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NET56 – Changes; Epigenetics; Microwaves; Psychic Circles

2019-1-28, NET #56; Machiventa

New Era Transition #56 – Changes; Epigenetics; Microwaves; Psychic Circles – Jan. 28, 2019

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


The New Era

Co-creative assistance

The changes you will see in your lifetimes

Governments other than democracies will fail

Adjustments to circumstances will be necessary

Education must change

Role of families

Wisdom of best practices

The new document

Question on editing

Gathering of family wisdom

Epigenetics we are born with

Rebellious nature of Urantians

Epigenetic imprints during child-rearing

Overcoming epigenetic traumas

Microwaves and their possible harm

Are 7 core values best antidotes for rebellious harm of the past?

Is Urantia in jeopardy of default?

The 7 values and eternal family relationships

Are the 7 core values related to the Adjutant Spirits?

The 3 secondary values assist us to grow through Psychic Circles

Eco-settlements in Russia

More on cataclysms

Machiventa’s closing remarks

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Stéphane Labonteé and Sherille Raphael.

Invocation: Liz

January 28, 2019

The New Era

MACHIVENTA: Good morning; this is Machiventa and let us begin. We hope that you feel this New Era as much as we feel it. We are, as was reported last time, “a twitter;” we are very excited and the vibration of excitement from the Celestials is much different than your own; it is not so much an emotional response as it is a knowing response, knowing that this is the beginning of something new. We feel much like horses do when they are in the racing stalls and the bell rings and they charge ahead. It is not emotional, it is simply anticipation and knowing what is ahead to do and it is our chore and your chore to assist this process to its completion.

Co-creative assistance

You have in your hands now a major document that we have produced with This One. Readers may look askance at the identification of This One and this document, however someone has had to do it, and as we have had 5 people in the past that we have worked with to produce this document, all of them have withered, withdrawn or quit, or have transitioned to the Mansion Worlds. We are pleased to bring this into action now as it truly is an action plan for the work of the Correcting Time. It is sufficient unto itself, if mortals would work on their own for them in due course of time to arrive at the Days of Light and Life. Beforehand you would be settled in social, political and economic, stability and then peace. But with our assistance in this co-creative Correcting Time program, it will be accomplished much more quickly. Rather than two or three thousand years and the change of civilizations on your world, we have the capacity now to use your civilization, your societies and those social, political and economic structures to assist us to accomplish these ends in less than 1,000 years.

The changes you will see in your lifetimes

You, in this generation—those of you that are in the ages of 40-80 years old—will see many beginnings of this, and the younger you are, the more changes you will see. You, however unfortunately, will also see the trauma that will be caused by this transition in such a speedy time that these efforts of ours, by simply the release of the energies and changes that have been pent up, socially, politically and economically and geophysically. These have been withheld; have been held back for the delivery of the times and the circumstances and the materials that will be necessary to rebuild your societies. None of this is the cause or the original cause by any of us or Christ Michael. It is simply the result of the social changes that have occurred over time and the geophysical changes that have occurred over time, which have been withheld.

Some of these geophysical changes have occurred, and you are now reaping the meteorological changes which are immense and will get even more disastrous in the days, months and years ahead. You will see almost no cessation or decrease of these meteorological changes for the next 10 years. They will become very disastrous and cataclysmic; they will be of such a nature that it will cause individuals to change their plans for having children to having no children, the changing of locations, where to live and how to live. And as you can see from these economic times, these political times, that those people who will want to move will be unable to do so; they will be unable to sell their houses as few others will want to live there because the weather is so difficult.

Governments other than democracies will fail

We will take advantage of this with your assistance, with your co-creative help to present these plans, these changes in social institutions to become more sustainable, and that your societies become more self-sustaining. As we have said in the past, democracies are the only political form of governments that have the inherent capability to adapt to social changes in order to transcend the past difficulties, despairs and mistakes of the past governments. Those governments and processes of governances that are not democratic will ultimately fail and they will fail miserably, as you are seeing in Venezuela at this time. You are also seeing the prelude to those kinds of revolutionary/evolutionary changes in other nations, though those have been resisted immensely by those established and governed by theological or theocracies of some sort. Those too will fail.

