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NET-PMG #44 – Reserve corps of destiny activation, Early morontial connection after meditation or T/Ring

2022-11-14, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #44, Machiventa

Planetary Manager’s Group #44 – (Find this and previous PMG’s at:  Group = NET-PMG)

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


Reserve corps of destiny activation (partial)

Early morontial connection after meditation or T/Ring

Be wise, be discerning, and make careful choices

Preparation for the coming decades

Cultural civil war in the west

A witness in the trenches

Discover the truths that are common to both sides

Separation, war, and getting to Peace

What can we do to advance your plans

State of being and becoming

Become powerful in your peaceful emotions of compassion and love

On a universal constitution

Moving toward a council of “democratic” nations

Separation is in vogue in a viscous way

You must teach the underlying truths

Vision, intention, mission, goal setting

Include a process of adaptation

The State and social evolution


Future of enclaves—equality, sameness, and unity

Process of partial reserve corps activation

Programa Puente model from Chile

Design the future you want your children to live in

Rick Brunson update

Full text of G’s submitted questions:

TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD

Invocation: JT


Reserve corps of destiny activation (partial)

Machiventa: Good day, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. I welcome you to another day, another time of our Planetary Managers’ group meeting. We will get into our Question and Answers in a few moments. I want you to be aware that some of the reserve corps of destiny reservists have been activated, and if you are feeling a certain anxiousness, willingness, or a drive to do something positive that is an awareness in you that you are being prepared for active duty. As a reservist, you have been in repose for a long time waiting for the time when you would be called up for a particular time, a particular date, event, or development of your society where you can be of assistance. Some of you will have only a few moments or a few minutes of active participation where your presence is critical to what follows for thousands and millions of other people. Others of you will be activated and involved on an ongoing basis for some unknown period of time. It does not mean for the rest of your life, but it means that you will be involved in some kind of activity that benefits humanity and humankind.

Early morontial connection after meditation or T/Ring

On another topic: some of you, when you meditate, come out of your meditation and you feel not withdrawn, but you feel highly subdued. This is a representative symptom of you having entered into an early morontial phase of connection with the morontial realm. You have dipped your toes into the waters of peace, stability, and harmony and this has an effect upon you after your meditation or your T/Ring episode. Some of you feel this in preparation for our semi-weekly meetings. This too is your psyche preparing you for the time of easy entry into a consciousness with others of the morontial realm and higher.

For some of you, the feelings of that peace, equanimity, and settledness last quite a long period of time during the day. And in some ways, this may be unsettling to you as you are normally active, conscious, aware, and your mind is buzzing with the things that need to be done. I am saying these things, sharing them with you at this time so that you can be at peace with the developments as you come to know them. For those on other planets who have approached the Days of Light and Life, this feeling of peace, equanimity, and settledness is a permanent feature for the majority of people on the planet. And so that develops eventually so that the world is at peace; the Days of Light and Life have arrived, and these too are times in the future that are prescient of the days when the planet is totally settled.

Be wise, be discerning, and make careful choices

Some of you have become aware of or you have sensed a sudden shifting of energies around you. Those of you who are sensitive to the vibrational improvements of your planet feel this shift when we need to alter our plans suddenly. There is a sudden shift to make adjustments to the mortal realm of the material worlds you live on, so that we can stay abreast of the changes and make amendments in our plans, so that we can advance everyone to a more settled era. As your world is now in great difficulty and on the precipice of immense societal and global change, our adjustments need to be made rapidly and, in some cases, made in multiple areas simultaneously.

Some of you may feel settled with an improvement of the stock market and the monetary exchanges; however, this is not a permanent feature. It’s not that I want to share gloom and doom and the return of bad times, but you can be misguided by your own feelings of improvements in what you see around you. That is one case. On another level, internationally and globally, your world is in great difficulty, and once a major societal cataclysm occurs—which could be in the social, political, economic, or military realms—this will cause a cascading of those events at that level. Oddly, for those of you who follow finance, this may actually cause an improvement in the market for some of you. For others it would not. So be wise, be discerning, and make careful choices. I am open for questions if you have any.

Preparation for the coming decades

JT: Okay, I have some written questions I’ll go through first. Bob asks: What should we do materially for our families to prepare for the coming decades. It seems that some preparation will be important for facilitating the best chances of survival; perhaps having some good farmland in a warm climate and stored supplies for family and friends on sturdy property, a safe elevation above sea level and at a distance from large urban areas. Does such planning have a correct basis, and do you have any other further input on possibly helpful items to include in preparation?

MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you for your question. Yes, if you have that capability, that financial wherewithal, and capital assets that you can sell, trade, or exchange that is a good plan that you have outlined. You may find it interesting, however, that individuals even within the same family may have far and vastly differing opinions about what is going to happen and how to prepare for it. Do not be surprised if not everyone in your family agrees with you and how to proceed. But generally, we support what you’re planning. Thank you.

Cultural civil war in the west

JT: Okay. I’ve received a question from Bill. I’ll read his original question, and then I’ll read a discussion we had about it. I think that will be helpful to you in responding to his question. Bill says: The West is embroiled in a cultural Civil War. One side believes in two sexes, family, and God. The other side believes in 132 genders and the abolition of family and religion. How do we ensure the survival of the values taught by the planetary commission?

I thought this was not really a question that you would want to take up, so I asked for further information. I said I wasn’t familiar with the planetary commission and its values he referred to, and where could I read about that? And he responded: I’m trying to think of the way to describe the work of Machiventa Melchizedek. The values are the family values that are taught in the sessions. How would I word it better? They were commissioned by the Planetary Prince [and I] just tried to use less wording.

And I responded: Okay, you’re referring to his seven core values then of life, quality of life growth, equality, empathy, compassion, and a generalized Love for humanity. These are the values he talks about with us over and over again. Liz has put together a good website at Machiventa has often talked about the family as the foundation for building a sustainable society. In the latest transcript he says: Of course, the foundation for all societies is the family. “Who’s advocating for the abolition of the family?” I asked. “That has not been coming up on my radar.” These values do not mention gender or religious beliefs. The lines drawn in your question that separate the West into warring sides over gender and religion do not fit into Machiventa’s plans for nudging us toward the Days of Light and Life. I’m inclined to help Machiventa fulfill his plan for getting us to Light and Life, and to not linger any longer in these dark days of sides and separation. What do you think?

A witness in the trenches

His response was: “Hi, James, thank you for answering me. Of course, the seven core values would be the bottom line. There are several layers that this great change is happening [in]. My question is coming from the mud in the trenches. I am seeing Families torn apart with forever effects. It is happening in my own extended family. Some school districts are reporting that 50% of the children are declaring Non-Binary [sic]. There is a lot of pressure on the kids right now down to the kindergarten level. It is in all the schools. CRT [Critical Race Theory], DEI [Diversity, equity, and inclusion], EGS [Empowered Global Solutions?], The Great Reset. You might be right. This is way beneath Machiventa’s level. In the big picture this is an extinction level event for Descendants of the Blue Race and Western culture. In the words of Michael, “The Meek shall inherit Urantia.” Whatever is First Father’s will, so be it. You ask what I think: I am a Soul that is a Witness to these times. I am to experience this in the Trenches [sic].”

I said: “Thank you so much for your reply. It really helps me understand you and where you’re coming from. I can feel your pain now. I will ask Machiventa your question.” Have you got anything in response to that?

MM: This is Machiventa. My first thought about this exchange is of the great ambiguity that is involved in this discussion. I am always glad to answer specific questions or to provide a general answer to a broad field; however, the points that Bill makes come from sources that are outside of our usual discussion. I will retrench myself again by saying that the fundamental values that are innate to Homo sapiens are the seven values that we have stated. There are the primary and the secondary. These are the source of an evolved form of ethics and morality, and when applied to making decisions concerning the priorities of a society that is striving to enter the Days of Light and Life, a socially sustainable society, then consistency is important. It is also highly important that there be consensus among those individuals now and in the future (when there are fewer individuals) as to how to proceed with the reconstruction, reformation, and the recovery plan for this civilization.

Discover the truths that are common to both sides

My usual tactic is to avoid entering into conversation or discussion of such ambiguous discussions or questions with multi-faceted aspects involved. It is important in answering this set of various questions and situations to say that consistency is important for both sides to discover the truths that are common to them all. This is how you will find resolution eventually to these political, cultural, and societal problems and differences that you were discussing. I look forward to your future questions that are far more specific and pointed. Thank you.

