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NET-PMG #46, Where we are in the big picture and why we act, Our work with you

2022-12-12, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #46, Machiventa

Planetary Manager’s Group #46 – (Find this and previous PMG’s at:  Group = NET-PMG)

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


Where we are in the big picture and why we act

Our work with you

Solving problems using idealism

Helping the young and energetic contribute

The stages of democracy

The state, the enclave, and the “how” question

Being responsible

Posting translations

Making a celestial announcement

What you can do

What has not worked, and what will work

TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD

Invocation: JT


Where we are in the big picture and why we act

Machiventa: Good morning. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. It is my great pleasure to be here with you to learn from you as you recognize that this is an experiential, decimal planet, and we are learning almost as much as you are, if not more, simply because this is all new to us as well.

I’m going to begin where we’ve begun before, and that is why we are here. We are here to help this planet survive. As you have recently been told, this decimal planet has suffered so many spiritual deficits with the expansion of the human aggressive nature, that had Christ Michael not begun the Correcting Time on this planet, this planet would be lost to the self-destructive nature of the humans who occupy it—meaning that this planet would become barren once again as it was 4 billion years ago.

The effort that we want to espouse, begin, support, urge, and encourage is the changing nature of the human culture. As you know, every culture has at its core a set of values that identifies that culture and the people who live within and under that culture. In the case of humans and their creation by the Life Carriers in their laboratories, the human genome carries with it all of the necessary genetic instructions and genetic triggers to provide for the survival of the species over an extended period of time, and it also has within the genome the values for making decisions to establish peace as an ongoing process that is positive and can contribute to the holism of human civilization.

The thought of peace has always intrigued those people who appreciate tranquil times, tranquil social engagements, tranquil relationships with individuals, nations, societies, cultures, ethnic groups, and so on. Yet it has not come about. It is as though it is the tantalus—the object of desire. It tantalizes humans who have an innate peaceful nature and who are not aggressive.

This is a particularly special time in the history of humanity as humanity is on the brink of its own collapse principally due to the four primary values of the seven innate human values having been overly aggressive and overly emphasized by most people in leadership positions. It is the perfect accoutrement to egoistic personalities—those who want to dominate, control, and have positions of authority to do it legitimately (or so they say.) This has been what has prospered the Western civilization and, in fact, the civilization of the world to this time. This is not the only era where aggressiveness and war has been endemic. It has occurred many times. The “however” is that this is the first time that your planet, this planet, has been fully occupied with people, and there are now approximately 200 nations that exist border to border. So, the planet is fully occupied, and war, aggression, and hostile relationships can only produce more war and destruction.

There is no more Earth to be had that is open space, that has native mineral resources (natural resources) to be had either in its native state (which existed 500 years ago on your planet) or that is now occupied by some nation or society that must be attacked in order to acquire those resources.

So it is at this point that hostilities will either continue indefinitely with the eventual destruction of humanity, your nations, and the organizational existence of your civilization, or something must come forward. As we said before, there has been a rise of the planet’s consciousness, which of course inhabits mortals—people—throughout the world whether they are religious or whether they acknowledge God or not, but this consciousness is a part of an abiding consciousness that impinges and borders and is always striving to infuse the consciousness of each person. And you have seen the progress of this as the children of the 40s and 50s became the love children of the hippie generation of the 60s and 70s. It was all about love, peace, and so on. There were peace marches as well as anti-war marches. So, this has been unsuccessful as a culture changing agent within your world.

We come now to the pandemic and the increasingly severe natural cataclysms of earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, floods, and the increasing hostility of nations bordering on nations. You have several cases where there are national leaders bordering other nations, which are being aggressive and attacking the population which should more generally be called genocide. It is the elimination of anyone who exists in the territory that they want to take possession of.

Our work with you

So, our work with you is to bring out—to nurture—those values, those genetic instructions that would bring about peace and tranquil relationships between individuals, nations, races, ethnic groups, cultures, and so on.