Adjustments to circumstances will be necessary

The inherent nature of humans is such that humans are adaptable, and this is a primary function that must be instilled and embedded into your social institutions, whether they are democratic forms of governance, family institutions, economic institutions, education, healthcare, justice and so on. It is important that these areas of interest to us become areas of interest to you. You who belong to professional associations within these social institutions will have the opportunity to bring forward these ideas in the future. If you bring them forward now, they would most likely be soundly rejected. Though we can see far ahead of many things, there are some in the short-term that we do not, simply because of the whimsical nature of human decision-making, both as individuals and as groups.

This will become much more stable in the future because of the necessity to do so. Adaptability will require individuals, groups, communities and societies—meaning cities, states and so on—to adjust to the circumstances that they live in and live with. Survival of these man-made social institutions, such as governance and justice will need to change because they will be insufficient to assist your societies to become adaptable. For existence, justice must become much more amenable to adapting to the needs of a society to sustain itself into the future. We have said before on numerous occasions that those individuals who are predators of your species must be removed because they will become much more evident and prevalent as times become more difficult; they will begin to prey openly on individuals for material circumstances without regard for innocent peoples’ lives.

Education must change

Education must change as well. If you are an educator you must think forward to the global intention of education. As such, it must teach the practices of adaptability of your species as part of the educational process. Of course there are only three definite needs that education must serve ultimately: 1) the sustainability of the species; 2) the sustainability of functional families; and, 3) the social sustainability of organizations. These may seem to be far removed from education as you see it today in educational policies, but nonetheless, it will become very evident that it is necessary that education as a social institution become co-responsible with families for the good functioning of societies, and particularly democratic societies.

Role of families

Concomitant with this are the responsibilities of the social institutions. Families will begin to recognize that there is inherent responsibility for parents in raising children. They will be co-responsible with education and educators to socialize and enculturate each new generation to help sustain the species and to strengthen the functions of the family. It is our intention in the Correcting Time and in the programs that we have discussed that families become fully functional, not just partially functional, but fully functional so that children, parents, grandparents and society understands thoroughly the role of the parents and the children who are coming into society.

The children who will receive this education, this wisdom of the ages will eventually become the educators, the healthcare providers, and people in justice and in governance and other social institutions who have been raised this way. We have already seen the effectiveness of children who have been raised in very positive family situations, who think far differently than those who have not. Functionality in families is existent now, it is incumbent upon you in education and family agencies to discern and to research and collect the wisdom—meaning the best practices of parenting and child-rearing. These eventually will be collected, coordinated, organized and written into educational formats and means of sharing the distribution of this wisdom worldwide. It is our knowing that…

[This is Daniel: There is a lot of noise in the background; would that individual please mute their phone.]

[The conference call mute function is 4* both to mute and un-mute.]

Wisdom of best practices

MACHIVENTA: Let us continue. You see, the wisdom is all around you; the wisdom simply needs to be seen as best practices in each and every one of these social institutions and then brought into an educational format online, in person, hard copies, in any means by which an individual can be educated in these best practices. There are best practices for family enculturation in child-rearing, and in medical practices, in justice and governance, and so on. It is simply a matter of being wise enough to collect these best practices, using the criteria of the 7 core values, plus the morality and ethics that emanate from those values, to assure that these best practices can be used successfully and co-creatively to bring about functional families, functional education and functional healthcare, for example.

The new document

With our assistance and with the right and correct individuals to become involved with this document, it is our hope that this will become well known worldwide within a decade and will be translated into as many languages as possible. As you read this early document, you will find that it is incomplete in many ways, and that there are niggling changes that must be made. There are also some significant changes that may only be one sentence long that need to be added to the text. We do not apologize for these changes, as we provide this early on to you to help you become aware of the global nature of this document and its application for the times ahead. We will eventually have a final document, which we surmise will be by the end of this month, [February, 2019].