Separation, war, and getting to Peace


JT: Thank you, let me ask a question. How do we help people who seem lost in the idea of separation and war? So many seem to be “all in” on the idea of war and give no thought to unity. Any ideas?

MM: This is Machiventa. Let me consult with my team. This is a defense mechanism in itself in the gross scale. By creating separation, the individual is creating definition. It goes back to the right or wrong. Not AND or OR, but right or wrong unequivocally. For those who seek war as an answer, this is the simple mischief of mortal undeveloped intellect. It is more an emotional response than thoughtful consideration for themselves and for other people. Peace calls for far more thinking, far more discernment, far deeper considerations of empathy and sympathy for those who are not on your side, but who you see as against you. Further, war does not eliminate those people with differences of opinion, differences of culture, and even differences of gender. It is important that as this civilization moves forward (and it will) that consideration and discernment are given priorities of thinking—that thinking skills must be reframed and taught in schools and in families, and that children learn how to think effectively. Confused and ambiguous situations of war and peace, aggression and settlement, and so on, do not help young children form psyches that are stable unto themselves. This type of fractured thinking causes much fractured thinking in adults which takes its form as sociopathy and very difficult living arrangements and lifestyles. Please consider these things in the future. The way of violence must be passed. It is time for this planet to move beyond that to its next phase of evolution, social, and evolution in all forms. Thank you.

JT: Thank you. I have to step away for a few minutes, but I’ll let John have the floor.

What can we do to advance your plans

John: Yeah, thanks James. Good morning, Machiventa. It’s always good to be with you and to feel this connection. The question that I’m wondering [about] as I have my quiet time during the week and between the sessions is, I wonder, in the context of the last period of time here when I think back in Planetary Management Group meeting number 32, you had asked about people taking responsibility for becoming T/Rs, and then prior  to that, there was a brief mention made about a million dollar per month budget, you know, for learning centers for sustainable families. So, my question really is, what’s next? What is it that we can do as individuals and as a group to assist you to move your plans forward for our world? Thank you.

MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you for your question. And once again, the main question is what can we DO.

John: Well, I guess the real wondering is what is it that, yeah, I guess that we can “do” that can assist you. However, that, you know…

State of being and becoming

MM: This is Machiventa. John, I paused in my presentation, to consider how to present this to you in a meaningful way. Yes, you are always welcome to state your position, your consideration, or your thoughts, however in our work here in this forum you will find pauses in my presentation which are not necessarily an invitation for a response but simply a pause for reflection on my part and my team’s part and the student’s part perhaps. So, to continue, the best place that you can be is in the state of being and of becoming, and the work that you do between our sessions and during your week during times of stillness is to be and become who Christ Michael wants you to become—and that is a very loving, caring, empathic, sympathetic, and compassionate individual. For people on this planet such inaction is seen as being staid and uninvolved. However, as planets do progress in their spiritual evolution, this is seen as some of the most active aspects of being a contributing mortal to the good of the planet and to Nebadon.

Become powerful in your peaceful emotions of compassion and love

I’m not asking you to stand still and march in place, I’m asking you to continue to be impatient. But in your impatience, you begin to develop yourself as an individual who can become powerful in their peaceful emotions of compassion and love. And that these subsiding feelings of aggression that were mentioned a few moments ago subside—both in the mind activity of yourself during quiet times and as you prepare to sleep or to meditate that these thoughts become less and less and fewer and fewer. This is evidence that you are becoming innately a far more peaceful and stable individual. The settlement of the psyche of that immature part of yourself (and when I say yourself, I mean all others as well) is the achievement of emotional, spiritual growth—that your mindal activities become more settled and less chaotic, that you are coming into the realm of peace in your life. We do strive to teach young people to learn these practices early rather than later in life. These times of settlement usually occur naturally when an individual is a seeker—someone who seeks to improve their emotional condition as a necessary human side of spiritual growth and development in themselves. As you strive to do this, your Thought Adjuster is more able to assist you in the development and maturation of your personality so that you become more and more readily available for fusion when the time comes. What can you do? Oh, there is plenty, my friend. Thank you.

John: Yes, thank you, Machiventa. I appreciate that. James, back to you.

JT: [JT: I had plumbers in the house finishing work from another day, and I had been worried about how I would run the meeting and deal with them as I needed to. I was able to deal with them during John’s question.] Okay. Well, that seems to have worked out. The plumbers are gone. and it seems to have worked out as it often does when you’re working with Celestials—things just work out somehow.