You have been made aware by This One that he and Avahlah have produced a document dealing with policy development. It was not long after its publication that the Melchizedeks and angels became aware that there was a certain amount of disdain for such a document. It does not represent the highest spiritual values that could be written about, expressed, or published. And so, this has been set aside, and Avahlah and This One will begin a new treatise with a similar title to Peace and the Human Holism. It will espouse and promote the same ends that the policy book did, but this will be more kind to Spirit. As you know, the family is always the core essence, the generator of all societies, and it is the place where we can develop positive, constructive, and proactive social programs to help improve the quality of each new generation. And so, that will be a major part of that book plus other programs that will be captured, so to speak, from previous documents. This will all look very familiar to you and very friendly. And yes, we do want to have this completed as soon as possible which terribly aggravates This One’s sense of patience. But nonetheless, though he may not be amenable to it, he will fulfill what we require as he always has, and we are very grateful for that and thankful.

Patience is of extreme need right now for everyone, including ourselves. We, however, are getting our backs close to the backstop—our backs to the wall. If you think of ghetto gangs and their aggression and pushing weaker individuals and groups against the wall literally, rather than figuratively, that would be a fairly good analogy to place at this time.

What we will do, what needs to be done (as some of you have guessed) is to somehow gather the attention of the world to this situation. Some of you have guessed rightly (and many of you have guessed wrongly) about what we can do. Of course, according to our nature, it must be peaceful, it must be proactive, it must be beneficial, and it must, at least in part, accomplish what we set out to do. So, you can imagine an attention-getting situation of some sort of such magnitude that it would garner the attention of hundreds of millions of people across the world. You may think that this is no small chore, and you would be right (at least for humans), but for us we can arrange that so it does occur. And of course, I am not at liberty to share that with you, but to let this unfold as it should, because there is time needed, time to reflect, time to be aware of the current states of hostility on your planet, and the urgency of which positive, loving, careful, proactive action is needed. Of course, we want to eventually, and soon, address parenting, child rearing, and social programs that fit with that to encourage a more positive home environment for each new generation.

As you can see, this is no small task, and it will require the assistance of hundreds of people to begin with, thousands, and then hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It will eventually engage the local community design and validation teams. The use of the schematic to solve problems without partisanship, without it becoming a political issue, which of course is one of the hesitations we have on promoting such a project as in some cases, it will simply aggravate the political nature of argumentation among you. Your world is generally at peace, but some people simply like to argue.

We have been made aware intimately, personally, and under personal aggravation on the part of several people about what they can do to help us. All of our work is pointing to the eventual recovery from the collapse of your civilization and the tremendous disruption of the organizational context of your civilization. What you can do is that you can become the holders of plans. You will be aware of what we are doing, why we are doing it, and you will become a direction pointer for people, because when the time comes—before, during and after the cataclysm—people will be asking: “Well, what can we do? What can we do? What can we do?” And you will say: “This is what you can do, and this is what we must do. And make a choice now whether we want peace or whether we want continued hostility. And do you think we ought to throw around some more tactical nuclear weapons while we’re doing it? Hopefully, the answer will be no; we are not to be hostile, but we should be peaceful, and we should do things that generate peace in our world.”

And so, you my friends will be in front of the whiteboards in educational training situations in front of local citizens and doing so upon your own authority and own initiative. Of course, we will always be there to assist you in whatever way we can. You simply have to ask for assistance. And be specific please because most of the time you have something in mind, but generalities don’t help you and don’t help us and will not help the general population.

So, what can you do? Become well acquainted with what is going on—what the plan is. We’ve told you many times what Christ Michael’s plan is, it’s called the Correcting Time. And what do we mean by correcting? What are we correcting? We are correcting the way that individuals are raised. [How] families come into existence, how they parent their children, and learn the best practices of parenting.  Child rearing is not a mystery (it’s more of a science than it is a mystery.) The practices are well known, have been [well known], and now they will be collected, brought together, coordinated, organized, and published so that the parents-to-be, parents, grandparents, and children can learn how good families operate and function. Of course, caring, kindness, affection, and love are paramount in those situations. Thank you.

JT: I’ve got some written questions from our friend G. He submitted these actually two weeks ago, so I held on to them, and we’ll start off with them.

