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Mother Spirit 2022-01-27

Mother Spirit – January 27, 2022.  

Nebadonia – T/R-JL

(Michael’s adventure being human)

(Creative spirit = something new in space and time)

(Creative spirit enables personal, individual freedom)

(God’s Eternal Now is not only repeating itself)

(Great soul wealth provides increasing abilities)

(God’s will creates incessant change)

(God—and his reality—respond to you)

(Playing a critical part in your own life)

(Mother Spirit boosts our own innate abilities)

(The spiritual purpose of incessant curiosity)

(The unavoidable need to test ideas)

(Stillness helps in keeping up to date with your life)

(The need and effort to become and stay open-minded)

(Your evolving soul gives you a personal future)

(Your lives involve many dimensions—physical, mental, and spiritual)

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael: We are your devoted students and have enjoyed your lessons, all the hundreds of them over these many, many years. We have come to love and respect the way you reach out to us, not only through these teleconferences, but over and over again as you reassure us of the ways you are a part of our lives.

Mother Spirit, you literally are a part of us, helping us in the realms of wisdom and understanding, and in our worship– being thankful for these lives that God gives us. Michael, you are a close companion, ever by our side as our most perfect company. Your Spirit of Truth teases us out of our blind prejudices, towards an open mind ever reaching for that larger reality that is all around us–the ever-greater truth. It’s a positive guide of encouragement to keep reaching, keep trying to understand more and more.

With this I will turn it over to you, Mother Spirit, and note that you and Michael not only broaden our understanding of the Universe–and the whole spiritual hierarchy within it, clear from the Trinity on down to us–you also deepen our appreciation and understanding. This is especially true of words we use and constantly hear all the time. One of these is “spirit”–what it points at and designates. So if you would address that tonight, we would much appreciate it. Thank you.

Nebadonia: Dear Children, this is your Mother Spirit, Nebadonia–Mother Spirit of our Local Universe of Nebadon out here in the starry realms. We’ve almost four million planets like your own by now, created and evolved over hundreds of billions of years. As Michael said in his Christmas message last time, we do hope you appreciate—even for all the trials and tribulations in this adventure you are caught up in, sometimes willy-nilly as it comes at you every new day–still we do hope you come to love and appreciate your adventure of being human.

(Michael’s adventure being human)  

Michael himself, a Creator Son of God, loved and appreciated his human life for all the other people, all the other “little walking infinities” as we call you. These were the other people he came to know so intimately as one of you. We remind you again that they are what fills your souls, my dear ones. Think of the other people you have known, and what you have exchanged, what you have shared with them. This is what you have known most truly because you have had the reaffirmation from this other being very much like yourselves. You could know absolutely that this sharing was taking place through the connection of love.

So tonight, let’s look at what this word “spirit” refers to. In its most basic meaning it is a creative ability given by God to the personalities that he himself creates. This is true no matter if they are a human being, an angel, an archangel, a Melchizedek, or even–like Michael and myself–a Creator Son and Daughter. We too get our personalities and our creative spirit right from God. We are all endowed with his ability to create.

(Creative spirit = something new in space and time)  

Consider the ongoing stream of space and time, and all that is continuing. Right within this whole universe full of human beings, continuing to live from moment to moment, there is something new being introduced. It is coming in by way of every living personal being throughout the whole universe. Those millions of galaxies that your modern, astronomical instruments show you throughout the realms of space out there, are peopled by trillions of beings. They are not only human beings but all the spiritual beings above them.

So there is no accounting for cosmic Reality–spelled with a capital R, you might say–no accounting for everything happening without taking into account the creativity of something new constantly springing forth right within this continuity of everything else going along from the moment before. This is personal spiritual nature–this other gift of God–that he shares with you, his primal power of creating something new.

(Creative spirit enables personal, individual freedom)  

True enough, with your order of human beings there are prerequisites to your creativity. When something comes out of you it has some previous relationship. Yet there is a newness to it, and this is what your individua freedom depends upon.

A technical way of saying this is: By way of your personal creativity you are not one-hundred-percent bound by antecedent causality, even though your physical being, and even your mental being–in terms of psychology–are continuing, ongoing processes.

Your spirit enables you to come up with something new right out of yourself. This new idea or attitude is what gives you a choice. You have not only what you are being handed by your physical circumstance, and your own past–moment-to-moment–handling them as best you can for your own peace of mind and personal glory. If you pay really close attention, my dear ones, you will understand that your own creative interpretation of events is incessant.

Consider this carrot you are chopping up for dinner. In spite of the thousands of carrots you have already chopped up in your life, you never chopped up this one before. It’s part of the reason you are being very careful how you handle your super sharp knife.

(God’s Eternal Now is not only repeating itself)  

This is pointing at what we call the Eternal Now. No matter how boring life might seem to you at times, boredom is actually in large part your own creation, for various psychological reasons. Because to a larger degree, reality is not repeating itself. Number one: you, and everything else are involved in God’s constant creation. Every moment has something new. For all those trillions of carrots out there, and the ones you have chopped up before in your life, it has never been this one. Understand: it is your creative spirit that enables you to handle each new moment. This ever-changeable, ever new aspect of God’s reality can be scary.