For those individuals who receive this document online as a Word document in the distribution group, you will see that there is a link to the Google web site of This One where the latest documents can be retrieved. Those who choose to print this out in hard copy will find the original document as a PDF. This is far more information than a Melchizedek cares to share with you, as it is not my genre of expertise. (Chuckling.) Although I am a Melchizedek in Planetary Management, I do not care to know about all the details involved in this, as you have those who are near to you who will help you in your mind mechanism to find the right and perfect document. Having said all these things, we are excited for the times we are in, anticipating what will follow.


In this new era that we have discussed and told you about, we will be co-creative with you and everyone whether they are God believers or not, to assist you to find options in your thinking and in your choices of how you live your life and to your assistance to live your life more productively and to assist in the inauguration of this time that is a prelude to the Days of Light and Life, though that may be centuries away. If you have questions regarding this, or different topics, you are most welcome to bring them forward at this time.

Stéphane: Machiventa, first of all we can still hear all the noise in the background. Would the person please mute your phone? Second of all, Machiventa, how are you today?

MACHIVENTA: I am very well; I have no flu, no arthritis, no cold involved at all!

Question on editing

Stéphane: (Laughing.) Thank you. Regarding the document, it was sent to us. Are we allowed or requested to edit? When I read a document or something like this, sometimes I like to make notes to rewrite things in the way that would be more understandable by me, and would this be welcome by you and by Daniel?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, you are welcome to do that; there is a cautionary advisement concerning rewriting, that this would then become more your document than his style. What we are seeking through your suggestions are clarity, and sometimes wording within a sentence by eliminating some words, or changing them, or rewriting a sentence that is difficult. Does this help?

Stéphane: Yes, I understand there is a line where some changes would then make the document more my view of the subject rather than the subject itself being felt.

MACHIVENTA: Thank you. It is our hope that this document would be readable by someone who is a junior in High School, or a freshman or sophomore in College at the oldest.

Gathering of family wisdom

Craig: I have a question related to the gathering of the family wisdom. I seem to be having a bit of a hard time getting started with the native wisdom on Haida Gwaii. Is that something that should be approached as a gathering together of a social sustainability group to discuss this issue and maybe get different opinions and gather up the wisdom from the natives?

MACHIVENTA: You do not necessarily need to associate this gathering of child-rearing and parenting wisdom with social sustainability. You may simply say that you are working on a project with others to gain the wisdom from indigenous cultures on these two topics of child-rearing and parenting. You would need in your situation on Haida Gwaii to go to some of the leaders to ask them about this and if they would wish to co-author a publication with you with this goal in mind. That is our suggestion, though you can amend that as you wish.

Craig: Thank you.

Epigenetics we are born with

Stéphane: Machiventa, I have a question on family-rearing as it relates to epigenetics. I’d like to split the question into 2 or 3, the first one being epigenetics prior to one being born, so it includes our inheritance of past generations on Urantia. I’ve often wondered what it means to be a quarantined planet, what it means to be under the influence of the nefarious leaders, and what it means to be a rebellious planet in our behaviors, and that would all be compounded in the epigenetics when we are born. Can you comment on the compounding effects of all that happens to us but is present in our epigenetics when we are born and how important it is for us to have knowledge of that, and for the parents to have knowledge of that when they raise children, so that they can better address corrections?

MACHIVENTA: Certainly. I thank you for your question; it is a good question. First of all is that yes being on a quarantined planet, one that has missed out on over 200,000 years of wisdom sharing from Celestials and from the communications and down reach work from your Celestial Headquarters, whether they are in the regions or whether they are from the sectors or constellations. Having said that, yes, the rebellious nature of the planet and of the evil intentions of those rebellion leaders has had a powerfully detrimental effect on the imprinting of the human genome. Your selection of words is definitely appropriate. You used the word, “rebellious,” and yes, you humans on Urantia do have a rebellious nature—you are in fact “quite cranky” at times. So much so that we have seen individuals reject wisdom even when they know it is the right way to proceed simply because they didn’t think of it first. This sort of rebellious nature carries forward into you today. You have many of those who have voiced their opinions in your culture. I will say no more about that.

Rebellious nature of Urantians

Concerning the rebellious nature of parents, they do have a detrimental compounding affect on the child’s demeanor when they are raised. This is particularly evident with young souls who are born into a struggling, dysfunctional family and eventually as adults, and young children becoming adults, have the choice to accept that parenting and those child-rearing skills or soundly rejecting them to go their own way and to learn how to become a functional contributing member of society, particularly so for their own inner happiness as well as their children.