Solving problems using idealism

JT for G: Machiventa, thank you for all your answers, and especially for those you labeled as “nebulous,” for they provide more insight after thinking about it. I love these kinds of answers. First of all, I’d like to make a comment about idealism, where most of my questions are directed towards the exploration of something ideal. When designing an engineering art, understanding the work of an imaginary, ideal mechanism or machine helps me to successfully solve these technical problems. Therefore, my quest for idealism is to understand the upper limits of what is possible in order to see the big picture. Maybe you can comment on solving problems with the help of idealism.

MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you, G. for your question. Idealism is just that. It is a philosophy. It is in fact an ideology, and you are using it as a practical ideology which we support fully. What you are seeking is not different from that. Ask questions aloud of your mind of the situation—ask those questions aloud because that shows intent, that shows focus in your thinking that can be addressed by a spiritual being who is in your company. You can ask questions such as: “Does this work?” Not necessarily the overall part, (of course, you’d want to ask that) but also the steps as you go along. One is that you want to go in the right direction. And so, you have an ideal held in mind, you would state that ideal out loud, and then you would state out loud: “Well, I think that’s the first step I would take moving towards what we want. Do you agree?” And you should hear a very distinctive, yes, no, or even a maybe. Or you might hear words that you’ve heard many times from This One and it is: “One moment, please.” You might hear that from the celestial and then they will get back to you. So, you would go step by step in the development of your idealistic image or process and work towards that with celestial help. You will be surprised at the results that you achieve over time. Remember that this is also a spiritual experience for you that you are working more closely with these celestial beings, whether that be midwayer, an angel, a Melchizedek, an archangel, or someone else. This is one way to proceed that we would recommend to you. Thank you.

Helping the young and energetic contribute

JT for G: Thank you. The second topic is: I know that in some democracies, there are quite a few young and energetic people who aspire to political activities in their country. But their efforts often come across as populist, reminiscent of the firefighter’s response to the current situation. What would you advise them to do to become effective politicians? What do they need to focus on? Perhaps you can offer them some kind of study program based on Daniel’s existing work.

MM: Yes, thank you. You could recommend to them that they use your process of idealism. Oftentimes, we have found, and you have found that young people do want to skip the minutia, in order to get to the goal. And many people in many nations see this process. Those who are spiritually oriented, just simply ask God to solve the problem for them. And, as you know, life and living on a decimal planet is experiential, it is step by step, it is gradual, it is a process of becoming whole and complete—an integral being in the process. And so, it is the same with societies. They might have an idea, an ideal that they want to achieve, and they would approach that step by step. Oftentimes, these young people, these young idealists, will see a step but are unwilling to move backwards to an earlier step. And so, you would ask the question: “Well, is this your idea? Is this your ideal situation?” And they would say “Yes.” And you would say, “How did you get there?” That’s a very pragmatic, pointed question. You don’t ask them the steps, you want them to reveal that to you, and as you listen to them, you would guide them taking an earlier step, an earlier step, and an earlier step to the point now. Many of them cannot see this.

As another facet of this enterprise of learning, you want to teach them the basics that we have been teaching concerning social evolution and social development. If they want to stay within the same troubled paradigm that exists now, then they will just be rearranging the pieces that will eventually fall into place for the goals that other people want.

The stages of democracy

If you look at “The Third Stage Democracy” that This One and Avahlah wrote, you will see that democracy really began before the revolution, speaking specifically about the American Revolution that began in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence. The ideas, that the foundations used had to begin long before that, and that would be what is called a “stage one democracy.” It is not a de facto democracy, but it is the precursor that brings about democracy. The second stage is the establishment through revolution of the second stage of democracy, which is what you will find in the developed, mature democracies of the world: the United States, France, England, Norway, Sweden, the other Nordic countries, and so on. These are stage two democracies. In the case of the United States and other mature democratic nations, they have gone to an earlier, more feral stage of democracy; what This One and Avahlah called “the feral stage of democracy,” it is stage two that is moving into an oligarchy. And of course, oligarchies are now generating far right revolutionists, far right extremists, who want to simply do away with the feral democratic state and establish their own primitive form of government of some sort. And the “third stage of democracy” is one that is an evolutionary change. It uses all of the best facets, processes, concepts etc. of a mature second stage democracy, but brings back the governance of people, the public, the citizens more directly in their own processes of governance. In other words, the democratic process becomes, … I don’t like using the word “liberal” because it automatically sets up an opposition that’s called conservative. But in reality, the third stage democracy is an evolutionary change of successful second stage democracies to one that is much more competent and capable of social progress as well as political progress.