MM: Uh huh.

JT: You’ve noticed?

MM: Yes, of course. And we know in many of your lives that “things just work out.”

JT: They just work out. And we’ll go to Recca. Recca? You’re unmuted.

Recca: There I am. I was muted twice. Not often accomplished.

JT: Yes, it’s hard to get you muted once, much less twice!

Recca: Yes, exactly so. Machiventa, thank you for bringing the reserve core of destiny into the conversation. I appreciate that immensely. I’ve meditated on the definitions and descriptions of the reserve corps from The Urantia Book, and I’m glad to hear that this is a piece of the Urantia puzzle. I’m also more interested to hear that you’re saying that we are each liable to fall into a period of quietness in our daily lives [when] we aren’t striving. I seem to have fallen into this inability to see any further than today’s work, and I appreciate knowing that this is not just me, that it is a condition of my prayer and my chosen activities. Thank you. That’s all I have to say.

MM: Thank you.

On a universal constitution

JT: Okay, that’s all the local questions we have, but I have a rather extensive question/proposal from our friend in Russia:

Thank you, Machiventa for sharing your thoughts [about his questions last time]. They streamlined mine, and I would like to come back to the subject of the universal constitution. The problem with laws is that they are made by the authorities and ordinary people are largely without influence in the process. Since the Constitution has the supremacy of law, the following idea might help to provide the broad masses with a designed world constitution based on the seven universal values as a finished product. This is a single A4 page containing text and graphics as a JPG file, extremely concise, without unnecessary explanations, with only statements, without any proclamations or appeals, without authorship, existing by itself, self-sufficient, which should be set free, floating into the information environment around the world. For example, words such as freedom, peace, fraternity, and other secondary terms emanating from the seven values may be redundant there. Of course, any country can adapt this constitution to suit itself, but the succinctness developed will have a great impact.

This Constitution states that these values are provided by the Father Creator of the Universe through our DNA for all living beings. The first four values may also point to the rights of animals for their protection from abuse. The word “God” is not mentioned because it is a religious term for all earthly religions, while the word “Father” indicates our relatedness and source. The worldwide constitution is to provide a new system of moral and ethical evaluation for the judicial system. The Constitution, by its action, will primarily ensure social survival, so I would suggest replacing the value of “Life” with the word “Survival” (for the Constitution only), which is more functional for action, and is essential in the times to come. In essence, the Worldwide Constitution is a mechanism that implements a decision-making system. [JT: I didn’t get to finish this first question/proposal, so I have copied and pasted all of G’s submitted questions below exactly as submitted.]

Moving toward a council of “democratic” nations

MM: This is Machiventa. I’m ready to make a comment if you feel it is appropriate. Dear friend in Russia, we thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. You truly do anticipate the future and that is much appreciated. You have given great thought to this development that will eventually become a part of what we would call prospectively a council of democratic nations. The word “democratic” may be stricken from that as you have stricken the word God from your constitution in order to appeal to more people. It will require God loving individuals as well as peace loving individuals who do not believe in God to reconcile the differences that exist in your world today. As you must thoughtfully be aware, your world today is totally unprepared to enact your world government constitution. You would be fortunate to have people even read it. For others though, it would be necessary to do so.

We see from the history of the development of world constitutions, that yours would not be the first, but would be one of well over many dozens. Some have good standing, and some do not. Some have good intention and others are beguiled by simplistic thinking. Yours, however, does make a wonderful combination of your humaneness, meaning the values of your species to be ingrained and then in place in your social institutions. This is a natural fit, and it is a natural process to gain traction socially, politically, and economically.

Separation is in vogue in a viscous way

Your world now is a world of separation—separation between genders, between races, between cultural groups, ethnic groups, political groups, and nations. Separation is in vogue in a vicious way. What you propose is the elimination of separation and the beginning of binding together in the oneness of all. And your constitution is a good place to start politically and economically.

You must teach the underlying truths

We would advise you to not appeal to the naivete of those individuals today or in the future to accept what you’re saying, but that you have a means to teach them the truth that underlies your document that they might come to understand the principles involved in how you came to write this document that would enable them to make amendments to it in time to improve its capability and its service to the nations that exist then.

