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LLN585- Challenging Times®

2020-09-10.  Challenging Times.


Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2020-09-10

Teacher: Monjoronson, Inner Voice

T/R: Mark Rogers – LLN #585



Prayer: Divine Parents, please embrace our collective petition to approach you and be close to you and your emissaries of light as we desire to be more like you and find you in this process. Help us to open our capacities Divine Parents. We come again to this well, we seek again your grace and your wisdom so help us to receive more as we reattempt this process. We are always comforted by our embrace with you at this time and now would request to form and activate the circuitry between and among us who are privy to these words. Let us embrace our circuitry, our bond and the sense of connection. Help us to bring the circuitry of our Indwelling Guides as well and help us to become more aware of that. We will continue to try and we will find what we seek as we always do because it is your grace that it be so. Let it be so, even now.

Monjoronson: Yes, thank you indeed for building the stage and creating the arena and turning on the juice so that we may connect in this way and complete this circuit that you desire. This reaching from the material dimension into the spiritual realm requires this intentional flipping of the switch on your part and in so choosing to flip this switch, you agree to become vulnerable. You agree to experience new things, to have new insights and greater awareness. And all this occurs because you choose to open the door. You form the circumstance and create the event so that all this may come together and then you so devotedly embrace the grace that is the answer to your prayers and the cycle is complete.

I am Monjoronson and it is my pleasure to take up your offer and join you at such a meeting. I would like to reconnect with you and revisit our circuitry, our connection between us, you and I. Just as you may have a personal and individual relationship with your Creator Michael, it is also possible that we all may choose to create other relationships of that nature, profound spirit based relationships and these relationships that are created as a result are capable of enduring the time/space demands.

I would like to assure you all that this grand plan which has barely begun to become exposed, is well underway, is in progress, and it is indeed is beginning its manifestation. My service to all of you has not been canceled, has not been redirected. We are steady, if not slow, and our plans make no sudden changes. So the commitment that we have given each other to work together for this Magisterial Mission in preparation for Michel’s return is well under way and nothing can change the course of this creation. So we must keep working in the trenches, we must keep moving through the changes, we must impose our divine values over the circumstance and the situation and view them from this higher perspective of this lens of intention and then having made new observations and had new realizations, we must proceed forward boldly to go in the directions that the universe is leading us and to move in the direction of divinity towards perfection, towards Light and Life, towards eventual reunification with the First Source and Center.

It is and seems quite obvious, a rather long slow slog through the many, many experiences and encounters and all of these may impose great stress on you as you figure how to navigate given new rules of the road. But we will make our way through and we must constantly refer to our highest sources to guide us. In this regard, I wish to further promote your ideas about pursuing contact with your Indwelling Guide for this would be the greatest choice for you to access your confirmation, examine your uncertainties and doubts and be illuminated and your questions may find their answers.

These are great challenging times. It is as though we are on stormy seas and the vessel we are on has hit a great wave and our captain has been washed overboard. There is no-one holding the wheel. The ship is at the mercy of the currents and the winds. You are the captain on your ship and the wheel spins freely. I invite you to be bold enough to go seize the wheel, to take control when your situation appears aimless and out of control, to grab the wheel and right the ship and chart a new course. That is what each of us is asked to do at this time in this circumstance, to grab your wheel and chart our own course. No longer can you depend on another to chart the way and navigate for us. Each one of us now must take control of our own vessel and our own destiny.

So, I invite you to seize the moment and realize, if your wheel starts spinning and you feel out of control you must regain contact with the wheel and you must intentionally point your vessel in the direction of your choosing. This is what the life experience is all about, learning how to navigate these challenges and how to maneuver your vessel through the experience’s. I am reminded of a childhood phrase about ‘row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream’. This implies that you are at peace with navigating your vessel and going with the flow and going where the current would have you go and being at peace with that. That is learning to successfully navigate your vessel as well, to be at peace with circumstance and situation and go gently down the stream because this life is nothing but a dream and nothing could be truer. Your life is your creation, your dream unfolding. So, as the song says, let’s be merry while we make the trip.