If your students have this in mind, this evolutionary process, then you have plenty of basis and facets to look at, places you can stand and teach them new ways of viewing what they’re looking at and want to achieve. Thank you.

The state, the enclave, and the “how” question


JT for G.: Thank you. The third topic is the question of the relationship between the state and the enclave. At its core, the state is actually the power of officials. It is a bureaucratic apparatus serving itself, and therefore states are quite aggressive if anything goes beyond its control. The creation of enclaves one way or another will take place on the territory of some state. Then, how do autonomous enclaves interact with the state on whose territory they’re located? Should there be any special relationship here?

MM: This is Machiventa. The “how” question arises again, and you want me to solve your problems for you. I’m not going to do that. I’m quite adamant about that, as the teacher then becomes the student, the pupil, and sits beside you in projecting what the student thinks should be done as you are finding with your young idealists. However, you can think of this as: there are already existing enclaves in existing societies whether they are democratic or totalitarian. There are enclaves within the Russian Federation, within the Russian state. There are enclaves within Iran and to a lesser extent in North Korea.

You are completely right about the total, dominant control of the state—those personalities in charge of the state using their power to stamp out any opposition even to the point of eliminating the opposition one by one and as groups so that they are no longer here in person but are dead. Thank you for your question. You can see that I am not participating in pursuing this. Thank you.

Being responsible

JT for G: Thank you. His fourth question is also a “how” question, and I will skip over that to his fifth question on shared responsibility. On one hand, this is an easy-to-understand question, and on the other hand, it is very important for the achievement of universal progress. Everyone needs it as food for thought. What does it mean to be responsible from your point of view, Machiventa? And how can one motivate oneself to be responsible? I’ll stop there for now.

MM: Your question is excellently framed and well put. You really are dealing with a question of what is right as a matter of ethics, and in extreme cases that of morality where it challenges the conditions and existence of life itself.

Daniel: This is Daniel. Would you read part of that again, please?

JT for G: The question of shared responsibility. On the one hand, this is an easy-to-understand question, and on the other hand, it is very important for the achievement of universal progress. Everyone needs it as food for thought. What does it mean to be responsible from your point of view Machiventa?

MM: Again, this is a matter of ethics. Shared responsibility means that someone somewhere is making a decision about how to become accountable for their decisions and for the actions that are taken. In the case of mortals on this planet, much dithering goes on in the minds of people before they make a list of options and before they make a choice and then take action. On your world, it is a matter of action. So, who becomes responsible for the actions? It is the individual always. When you look at the responsibility of morality on any planet, whether it’s a decimal planet or other, it is a matter of personal responsibility to discipline oneself to take right action. “Right”—the word “right”—also is conditioned by the ethics behind it that dictate what is right and what is not right.

Of course, on a planet that is moving into the Days of Light and Life, it is what works. And This One has shared with you a book by Kurt Wright (“Breaking the Rules”) that talks about what is right, what works, and so on. And what works is what supports other people positively and proactively, what is good, and what is goodness. And so, when you come down to it, it is a matter of being kind. It is being careful. It is a matter of being fair. And these are the primary ethical principles that you have been taught: what is fair and what is kind.

So, you are wanting to determine who is responsible. The individual who causes this action is responsible. You can say, in the case of the invasion of Ukraine, that the soldiers are responsible for the deaths that they cause. This is partially true, but it is a matter of the loyalty of those soldiers to the person who ordered the invasion. And so that person is ultimately responsible. If you were in a more enlightened world—more advanced and socially mature—you would take into account those people who are conscientious objectors. They would be the winners of what is fair, and what is a kind. As it is, the conscientious objectors on the front lines would probably be taken back to the back lines imprisoned, shot, or both.

And so, you want to know who is responsible? Responsibility ultimately comes down to the individual. I know that this is only a very partial answer to the very broad question you asked but let us have it suffice for now. Thank you.

JT: Thank you. And the rest of his topic are, again, “how” questions.