We thank you for your thoughtfulness. I thank you again, and our team does certainly salute you for your efforts. You are a light surrounded by great darkness, and we know that within your society there are other beacons of light who must dim the brightness of their lights so that they can exist safely and survive. Someday, my friend, it will be otherwise. You and your light will shine among others who light the way for the next generations. Thank you.

Vision, intention, mission, goal setting

JT: That’s wonderful Machiventa. He has a series of shorter questions. He says: Machiventa, you’ve talked a lot in the past about what vision, intention, mission, and goal setting are, such as in NET #70 in 2019, but still, I don’t distinguish between them very deeply. Could you elaborate on them in more detail with an example of designing an advanced society that is perfect? What are the questions for that here?

Include a process of adaptation

MM: I caught the word “perfect” in your question. Perfection is an elusive goal in itself. What we hope you would pursue would be adaptive schemes and processes of social evolution to get closer and closer to that perfection, for the perfection that you indicate would not even be attainable in the early phases of the Days of Light and Life on this planet. So, you must be able to entertain a process of adaptation.

Now going back to the vision, intention, philosophy, mission, and goal objectives, we offer you that many of your business and your management scientists have produced many different types of organizational development plans that involve those five steps. They have different words for them. They have some added words, some that differ greatly, and some that are very similar. We offer that to you as a suggestion to examine on your own so that you can find an organizational development plan that is more suited to your needs and the definitions that you are seeking. We do not offer you an authoritative definition of those five words, however we offer you the means to co-creatively come to some conclusions about that on your own with us. When you write or type concerning this, you open your mind to suggestions that may come to you. You may say that I am waffling on an answer for you, and yes, I am. This is part of the co-creative process. We are not dictatorial. We are not another Tsar to dictate what must be believed by people, but we offer you the opportunity to create something co-creatively that appeals to us and appeals to you. Thank you.

The State and social evolution

JT: And he raises the question of state and statehood. As I see it, he says, the state is an historical anachronism inherited from the tribal system. I would like to see something comparative to the progress of civilization. How do you see statehood in the perspective of the evolution of society? Is there any way to see statehood on the scale of social evolution in the universe?

MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you for your very excellent question. That is superior in all regards. What is [the] state? State for the western world is also closely associated or identical to a geographic area. This is a place of starting. Starting began really with the monarchies and with dictators of all types and all political configurations. Eventually, these succumb to the influence of the majority of people—meaning that those people of a state become the authorizing authority for the constitution of that state and for its eventual adaptation. At the current time in your world, these states or nations are stuck or highly stabilized and inflexible to adaptation even when the times and circumstances of statehood within that nation need to be resolved—need to be adapted and to change with the times.

The progress of social evolution concerning statehood is one towards the enactment of rules and regulations that you call laws, where the individual becomes more and more responsible for their behavior, which of course emanates from their thinking and their verbiage, their speaking, their writing, and finally in their actions. At the present, the state has striven to take almost absolute responsibility for all things of the people and of the nation. This is particularly so in highly authoritarian nations and less so in those which have a more laissez-faire political situation where more responsibility is conferred to the individual. As you know, the condition of statehood is dependent upon the oligarchy of that state whether it is a democracy, a confederation of nations, or simply a despotic, authoritarian government [where] people are held less and less responsible. The transitions must be thoughtful. They must concern themselves with thinking about the future. This has been a very naive assumption by all governments that what is present today will always be the same, and same, and same, and the same into the future. And this simply is magical thinking. It is erroneous thinking. It does not honor the discernment capabilities of individuals to design a future that is more amenable to the characteristics and traits of humans while being peaceful, coordinated, and integrated.

The big trend as we have striven to teach you is from authoritarianism to the general responsibility of every citizen—that each citizen knows what is legal and what is not legal, [and that] what contributes to the good of themselves contributes to the good of others. They see no differentiation between themselves as a social being among millions of others; that each is responsible to the other, and that their decisions are made in such a manner that they do reflect the good of all while also serving themselves in the same manner. Thus, you see, my friend, that equality becomes even more of a primary value in human decision making than life itself. In order to sustain life for everyone, you must treat the life of others in all regards equally as you do your own. Thank you.


JT: Thank you. And he has a question about enclaves. We talked about enclaves last time. I would like to understand, he says, how enclaves are structured in advanced societies, how they work, their interaction with the outside world or the state, and so on. In a word, what are enclaves from your point of view?