Epigenetics are real; they definitely have an effect in the pre-conception stage of the mother and the father; they definitely have an effect upon the infant in utero and upon the child in the first 2 years. As you know, the basic personality of a child is formed by age 5, and as you know from the Urantia Book text that it is at that age when the child eventually makes a moral decision. For some of you, you can remember now when you actually made that conscious decision, that conscious moral decision to do right or do wrong. And of course, eventually, comes into a child’s mind to make a choice of that which is not correct; then begins the times of learning within your culture.

There are, however, some very advanced individuals who are born into your culture even in dysfunctional families who rise to the top of your society and your culture in the choice of their careers and in the lifestyle they have chosen. Many individuals demonstrate this superiority even though they do not have a career; they inherently become incredible mothers and fathers who inherently seem to know how to raise children that way, as they have chosen to raise themselves. Thank you for the first part of your question. Now the second?

Epigenetic imprints during child-rearing

Stéphane: You have touched on the second. I was asking about our predisposition when we are born. The other one is about the epigenetic imprints during our child-rearing and you have addressed some of that. There is a study that I’ve become aware of 2 or 3 times from different sources in the last week or two, that says that if a child has been exposed to five or four adverse childhood events such as divorce or physical abuse etcetera, then there is a large percentage of things to happen in his or her lifetime, such as a predisposition to diseases and mental illnesses. My question is: This leads directly to your comments of adjusting the family first, but how can an individual circumvent these events in his childhood be adjusted that were beyond his or her control?

MACHIVENTA: Thank you again for your question. A major element of child-rearing and parenting is to teach children that they do have a choice about what they think and about how they were treated, and how they react to those incidences of trauma. It is important that children learn early that they are the main actors and form-builders of their own eventual life. This can occur early in their lives, even when they are 7 or 8 years old. They are old enough at that time to have already seen and adjudged behavior around them, whether by their peers or their siblings or by their parents. This wisdom can come to them from any outside source. It is particularly useful for grandparents to share this wisdom with those children early on, and to repeat that message as the child grows up through their teen years.

Just as the young adult grows and matures, their chore is to make individual decisions, consciously and intentionally that support the eventual life they want to have. They can reject those traumas in their life if they will acknowledge them and say, yes that did happen to me, but I do not accept it and do not react to it. What is important is that the child does not react to this, because reacting to it then makes the incident much more concrete and more deeply embedded in the epigenetic structures of their genome. This is an important act of the child because the child can consciously choose not to have that embedded in their gene structure.

We, I and the team here, want you to thoroughly understand that last sentence. You as adults can have that; you can reject that. You can say, “I do not accept this into my life. Yes, I acknowledge what happened, but I do not respond to it, and I am not angry about it. I have no resentment or regrets about my going forward without reacting to that.” In this way, you are enacting the Christ Consciousness in your life. You will be enacting the behavior and persona of Jesus in your life. When you have been advised by your spiritual teachers, religious teachers to take on the mind of Jesus, of Christ, this is truly what it means. The mind of Christ as a master does not accept those or react to them. He, as you, simply acknowledges this has happened, does not react to it, but makes appropriate moral and ethical actions for yourself to go beyond that. It is important that you know that you now, as adults, even in your age of your elder years, can change how you live your life. This One went through his holistic life coaching practices saying that when people do this at their age, they reinvent themselves.

This is truly what you do. And you as grandparents can assist that child to invent themselves, without having to go through the trauma and the reaction to it to have to reinvent themselves later on. We see much of this going on in rehabilitative environments with people in their late 20’s and early 30’s who are living through those traumas in their life, having to go through therapy and through coaching and through spiritual practices where they understand that this was something that happened to them, but they reject it and work through that themselves. At that time they are reinventing themselves. You as parents, grandparents, teachers and school counselors and other individuals in the counseling and coaching can give these children great, great wisdom in their lives to form their lives how they wish and how they please to be happy, and in that advice it is not to become the dominant leader in the urban gang, but to become the inner leader of themselves.