Posting translations

Jacques: Hello, Machiventa. This is Jacques from France. My question is: you mentioned what we need to do, and this is, of course, a big concern for all of us. And I am thinking that because we start now knowing the plan from Michael because Daniel has written many documents, we have started to translate them into foreign languages—French and now also German. We know a little bit about the Correcting Time because we have been reading many messages that have been delivered to us, and the question is: because we have these materials and translate them, do we have to wait that till everything is translated to then make them known to the population or  let’s say to those in power, or can we start to promote these materials now?

MM: This is Machiventa. Do not wait, my friend. Once you have completed a project or even partially completed it, you may want to share that with someone who is friendly to your cause and to the work that you’re doing and get their opinion of how well you are progressing. And, of course, when the document is finished, then you would want to publish it. And we wholeheartedly support that. Thank you.

Making a celestial announcement

Jacques: And also, do you consider that because if I understood well, that there will sometime be an announcement from your side so that people suddenly hear that they belong to a big universe? So, this will change their mind too. So maybe at that time, it will be easier to promote these documents.

MM: To answer your question which you also asked approximately two sessions ago; Will we make an announcement? And the answer again is that we will not. It will not be one of those announcements written in the sky on the clouds for people to see or for people to hear. The people who are receptive will be given an awareness that things “are not the same as they were yesterday,” and they are dealing with a new world situation. This is the best way that we can promote our presence—to generate enthusiasm in the hearts of individuals around the world simultaneously. And this, in itself, will bring about a receptivity to news that is similar or familiar to them through this change of a feeling of presence and of consciousness. Thank you.

Jacques: Thank you very much. I’m sorry for asking the same question twice, but, you know, we are small children. Thank you.

MM: This is Machiventa. We have learned, all of us, that extreme patience is always desirable, and usually has a better result than impatience and anxiously wringing our hands. Thank you.

Jacques: Thank you.

JT: You have an open mic., Machiventa.

What you can do

MM: Thank you. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and this is part of my benediction and closing. “What can you do?” has been asked hundreds of times, if not thousands of times by the participants over the years since the mid 1980s through the present. And what you can do is: you basically are going to become more and more knowledgeable about what we’re doing, more and more knowledgeable about Christ Michael’s plan for the recovery. You might call it the reformation or the re-creation of the human, global civilization, but it is your chore, your responsibility to become aware of that. And that responsibility does carry a weight of responsibility to account for this plan when people ask questions.

You see, you ask me, “What is the plan? What are we supposed to do? What can we do?” That question will be asked of you many, many times, and if you know the plan and you are striving to act out your elements within that plan you have confidence. And your confidence will become visible to others. Other people will recognize that and will ask you questions about that. And they will be asking you the “should” questions rather than the “how” questions, the “when” questions, or the “why” questions? It is: “What can we do to help the situation? What can we do to gain the confidence that you have?” And one of your replies would be: “Well, look, I’m not in charge, someone else is. There is a spiritual element on this planet which has the best intentions for the outcomes of the desperate and dismal situation we have created on this planet. The best we can do to be of assistance is to be cooperative, emphasize the proactive, positive, constructive side of argumentations and projects, and strive to fulfill the ideal of the Days of Light and Life.”

Co-creative action

And as you know, this does not come about through miracles. You don’t walk out onto the street one day going: “Well, all the problems are solved.” That is not going to happen, my friend, because this is a co-creative world, and when you give people confidence in what you’re doing, and that you have a plan, and you know what the plan is, and you know how you can help in the local community, then that gives confidence to others, and you will find people who want to participate.

What has not worked, and what will work

And in the same equation, of assistance, knowing, and of sharing confidence, you also know what does not work. You have 20,000 years of human organizational history that proves what does not work. And that is power, control, and authority that dominates and sees its own human-minded ways of proceeding. And of course, that causes the ultimate separation between individuals—in their families, in their local communities, in the world, and their societies. And it is not separation that is going to bring about peace, but it is the shared oneness, the commonalities of the human nature which is intrinsically peaceful.

We wish you the best journey in the pursuit of this peace in your hearts, in your minds, and your lives. And that you are an example of peace to your children, to your neighbors, to your family, and ultimately confidently to yourself as well. And for that we give great thanks. Good day.

JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you Daniel.

Daniel: You’re welcome.

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