have a spiritual origin. You are not alone. These are those “small wee voices” within that are encouraging you to be a better person to have a better life. Keep growing!

Student: Oh yes. Thank you so much Mom Spirit. I think it was a Lightline where you planted a little seed in me, back in January, where I was going to become a more perfect person all the time. Now I look around and it is almost my birthday in April, and I feel like I have really changed and grown a lot in that direction because of that simple commitment months ago.

NEBADONIA: : Yes, it is. Practicing stillness is like practicing being open-minded. You wonder, “OK, God, what do you have for me now?” It is not to deny or give up other kinds of meditation, but at least do a little bit of this one. Just “be” for a while, and see what happens.

Student: Thank you. I’ll let go of my question now, unless there is anything else you want to say to me. I will say, “Thank you, and Good-bye.”

NEBADONIA: : All my love, my dear. Keep going. It sounds like you are on the right track there. Keep the faith. All my love.

Student: Thank you.

Student #2: So, Mother Spirit, I have a question. What can we do as a planet to contribute to healing and world peace at this particular time?

(Be a better person for yourself and the world)

NEBADONIA: : Oh, my dear, the answer is at one and at the same time very difficult and so simple. Just constantly be a better person for yourself and for the world. This is what I tried to dwell on tonight– all these different aspects of yourself: the physical, the mental and the spiritual. Physically be as healthy as you can be. This enables you to be there for others. Then in your mind always keep your primal curiosity. That is the most wonderful thing—curiosity–and the courage that can carry you most anywhere and everywhere–everywhere with all your electronic media today.

Spiritually, constantly recognize the value of things and people. Let them really impress you and fill you up because, when you are full to overflowing, this is where you have so much to give of yourself. This is especially true for those hungry eyes that look to you for something to make their moment special, and how to fulfill that; how to be that for them.

This is all the world needs. There is enough food and shelter, enough art and all kinds of things. Everything that people really need to have wonderful lives is here and possible with all the very personal things–all these billions of unique beings all living together on this world. This is the only difference now between some of its more vicious, criminal, war-like parts and a truly loving kind of paradise-on-earth. So keep loving, keep opening, keep being curious.

Student #2: Thank you, Mother Spirit.

NEBADONIA: : Be in my Love.

Student #2: Thank you.

(Curiosity—a special spiritual hunger)

NEBADONIA: : Well, my dears, if there are no more questions or comments, let me close on what I just mentioned–the wonderful power of curiosity. It’s a very special spiritual hunger. Unfortunately, some folks like to quiet it down or get away from it because it can be disturbing, especially when curiosity turns on you and starts to examine something you’ve been doing, or not doing that would be better if you did.

Curiosity is such a wonderful, wonderful power. It opens you. It reminds you that there is something else, more than what you have known up to this moment. There a big world out there with all its peoples and all great natural wonders–and human wonders. Now you have your electronic connections to so much of it, and the whole history of everything.

Be curious about your own life, your own past. How did you get to this moment? Because, my dear ones, this is what we call your soul, and its co-author is an individualized presence of God within you. It really and truly is your most prized possession–something you have; something that will never desert or abandon you, making a spiritual record of this life of yours.

(Let your soul come forth to give you all you’ve been)

So be curious about your own soul. Let it come forth on its own to suggest things. Let it remind you to relive those precious moments in your life with these other great treasures of your soul–these other people that you have known and shared so much with—are still there. They are still a part of you, as you are still a part of their lives. Let your soul remind you that they were, and still are, your greatest treasure–these other “little walking infinities”–as we call you, for you are infinite to each other, and even infinite to yourselves.

Let that bottomless extent of yourself come forth from time to time to answer your—hopefully–equally unfathomable curiosity, that great power that will carry on forever, ever more open to something that has no end.

(You are part of God’s adventure)

NEBADONIA:  Be full from time to time. Be absolutely tired and exhausted, and lay your head down and sleep. Let it all go, knowing that tomorrow you are going to be curious again. It is the adventure of being human, and beyond. For beyond you human being is the cosmic adventure of every personal being. It is my adventure, and Michael’s adventure. It is even God’s adventure by having all of us within his personality circuit, for even he doesn’t know exactly what we will do next. This personal, unique, creative free will of ours that he gives us is real. This is what time is, my dear ones–something that keeps opening forever. Michael bids you to be in his peace, and I send you my love. Good Evening.

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