Overcoming epigenetic traumas

Stéphane: Machiventa, just a quick one: In an adult anger moment can it be re-correlated to a childhood trauma or an earlier trauma?

MACHIVENTA: That is correct.

Stéphane: Can that be used to correct that trauma?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, you as the angry adult in that anger moment can say, “This is an inappropriate behavior,” and you say your name, “Don’t you think?” This is a little conversation that you have with yourself, and then you, as the moral and mature individual, would then advise that youngster in your mind’s image, because that child still lives within you still waiting for guidance and particularly for resolution of that incident in their life, for you to grow through that. Therapists use this technique every day in your contemporary times by teaching their patients to speak to your inner child and say, “I am here to protect you. Yes, that happened, but you no longer have to react to it. You were not at fault in this situation. It was the meanness of the other individual involved in your life, and now you are free from it. You no longer have this burden to carry. Now you are released from this trauma and you no longer have the need to have these angry outbursts in your adulthood that are reactions of your damaged inner child. Now your inner child is healed; you are whole and you are well.” I hope that helps.

Jeff: I have a question that is off the topic of Machiventa’s introduction, if I may. In NET #12, which was Feb. of 2017, under the subtitle of additional archives, Roxie asked Machiventa there are only two archives available on the web and a lot of people have trouble accessing both of them. You answered that there are mortals collecting materials and my question here today is there an update on your answer that you care to share with us at this time.

MACHIVENTA: Not at this time, thank you.

Microwaves and their possible harm

Craig: I have an unrelated question. On the last session, Machiventa, you mentioned that radio waves are going through everyone. I know that in knowing circles there is a lot of concern about the microwaves that are used in cell phone transmissions and in Wi-Fi, and there is even more concern about the new 5 G, which are apparently much more powerful microwaves. There is actual evidence that this is harmful to us, and I’m wondering how badly are we irradiating ourselves with this; is this a very serious concern from your perspective?

MACHIVENTA: One moment. Our concerns are not overwhelming though we do have concerns about this. As you are aware from the history of microwave generation, use of microwave ovens became known after one of the technicians walked in front of a very large microwave array radar screen in northern Canada with a chocolate bar in his pocket that then melted. This is a part of your history in this technology. Early microwave ovens were operated on 220 Volts and they were incredibly powerful, even dangerously so. Now these microwave ovens are much more controlled and they are much more disciplined about the protocols for their manufacturing and their use. In the first case, the proximity of an individual to the source determines the damage that is done. If you took apart a microwave oven and held it in front of you with the waves operating, you would kill yourself very soon.

However, as you know, the attenuation of the strength of the signal is a factor of the proximity from it. If my math is correct, it attenuates as the square root of the distance, so that it decreases over time and over distance. Use of more powerful microwaves is an advantage to cover broader areas and to be more effective with fewer disseminating sources, whether they are local on the earth, or whether they are from a satellite. It makes good sense economically. However, there will come a point when they come into the era of 5, 6, and 7 of this technology where they will be very damaging to the zygotes that have just formed after conception. There will be increasing damage to these individuals. There will be evidence of this widespread harm much as you saw the widespread damage from Thalidomide that was used in the late 1950s to decrease nausea in pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy. There were many malformed individuals who came from that era.

Trial and error is a very primitive way of determining the effectiveness and damage of technology, but nonetheless, even chickens may be taught to dance when they are put on a hot stove. Human mortals are not much different when it comes to their own high grade technologies that they will only learn from experience. The questions that must be asked by individuals, the moral and ethical questions that must be asked of these technologies as they are developed are these: has rigorous testing been done through the lifecycle of a generation or two of simple animals, for instance. The example of the chicken is one that lends itself well to do generational testing very rapidly, and particularly also of those mice and rats that have multiple generations within a period of 1-3 years.

This is the requirement for responsible technology. Again, we go back to the 7 core values and the morality and ethic that emanate from those 7 values. As these become well known and used and applied within technologies there will be serious consequences to those individuals who bypass those values and particularly bypass the ethics and morality as they would be applied to their technologies. This applies both to the executives and individuals or managers of laboratory situations, or to corporate bodies and to the whole of an organization as well. It is important that individuals begin to understand the moral responsibilities they have upon the new generations that come into existence in your world.