So yes, this is where my own help comes in, with my Mind Adjutant of courage. Because life’s ever new thing can be scary, try as you might–and need to–prepare as best you can for tomorrow, there is no final nor absolute way you can pin it down.

(Great soul wealth provides increasing abilities)  

Still, as you get older and your wisdom grows from experience, you can gather one great wealth your soul has–your great soul wealth of increasing abilities. These are what you have done, and so are capable of learning. You can continue to learn because you are open-minded to changes with your creative spirit. Perhaps, shall we say, you suddenly find yourself in a largely unique situation. It might be some physical thing, or a health issue you never had before. Your creative spirit is the greatest tool you have to comprehend and handle this. It uses the abilities you have acquired doing the thousand-and-one techniques of living day-to-day, for these too are the rewards of your creativity all along. Creative abilities enable you to face tomorrow with bright hope, and have that hope be rewarded, no matter what the day holds.

Because there will come a day, sooner or later–hopefully later and not sooner by accident–but after a long life will come that day when you undergo an enormous transformation to find yourself in a totally transformed and more soulful world.

More than swinging your legs off your bed every morning to sit on the edge for a while–while you gather yourself together, this will be a very large something new. Yet it will still be you, continuing on with a renewed hope of that “forever” you have been promised. You will still be using your creative spirit, and reaping the rewards that mind and curiosity have led you to discover throughout a lifetime. All that soul wealth will be found safe with the continuing presence of God within you–all that you have known, and done.

(God’s will creates incessant change)  

This is what your spirit guarantees. Your creativity can continue. You can continue to grow if you can keep your mind open, for all that you have already known. It’s the assurance you need to welcome this new day, this ever-changing reality you find yourself in. Rest confident this is God’s will in the largest way of thinking about it. This is the way he sets life up, and maintains it, and keeps it going–this moment-by-moment newness, this ever changing Eternal Now that you are already in. It will always be your choice to continue to live–despite of, and because of, the incessant change.

This is your essence and who you truly are—this ongoing connection through time—a personal continuity armed with the abilities of a creative spirit. You are a unique person like no other, a continuing cosmic reality that God shares with you. You are a personal being with a personality right from him.

Your essence transcends all change. You will always be you and, with your creative spirit, you can look forward to handling God’s incessantly changing universe along with everyone else.

(God—and his reality—respond to you)  

So this is the Big Picture, my dear ones. That is what God himself is involved in. It is what he himself is doing as the supreme/ultimate Personal Being who sets it up this way and keeps it going. He makes and holds himself responsive–above all other beings–to his whole creation, and this includes you. He responds directly to you, just as his cosmic reality responds to your creativity.

This big game begins with your birth, and your free will. You are launched into the world with his creative abilities of spirit to have your part to play. Your experiences will fill your soul, along with the company of all these others in the same situation as you. Their unique personalities live by the billions on your world alone.

(Playing a critical part in your own life)  

Welcome to the adventure of being human, my dear ones. Always treasure this creativity of yours. Be aware of–and courageously accept–how you yourselves are playing such a critical part in your own lives. This is God’s great gift to each of us.

Now if you have any questions or comments, let’s do those.

Student: No question, just: That was wonderful! It is great to hear from you.

Nebadonia: Thank you, my son.

Student : I imagine we are hearing from you in one form or another, every moment of every day. Right?

(Mother Spirit boosts our own innate abilities)  

Nebadonia: Oh yes, my son, yet not so much like the presence of God in your mind who can actually give you great thought-suggestions that nudge you to be ever more spiritually curious and inclusive. I am more a kind of booster to your own innate abilities.

I do love it when you say, “Hi, Mom!” because in terms of my constant presence, you are somewhat like a radio receiver within my surrounding personal field. Your mind is not limited to only your physical brain. You are a personal being and, as your Urantia Book assures you, you are picking up spiritual influences within me that give you an ongoing, if unconscious, boost. But your conscious awareness of this help, and your awareness of me, is a blessing to both of us.

Student : Amen!

Nebadonia: Thank you, my son. Be in my love.

Student : Thank you; and you be in mine.

Nebadonia: You are another star in my firmament, and you do have your own radiance, my dear.

Student : Your message is such a soothing one, it doesn’t feel like it needs questions. It doesn’t provoke questions, but rather heals and satisfies. The questions are kind-of moot in your presence.

Nebadonia: Again, my son, that is very personal. Every single one of you listening tonight is an unique being, and sometimes questions and comments do arise. With comments like yours, I delight in reminding and teasing you with the kind of living beings that you are, and the many, many dimensions you are involved in.

(The spiritual purpose of incessant curiosity)  

Michael and I enjoy questions about most anything. We love your curiosity, even though we know it might be very disquieting at times, as it challenges what you know and have acquired. Yet that is a large part of its purpose. Incessant curiosity leads you forth evermore beyond where you are.