I appreciate this opportunity but I would like to relinquish my microphone to be used by another. It’s been good to visit with you again.

Inner Voice: I greet you all, I am this one’s Inner Voice and I am here to continue my commitment to your process, to your developing of this process that we are creating even now. The notion offered that one must take control of their situation, their experience, their destiny is a big task. For a lot of people, they are in the circumstance of being on defense all the time, feeling that life thrusts one thing after another at them and before them that they must conquer and survive. And this attitude becomes engrained and can run deep so it is a key factor to realize that the attitude, the projection of the desires of individuals, the energy brought into the equation will no doubt condition the equation and if this is so, one learns to create the right environment, to host the right exchange, on the right wavelength of energy and this wavelength is invariably love.

So, as we gather here tonight, I understand there is a desire to salute the effort and energies put forward by so many to attempt to slow the natural process of fire. This is where the use of your access to the Thought Adjuster circuit may be extremely effective for you. The experiences of the firefighters have been recorded and are part of the character of their mortal charges. This information has all been uploaded to the ‘cloud’ so to speak. It is now part of the collective consciousness. The pool of human knowledge and wisdom is also encircuited within this Thought Adjuster circuit as they have been there too along the journey and have also recorded these spirit events. So for example, if we would like to focus this energy present here tonight, then it’s possible to arrange this energy field and have that effect even now.

I invite you to see each one of yourselves as a light pillar and a light conductor so that we may actually reach out and connect with each other because we choose to do so. And having caused this portal of energy, your will and your desire made manifest as well as our collective wills donated to the process means that we now have a dynamic living energy field. We may choose to petition direction and bring purpose in this instance. Let us focus on those many, many devoted public servants who are even now very close to danger, who are breathing toxic smoke, who are unable to rest as they try to push forward ahead of the flames, who are returning day after day for more brutal punishment carrying heavy equipment and putting themselves all, each squarely in harm’s way. And they rush to this scene out of a sense of altruism, a sense of helping others and doing for your neighbors what you would like them to do for you.

These dedicated individuals are each one this very moment connected to their Indwelling Guides and we may send petition to utilize this circuitry to send our message of love and support, bring our comfort of fellowship and gratitude. These are the wavelengths, these are the energies that we wish to project through this circuitry and we ask that our petitions be honored on high for we have the same desire to bring the highest possible outcome and be the conduit for this to manifest. Help us to be better instruments of your grace as we attempt to work with you for our earthly family. As we are still mortal, nevertheless, we reach to you now in spirit. We invite participation between the Divine Fragments and the mortal soul and our prayers will certainly be answered as we embrace our spiritual growth. Let us now proceed in faith and participate at this moment in generating and sending great amounts of peace, love and grace to those who are suffering.

Once a human has had an experience, it becomes part of the great library of human experiences. Once a thought pattern has been expressed, it then becomes its own energy field and survives for others to choose or adopt and use. These are examples of how powerful co-creators you are. You have the ability to create miracles on your own and when you choose to work with spirit, you then are able to wield a much greater potential. One reminder I would like to offer in this process is the idea of practice makes perfect. Once again, to discuss importance of going to the gym to facilitate your spiritual service. This is what helps you to condition your environment, to find and choose those higher wavelengths to operate on, to discover even more who you are. Spend time alone with yourself and grant yourself the same latitude that you would grant others to facilitate their own spiritual health. This may very well be some of the best, most important time of your lives although it seems so buried and hidden beneath all that is outside. Still, the results are grander than anything likely to transpire on the outside.

You have this very evening been successful. Your petition to bring peace and grace to all those who are suffering this cause is also the petition of your Divine Parents and as you have heard, with that, all things are possible. Thank you all for joining in this exercise, for extending of yourselves, for putting your energy into the grid that it may be so directed. Your thoughts are more powerful than you are aware and that is one of the lessons to be learned in this mortal experience. I bid you all a good day. There has been much put out at the buffet for you to try and I welcome this opportunity to be in this process with you of trying, of attempting to unfold that common aspect between us, our spiritual dimension. I will return as long as you have need of me to assist, good day.

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