Craig: Thank you; that was definitely a big concern with pregnant women and the condition that their offspring would be born in.

Are 7 core values the best antidotes for rebellious harms of the past?

Stéphane: I have one related to this, Machiventa, and I was shocked to learn that the rebellious leaders, their ultimate proof of them being right was that humans on any of the rebellious worlds would self-destruct, and that would be seen as a success or proof of their concepts. My question is, if this is correct, then are the 7 core values the best antidotes to this line of thinking, which may still be prevalent on this world?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, most certainly, and it is our hope in teaching this early on that those 7 values and the morality and ethics become imprinted through epigenetics into the gene structures of individuals, and that this eventually becomes more and more hardened endurable epigenetic impressions on those genes so that they are able to be transferred to more than one generation. Until then it will require each generation to be taught. This goes hand and hand with the truth that parenting is not hereditary; it is a learned behavior that must be transferred from each generation to each generation. Through this process of epigenetics and teaching the values and particularly the morality and ethics of social behavior, and particularly for the intrapersonal ethical “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” that people have within their mind, this is the means by which future generations will become more and more moral, and that effective child-rearing and parenting will be more widespread using the best practices, because the best practices will have then become a part of each individual as they are born and as they re-imprint that genetic memory. Does this make sense to you?

Stéphane: Absolutely! Thank you.

Is Urantia in jeopardy of default?

Roxie: I have a few questions from our readers. Will Williams asked, “Is Urantia in jeopardy of default?”

MACHIVENTA: No, it is not.

The 7 values and eternal family relationships

Roxie: I have some questions from Oleg in Russia. His first one is: “With regard to the seven values, we discovered their identity: the Paradise Trinity is the original Paradise Family – the eternal community – Ideal for all families and communities throughout the Universe. The seven values provide the Paradise Family with eternal sustainability; therefore they are the concept of eternal sustainability. Could you go deeper into the topic of 7 values as values of ETERNAL family relationships?”

MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your question. I will go only so far in answering your question in that these 7 values are being now instructed on the use of all planets that have been in quarantine and they are the social format, plus the morality and ethics that develop from those values on all inhabited planets in Nebadon. You have put this very well and as you can see, if this is something that is being used on all planets in Nebadon for their evolutionary growth, their social evolutionary growth which always precede their spiritual evolutionary growth and development, and that these values are of origin of high nature as you have alluded to.

Are the 7 core values related to the Adjutant Spirits?

Roxie: The next question is: “Are the seven adjutant spirits of the mind of Nebadonia sources of the action of the seven values?

MACHIVENTA: They are inherent.

The 3 secondary values assist us to grow through Psychic Circles

Roxie: Continuing, “We assume that the action of the seven values is above our DNA, and are the active contours of the Universe, and they helped to survive the human race for 200,000 years of Rebellion, despite the negative intervention of the rebel forces.”

MACHIVENTA: The latter part of your statement is correct, that these 7 values are already inherent to your DNA and they were sufficient to see your species through, particularly through survival. Now with the advent and full knowledge of the 3 secondary value emotions, your world has a very great opportunity of coming into the Days of Light and Life successfully, more quickly than without those 3 secondary values. You must also be aware that the 3 secondary values are what identify you as being humane. These are the attributes that give you the capability of spiritual soul growth while you are a mortal. These 3 secondary values are sufficient to assist you to grow through the 7 Psychic Circles and will aid you to become part of the pre-morontial corps of individuals on your world now. You, as maturing spiritual beings who are deep into the 7 Psychic Circles, have already begun to use the 4 primary values to your own advantage, that you will to will yourself to do God’s Will, and that it is your will to follow the course and outline of behavior that Christ Michael as Jesus has given you. This is when the 4 primary values become very powerful for you to amend yourself, your life and to reformat your life in a way that is totally and wholly constructive and to behave and make decisions in ways that totally contributes to your morontial career.

Eco-settlements in Russia

Roxie: “In Russia, Siberia, there are autonomous eco-settlements organized by Vissarion with like-minded people (about 4,000 people), which have been developing steadily for 25 years. They develop the model of Unified spiritual family of all mankind. How do you see the activity of this community from your point of view?”