If there are no more questions or comments, my dears, I hope it is because I have thrilled and fueled your souls tonight with the marvelous creatures you are. Michael and I have fun calling you “creatures” because you are deliberately created. You are not an accident of time and space, not only in the general, human kind of beings you are, but with your unique personalities coming right from God. You are very much planned, and there is a whole universe surrounding you for an endless adventure.

Student : Well, it is pretty adventurous these days.

Another student : I have one question.

Nebadonia: Go ahead. my dear.

Student : You were talking, Mother Spirit, about us being ever-present, ever new in every moment, so we get good ideas We get ideas that are spiritual gifts, and we get them because we are unique beings. I guess my question is: how do we know when an idea is good, and that you like it too?

(The unavoidable need to test ideas)  

Nebadonia. Well, my dear, that is the tricky part isn’t it? You really have to test them with the humble acknowledgment and acceptance that all kinds of things can occur to you–both from your own past, and from the huge surrounding of your modern, electronic world. Think of your television and inter-net, and the friends and associates you love to hang out with and enjoy. Through a thousand-and-one sources you are literally swimming in a sea of ideas, whether social, political, or economic. All these offer notions about the best way to live day to day, but it is always up to you to choose. You might say these choices are between you and your own soul, the person you have always been. You’ve accumulated a soulful life in order to stay true to yourself.

Since this personal loyalty is one of your greatest challenges day-to-day, it is why we recommend on a daily basis being alone with yourself and all you have already been. It’s a meditation of just being still for a while, suspending gathering up any more ideas and activities. Just be still and open-minded; and let whatever wants to, come up. It may be a lot of undigested ideas you swallowed yesterday that are still rumbling around in your mind. You’ve not yet decided whether they are true or not. They may be challenges you are facing socially, or in your own intimate life–your health and these bodies you have, ever changing. Come up to date with yourself.

(Stillness helps keeping up to date with your life)  

This is where stillness is so important, my dear, just to stay in touch with yourself and not get scattered. Be true to yourself among so many contrary ideas within this enormous mentality you have. For all the unconscious creativity you have, it often seems as if ideas sort themselves out. So give them a chance. But this is actually your own spirit working incessantly–given the chance to become conscious. Let ideas find their place, or be summarily dismissed. This way you can be open-minded and confident enough take in the most horrific things, and yet not be blown away by them. You’ll not be crushed or destroyed by them, but rather, “OK. I recognize what that is. No thanks. I’m not entertaining that.”

In your meditation you consciously return to this power you have. You reassure yourself that you are still here; you are still alive; you are still actively involved in critical evaluations. Because that is what your spirit does, my dear. It is a matter of value. This is how you evaluate all these contrary notions that come along.

This is the absolutely priceless reward of open-minded meditation, trusting yourself that whatever wants to come up, let it do so fearlessly, and have a look at it.

Student : Thank you, Mother Spirit.

Nebadonia: Be in my love.

Student : Do you have anything to say on evaluating confrontations?

(The need and effort to become and stay open-minded)  

Nebadonia: Because your personality is largely involved with physical facts, and mental meanings or associations, the greatest ability of your mind is to associate things spiritually according to their relative value. A lot of this is so unconscious it seems instinctual, just an immediate reaction. This is why it’s an effort to stay open-minded to new things coming along that challenge your previous beliefs. Yet it is possible because your spirit is capable of coming up with something on its own by which to evaluate both—the new and the previous.

(Your evolving soul gives you a personal future)  

Something else coming right out of you for a living contrast gives you a choice, and a personal future. You have an evolving, developing soul. What feeds it, or hinders it, is the very essence of your evaluations. Remember and cherish Michael’s Spirit of Truth. No matter how disquieting or how challenging something is to what you believe, ask yourself: But is it true?

Student: Yeah, I get suggestions in meditation that these silly drawings I enjoy doing are no more than crop circles. I always thought crop circles were cool, but I guess I understand if you don’t want to talk about crop circles.

Nebadonia: My son, this is why it is so valuable to take a break for a while. When you first get up to take on a new day, just be still for a while digesting and understanding what led up to this moment. Things can occur to you that might be from God’s presence within you—about your circles, or anything. His is that “small, still voice” that all cultures and religions have recognized. Give him a chance to be heard.

Student : Yeah. I get visions of figures in circles. They’re in different formations or presentations, but always in circles, as if in a conference or a conclave of some sort. They’re always there in the visions.

Nebadonia: Listen—and give them a chance to make themselves heard. OK, my son?

(Your lives involve many dimensions—physical, mental, and spiritual)  

I need us to draw to a close now. I thank everyone for joining in, and I hope my lessons tonight teased and reminded you of the many dimensions you are involved in. They are these marvelous physical bodies of yours, and your minds with their complex psychology. It’s your modern electronic age and what you are capable of experiencing through your television and internet. Treasure your dear wonderful friends, and your true spiritual family who surround you with so much to share. Know deep in your heart and your feelings that the presence of God is within you, keeping the most perfect spiritual record of your things of value, especially these other personal beings you have known. With this I will bid you a very fond good-bye for now, but not for long.

I am in your next moment, and I look forward to meeting you again this way. Michael and I love to play this hop-scotching leapfrog across time with you. In another month or two I hope to be with you again. All of my love. Good-night.

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