MM: This is Machiventa. Enclaves are those advanced situation community developments that I just spoke of where there has been an adaptive transition to more peaceful environments. Where there is a group of people—whether it is 50 or 500 people—who live in an enclave community and that there are only two or three regulations one of which would be Cause no harm to others in any regard. And so, the ethics of equality would be the major tenant of those regulations. Cause no harm to others must then have a deliberative training system that you might call courts, but their function is to train the populace as much as they are to right the wrongs. This is an evolutionary process. The enclave is developing its own common law on its own, and it uses these two or three laws—regulations—to develop a common law basis for the living of individuals, families, and plans within the enclave.

It is not self-governance totally, but one that has a deliberative body—say an enclave council—that is not authoritative but makes suggestions and recommendations for equitable living in the whole community. There is a means by which financial equity is achieved while yes, still espousing the wonderful attributes of profit gain, so that there is a more equitable means by which people can make a living and make financial improvements to their lives while also benefiting the larger community. An enclave is an ideological ideal in many ways that may seem impossible today, and surely it is. But it is an idea of living apart. You have seen these enclaves come into existence during the era of the 1960s when groups of individuals decided they wanted to live apart from the main society and the obligations of the larger society. The trouble and difficulty were that they carried within the same personality and social deficits that were existent in the larger society. And so, these small social enclaves came to a sad end themselves. Thank you.

Future of enclaves—equality, sameness, and unity

JT: And his final question is another question about enclaves. He says, what is the future of enclaves in the perspective of their evolution? How do they evolve as a tool for social sustainability?

MM: This is Machiventa. This too takes on equality as a dominating value that combines fairness, equity, and equality, and people take on far more responsibility. This is social evolution at its most responsible levels. You would want to think in terms of an enclave as a mini “state” of Days of Light and Life—one where there may be 50 people, 500 people, or perhaps even a half a million people living in the same geographic area, and that they become self-governing and evolve towards those ends. A major criticism that contemporary political and social thinkers have concerning this is that there would be a bland sameness where everyone presents the same vanilla personality without the wonderful uniqueness that individuals carry with them. This would be a huge error; this would be a grave mistake for the uniqueness and artistic evolution of a society as a social organism. Sameness does not eliminate the uniqueness of individuals but provides a sameness of behavior meaning equal behavior so that individuals behave equally towards other individuals and that as a society the social organism of the enclave treats everyone with a sameness—meaning that regardless of social, political, economic standing, and social position of prestige, everyone is treated the same. And this is required in order to eliminate these separations that are so endemic to your current society. Union and integration of social functions does not mean the elimination of uniqueness and individuality.

What you are speaking of is the ideal among the hazards of uniqueness and those must be cautioned against. It is a delicate balance not to proscribe the individuality quirks that people have that have caused no harm to anyone. And surely most of you have quirky relatives or are quirky yourself, and that people love you because of that. I know I have not answered your question, but my friend, you are seeking the same ends as idealists have done in the past. This is not a utopian world that you live in, and for you, unfortunately, this is an experimental planet, nonetheless. So, the strangeness of the developments on your world are not unexpected, but they vary to such a high degree as to be unacceptable for a world that plans to enter into the great fold of planets in Nebadon. And in answering this, I apologize if my answers seem nebulous and untenable, however, this is the best that we can do at the present time, given the very destructive environment your world is in today. Thank you.

JT: Thank you.

Jacques: Bonjour Machiventa, how are you today?

MM: Excellent. Famously excellent.

Process of partial reserve corps activation

Jacques: I ask a question about, in your introduction, you said the reserve corps of destiny are now activated. And my question is…

MM: I said some individuals of the reserve corps have been activated. Some individuals, not the whole corps. I correct you as this would be a huge error.