MACHIVENTA: These are highly contributing to the personality development of those individuals who follow those tenets. What is important is that they also see this as a necessary adjunct to their spiritual career, and eventually they will see that their spiritual career is primary and the way of life of these communes is adjunct to that growth. It is important that people have a conscious awareness and make a conscious decision and an intentional decision to follow their spiritual growth. Many people grow up in your world who are wholly moral and ethical, who are very delightful individuals and have a social conscience of superb nature. Nonetheless they have dedicated their life to these purposes, but have not dedicated their life to the spiritual adventure of the ascension program for each mortal. They, of course, will eventually arrive in the Mansion Worlds and will be educated on the reality of their mortal career and the wonderful progress they have made. Nonetheless, they will be required at that time to make a conscious and intentional decision to either accept the ascension program for their life and their soul, or to reject it.

Roxie: A follow-up question: “What may they lack for “eternal” social sustainability?”

MACHIVENTA: I have provided that in the last answer.

Roxie: His last question is: “What would you advise them for their development?” Maybe you have answered that as well.

MACHIVENTA: I have only one additional comment to that, and that is to see their life as a spiritual adventure of ascension that will bring them eventually into the realm of the afterlife in its best, highest dimensions.

Roxie: Thank you, Machiventa. That is all the questions I have from readers. Any other questions from the group?

Liz: I would just like to say that seeing our lives as a spiritual adventure is good advice for all of us.

MACHIVENTA: Do we have any questions from the company in Mexico?

More on cataclysms

Rick: I’m interested in the earlier comments you made about the geophysical and meteorological weather phenomena, I guess very dramatic that it’s on its way. Do you have more to say about that?

MACHIVENTA: There is not much more to say about this. We have covered this in grand style in the past and Monjoronson has disclosed this early on in the first decade of this millennium, and there is not much more to say other than you are in the juvenile stages of the cataclysms. You have passed the beginnings of these cataclysms and now are into the early juvenile area. This will continue almost as an individual’s life as they age from their childhood into their early 30’s. This will continue until into the 2020’s – 2030’s of this millennium. It will decrease over time as it will be like a fever that doctors say “will break.” They say “the fever has broken and now you are in recovery. In the meantime, the damage has been done, and that you are now in the midst of rebuilding and regrowing the old tissue that has been damaged.” So too in your societies, both physically and socially, emotionally and spiritually, you will need to rebuild what has been destroyed, and also those remaining parts that are in need of being rebuilt and reformed and reinvented. Do you understand that?

Rick: Yes, thank you.

Machiventa’s closing remarks

MACHIVENTA: You are welcome. Our “thank you” to the team for myself, Machiventa, and my own team here in my offices of the Planetary Manager, and from your mortal team, which welcomes you with open arms as well. Thank you!

Now, let us have the closing of this session, please. We see in your minds that you have far more on your plate than you have had before, and now you are beginning to chew on the entirety of what we have shared with you over the last 20 years. You have begun to see your primary role in all of this, and that you are equal co-creative partners with us in the healing of your world, and that you are the primary characters, primary people who will assist us to rebuild your world socially, politically, economically and in all other realms of your lives and of your planet. Of course, we are particularly most interested in the rebuilding your family structures so that they are fully functional and that they in fact do produce new generations of children who become adults who are socially competent, responsible, capable and courageous, and that they will carry this forward into their personal lives, into their businesses and into their associations and into their friendships.

We thank you for your attention to the magnitude of what is ahead for you and for us. Only by our union in this co-creative effort will your world be healed, and will the damages and the ravages of 200,000 years be overcome and completed so that your world becomes anew as though it had never been in harm’s way from the nefarious and rebellious nature of the treacherous individuals who wreaked such damage upon these planets of Nebadon. We thank you for your courage in this regard and we thank you for your faithfulness and attention to these details, and for your commitment—particularly to your commitment and to your perseverance in working with us. And for that, we salute you; we give you great thanks and appreciation for your presence here today and as always, from Christ Michael and Nebadonia. Good day.

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