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LLN586- Desires To Be In Service®

2020-09-17. Desires To Be In Service.


Subject: Lightline Teleconference

Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Inner Voice

T/R: Mark Rogers – LLN #586



Prayer: I now invite our spirit based component, the part of ourselves that is an onboard partner, a gift from The Father Himself. I invite us all to set a place at our table for such a guest as we would like to welcome and I would like to express our collective gratitude in advance for the grace that we always embrace when we come to you like this, thank you.

Dr. Mendoza: Yes I will step up to the podium and take advantage of this opportunity because there is in fact great need for your services. You all gathered here around this circle are interested in directing energies, healing energies to those who you can perceive are in need and you are looking to further develop your technique at this process. Your petitions to be able to be a conduit for such exchanges have been heard on high and your requests are even now being granted.

I am Dr. Mendoza and I would like to take advantage of all of your energies if you would so allow. I would like to focus tonight’s desire, tonight’s urge to be in service and I would like to focus our gaze tonight once again on those who are the first responders, the fire fighters, the one who rush towards the disaster as others are rushing away. These are good and faithful servants of our Father, extending themselves beyond their own capacities to serve and their challenge is enormous. Let us all focus on the struggling to contain this natural act, to stop its progress. This natural phenomenon becomes a threat when so many are building in the woods and so the dynamic of not simply protecting the forest but also all the residences within the forest. This scenario is nigh on impossible and these poor fire fighters rush in knowing that in many cases, this is the case.

Let us all project our focus to direct health and healing energies, specifically the clean breath of life, the fresh air we all crave. Let us envision peace in the lungs and airways of those struggling. Let us pray for cleansing and active immune systems. These are some details that we might focus on, but what we really are desiring to do is invest our energy in the healing grid and allow it be directed and utilized as best serves the Father’s will. We may petition the health and healing for the breathing of all those affected because that is what we might consider appropriate and necessary. Our purposeful direction indicates our intention to be of service and our pursuit of the best methods in which to do that. Those are divine qualities, those are grand characteristics. So I invite us to utilize this circuitry and to send as we would so choose, it out to all of those on the front lines and behind the scenes whose lives are so thoroughly impacted by these events.

It is our desire that they receive our healing love and energy and that is all that is necessary. We have completed the circuit. We have had thoughts about what is appropriate, words to define and focus and deeds because we can. I go through this process again with you this evening to remind everyone that just as we put in the fire personnel into our spotlight of love, so you can put in any individual or group. You can focus this circuit of which you are now a part in any direction of your choosing. It is always a pleasure to come and work with you as you are so eager to participate. That’s truly what makes it work is the cooperation of the participants. I now would take my leave because I understand, for purposes of review, that there has been an emphasis over the last several group meetings to expand your awareness and your contact with your onboard Divine Guide, your Fragment of the whole, your piece of divinity that rides with you as you choose your direction. So I now open the floor to my associate in this process and allow for the opening of yet another door, thank you.

Inner Voice: Yes, it is my privilege and my pleasure to be given voice among you tonight. I have been very inspired that we have come this far in the participation of all those involved to keep this ball rolling. This we will come to learn has coincided precisely with the enhancement of this Thought Adjuster circuit we have been referring to. The amplitude has been turned up and now the signal has greater strength and we are hopeful that such a change in dynamics will make it easier to connect and find that aspect of your being which is so naturally recessive.

You must understand what the nature of the function is of your onboard partner. Your sprit guide has enlisted in service to be issued to you, an individual of the realm, and to be a homing beacon of sorts to bring you back to the First Source and Center from which we have been issued. It is our privilege to navigate this joining of the material component with the spirit component and to make this connection in one short mortal life has been an ultimate challenge, but not anymore. You all are the pioneers of what it is like to experience the new wavelengths of connection. You are the generation who will look back and recall how difficult it used to be. This is part of the plan that has been going on for some time, this plan to move this dimension into the realms of Light and Life. This plan requires much sorting out, much discovering what your values are, what your principles are, what your direction is and why. All of these fundamental basics have been on auto-pilot for some time. Routines have been ground deep into ruts and your notion of what is valuable in human life has been in need of upgrading.

We find ourselves in this juncture in time and space where reality is now in question. The very acts that we do and have thought appropriate are now being scrutinized for their legitimacy, for their purpose and for their sustainability. And while all this is in flux, you must navigate the choppy seas anyway. You must grab control of your vessel and steer it through even the adversity. Knowing how to pilot your vessel with the greatest moral and spiritual compass heading is what your life experience is. You are attempting to navigate your course through all the changing environments around you and your vessels feel small and buffeted about by the elements.

Coming back to center and recharging your batteries in spirit is the way you are able to reset your moral compass. Your highest principles and the grandest realities you are aware of are determined by your connection, by your touching base with spirit, the spirit aspect of yourself connecting to the whole, the part reflectively connecting to the whole. This is what this life experience is designed to afford you, the opportunity to discover this very principle. Now that you have found these truths, you hunger to go further and determine how you may best interact and be involved with this flowing of the grace of spirit, the flowing of love that you observe and that is what we are here to assist you with. We may be consulted at a moment’s notice for your request to illuminate to you what values are contained in the experience before you. We may consult with you as to whether or not your experience was properly charged with love. We may, if asked, provide you an alternate glimpse of the truth that you are observing. All this will be routine and normal as we get to know each other better and are more comfortable with our relationship, but steps like we are taking in this very moment are invaluable in this process. Taking advantage of this opportunity to connect in this way is such a great honor for this is a portal that we have created and we enjoy on both sides. This ability to connect in this way is the answer to your prayers for connection.

In taking my leave tonight, I would invite you to consider that all experiences are grand when they are happening. They all seem to occupy all of your focus and attention and as begins on the very next day, that experience fades in its magnitude and diminishes in its impact. This you have witnessed repeatedly in your own lives and so it is with whatever is before you in this day or this hour, it’s grand, big, it’s worrisome, it’s sad, it’s many things, it’s tapping into your emotional spectrum and in so doing it’s making its impression on you. I invite you to consider, knowing that this happens as a matter of course, the next time you see a flashy breaking news story, take two steps back and consider viewing it from a different vantage, realizing that this too, like everything else, will pass. Therefore, how much of your energy should you allocate and devote to this passing process. Each one of these challenges before you does however bring you another opportunity to choose differently. This is again where we as your onboard guides may come in. Instead of reacting as you did the day before and all the days before that, step back and see it in greater context with all the other passing events and realize that there will be a steady stream of such things and that you are drained to try to internalize each one.

This is where it is so helpful to respond with your action, your prayerful petition for health for any circumstance or situation. This is how you may actually direct and create. This is your avenue of approach when you wonder what you should do, what you could do. You may always file a petition with your Divine Parents for love and peace and grace to be shown to those who are in need. Thank you all for attending and embracing this truth. I look forward to our next verbal contact but I invite you all to reach out in any way possible and use words if you must. Let it be so, in gratitude, I take my leave.

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