Jacques: Yeah, okay. But my question is: How will those involved with this activation receive their, I would say, their [marching] orders so to speak. Will this happen during meditation or is there some specific…

MM: Thank you for your question and your clarification. This is a very important question that you have asked. Generally, no, there would not be any verbalized marching orders—orders of activation—for the individual. There are, however, exclusions to that as there has been in the past where an individual has been notified that they need to do something imminently, meaning quickly, and at the immediate time to cause something to occur. Generally, though, this direction and guidance comes from meditation where the individual senses more and more strongly, day by day, and week by week perhaps that they must do something—that they seem propelled and impelled from within to take action of some sort that they see as beneficial, and that they are the one to do it. This is the gentle way of activating reservists. It is something that the individual can reject. It is something that the individual can accept. Individuals attending to the thoughts and emanations of spiritual thoughts that come from their Thought Adjuster, their guardian angel, and others is important. The individual, after prayer or after meditation, [can] take a few moments to reflect on what has occurred within them during the meditative time. They can discern their mental voice or their mental thinking from the thinking that comes from others outside themselves of an angelic [order] or beings of light. They sense this and do not come to any radical conclusions for radical behavior immediately, but they think about this, and it grows within them. However, as I said, there are exceptions to that where the individual is spoken to and feels propelled and impelled to take action immediately. These two scenarios are graphically different. Thank you.

Jacques: Thank you very much. Okay. That’s all for me.

MM: Thank you.

JT: Our last question today goes to Marthe.

Programa Puente model from Chile

Marthe: Thank you very much Machiventa. I just wanted to thank you so much for today’s answers, and also to all those who asked questions that brought together so many ideas. And I just want to take it back to the idea of statehood, and even enclaves—the whole idea of best practices. One of the ones that have touched the organization I work with, is the Chilean model Programa Puente, where in the 1990s after Pinochet’s dictatorship, young men and women were trained to go into families and in three to five years walk families out of poverty. And that model of a state serving the family, in the same way that Daniel Rafael wrote about the economy serving the family in his employee capitalism [JT: possibly a reference to Daniel’s paper on Employee Entrepreneurs] seems like such a wonderful model and one that we have tried to pilot for many years. I was just wondering if you can say something about this model of almost pulling government tight through the family, because government, in our time, is represented [by] the state which has geographic borders. But I just wondered what you thought about this Chilean model that I think Colombia has also implemented, and that our country through African Women has looked at but hasn’t gotten to the point of implementing. If you can just say something about whether this model is something worth pushing for. Thank you very much.

MM: Certainly. This is Machiventa. You have alluded to a model of government that we are striving to introduce as well, and that is government as a service agency. Do not make a gross misinterpretation of that. Government would not become the service model but would encourage the services to be made to the public in cases where individuals and even nonprofit organizations cannot. The government model then becomes an empowering “state”‑—not as a force, but as an empowering. I don’t like to use the word agency as that is too hands-on, but that there are enabling and empowering legislation that is passed that not only permits but encourages those services to be performed and to be provided for families for instance, and are funded in part by taxpayer dollars, as well as funded by and guided by nonprofit organizations. There would be a need for some coordinating agency such as occurred in Chile, to make the service uniform and effective. Services such as these when ineffective are simply a means of employing people that may be helpful to the larger public but does not deliver efficacious results to the service-receiving group—meaning a family. And I say this intentionally using the family as the service-receiving body because it is a family that is in most need of this to produce those future generations of thoughtful, thinking, kind, compassionate, and empathic public servants. Thank you.

Marthe: Thank you so much.

JT: Machiventa, do you have a closing for us?

Design the future you want your children to live in

MM: Yes, thank you. This is Machiventa. Having been among you several thousand years ago, I realize and see, once again, that mortals of this planet have more questions than answers being provided to them, and that you are being left without direction and guidance from answers. You see that within your governments and within corporations and so on that the self-service of individuals in positions of authority raises more questions while continuing to disempower the public. This is a most unfortunate situation. My benediction is this: You are blessed with a mind, you are blessed with the character of discernment, and you are also blessed with courage and fortitude to pursue even idealistic goals while preparing for the future that you know is coming. And so, I bless you with these attributes, with these characteristics that you may prepare for the future by designing the future world in which you want your children to live in—something that is far less desperate and dangerous than the present world you live in now, but one that is at peace and one that is empowering those individuals who show capability of leadership to draw people into a peaceful, loving, family-oriented future.

You wonder what you can do my friends. You’ve asked this question many times, and it is in the same vein as our friend in Russia; how do you design the future you would want your children to live in. This may seem to be a futile endeavor on your part and as a request from myself and my team, but it is something that has pragmatic need when the time has come, for when the times do change, and they will change and change rapidly, will you have the answers for your children then?

I bless you with my own personal guidance, insight, and discernment and hope that you will use this profitably for your children and those future generations so that they do not have to endure what you have endured, but that you have made them capable and empowered to do what you could not. Thank you.

JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you Daniel.

Daniel: You’re most welcome.

Rick Brunson update

JT: As I open it up, I’ll ask: has anyone gotten an update from Rick Brunson?

Daniel: Yes, this is Daniel. I had a personal phone call with him the day before yesterday, and he is being cared for and watched by the caretaker who cared for Liz while she was still alive, and who has now taken on Rick’s ailment as her own need to assist him. And he says of her through a very strained voice, that she is also a good cook. And he has the company of his friend Rob who is there with him helping him and on the day that Rob came over he had enough energy to walk up the stairs three times. Of course, that means he had to walk down them three times as well.

it’s very, very difficult for him to speak. If you’ve ever had laryngitis, his situation is extreme to that. Now on an historical note, Rob says (and Rick is reluctant to talk about it) that Rick’s problem is of his nerves. His nerves were attacked by this ailment, and that when he made the call to another friend of Rick’s (not Rob) asking him to come over, that when he hung up the phone, he was unable to walk to the door but had to crawl—draw himself forward with his hands and arms—because his legs were no longer functioning, and that he could not lift himself to open the door, but had to slide the key under the door so that his friend could open it and take him to the hospital. His doctors there reported that he had three chances in 100 of surviving death. And Rick has survived death and is now improving greatly on a daily basis. So that’s my report.

JT: Wonderful. Thank you for that.

Full text of G’s submitted questions:

  1. Thank you Machiventa for sharing your thoughts, they streamlined mine, and I would like to come back to the subject of the universal Constitution. The problem with laws is that they are made by the authorities, and ordinary people are largely without influence in the process. Since the Constitution has the supremacy of laws, the following idea might help: Provide the broad masses with a designed world constitution based on the seven universal values as a finished product. This is a single A4 page containing text and graphics, as a JPEG file, extremely concise, without unnecessary explanations, with only statements, without any proclamations or appeals, without authorship, existing by itself, self-sufficient, which should be sent free floating to the information environment around the world. For example, words such as “freedom, peace, fraternity” and other secondary terms emanating from the seven values may be redundant there. Of course, any country can adapt this Constitution to suit itself, but the succinctness developed will have a great impact.

    This Constitution states that these values are provided by the Father Creator of the Universe through our DNA for all living beings. The first four values may also point to the rights of animals, for their protection from abuse. The word “God” is not mentioned because it is a religious term for all earthly religions, while the word “Father” indicates our relatedness and source. The worldwide Constitution is to provide a new system of moral and ethical evaluation for the judicial system. The Constitution, by its action, will primarily ensure social survival, so I would suggest replacing the value of “Life” with the word “Survival” (for the Constitution only), which is more functional for action, and is essential in the times to come. In essence, the worldwide Constitution is a mechanism that implements a decision-making system.

    The purpose of the Constitution is practicality for social coexistence. It would be useful to write at the very bottom: Any secondary laws passed which violate the principles set forth above are null and void and unenforceable.

    It is like launching a white dove high into the sky so that it is visible to all. It exists on its own, independently, and most importantly, it is attractive to be taken in and protected under its wing.  There is only the fact of its existence, and it is available to the broad masses of people to make their choice.

    I think it will all work whatever events happen on the planet. The development can be done through an open project for anyone who wants to get involved. So, let’s fly that dove into the sky. Why not? What do you think of all this, Machiventa?

    2. Machiventa, you’ve talked a lot in the past about what vision, intention, mission, and goal setting are, such as in NET #70 (453) in 2019, but still, I don’t distinguish between them very deeply. Could you elaborate on them in more detail, with an example of designing an advanced society that is perfect? What are the questions for that here?

    3. The question of the state and statehood. As I see it, the state is a historical anachronism inherited from the tribal system. I would like to see something comparative to the progress of civilization. How do you see statehood in the perspective of the evolution of society? Is there any way to see statehood on the scale of social evolution in the Universe? As an example, a graph where on one axis is the evolution of society, and on the other axis are civilizations that have a state system. Where, then, is their place on that scale? Or perhaps you could give your own idea?

    4. A question about enclaves.  I would like to understand how enclaves are structured in advanced societies. How they work, their interaction with the outside world, or the state, and so on. In a word, what are enclaves from your point of view?

    5. What is the future of enclaves in the perspective of their evolution? How do they evolve as a tool for social sustainability? Thank you.

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